George Holloway, Crystal Images II for seven players《晶影(二)》為七位演奏家而作 (TimeArt Studio 時間藝術工作室)
- Опубликовано: 6 фев 2025
- georgehollowayc...
Crystal Images II for septet (2018) (Taipei 2024 performance) 《晶影(二)》為七位演奏家而作
This performance is from my composer portrait concert, "Ghost in the Machine", performed by TimeArt Ensemble in the National Recital Hall in Taipei, Taiwan, on 9th April 2024.
(scroll down for the English programme note)
⟪晶影(二)⟫ (Crystal Images II)
《晶影(二)》於2019年於紐約Mise-En音樂節首演,是《晶影(一)》的後續作品。在《晶影(一)》中,盧長劍專注於創造最細膩的「聲音影像」,試圖喚起靜止中的流動,流動中的靜止。與上面所述的《亞穩態》一樣,《晶影(一)》本來有一部影片伴隨著音樂的演出。其影片是由作曲家自己拍攝的,並展現了各種自然場景在不斷地變化中的靜態鏡頭,譬如,洶湧的海浪或風中彎曲的樹枝。 然而在 《晶影(二)》中,盧長劍製造了一個純「聲音影像」的馬賽克:作曲家發現影片實際上會分散聆聽者對聲音的注意力。《晶影(二)》與《晶影(一)》一樣試圖喚起靜止中的流動,流動中的靜止。
作品呈現了七段聲音影像。在每段中,七位演奏者其中一位被視為焦點。 每個聲音影像以三種不同厚度的音樂織體呈現:全體、小組以及獨奏。 每個聲音影像還包含第四種「織體」,就是沉默。在音高設計上,每一段的和聲建立在不同基礎音的泛音列上。《晶影(二)》目前是盧長劍創作過最接近頻譜音樂的作品。
這部作品的非線性(幾何)的音樂結構之靈感起源於俄羅斯導演Andrei Tarkovsky的一段日記條目。他曾記錄一個從未實現的創意,即一部完全由自然場景的靜態鏡頭組成的無情節電影。電影的戲劇性,或者說「生命」,是透過自然場景中所有連續不斷變化的微妙之細節而產生的:樹枝的波動,平靜的水面上的漣漪,田野上空的薄霧等等。《晶影(二)》是盧長劍試著用音樂來表達Tarkovsky如此有趣的創意。
《晶影(二)》獻給 Cornelia Bogen、Dominik Scheder 以及他們的第一個兒子Balthasar。 有趣的是,盧長劍使用了三位奉獻者的出生日期來計算每一段聲音影像及其組成部分稍微不同的長短。
Crystal Images II: Beijing Hutongs, Spring '18 is a follow-up piece to Crystal Images I: Cardigan Bay, Summer '15. In the earlier chamber work, I focussed on creating maximally specific “sound images” that evoked motion in motionlessness, changelessness in flux. The sound images were paired with similarly “fluctuating” video images (static shots of natural scenes in flux, such as crashing waves, or branches bending in the wind). In Crystal Images II I have made another mosaic of sound images, but without video (having discovered that the video element actually distracts our attention from the sound).
The work presents seven sound images of slightly varying length. In each image, one of the seven performers is taken as the focal point of a “spectral” texture based on a different harmonic series. We hear each image presented in three textures of varying thickness: full group, reduced group, and the focal instrument “solo” (more or less). Each image also comprises a fourth “texture” of silence.
The idea for this kind of non-linear (geometric) musical structure was prompted by a diary entry of Andrey Tarkovsky. He described an idea for a plotless film made-up entirely of long static shots of natural scenes. The drama, or life, of the film, would come out of seeing the constant minute changes in the scene presented: the fluctuating of tree branches, ripples on the still surface of water, mist hanging over a field, and the like.
Crystal Images II is dedicated with love to Cornelia, Dominik, and their son Balthasar. Anecdotally, the slight variations in length of the sound images and their various textures derive from the birth dates of the three dedicatees.
TimeArt Studio
Conductor: George Holloway