I am lobbying for mental health professionals to validate a new mental health problem! Addiction to pissing large amounts of $ away on the desire to hear the sound of mylar packs ripping only to end up depressed after realizing you could have bought the actual cards you got for 10% of what you paid and actually spent the rest to buy cards you want. Like a vintage lemiex or a jackie robinson instead of a purple space junkie parallel /299 rookie of a player who's 29 and likely to finish his career in the minors. Wake up plastic rippin addicts. Stop the madness and quit buying udicks garbage. Force them to start putting actual value in these high end boxes. Game worn hard signed and no irrelevant rookie filler with 500 different parallels. It can be done. Unite collectors and stop listening to the idiot breakers.
Nice cards out there ! 🎉
Holo foil 1 a case bought a makar for 7
I am lobbying for mental health professionals to validate a new mental health problem! Addiction to pissing large amounts of $ away on the desire to hear the sound of mylar packs ripping only to end up depressed after realizing you could have bought the actual cards you got for 10% of what you paid and actually spent the rest to buy cards you want. Like a vintage lemiex or a jackie robinson instead of a purple space junkie parallel /299 rookie of a player who's 29 and likely to finish his career in the minors. Wake up plastic rippin addicts. Stop the madness and quit buying udicks garbage. Force them to start putting actual value in these high end boxes. Game worn hard signed and no irrelevant rookie filler with 500 different parallels. It can be done. Unite collectors and stop listening to the idiot breakers.