@@alfredokubo5516 > I assume you are joking. But, it would be almost impossible to break an aircraft window with the items that are at your disposal. They are pretty thick
RIGHT HORIZONTAL STABILIZER's elevator nose-down(up tail force) mechanic problem? From the flight path, we can see that at the first second, the nose turn left down left, and the plane keep whirling in counterclockwise direction. This movement path indicates right side horizontal stabilizer issue. Also, it is reported that 737NG has horizontal stabilizer defect previously. Also, it is very important that this happens at the exact timeframe when the plane is about to reduce altitude and start landing process. So the trigger of this issue should be that the pilots touched the elevator trying to start reducing altitude, and something in the controlling system make the right side horizontal stabilizer go all the way up to the maximum nose-down position. The trigger should be internal mechanic or electrical fault, instead of weather. The VSPEED go from 0 to -21696 within 16 seconds, which is 120m/s, making the average vertical acceleration -7.5m/sqs, which is nearly -1G. From here we know that in that 16 seconds everyone lost gravity and even goes to negative gravity. This kind of acceleration can't be done by pilot manual operation especially in the lost gravity situation. This could also explain why mayday signal is not received.
@LONG Thanks for your explanation. It would be neccesary to wait up to what the black boxes said to know the truth. Your statement about the stabilizer defect is truly serious.
There was an air worthiness directive issued about 9 or 10 years ago about possible stabilizer trim conditions on the NG series, but there has never been a documented case where this possible problem resulted in an in-flight accident. During the 737 MAX grounding while they sorted out the MCAS redesign, a possible runaway stabilizer problem was discovered which was also corrected prior to the MAX being re-certified for service. Hopefully, today's recovery of the CVR will being to shed some light on what really happened.
This video does not prove anything. they do not have the Flight Data Recorder yet, so this videois just plain bullshit. DOES NOT PROVE ANYTHING OR SHOW ANYTHING FACTUAL
@@josellorca9275 There were no stabilizer/rudder defects on the 737-800, they were all on the Classic 737s. The last crash of a Classic 737 was USAir Flight 427 which crashed near the Pittsburgh International Airport in 1994. This aircraft was a 737-300, and after this accident (and another previous one in Colorado), the rudder was redesigned, and since that time there has not been ONE single incident involving the rudder on any 737 NG planes, such as the one which crashed in China.
Well I'd like to think that the people onboard lost consciousness early during the dive so that they were unaware of the final minute when they plunged to the Earth.
Nice to think, but no they didn't. Except for those who maybe fainted from stress. There were not enough G-forces involved such a straight down dive to render people unconscious, unfortunately..
It's too early even for a rough simulation/animation of what happened to this flight. Praying for the families and friends whose loved ones passed away on this flight.
A aircraft has numerous power systems plus a emergency battery system. The aircraft would continue flying on any single or dual failure. Even if all power systems are lost, the engines have the capacity to make their own power to keep running. So it is virtually impossible for this to be a power failure problem.
🥺🥺😢😢muito triste ver um avião com tantas pessoas que deixaram seus familiares ,sonhos quero nem imaginar o desespero em saber que iriam morrer 😢😢triste e sem palavras
It’s a perfect nose dive from the footage thus it’s a controlled maneuver. The plane would rotate or fell down in an unstable motion if it’s actually technical issues, or the pilot would focus on gliding the plane if the engines are died but the hydraulics still works
Cld somethg hv exploded in the cockpit, causing communication with the air controllers to be so suddenly cut off... With the 3 pilots either unconscious or dead, the fate of everyone on board had been sealed too... Or had the plane's tail, more specifically the small tail wings, suffered catastrophic failures n got completely torn off... Condolences to all whose loved ones had tragically perished...
@@SimPilotSky How would Boeing have been at fault for this? Firstly, the plane was designed in the 90s. Surely a design flaw in this plane would’ve caused similar crashes right after launch? And if it was a design flaw, wouldn’t you think a plane that was 20+ years old would crash before one that was only 6 years old? And furthermore, wouldn’t you think that a crash caused by plane that has been flying for 6 years would be the fault of airline maintenance and not Boeing?
Even if the engines stop, they do not fall in this way horizontally, the plane was in a state of thrust, which gives it some time to slide a great distance, which is what is done in cases of engine stops, there is something that happened
Seriously you caaaan see in that video, the actual video from the mining company of the plane nose diving, you can seee a piece of the plane detaching off the plane, about half way thru the fall. God bless the victims and their loved ones. May God comfort you all.
In one scenario, one of the pilots used a drug to inject another pilot and made him incapacitated. Then, that pilot flew the plane vertically to the ground. The incapacitated pilot naturally reflected and tried to level the aircraft unsuccessfully. The black box would not record anything because nobody was talking.
Did the tail flsps or wing flaps malfunction ?? It would explain the nosedive. Apparently the engines were still running which would explain the speed of the decent.
If you look closely to the one video of the plane going down nose dive, about half way thru, you see a piece detach p, you actually see it separate from the rest of the plane. Is it possible what they say was the actual kind of “stop” in the dive, and an actual regaining of altitude, about 1,00 feet, they said, and then promptly returning to the crashing, nosediving it was doing right before this, does anyone think it’s possible that what they saw was that large piece coming off the rest of the plane, as it was detaching, it might have made it look like the plane went through what they said was happeeening around 7,000 feet?
Don't be silly. When an airplane hits the ground at that speed and under that angle of impact, not much is left of it. And what is left can be buried very deep. Please, give people the time to find the Black Boxes. It is difficult terrain.
la vidéo où je découvre votre chaine , mais je n'ai observé aucun vol de Concorde, un jour peut-être ? / the video where I discovered your channel, but I did not observe any Concorde flights, one day perhaps? +1👍
Oh my God I cannot imagine the shock these people were in may they rest in peace my condolences to all the family members this is horrendous and shouldn't have never happened📀❤😱🙏🙏🙏😪😆😖😰😭
Saya sebagai warga indonesia bela sungkawa atas jatuhnya pesawat di cina .semoga korban yang meninggal diterima oleh tuhan yang maha esa dan keluarga yang ditinggalkan diberi ketabahan
Could be intentional actually. Because there's no way they didn't have enough speed to climb back up (If it was a stall) Just like the German Wings flight
Planes made 80 to 90s analogue manual system I still trust with properler powered. New technology I don't trust during breakdown planes can't glide for safety
I don't understand why the loss of all engines, besides the crew members couldn't do anything to try to land, hidrolics failure too? Did someone find the black box?
" Rest in Peace to all people inside the China Southern Airlines Flight MU5730" This caption is wrong. It wasn't a China Southern Airlines flight instead a China Eastern Airlines one.
Winglets are not vital to a plane's stability. To create the portance the plane needs speed and the wings surface. If one of these are less the plane can fall. Any plane can be a glider w/o engine but the meteo and pilot are very important. I thinks that a sudden problem on the principal hydraulic system it was during the fly. Nothing to do in these situation. Any control of the plane. Or a suicide of the pilote(s) can be investigate. Or a health problem (vaccin) of the pilots. Before, no communication w/air traffic control is the bad think in this event.
many scenarios are possible. Accidents like this almost never happen, but when they do it is very disastrous. Hopefully we will find out how the accident happened
We are researching the crash fast and at a good way as possible. So we make the video as good as possible with information we got. We dont know exactly what happened, but we know from flightradar on the grafic how the plane made a nosedive so….
eso aún no se sabe. pero eso podría ser un escenario. tambien puede ser que una de las alas se haya roto por fatiga del metal, lo cual es comun en aviacion
Omg 😩
Can't imagine if I was inside that plane, rest in peace to all the passengers
Break the window and jump out
@@alfredokubo5516 > I assume you are joking. But, it would be almost impossible to break an aircraft window with the items that are at your disposal. They are pretty thick
yes 🙏
What could u do
Rest in peace
This is so sad. Just imagine being in the plane helpess knowing theres nothing you can do. R.I.P
Too crazy words for…
@@SimPilotSky future options to the uefh we are not yuo yutjtktt5k you can Dr
Good bless all of the passengers and crew
Rip all passengers
RIGHT HORIZONTAL STABILIZER's elevator nose-down(up tail force) mechanic problem? From the flight path, we can see that at the first second, the nose turn left down left, and the plane keep whirling in counterclockwise direction. This movement path indicates right side horizontal stabilizer issue. Also, it is reported that 737NG has horizontal stabilizer defect previously.
Also, it is very important that this happens at the exact timeframe when the plane is about to reduce altitude and start landing process. So the trigger of this issue should be that the pilots touched the elevator trying to start reducing altitude, and something in the controlling system make the right side horizontal stabilizer go all the way up to the maximum nose-down position. The trigger should be internal mechanic or electrical fault, instead of weather.
The VSPEED go from 0 to -21696 within 16 seconds, which is 120m/s, making the average vertical acceleration -7.5m/sqs, which is nearly -1G. From here we know that in that 16 seconds everyone lost gravity and even goes to negative gravity. This kind of acceleration can't be done by pilot manual operation especially in the lost gravity situation. This could also explain why mayday signal is not received.
@LONG Thanks for your explanation. It would be neccesary to wait up to what the black boxes said to know the truth. Your statement about the stabilizer defect is truly serious.
There was an air worthiness directive issued about 9 or 10 years ago about possible stabilizer trim conditions on the NG series, but there has never been a documented case where this possible problem resulted in an in-flight accident. During the 737 MAX grounding while they sorted out the MCAS redesign, a possible runaway stabilizer problem was discovered which was also corrected prior to the MAX being re-certified for service. Hopefully, today's recovery of the CVR will being to shed some light on what really happened.
This video does not prove anything. they do not have the Flight Data Recorder yet, so this videois just plain bullshit. DOES NOT PROVE ANYTHING OR SHOW ANYTHING FACTUAL
Fabulous explanation thank you
@@josellorca9275 There were no stabilizer/rudder defects on the 737-800, they were all on the Classic 737s. The last crash of a Classic 737 was USAir Flight 427 which crashed near the Pittsburgh International Airport in 1994. This aircraft was a 737-300, and after this accident (and another previous one in Colorado), the rudder was redesigned, and since that time there has not been ONE single incident involving the rudder on any 737 NG planes, such as the one which crashed in China.
Rest in peace to all the passangers and much strength to all the families who have lost loved ones.
Very sad RIP
Well I'd like to think that the people onboard lost consciousness early during the dive so that they were unaware of the final minute when they plunged to the Earth.
nope not possible
We don’t know it. Maybe some of them lost consciousness and some not I think
Nice to think, but no they didn't. Except for those who maybe fainted from stress. There were not enough G-forces involved such a straight down dive to render people unconscious, unfortunately..
Heather Hyde extreme gforces can nock you out so it could they some or most of them passed out
DId you not hear the screams? That will haunt me. They knew what was coming
The same day I was on another flight and was shocked to hear about this. May they Rest In Peace.
Shocking news when on traveling by plane
It's too early even for a rough simulation/animation of what happened to this flight.
Praying for the families and friends whose loved ones passed away on this flight.
This is not a video that tells what happen. Inderd it shows the last moments of the crash
May Their Souls Rest In Eternal Peace
Rip all the victims
Seems the whole power system completely shut down suddenly before the fall.
A aircraft has numerous power systems plus a emergency battery system. The aircraft would continue flying on any single or dual failure. Even if all power systems are lost, the engines have the capacity to make their own power to keep running. So it is virtually impossible for this to be a power failure problem.
The last moment that I knew my last breath and life if I'm inside the aircraft. So horrible. RIP to all onboard.( Thanks for this Demonstration)
I hope this doesnt happen for anybody
@@SimPilotSky indeed 🙏
Thanks for putting the screaming in, most other plane crash RUclipsrs totally leave it out!
Trying to make as real as it is.
The video does not seem to be actual. According to public flight radar, the plane was climbed at around 7000ft, then dropped again shortly after.
No the plane was directly dropped doen without climbing
@@SimPilotSky flightradar24 shows the aircraft dropped to 7400ft, and was able to climb to 8600ft, then dropped again
@@YWboy no sir flightradar shows direct dropping
there's videos on when the plane fell and it litterally fell diving nose first. May all those in that plane that died rest in peace.
Don’t be a butthurt Chinese and accept this tragedy.
God maybe forgive them all
Oh no rest in peace to all the passengers, oh Lord I can't watch it as we going holiday back home to the Philippines with my family 👪
Hope you went safe traveling by plane?
🥺🥺😢😢muito triste ver um avião com tantas pessoas que deixaram seus familiares ,sonhos quero nem imaginar o desespero em saber que iriam morrer 😢😢triste e sem palavras
I am sure you can at least make this 737 recover from the steep dive and land safely in Guangzhou so that everyone will be safe.
Unfortunately, this is recreational
The captain has 30,000 hours of driving experience. If he can't get the plane back, no one can do it.
you're Sure are you?
@@某只屑狼 probably he was the suicide pilot.
Prayers go out to all the families and friends and relatives these poor souls may they rest in peace
Rip all people
RIP all passengers!
RIP crew members ❤️
Horizontal stabilizer failed trim problems or bulkhead failed. This is what could cause it to dive out of control. Just a guess.
could you explain? Not a plane expert here
Or suicide by pilot.
That is possible I cant see other reason. Maybe the pilot was get into depression and pull down the stick. Otherwise I dont know
It’s a perfect nose dive from the footage thus it’s a controlled maneuver. The plane would rotate or fell down in an unstable motion if it’s actually technical issues, or the pilot would focus on gliding the plane if the engines are died but the hydraulics still works
@@jbaxter68 I would be very surprised if that’s not the case
I was deeply saddened to hear this. RIP 😢😢🙏🙏
From vietnam 🇻🇳 🇨🇳 🇨🇳 🇻🇳
Omg like A dam horror movie : can't imagine what they were going through .Condolences to all the Loved ones😰❤
Its hard to make this but I hope this will never happen again
😥 RIP to all of them ❤
Rip ofcourse
Rip to all those people 🙏 from Nepal 🇳🇵
Rip for all passengers my friend
There was footage of the plane before it crashed into the slope but you did great effort 👍
Cld somethg hv exploded in the cockpit, causing communication with the air controllers to be so suddenly cut off...
With the 3 pilots either unconscious or dead, the fate of everyone on board had been sealed too...
Or had the plane's tail, more specifically the small tail wings, suffered catastrophic failures n got completely torn off...
Condolences to all whose loved ones had tragically perished...
There are a lot of theories about what could happen. I hope they can find the right answer soon, because all people and family wants to know that.
There’s a movie on Netflix called Boing.. SO HORRIFYING. My heartfelt condolences goes to the family
Good to know it
This crash wasn't the fault of Boeing.
@@triple7marc how do you know that?
@@SimPilotSky How would Boeing have been at fault for this? Firstly, the plane was designed in the 90s. Surely a design flaw in this plane would’ve caused similar crashes right after launch? And if it was a design flaw, wouldn’t you think a plane that was 20+ years old would crash before one that was only 6 years old? And furthermore, wouldn’t you think that a crash caused by plane that has been flying for 6 years would be the fault of airline maintenance and not Boeing?
May God give strength to the family of the lost souls
Rest in peace,when i heard this news,my heart broke
Me too its heartbreaking
RIP for the lost souls in this tragedy. 💔😢
Rest in peace to all the passengers.
Rest and peace for all my lovely brothers and sisters 😭😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏
We live with them
Even if the engines stop, they do not fall in this way horizontally, the plane was in a state of thrust, which gives it some time to slide a great distance, which is what is done in cases of engine stops, there is something that happened
I agree with that. plane doesn't just crash straight down even if there are no more engines. something terrible must have happened high in the sky
The tail had issues
@@SimPilotSky the copilot crashed the plane on purpose
Based on the footage of the plane crashing it looks like it tore itself apart while diving. I saw what looked like an explossion
How is that possible?
@@SimPilotSky idk. Just some little detail I noticed while watching it. Unless it was a glitch with my screen
Seriously you caaaan see in that video, the actual video from the mining company of the plane nose diving, you can seee a piece of the plane detaching off the plane, about half way thru the fall. God bless the victims and their loved ones. May God comfort you all.
In one scenario, one of the pilots used a drug to inject another pilot and made him incapacitated. Then, that pilot flew the plane vertically to the ground. The incapacitated pilot naturally reflected and tried to level the aircraft unsuccessfully. The black box would not record anything because nobody was talking.
I think this could be the worst scenario😮💨
Did the tail flsps or wing flaps malfunction ?? It would explain the nosedive. Apparently the engines were still running which would explain the speed of the decent.
Something went really wrong.
Sad, RIP all the those who lost their life, God give strength to their family to bear this loss......what a way to die......
Amen. Hopefully it helps
Nice edit
Thank you for watching and hopefully sharing this video
Rest in Peace for the victims , May God rest their souls , never again this tragedy from 🇬🇷
Para toda pesoas que estavam no. Aviao descansen en Paz foi algo improcedente o que passou ai para as pesoas
If you look closely to the one video of the plane going down nose dive, about half way thru, you see a piece detach p, you actually see it separate from the rest of the plane. Is it possible what they say was the actual kind of “stop” in the dive, and an actual regaining of altitude, about 1,00 feet, they said, and then promptly returning to the crashing, nosediving it was doing right before this, does anyone think it’s possible that what they saw was that large piece coming off the rest of the plane, as it was detaching, it might have made it look like the plane went through what they said was happeeening around 7,000 feet?
Everything is possible. There are too many scenarios what could cause the crash
pergi terbang tapi ke syurga,, beristirahatlah dengan damai di sisinya wahai saudaraku terkasih semoga tuhan mengampunimu 😥🙏❤
Rip to all the crew and passangers.
well well...WOW!!..i've missed you my friend but always glad to see you..
Hi friend. Hope to see you soon man.
@@SimPilotSky that would be awesome...the sooner the better..
What causes the plane straight dive to ground? Was both engine shutdown forcefully?
even if both engines were to blow, the plane would still be able to bliegej I don't think it was because of that
Very sad. Can’t imagine the fear and pain is everyone is going through
Its painful accident
God bless you all
I hear screaming voices,Rest in Peace🙏🙏🙏🙏
Yes probably people onboard screamed. But thats a speculation. No body knows. Rip to all passengers
Yeah,that was in really bad taste. Totally unnecessary
So sad. Praying for the departed soul rest in peace. 🙏🙏
of course annoying hopefully it won't happen again
God rest there souls and too there families left behind 🙏
Amen. Rip for all passengers and crew
The bad thing when on the plane.. Hope we stay safe everywhere
with flying is the risk of crashing. situation like this is an example unfortunately
@@SimPilotSky safe flight
Imagine just simple turbulence you felt nervous , how much more in this situation. 😭😭 RIP
I think too much
Such a sudden falling is unbelievable. How is it possible? Engine failure due to lack of maintenance.
Mhh I dont know.
May Allah SWT make all of us healthy happy and save ever ameen
That's really sad,but how many passengers were saved?? parachute is available in Airlines??
No survivors onboard. And no parachute in an airliner jet
That's very sad,it is a negligence on
part of Airlines,,
What Happened?
😭😭😭😭hearing the screams dear God may their souls Rest In Peace
Don't be silly. When an airplane hits the ground at that speed and under that angle of impact, not much is left of it. And what is left can be buried very deep. Please, give people the time to find the Black Boxes. It is difficult terrain.
This gave me chills 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔🙏🙏🙏
Not to good at all
la vidéo où je découvre votre chaine , mais je n'ai observé aucun vol de Concorde, un jour peut-être ? / the video where I discovered your channel, but I did not observe any Concorde flights, one day perhaps? +1👍
Oh my God I cannot imagine the shock these people were in may they rest in peace my condolences to all the family members this is horrendous and shouldn't have never happened📀❤😱🙏🙏🙏😪😆😖😰😭
I think they louse awareness. Otherwise they had a hard time I guess
So much question about this B737-800 crash when the aircraft dive almost 90° nose down as seen on the video
Something realy went wrong, but what?? No buddy nows yet. I hope they will find the blck box my friend
Heart breaking
Sure… but it shows the feeling on the last seconds
Rip all
RIP so sad news for especially their loves ones and all of us.
It is hard to know it when you know that someone else you knownis in that flight
This is very, very sad...really makes you wonder what happened.
Yes its wonder what really happened
Omg Rip to everyone on board 😢
Rip all
Saya sebagai warga indonesia bela sungkawa atas jatuhnya pesawat di cina .semoga korban yang meninggal diterima oleh tuhan yang maha esa dan keluarga yang ditinggalkan diberi ketabahan
Could be intentional actually. Because there's no way they didn't have enough speed to climb back up (If it was a stall)
Just like the German Wings flight
Confirmed to be intentional.
RIP very sad , life is unpredictable and uncertain
Sometimes it happens
Nice Video!😊🤗😊🤗But The Plane Had A "Golden Peacock" Livery.(Sorry If I Did Not Know You Didnt Have The Livery😢😟🥺)Rest In Peace All 132 On board🕊️🥺😟😢.
Iam sorry we dont have that livery 😉
It's Ok!
There is also a Captions Mistake:At the end It Says China Southern mu5730
Planes made 80 to 90s analogue manual system I still trust with properler powered. New technology I don't trust during breakdown planes can't glide for safety
I don't understand why the loss of all engines, besides the crew members couldn't do anything to try to land, hidrolics failure too? Did someone find the black box?
The cause is unknown. I hope they can find the blakbox it looks like its disappeared from the world
@@SimPilotSky They found both black boxes.
Eu imagino ô desespero dessas pessoas q morte horrorosa
Rip all staff and passenger ,😢
Rip all
" Rest in Peace to all people inside the China Southern Airlines Flight MU5730" This caption is wrong. It wasn't a China Southern Airlines flight instead a China Eastern Airlines one.
Who said its southern airlines? Cant read anywhere?
@@SimPilotSky 2:33--2:37
What exactly happened?
Reason is unknown. We know 1 thing and thats the plane makes a dive to the ground
Why is the plane very much intact in the crash site?
Because the plane hits the ground met a very high speed.
Very heartbraking
RIP to all, and waiting for new _Mayday_ episode
New mayday episode will come after a new plane crash
Winglets are not vital to a plane's stability. To create the portance the plane needs speed and the wings surface. If one of these are less the plane can fall. Any plane can be a glider w/o engine but the meteo and pilot are very important. I thinks that a sudden problem on the principal hydraulic system it was during the fly. Nothing to do in these situation. Any control of the plane. Or a suicide of the pilote(s) can be investigate. Or a health problem (vaccin) of the pilots. Before, no communication w/air traffic control is the bad think in this event.
many scenarios are possible. Accidents like this almost never happen, but when they do it is very disastrous. Hopefully we will find out how the accident happened
Rip to all dear passenger
Rip all passengers
Kakatakot talaga sumakay ng plane, kaya pag nasa plane na ako hindi ako mapakali
Which language is this my friend? 🤨
Lost control by bad weather or some mechanical issues ?
Most likely mechanical issues
Rest in peace to all the passengers ,
Rip to them all
RIP all people aboard. It is hard to accept it but it is true that we don't have the destiny under our control.
Unfortunately we dont have. Rip all
I am sad to her that rest in peace to all my brothers and sisters 🙏🙏h
Rip all people onboard very sad
Bless your soul 🙏
I'm SO sorry of the people and this happend 3 times 3
Yes but this is not b737 MAX this is other problem
De nuevo el 737?
Yes b737
May everyone RIP
Maybe there is something wrong with the hydraulic system, because this dive angle is not what ordinary people can do.
I was thingking so or something from the wing parts broken from backwards
How did you make the video so fast, lol
We are researching the crash fast and at a good way as possible. So we make the video as good as possible with information we got. We dont know exactly what happened, but we know from flightradar on the grafic how the plane made a nosedive so….
why does the screen turn red
Blood 🩸 to the brain 🧠
Oh I didnt know that
People thing they suffered but this g force made everyone lost concience much before it hit the ground
Do you think so??
How horrible for passenger n more to capt. On board to see der death approchng
Hard to know it when onboard
Por las características da la impresión de ser premeditado.
eso aún no se sabe. pero eso podría ser un escenario. tambien puede ser que una de las alas se haya roto por fatiga del metal, lo cual es comun en aviacion
RIP to all those people 🙏
May God give strength to their loved ones 🙏
This must have been horrifying 🙏