I've had to relocate for work and lived in Guildford for a year. Lovely town to live in and thoroughly enjoyed it. As you've rightly said, it's the best of both worlds. It has excellent train connections - both fast and frequent to Central and South West London or Portsmouth for a quick seaside getaway. And there's Uber and the drivers are happy to take customers into London. There are lovely walks in the hills and the river walks to Goldaming and Weybridge. While there is a uni in town, there were barely any clubs in the town centre which makes it much less rowdy compared to other cities. My clients were all low key posh people and very polite.
thanks for your sharing! glad to hear you had a lovely year in Guildford. Guildford is a lovely town indeed! Great shopping and connections into London, not to mention the beautiful countryside!!
Thanks for your sharing Ophelia! Most succinct and practical. Which towns in Surrey would you recommend for a family has secondary school kids? Which towns have the most good state schools?
Hello, you are so welcome! Glad you find it useful. There are a lot of nice towns in Surrey which are suitable for families. Personally I like Sutton if you are looking for good secondary state schools. (Many great state schools available).
One famous elite school should have mentioned here apart from Universityof Surrey. and so many other beautiful pubs, parks, vintage shops...which airport is easier to get Guildford ? it's Gatwick!
just written the following comment to your you-tube channel in order to emphasize an important point: sorry to be critical! I ask all of you watching this channel to remember the plights and sacrificial efforts of those who bravely and unselfishly fight. These people were either dead or have suffered mentally, physically, sexually as victims of the state brutality in HK, and in particular those who are now either under custody, waiting for unfair trial or already in prison. Let's spend some time pray for their safety, I know it is important to quickly adapt to new life here in UK and be happy or some even say to forget the past unpleasant memories. Naturally, I would despise those who feel mission accomplished already: containers shipped and arrived, bank accounts sorted, places to live fixed, children schools fixed, cars bought and live happily forever from now on full-stop.
Guildford 這區唔錯! 你啲片好好睇, 介紹得好好!
謝謝支持! ❤️
謝謝誇獎, 唔使客氣, 希望幫到大家! 😊
Guildford Castle係William the Conqueror 在Battle of Hastings 之後在London週圍建做的幾個castles之一,用來保護London。
Nice to know, thanks for sharing ❤️
Guildford真係個好地方 治安校網交通配套樣樣都好好👍樓價又平香港好多😍係好多中產嘅首選!
係呀, 喺我頭5名Surrey嘅首選! 我自己也很喜歡 ❤️我覺得香港人一定會鍾意Guildford. 本土英國人都鍾意呀😍
@@shuwanchan2735 好呀, 加油, 一家大細移民過嚟英國唔容易, 希望你哋快啲搵到適合自己嘅獨立屋! 😊❤️
好美麗的地點,尤其是High street 好有小鎮風情。謝謝你的分享!
Guildford 真係幾靚, 有機會去睇吓! 唔使客氣😊
I've had to relocate for work and lived in Guildford for a year. Lovely town to live in and thoroughly enjoyed it. As you've rightly said, it's the best of both worlds. It has excellent train connections - both fast and frequent to Central and South West London or Portsmouth for a quick seaside getaway. And there's Uber and the drivers are happy to take customers into London. There are lovely walks in the hills and the river walks to Goldaming and Weybridge. While there is a uni in town, there were barely any clubs in the town centre which makes it much less rowdy compared to other cities. My clients were all low key posh people and very polite.
thanks for your sharing! glad to hear you had a lovely year in Guildford. Guildford is a lovely town indeed! Great shopping and connections into London, not to mention the beautiful countryside!!
Thanks Ophelia for your sharing! Guildford is a very nice place indeed!
Not at all, Guildford is lovely ❤️ thanks for your support!
唔使客氣, 謝謝支持! 😊
I like your videos! Always!
Glad you like them! appreciate it 🥰
Take your kids to coral reef in bracknell. They will love it. It’s not far from Guildford
Good idea, thank you!
謝謝支持! 我會繼續努力😉
Thank you❤️ 而家咩都識講, 好招積㗎😂
Thanks for your sharing Ophelia! Most succinct and practical. Which towns in Surrey would you recommend for a family has secondary school kids? Which towns have the most good state schools?
Hello, you are so welcome! Glad you find it useful. There are a lot of nice towns in Surrey which are suitable for families. Personally I like Sutton if you are looking for good secondary state schools. (Many great state schools available).
@J C Kingston and Sutton are both good places to live in Surrey/London,
唔使客氣, 希望幫到你! 😊
Hello Sam👋😊
冇錯, 真係好靚😍
Guildford 好多嘢玩㗎!
Hi , 你好,我剛到倫敦一星期,想找我2房pet friendly 租盤,想在Surrey 落腳,見到你的介紹,好喜歡。想請教一下,有沒有合適的租盤可介紹?我不用校區,因我女巳24歲,想落腳後再找工作。看看你能否給此提議。😀😀
Guildford, Surry 餐廳是不錯的,校區和大學都好,清靜安全民風好,鐵路網络方便!Guildford 外圍很好住,Surry 大學好美!
我也很喜歡Guildford, 環境優美好舒服! 🥰
請問guildford温度around 幾度,巴士班次大約幾多分鐘一班,冰天雪地落雨等巴士咁未好凍!
Guilford 風景真係好靚❤️
One famous elite school should have mentioned here apart from Universityof Surrey. and so many other beautiful pubs, parks, vintage shops...which airport is easier to get Guildford ? it's Gatwick!
Guildford's really a great place to live. Could you visit St. Albans next time?
yes it is, one of the best in Surrey. Sure, why not? 😉 watch this space...
thanks for your sharing!
My pleasure ❤️
謝謝你 。我由細到大都同佢講廣東話, 因為我知道佢返學校之後, 便會越嚟越少機會講. 廣東話好難學, 小朋友好快上手!
比較Surrey其他區域係較貴, 但係我覺得Guildford 所有嘢都好好, 生活配套又齊, 係值得移民嘅地方😊
@@opheliachan 也對!一分錢一分貨👍😃
@@ericlee7203 都係㗎!
請問Guilford 更校區,多唔多2-3 apartment 嘅選擇?
please show more semi house.any cheaper housing?
how much is the fare for the fast train to central London?
around £15 for a single ticket!
My hometown. 😊
請問 High street 邊度有停車場🅿️呢?謝謝🙏
近Guildford high street有三個停車場, 你可以拍架車喺Castle Car park, Farnham Road car park 或者係Bedford Road car park.
which area/districts you recommend in Milton Keynes?
Hello, personally I like outskirts of Milton Keynes. Areas like Woburn, Woburn Sands, Aspley Guise.😀
just written the following comment to your you-tube channel in order to emphasize an important point:
sorry to be critical! I ask all of you watching this channel to
remember the plights and sacrificial efforts of those who bravely and unselfishly fight. These people were either dead or have suffered mentally, physically, sexually as victims of the state brutality in HK, and in particular those who are now either under custody, waiting for unfair trial or already in prison. Let's spend some time pray for their safety, I know it is important to quickly adapt to new life here in UK and be happy or some even say to forget the past unpleasant memories. Naturally, I would despise those who feel mission accomplished already: containers shipped and arrived, bank accounts sorted, places to live fixed, children schools fixed, cars bought and live happily forever from now on full-stop.
如果住Guildford市中心, 唔揸車都可以!
Thanks for sharing! 請問一個單身女子移民到英國有什麼好地區介紹?謝謝!
Hello, 如果係單身我會建議去大城市會熱鬧啲, 同埋依啲識新朋友. 倫敦, Bristol, 伯明翰, 曼徹斯特都係好嘅選擇.
@@opheliachan Thanks for your advice Ophelia! I'm thinking Reading, any comments please? Thanks!
@@Chloe-ew7ci oh Reading is a great choice actually! easy to commute to London and a lot of nice restaurant choices ! all the best!
@@opheliachan Thanks Ophelia! Warm blessings 🌈
@@Chloe-ew7ci why u like readin
係呀, 成日high tea☕
請問E+市面仲有冇Dillions book stores, 聽說被Waterstones收購。Dillions在倫敦Gower Street的店非常靚,就在我讀U嘅facility 對面,我常常去打書釘。
You mean Dillons? It was subsumed into Waterstones so no more shops. Guildford has Waterstones bookshop. 😊
Sounds like a nice bookshop 😉
@@opheliachan Yes, the book store is housed in a grand multistory building, the best looking bookstore I have ever visited.
@@keithlau216 ah i see, apparently the Dillons coffee shop is still there
唔太清楚, 不過倫敦會多啲選擇. 😊
英國中部都唔錯呀, 歡迎來到英國, 你喺邊度落腳? 有冇人幫你手? 加油, 移民過嚟唔容易! 😊👏
@@opheliachan 我暫在Nottingham 落腳,有朋友住在Durham, 如果我去,他會招呼我,請問Durham 這地方如何?我一家都是成年人,不需要好校網。
Nottingham 幾好, Durham 我唔太熟悉, 抱歉幫唔到你啦.
請問Guilford 租一房屋及搵工是否容易?謝🙇♀️🙇♀️
唔清楚, Guildford 係移民熱門地方. 建議去Openrent 租屋會平啲. 搵工方面視乎你搵嘅工種. 多數人會搵倫敦嘅工作, 通勤去倫敦上班.
eye cosmetic surgery?
謝謝分享。想問Wimbledon, Ealing, Richmond, Kingston, Guilford 這5個地方那個最好?有一個快上小學的小朋友!謝謝!
睇下你自己嘅需要, 五個地方都好好喎, 我自己都好喜歡, 好難幫你選擇🤨
五個區域都有好學校選擇, 如果我自己揀, 我會選擇 Kingston或者Guildford (只因為購物配套方面比較好)
@@opheliachan 謝謝你的意見!
@@sallysally8770 唔使客氣!
Guildford 的樓是否貴過Ealing,因Ealing都有很多outstanding schools,
shopping 都非常容易及交通都方便,請問這2區誰多香港人住?
Ealing 喺倫敦zone 3, 所以樓價會比Guildford為貴. 兩區都好, 視乎你自己嘅需要! ❤️
Hi 想請問一下你意見!我有兩個小朋友,一個今年16歲,9月係香港升讀中五,另一個小朋友,今年14.5歲,升中四。哥哥想考完DSE先去英國讀大學,請問我拎住BNO係唔係要係小朋友18歲之前去英國先可以申請公民身份?
唔係, 不過18歲以上要成為dependent 需要一起居住嘅證明. 申請嘅時候可能會冇咁直接. 😊
@@opheliachan 你啲片好好睇, 介紹得好好! 希望你可以講多d, 中學同大學升學資料. 拎bno 移民方法等等. 期代 ^.^
希望下次你介紹Surrey時强調一下Surrey係一個county, county內有好多towns如Guilford, Espom (Surrey好似冇city), 常見到commect如我都想落户Surrey。
而家唔駛戴口罩嗱? 😷方便喎~
係呀, 政府規例而家唔需要戴口罩. 喺室外唔戴收音方面會比較好, 室內戴返口罩會安全啲!
Guildford幾好, 唔錯㗎 😎👍
No BNO invasion to Guildford please!
Guildford is a town😊