Yamat or editor do you know that videos with numbers get surpressed by youtube so it's actually better not to give them numbers so every vid can show up in new peoples recommended 🤓
He will be back on EUW and first game he will say "I can't play on this shit server with this shit ping and with this shit players" and it will be cringe af
hello yamato good video could you unban me by any chance i didnt ment to call you ostritch i ment it in a good way like you are wild and free (and tall + challanger) :)
@@Rami1039 Lowelo lowbob that got rewarded 2 Bomber Jackets from S6 Challenger rewards. But let's put that aside, because I'm sure you can match my level. Now, since you are mentaly deranged LoL fanatic, Yamato's Qiyana looks very uncontrolled. Very fast, hectic plays that only work out when you can oneshot someone, which also requires your enemy to not react accordingly and in time. Which isn't bad at first (Especially when ur fed), but many of his misplays would be much more successful if he played slow and controlled, weaving in autos, picking up proper elements and so on. Yamato's Qiyana is all about throwing out your spells as fast as possible, which might work most of the time, but that certainly isn't consistent. Now go back to your cave and grind soloQ
You are in silver, be patient. You also made some mistakes, you also have dogshit enemies the samw with your teammates. Silvers are silvers, of course you are better than them. Just be patient and don't tilt.
Yes more Korea content thanks a lot Mr Yamato.
15:46 "Please Lee Sin open your eyes"
say that again but slowly
U know its getting serious when yammat pings in Korea
Nooo yamator 💀 dont leave him :((
I love that the videos are 20m almost now
okayyy yamato flaming korean 5th graders in silver
6:31 music?
10:40 wtf happened? tower was still stacked lol
Yamato has better etiquette than 90% of the world 😭
2:12 song name?
Hello Mr Yimit, I was wondering which song is playing at 6:33, I'm pretty sure its by sewerslvt but I dont know the name, thank you :)
@@YamatosDeath1 safe? Weil die Version auf Spotify klingt anders
it's infact inlove by Sewerslvt
@@MFeyBlizzard YEEEES THANK YOU FEY 5751
saw title and started Sobbing
Loving the korea videos Yimit
6:30 music anyone??
Love this, love you mato.
song at 7:10?
What is The song from 7:40?
Does anyone know what music is playing at 8:00 ? Sounds like a banger to me
Sewerslvt - inlove
나는 우리 중에서 좋아한다
8:00 inshallah doesnt mean anything in this context , you should've said ' mashallah' .
lol tru
yamat can u drop music plz? ty ^^
Lets fucking goooo forseeeen
i need song at 7:54 rnnnnnnn
Come to Costa Rica
thank you mr editor
Wait wtf I watched this on stream today and it's already on youtube?
More korea content yes yes
i LOVE korea content
Yamat 30kg nerd, get in touch with a korean to provide chat translation, would make the videos muh more entertaingn
Jammer at 6:30?
Yes yes more more
why does he go LDR on qiyana?
more korean content pls mister dissatisfaction yimaldo
Also you should learn Zed yimit
nyandesune will study for sure right?
Yamat or editor do you know that videos with numbers get surpressed by youtube so it's actually better not to give them numbers so every vid can show up in new peoples recommended 🤓
Wow that's absolute bs. RUclips are the worst fr
yeah thats not true at all. please stop spreading misinformation!
This is true
poeple pretending to understand yt's algorithm
9:00 was that ap0?
Kamsamnida sarange shibal isekie onurul
another one🤪🥂😂🤙🤑😱😍😍
it happened d to gross gore but maybe changing your name will help the YT algorithm
Is yamat staying with someone or is he staying alone?
His staying with YOUR MOOMMM
He will be back on EUW and first game he will say "I can't play on this shit server with this shit ping and with this shit players" and it will be cringe af
Viego r targets the lowest hp enemy (including jgl monsters)
take mid from corea
hello yamato good video could you unban me by any chance i didnt ment to call you ostritch i ment it in a good way like you are wild and free (and tall + challanger) :)
is yamato muslim? he definitely said in sha Allah right? 😅
All league pros and streamers are muslim
No he is German
German Muslims are based
Ngl Yamatos Qiyana combos are too fast. Half the time he doesn't even know what he is doing himself all while he could play a much better style
Why is this low elo lowbob acting like he knows what he’s talking about? Yamatos Qiyana is insane lol
@@Rami1039 lowbob😃
@@Rami1039 it’s scary how fucking confident he is in his plays, I wouldn’t go for 90% of them, actually just insane
mf says this but he probably mains yasuo and is hardstuck gold 4 with 45% wr
@@Rami1039 Lowelo lowbob that got rewarded 2 Bomber Jackets from S6 Challenger rewards. But let's put that aside, because I'm sure you can match my level.
Now, since you are mentaly deranged LoL fanatic, Yamato's Qiyana looks very uncontrolled. Very fast, hectic plays that only work out when you can oneshot someone, which also requires your enemy to not react accordingly and in time. Which isn't bad at first (Especially when ur fed), but many of his misplays would be much more successful if he played slow and controlled, weaving in autos, picking up proper elements and so on.
Yamato's Qiyana is all about throwing out your spells as fast as possible, which might work most of the time, but that certainly isn't consistent.
Now go back to your cave and grind soloQ
You are in silver, be patient. You also made some mistakes, you also have dogshit enemies the samw with your teammates. Silvers are silvers, of course you are better than them. Just be patient and don't tilt.