BÂYEZİD-İ BİSTÂMÎ - Tahir Büyükkörükçü Conversations

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • In a moment of contemplation, he says, the angels raised my soul to God. In a moment of inspection, angels can visit my soul, this is possible in the spiritual world, dear Muslims. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad was miraculous with a soul and a corpse! The Messenger of Allah brought forth a soul and a corpse! Great saints also have similar spiritual quirks. By inspiration. Ugh, sir! But you will drive the man who just insulted our Prophet and his supporters and accomplices to madness! I am telling the truth. Everyone accepts or rejects as they wish. There is no forcing anyone. ...says the Holy Quran. We do not force anyone, dear Muslims. We are stating a fact. Mevla says through inspiration that in the spiritual world, O Bayezid! I created humanity, I created people. I created the world and offered its blessings. They were divided into three, two of them preferred worldly pleasures. Then I created Heaven. I presented your blessings, heaven, springs, houris, ghilmans, spiritual world. The rest were divided into three. The two chose heaven. One left. What do you want ? You don't want the world. You did not look back at the blessings of heaven. You know, one of the elders says it! My Lord said that if their hearts were separated from Your Beauty for a moment in heaven, the blessings would turn into fire; One of God's friends. We ask for you, they say, O Lord. We ask for you, O Lord. Dear Muslims, we served in the 191 infantry regiment in the 47th, 48th and 49th years. Our military brothers who dug fortifications in Çanakkale during that period. (fortification: a place solidly arranged with soil, stone, concrete, etc. for the purpose of protection and defense against enemy attack) They found martyrs. Think of the year from the Battle of Çanakkale to the 48's. They found martyrs. Their bodies look just as they were buried. Sparkling. And today, the Çanakkale monument was built on them. It was built on the holy graves.
    Martyrs are alive in their graves, you are not conscious of them. You cannot enter that secret. In the other verse of Galilee; They are alive and provided with food in their graves. Allah Almighty says in the Qur'an that you cannot see that reality in absolute form. Now, even a martyr who gave his life for Islam on the front lines remains in his grave for years, his body is not eaten by the soil, he is a true martyr. Will soil eat the body of our Prophet Zishan? Muslims! Dear community of Kapu Mosque, I request you. For God's sake, I say. The soil does not eat the grave of a martyr. The earth will not eat the body of a perfect hafiz. He does not eat the earthen corpse of a virtuous and sincere saint and scholar; Will the earth eat the holy body of our Prophet, the apple of the eye of the universe and the cause of existence, in our body? And this scoundrel who called this blessed Masud body of our Prophet a fossil, In all the world's dictionary books, If I were to say all the words expressing misery, disgrace, and baseness, I would not be doing justice to this man. Dear Muslims, I wonder if Muslims will accept this man's words? Dear brothers and sisters! They probably want to get somewhere. People of Konya, I repeat what I said before. Be cautious, be dignified. Do not ignore these DOGS. Don't let yourself get excited at all against the growling of these dogs. God Almighty will give the answer to these questions. This is not all, dear Muslims, this is not all! I don't know if you can understand his term for the great Guides and saints who passed down from our Prophet until today. He calls them substitute gods. In other words, if you are loyal to the elders of the companions with faith and love, if you say Imam-i Azam is my imam, Muhyiddin İbnü'l-Arabî's, Bâyezid-i Bistâmî's, Hacı Bayram Veli's, Akşemseddin's and similar great saints are the peaks of the universe. If you are sincerely loyal to your great mentors, this is what they say about you and me.

Комментарии • 28

  • @AbdullahCANCAN
    @AbdullahCANCAN  3 года назад +2

    Tahir Hoca Kısa Sohbetleri için tıkla► bit.ly/3nQz8mL
    Tahir Hoca Tüm Sohetleri için tıkla► bit.ly/2QYaBQC

  • @mualas7322
    @mualas7322 Месяц назад +2

    Allah insanı yarattı dünyayı yarattı insanların üçte biri dünya hayatının cazibesini Allah'a tercih ettiler. Kalanların üçte biri cennete razı oldu. Kalanlar ise Allah'ın sevgilisi oldular. Onların gözünde gönlünde Allah'tan baska bir şey yoktu.Yunus ben neyleyim Cenneti bana seni gerek seni diyor. Sevgiye bak aşka bak. Elinin tersiyle tüm yaratılmış olanları itiyor bana sen lazımsın Allah'ım diyor. Onu hiç bir şey alıkoyamiyor.

  • @gariptaksim8988
    @gariptaksim8988 3 года назад +15

    Nekadar güzel anlatıyor Tahir hoca allah ondan razı olsun .Allah rahmet eylesin

  • @adnandemirel9046
    @adnandemirel9046 Год назад +4

    Ben, tanımasam da senden razıyım hocam. Allah da senden razı olsun. Sevimli, güzel bir insanmışsın.

  • @özcanBahadir-u5c
    @özcanBahadir-u5c Месяц назад


  • @mustafaadal4298
    @mustafaadal4298 3 года назад +4

    ALLAH rahmet eylesin mekanın ali olsun RABBİM şefaatçi eylesin bizlere nur yüzlü mübarek hocam ellerinden ayaklarından öperim

  • @gulsumylmaz8818
    @gulsumylmaz8818 3 года назад +3

    Nur içinde yat makamın mahmut olsun hocam2021

  • @yusufcebeci453
    @yusufcebeci453 3 года назад +3

    Allah rahmet eylesin mekanı cennet olsun inşallah, bizleri de Allah bu nurlu yoldan ayırmasın inşallah

  • @ummetiseven8389
    @ummetiseven8389 3 года назад +3

    Aleykümselam canım hocam
    İNŞAALLAH mekanın cennet olsun

  • @kadirungormus8159
    @kadirungormus8159 Год назад +2

    Rabb'im rahmet eylesin inşallah.allah şefatine Nail eylesin inşallah

  • @mucahitkaya6793
    @mucahitkaya6793 2 года назад +2

    Allah rahmet etsin

  • @mahmutsaitfidan1594
    @mahmutsaitfidan1594 3 года назад +1


  • @elifcemresalman742
    @elifcemresalman742 2 года назад +2

    Kirikhan dogumluyum beyazi bestaminin turbesine cocukken cok gittim

    • @AbdullahCANCAN
      @AbdullahCANCAN  2 года назад +2

      Rabbimiz sevginizi arttırsın değerli kardeşim..
      Muhabbetle kalınız...

    • @serkanmazlum2774
      @serkanmazlum2774 Год назад +1

      Benimde rüyama girdi

  • @zehrausal
    @zehrausal Год назад


  • @m.efdalemre9033
    @m.efdalemre9033 3 года назад +2

    .. Bu kişi Bâyazîd-i Bistâmî Hazretleri değil, Sehl bin Abdullah Tüsteri Hazretleridir..
    ... farketmez denebilir lâkin Hazreti Sehl duyunca tebessümle geçiştirir..

  • @kamirza
    @kamirza 3 года назад

    Yalan söylüyorsunuz

    • @selcukkavacik8129
      @selcukkavacik8129 3 года назад +2

      Hangi konuda canım. Birini karşıt görüşünüzle belgeli ispat eder misiniz.

    • @ylmazgurgur2065
      @ylmazgurgur2065 3 года назад +3

      Başın içini yarıp da bakın, akıl onun (beynin) neresinde? Hele bulun da gösterin, meyvedeki güldeki koku nerde? Ne tohumunda ne dalında bulamazsınız...
      Biz gayba iman etmişiz Elhamdülillah'i Teâla...