Evans Yz85 Hi! Yeah u will need good throttle, but i would say, try with whatever you're comfortable with and just increase with time. its possible for sure with your bike but u will also need to shift your body around to get momentum from the suspension. Then just time it good with the gas! Its gonna take alot of practice but thats fine, just get comfortable with the feeling and you will learn im sure!
Bike not stalling?
hey im 12 with a 07 yz85 for clutch ups do u pop clutch well on the gas or and do u think i could slow wheelie on my 2 stroke
Evans Yz85 Hi! Yeah u will need good throttle, but i would say, try with whatever you're comfortable with and just increase with time.
its possible for sure with your bike but u will also need to shift your body around to get momentum from the suspension. Then just time it good with the gas! Its gonna take alot of practice but thats fine, just get comfortable with the feeling and you will learn im sure!