Thanks again to PippenFTS, Leep, and the builders from Build The Earth! Join their Discord! Check out Pippen's 200 hour Seattle timelapse video!видео.html
1000 subs without Videos challenge At the start of the video one of the seekers showed how long he has been playing (2.5 days) though... Is it a duplicate on the same map or something else?
@@nevira1009 Its a duplicate of the map we made. The statistics transferred over. From the original with no interior, to the interiors, and to the final map.
That kid had the camouflage cheese going on. Props to Jimmy the GOAT for hooking up the other kid with his hourly allowance, $3,500 is a lot to a lot of people
@@mochi_moon just because of me saying copied doesnt mean i hurt them dipshit. im just telling them that they copied a comment i have nothing wrong with them
@@marketscope5028 he doesn’t pay them to be in videos with him but he does do a lot of challenges with them where he gives them fat stacks of cash money
Jimmy and chris: actually playing the game Karl and Chandler: pretending to drown and do CPR Me: dying of laughter Edit: dang I got a reply and decided to check on this- thanks for the likes guys!!
I thought 2 years ago that it would be funny if they failed to do a back-up file on the 1:1 scale of a city, while doing hide and seek. But for real though the 1 by 1 scale of the city is really cool thanks to Pippen.
Thanks again to PippenFTS, Leep, and the builders from Build The Earth!
Join their Discord!
Check out Pippen's 200 hour Seattle timelapse video!видео.html
I am replying
Person under me is wrong
@@James-df3ut me too
Can I get money for my braces please it will mean alot cause my mom cant get me it
i love how chris and jimmy are just exploding everything, trying hard to find people, and then there's chandler and karl Starbucks roleplay
CPR roleplay to
@@rawfish864 Omg Yes
Chris and Jimmy: crying over killing someone
Karl: screaming at a person who got found as he blows them up
Jimmy and Chris: destroying a skyscraper
Karl and Chandler: demonic CPR gurgling sounds
The fact that they gave him 3500 is just amazing beast is a massive legend and will go down in history for millennia
Mrbeast is gud
@Raseraa This is mrbeast gaming, your suppose to watch them game. If you wanna see them give money watch Mrbeast.
@Raseraa Mr.Beast already shows himself giving money on his main channel, what makes you think he's a fake here?
@@bestboi5409 stop using a word you dont know the meaning to
The fact that Karl and Chandler are just messing around the entire time is hilarious 😂😂😂😂
It's in their nature, goat play is just part of their D.N.A, just like breathing to us.
For real
Loved that honestly
Lol Chan Chan said do u want this meat on your face🍆🥩😂
Karl and chandler has such a healthy friendship
No cap
Ggbw, argr
@@jeffersonraymundo2376 hey u
R/IHatePugatomic43, but it’s have XD
Its Chandler and Chris btw
MrBeast and Chris: *destroying buildings and killing people*
Karl and Chandler: *does weird CPR*
@Ryan Behr bruh
Capital Orca how do you not know who George Floyd is?
Ryan Behr uhhh
abrianna stubbs who is George Floyd
Red that when it happened
Jimmy and Chris: distorting building, and looking for people
Karl and Chandler: hanging out at Starbucks
*Couple minutes*
Karl: giving Chandler CPR
@Maxim Litvinenko I didn't rlly copy, I went back to the Starbucks part, and then I commented about that.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@@imajamii ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Hehe I made it 1k
4:45 chandler and karl gave us a whole movie in 20 seconds
Petition for Jimmy to rent a private island and play a real-life Minecraft with his friends.
He has
He did that but a land not private island
Why he need to rent ? He can actually buy it 😂
Biswajit Rath 😳
Imagine this
“Did you back up the server”
“No I thought you did”
Hell naw
Trying to spread communism;)
@@ightmatehaveaniceday8158 thats grabify ive seen it before.
Chris and Jimmy: *litteraly destroying the city*
Chandler and Karl: can i have theee largest size
Karl and Chandler just have such an adorable bond it’s so cool and funny to watch.
Hey, is that your cat in your profile picture?
@@TheFunnyDictator uh yeah why?
@@Anonymous-gq3tc boutta pull a shane Dawson on that ct
Imagine a guy hiding in his own houseвидео.html
Abril C he has a nice house, to bad Chris caught him😂
@@apreil4821 it has a XcQ
@@Creepet Isn't that the Never Gonna Give You Up thing? 😂😂
@@legendxfaiyaz5383 yes
Karl and Chandler: roleplaying Starbucks and saving each other from drowning
yea right
u know u copied someone lmo
What a copy
For me it was just below the original
Imagine they just left and every one hiding without telling
Idk why this is so funnyвидео.html
You shouldn’t know about thisвидео.html
@@wqffylastname7691 Heroes we are falling short of
Mitchell Alexander don’t press this link just a warning
Mr Beast is the best youtuber ever
Who else randomly found Mr beast one day and now regularly Watches him
Jimmy and Chris: * Searching Intensely *
Karl and Chandler: * epic drowning roleplay *
biggie cheese do u play Fortnite?
i think...i have to do cpr..
Shut up
Fortnite Gamer biggie cheese has passed.. and no, he doesn’t
hannah * makes the weird choking noises chandler makes *
*The moment they realize that they didn’t back up the map*
f's in the chat
**press F to pay respects.**
Not gonna lie but the Mr. beast anime squad is lit 🔥
Chris and Jimmy: breaching buildings finding people.
*Chandler and Karl: Roleplaying Starbucks and drowning*
was literally watching this and I thought the same exact comment as you. Same exact. Cool.
3oruh no one asked
@@skinnycheeto870 Cool.
Skinny Cheeto no one asked for your opinion either,
Skinny Cheeto no one asked
Chris in real life hid and seek: I’m so sorry! **hugs**
Chris in Minecraft hide and seek: **kills everyone**видео.html
Bruh they forgot to hide name tags
Do you prefer it the other way around? Hahaвидео.html
Flame hat do you expect? It's a video game
Jimmy and Chris: destroying buildings
Chandler and Karl: Roleplaying as people and doing CPR weirdly
Yo XD no
GetRekt Fuck off
Can you watch my new video it’s pretty funny
I never get support and my dream is 600 subs plz i want to cry 😢🥺
Yo XD you did this on another comment
MrBeast plzz do daily upload im youre fan here in the Philippines 😍😍
“I found a school”
*next frame*
Giant hole in the building
Jason Snow “enemy ac13 above”
America in a nutshell
'Merica baby
Mr Beast will have great Stories to tell his grandkids
Marcus Black copied comments
Hello There, I'm here, not see there, because I'm AR
Why is this always a comment lol
Alternate title: “Mrbeast and Chris destroying their home town and murdering the civilians in (definitely not) Minecraft”
Ben Kamel everything sounds innocent when u put Minecraft after it. Like “ I committed 17 war crimes in every country in minecraft
NoahTV Fixed it
@@sadpicklesquid6523 i got kombatrolled 🤫видео.html
@@iykigugu6798 in minecraft
yeah it was definitely not minecraft, it was an alternate universe where mrbeast is a god controlling a blocky person in a blocky world
International fan All.the the way from Kenya 🇰🇪🇰🇪🇰🇪🇰🇪
Chandler and Karl were just having a whole role play hiding
@RICHEL [f.u.с.к мe] ТАР 0N МY РIC Ew
Jimmy: Then realised that he didn’t have a copy of the world.
@@eliasiabdul7072 lmao
There really were just chilling
*I wanna see MrBeast do an actual survival playthrough with Chris, Chandler and Karl, that would be sooo good.*
With real guns and all?
Me too
maybe a modpack would be good
Aditya Sharma tell me, is “real guns” in survival Minecraft?
Chris and Jimmy: having fun seaking
Karl and Chandler: *starbucks roleplay*
Ah yes what people do at Starbucks is do cpr
400th like!!!
Jayden del Valle coz of pokemon?
Jedidr y does this only have 8 comments
I like how Jimmy and Chris are trying so hard to find everybody then there's just Karl and Chandler: 4:54
He doesn't even put in the title that the winner wins 10,000$ its just obvious in a Mr.Beast video xD
DanielAlexis Pimentelbobodilla *stonks*
DanielAlexis Pimentelbobodilla true
Guys wanna see insane headshots in fortnite then press my channel in which you will see amazing headshots by just 2 week old player
Guys wanna see cancerous videos view the guy above me
Pocoyo we meet again
“Hey mom!” “What” “I got $3,500!” “WHAT! WHY?” “ He just felt bad”
accurate lol
@@Lucas_NI lol
Hahahha so true he does be doin that fr
@@Silly_n_Miley yep lol
dont forget to account for tax
Jimmy and Chris: struggling to find people
Chandler and Karl: mimicking movies
subzeroturtle Why have I seen you write that exact comment on over 9999999999 comments....
@@leddy3387 HE'S A BOT!!!!!!!!!!
@@williamzhu4901 oh so he is another bot. I shall choose his fate.
By choose his fate I mean report him.
You subscribed a my channel?
4:10 Karl and Chandler Starbucks Roleplay
4:45 Karl giving Chandler CPR
lol love this duo
Imagine if they forgot to make a copy world and realized it after they destroyed the entire city lol
That would be terrible
Prob a download
Mr. dayz American it’s not a downloadвидео.html
Trying to spread communism;)видео.html
apple mango commercial(not actually by apple)
*Who else wants Chandler to finally win his Ostrich.*
Well Well Well I Guess This Is not just me
Blcmango Bg that’s not begging
Hardik Sharma
Hardik Sharma
@@stealingyoureverything7947 well he or she is
"what size."
"Uh... which size is the large??"
*"s i g h*
Anti-social Headphones Kid if you remove the i Its vent and Thats wait
Anti-social Headphones Kid norwegian is vent english waitвидео.html
*venti* 😡
4:18 had me dying
MrBeast: “I found a school.”
Chris: “That sounds ominous.”
Pumped Up Kicks starts playing...
ShaggySnaggy lol
To the 1 person who is reading this: You are very intelligent and an adorable human being! Stay safe during this pandemic/quarantine💖💙❤
Did anyone see pump up kicks with that rectangle shape dancing ?😂😂
@Еmmа [fuск ме] ТАР 0N MY РIC there are so many people with the same username
@subzeroturtle who are you talking to?
Chris and mr beast: destroying the city.
Karl and chandler: roleplaying
Lisa [f*ск ме] ТАР_ОN-MY.РIC another bot
@@jecise another bot bites the dust
mrbeast: "that building is looking at me funny."
chris: "lets get em."
Yo XD stfu botвидео.html
Bruhвидео.html 😵😵😱😱😱🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋🍋❗❗❗❗❗😱🤣😆
Congratulations you heard what they saidвидео.html
This is so funny lol
Chandler:Heshamusha I'm drowning Karl:CpR😫
Chandlers impression of a Starbucks employee was spot on lmao.
That's true, they look, and sound so over it, but their employers came up with stupid names to complicate, small, medium, and large.
Sigh venti
So true
I like how this city took a while to make
Chris: Imitates a machine gun and starts destroying everything
i think this is a backup
@@drog9235 Yeah. It would be stupid to destroy it all just for a video.
Julie Andrews YOOOOOOO Mr Beast JUST COMMENTED ON MY “goosebumps montage” video bro I’m HYPED LETS GO
Krish_N9 shut up no one believes you
Jimmy and Chris : seeking
Karl and chandler: doing cpr on each other and a Starbucks roleplay
@@vipin9639 so we getting pressed about comments now?
@@vipin9639 copied
@@briishmike1313 You spelled no one wrong
3:36 Wow there buddy I didn’t know that you swing that way
The guy who made it- “ this took forever to make” Kris and jimmy- “Cool” starts destroying the place
This is a copy of the map
1000 subs without Videos challenge At the start of the video one of the seekers showed how long he has been playing (2.5 days) though... Is it a duplicate on the same map or something else?
@@nevira1009 Its a duplicate of the map we made. The statistics transferred over. From the original with no interior, to the interiors, and to the final map.
@Jake Templer Yea as a builder it took a long time to make. We didn't have much time and ran into some issues. Like paintings not saving.
vapor1234 ah ok thanks
Everyone: let's play hide and seek
Chandler and karl: how about some roleplay?
I never get support and my dream is 600 subs plz i want to cry 😢🥺plz ❤️💙🧡💜
Idk why this is so funnyвидео.html
“What’s the large size?”
*sigh* “Venti.”
i read this while listening to that part
My favourite part
What’s the small size...
We don’t talk about beast no no no we don’t talk about beast it was our hide and seek day and we were getting ready🧐
Jimmy and Chris: finding everyone
Chandler and Karl: doing minecraft roleplay
@@ajcastillo9152 can you stop?
@@Satan.Himself no wilbur
@@ajcastillo9152 no ok
@@Satan.Himself no yes
Chris - “This building is made out of Gravel”
*Sad Concrete Noises*
I mean to make concrete you need gravel sooooo
@@Fun-fo2nu wow u are so fun
Fun thats true
@@Fun-fo2nu lol
Hyper Mango: *sad concrete noises*
Concrete powder: *no one remembers me*
It's almost impossible to find some of them! Haha
Bruh you are everywhere
@@sid6765 cause he wants attention
Not your best comment ray
Can u stop alright ur good at piano Russian man but just stop
Or I’ll put a comment restraining order on u
Leep: I spent 2 days on this build
Mr Beast: "Chandler, I will give you a million dollars if u say any word"
*Awkard Silence*
Idk why this is so funnyвидео.html
The Spiffing Amer I’m making great content if you wanna see it
@@LaserBeem everyone has memorized those infamous last three letters you are not fooling anyone
You shouldn’t know about thisвидео.html
Chris: oh look at this child
Mr beast: “kills it”
Mr beast: what child
Chris: 😟😟😟😟😟😟😟
@@fanfan3749 I'm going to report you
@@gydora1124 what's the vid?
@@mia2195 just a video about beautiful scenery, got curious
@@penguinpingu3807 o thx, that annoying
I'm subed to all your channels
No one:
Chandler: you like this meat across your face
Edit: holy sh*t thanks for the likesвидео.html
apple mango commercial(not actually by apple)
🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
oh frick a dragon
It’s funny how they spent 2.58 days building it,
and 10 minutes to destroy it
Yeah i hope this is the worlds copy lol
@@shyamsunderlongani3313 imagine it wasn't lol i'd cry
Well, it probably took them like 30 minutes the video was just 10 minutes
no they cut the video
“what size..“
“WhAtS tHe LaRge One??“
*sigh* “venti..“
I don’t get it, but you get a like
Spooky_Invader lmao, thanks
davidbrxh did you see the video??
That Was The Best Part In THe Video
That kid had the camouflage cheese going on. Props to Jimmy the GOAT for hooking up the other kid with his hourly allowance, $3,500 is a lot to a lot of people
Chris and Jimmy: *Destroying the City and killing the hiders
Karl and Chandler: *does cpr and other roleplays*
I actualy think it was realy funny XD
Imagine after the challenge they realize they forgot to make a backup and they were playing the actual 1:1 Map
mrbeast would defenitely kicked in the butt out of the world with his crew to never play on the world again.
that sounds like a great video idea, destroying a city and surprising them by building a new one
Mrbeast: wait, what’s a backup.
@F*СК MЕ - СНЕCK МY РR0FILЕ I hate Ur name and Ur channel I might report it
Them: *Destroying everything*
People who spent eternity to build all these buildings:👁️👄👁️
It's a Back up map
I’m pretty sure the have a few other copies of the completed world..... hopefully 😐
@@spicybean5971 we hope so
Just a day really
They obviously would have uploaded the map to the cloud
Lets just appreciate PippenFTS and leep for building
the whole city for Mr.beast and for us to watch
👇 people that appreciate the builders
*Jimmy & Chris:* Destroying the city
*Karl & Chandler:* What the big one? *sighs* venti
@@ajcastillo9152 You're also copying people, so just get over it. They're not hurting anyone...
@@mochi_moon lol (btw I liked ur comment)
@@mochi_moon just because of me saying copied doesnt mean i hurt them dipshit. im just telling them that they copied a comment i have nothing wrong with them
Chandler and Karl: role playing as people doing CPR
Jimmy: dropping explosive snow balls on buildings
Idk why this is so funnyвидео.html
Imagine this in real life
Title: “I Rented Out The Entire City And Played Hide And Seek For $1,000,000”
Already done by mr. Beast
@@jakelocke975 yea same
he rented a small city but this would be even better lol
He did do that 😭
Now that’s a lot of likes lol
Jimmy and Chris: Destroying the city that was in made in 24h with litteral snowballs.
Pippin: It's snowing.
It's probably a copy
Imagine playing hide and seek in real life with people destroying walls
BoboTartelette 4 lol and MRbeast has like god powers trying to find you😂
And a school
Thats hide and seek with the swat
Berlin in 1989:
@@brandonlee8123 or cool aid man
Jimmy and Chris: Having a hard time looking for people.
Chandler and Karl: CaN I geT A vaNilLa bEan fRaPPuCciNo wItH JaVa cHipS?
@@alissay98 WHATS A LARG
*annoyed sigh*
I want an Ariana grandeee sizeee 🤪
Special request Mr. beast but Chandler and Carl have their own Minecraft channel
Karl: What's the biggest size?
Chandler: veNtI
Chris: "I'm stuck."
Mr Beast: "Your not stuck, your Chris."
Me: 𝐬 𝐢 𝐠 𝐡
🤣🤣‘comedy genius’
I totally choked on my water XD
"I'm stuck step bro"
First comment on RUclips lolвидео.html
World's highest paying jobs:
Mr Beasts friend
so original
Egg with 200 subs
Umm, i dont think mrbeast pays his crewmates to be friends with him.
worlds most original comments 1. like if you are seeing this in 2020 2. who else got this in their recommended 3. your comment
@@marketscope5028 he doesn’t pay them to be in videos with him but he does do a lot of challenges with them where he gives them fat stacks of cash money
Chandler literally is the first one found out of 100 people 😂
Y u spoil tha vydeo
@@aquacrocwherry3321 🤣🤣I read it before I even started the vid
The Real life mayor of the town seeing Chris and Jimmy destroy the city: *actual concern*
He will backup the city
Do you ever reply
Yo XD not you
@@googlecrackers5606 yes I do
Chandler and Karl: mucking around
Everyone else: intense sweat
@@blobthefishthatcanbreath8572 mucking mean fooling around
He spent so much time on this and Jimmy and Chris are just blowing it up
*“If you’re not stuck your Chris”* -Exclusive Engineers of Planet Earth
I never get support and my dream is 600 subs plz i want to cry 😢🥺plz ❤️💙🧡💜
Idk why this is so funnyвидео.html
TGF Boxyalarm don’t look for empathy on RUclips try go fund me.🤑🤑🤑
Wow you really got attacked by assholes
New title: Chris and Jimmy destroying their hometown with snowballs.видео.html
Trying to spread communism;)видео.html
apple mango commercial(not actually by apple)
why you have more likes than mrbeast's comment?☺
@@mohammadkazemi7729 i got kombatrolled 🤫видео.html
i was about to comment this
8:50 it’s true, I went to the farm
Omg hi
Ima sub to u just cause
Blake Hunley I’m making great content if you wanna see it
Default army 4 ever I’m making great content if you wanna see it
@@Jbreezy2368 Fishy army 4 ever no defaults in our lamd
Bravo Six...Going Dark 😂
Jimmy and Chris: destroying a skyscraper
Karl and Chandler: *demonic CPR gurgling sounds*
Bruh, someone should post a meme on pewdiepie's Reddit
Chris: DId they sent him to the farm like my parent told me
Jimmy: Yes they sent him to the farm
Pewdiepie: TO. THE. RANCH!!!
Meaper nice grammar 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣видео.html Tanks ✊🏾
@@Ryan-J25 better watchвидео.html
Early hi best youtuber
"I guess I'm gonna do cpr"
*chandler make weird sound*
Fan Fic time
Hahahahahahahahahahahhahahah so FUNNY
Karl and Chandler: Starbucks Roleplay Simulator
Chris and Jimmy: USA! USA! USA! **destroys building**
Jimmy and chris: actually playing the game
Karl and Chandler: pretending to drown and do CPR
Me: dying of laughter
Edit: dang I got a reply and decided to check on this- thanks for the likes guys!!
"You're not stuck, you're Chris"
- Jimmy
This is peak comedy everyone
**fucking dies**
@@mundane3809 I like your name
@@mundane3809 you thought oh a nAme
"I just found a school"
Mr. Beast holding a *throwable explosive-*
New Riechren grenade? That’s a throwable explosives
@@xman1532 Anything can be a throwable explosive.
*This sounds ominous*
Time for some school exploding
It’s so funny how chandler and Karl is just roleplaying
8:42 Beast: I just found a school
*pumped up kicks starts playing*
Netflix: are you still watching.
Some ones daughter: 3:34
“Hey Chris TP to me, I found a school.”
And that kids is why we have online school now.
*Music intensifies*
I thought 2 years ago that it would be funny if they failed to do a back-up file on the 1:1 scale of a city, while doing hide and seek. But for real though the 1 by 1 scale of the city is really cool thanks to Pippen.
Pippen: spends ages making intricate builds over 2 days
Jimmy: *so you have chosen death*
i think it's a backup
Mr. Mr r/wooooooosh
Jimmy and Chris: Competing and actually trying
Karl and Chandler: Mimicking movies
Ash Fletch do u play Fortnite
@Fortnite Gamer you’re gay
The Quiet Kid what
Chris: ‘The building is made out of gravel’
Concrete powder: ‘Am i a joke to you?’
69 likes... Nice
Julie Andrews YOOOOOOO Mr Beast JUST COMMENTED ON MY “goosebumps montage” video bro I’m HYPED LETS GO
@@kulkz9785 nobody is falling for that
@@zeeonnn he actually thought Mr.Beast commented on his channel. Turned out to be a fake.
Mr beast is the best btw don’t read my name