Beyond Borders: Navigating IP Agreements and the Territoriality Principle

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024
  • As intellectual property agreements transcend borders, what role does the territoriality principle play in shaping these agreements in Brazil? How can we navigate the complexities of international collaboration while respecting the legal frameworks and ensuring mutual benefits for all parties involved? What can make the national IP framework more balanced and accessible?
    The Brazilian Industrial Property Law (commonly known as “LPI”) came into force in 1996. Since then, many disruptive innovations, the possibility of economic growth, and different interpretations of collective interest have constantly challenged this legislation, which intrinsically carries economic effects. For example, there is plenty of room for discussion about:
    - the protection and liability of artificial intelligence;
    - the role of the State in assessing and applying the collective interest through its capacities and institutions; and
    - how private initiative and partnerships between public and private stakeholders can leverage the economy through the management of intellectual assets.
    In order to broaden these discussions, it is first necessary to understand what the law says.
    The book “Comentários à Lei da Propriedade Industrial por Mulheres” (which in English would translate as: “Comments on the Brazilian Industrial Property Law by Women”) was recently released by Thomson Reuters Brazil. Written by sixty-six Brazilian women authors, the book contains more than forty chapters on this law.
    This series of webinars aims to bring together some of these authors to summarize the Brazilian scenario in terms of the protection of intellectual assets and talk about the challenges of carrying out such a piece of work. This webinar series is groundbreaking, as combines a diversity of author with, unique perspectives and holistic comprehension of the law, and represents a significant milestone, as it is the first time that women will discuss a work led by women about a law and interpretations of it that are important for the country’s (and the world’s, considering that foreign actors may also have interest in investing in Brazil) economic progress.
    Organizer: Débora Vicente (co-author of the book and YSI member)
    Co-organizers: Future Law, LAPI UFRJ, and third-party partnerships from these actors.
    YSI is an initiative of the Institute for New Economic Thinking.
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