vas govor in logika je imponirana, vasa analiticna sposobnost je nepremagljiva. Jaz sem ponosen in potolazen da Slovenija se vedno premore fantasticne umske talente!!
Zato, ker ti nikol v lajfu ne bi volu SDS po sistemu "Bog ne daj, vse drugo sam Janse ne!", bos imel 2x slabs placo ali pokojnino se mnogo , mnogo let. Kaj pa Anze Logar, ki je izvrstno vodil preiskovalno komisijo o banci luknji, ki je mimogrede tudi clan SDS...
Your Jesus: They will say that I was married. They will say that I was simply a prophet. -Thursday, September 20th, 2012 @ 15:16 I am your Mystical Spouse and, as such, you will continue to suffer to save souls. My dearly beloved daughter the time for the lies about Me to be spread all over the world has begun. As I told you before they will invent lies and create falsities about Me, Jesus Christ, so that they can deny My Divinity. My Divinity is Almighty. I came in the flesh and humbled Myself in a way in which people did not expect. I did not come dressed as a king. I did not shout or boast like a king so that others would fall down at My Feet. I did not command others to wait on Me. Instead, I came to serve. I came to beg for your salvation. To do this I had to humble myself by becoming a man, a poor man, of humble origins. While I came as a man this did not mean that My Divinity was compromised in any way. I was born without sin. It was impossible for Me to sin. I may have had the same desires of the flesh as man but I never committed sin for this could not be. I was pure in mind, body and spirit. I was like man in so many ways. But I rose from the dead. The lies, which will emerge, where they will deny the Truth of My Existence through a series of untruths, will begin to flood the earth. They will say that My Body can still be found. They will say that I was married. They will say that I was simply a prophet. They will then try to prove, once again, that I was a heretic. That I blasphemed against God. They will ridicule My Words as they are being given to the world now and then dismiss Me. They do this for two reasons. The first is to defile My Divinity and to present Me as a mere man. The second is to create doubt as to My role as the Messiah. How they insult My Name. How they confuse My followers. Do not listen to lies. Do not listen when they try to convince you that God did not create the universe. For all of these distractions are designed to weaken your faith and steal your souls. Block your ears to such wickedness. Close your eyes to untruths as every effort will be made to convince you that I was not the Messiah, the Saviour and Redeemer of mankind. How blind they are. How little they have learned. Your Jesus 5445
0:30 Brglez, ti si pravi dec! "Nima veze, da je ženska!" - resno, zakaj bi moški mogli biti vljudnejši do žensk. Moški nismo nič manj vredni... haha, Jao, Brglez.
Pa Vinko ti si CAR
vas govor in logika je imponirana, vasa analiticna sposobnost je nepremagljiva. Jaz sem ponosen in potolazen da Slovenija se vedno premore fantasticne umske talente!!
Važno da imamo pametne telefone, drugače tako nebi imeli ostali kaj početi na stolčkih....stramota!! Namesto da bi se poslušali med seboj...
nisem še poslušal boljšega govora iz našega parlamenta. Bravo g. Gorenjak. Parlament bo osiromašen če ne boste več kandidirali.
Bravo g.Gorenak, najboljsi logik v parlamentu?,
Bravo Vinko . Eden ki ima mozek ki dela. Več takih Slovencev ki lahko spravijo Slovenijo iz blata in bolnih razmišljanj
Sam štajerc ima v tej državi jajca, da po miz udar, da se v Ljubljan kej strese. Bravo g. Gorenak!
Tu bi se lahko sedanja opozicija učila, kako se konstruktivno oponira poziciji!
genialno Vinko
zakaj,genijalno?povej,ne sam lajat
Ja eni smo bili takrat zraven očividci tega teatra paradižnik. Cerar je tole vse zasral in ni odgovarjal
" bodo pršle nove svetle sile... al kak že... ampak ne vi" . češnja na vrhu torte.
Sami telefoni na delovnem mestu??? Sam da ura teče!
Upam, da je kazenska ovadba že podana...
Nikol v lajfu ne bi volil SĐS a Vinko je povedal resnico .Eden redkih pametnih na slovenski desnici
Zato, ker ti nikol v lajfu ne bi volu SDS po sistemu "Bog ne daj, vse drugo sam Janse ne!", bos imel 2x slabs placo ali pokojnino se mnogo , mnogo let. Kaj pa Anze Logar, ki je izvrstno vodil preiskovalno komisijo o banci luknji, ki je mimogrede tudi clan SDS...
@@Simon-xi8tb Neoliberalizem je povzročil samo škodo
Your Jesus: They will say that I was married. They will say that I was simply a prophet.
-Thursday, September 20th, 2012 @ 15:16
I am your Mystical Spouse and, as such, you will continue to suffer to save souls.
My dearly beloved daughter the time for the lies about Me to be spread all over the world has begun.
As I told you before they will invent lies and create falsities about Me, Jesus Christ, so that they can deny My Divinity.
My Divinity is Almighty.
I came in the flesh and humbled Myself in a way in which people did not expect.
I did not come dressed as a king.
I did not shout or boast like a king so that others would fall down at My Feet.
I did not command others to wait on Me.
Instead, I came to serve.
I came to beg for your salvation. To do this I had to humble myself by becoming a man, a poor man, of humble origins.
While I came as a man this did not mean that My Divinity was compromised in any way. I was born without sin.
It was impossible for Me to sin. I may have had the same desires of the flesh as man but I never committed sin for this could not be. I was pure in mind, body and spirit.
I was like man in so many ways. But I rose from the dead.
The lies, which will emerge, where they will deny the Truth of My Existence through a series of untruths, will begin to flood the earth.
They will say that My Body can still be found. They will say that I was married. They will say that I was simply a prophet. They will then try to prove, once again, that I was a heretic.
That I blasphemed against God. They will ridicule My Words as they are being given to the world now and then dismiss Me.
They do this for two reasons. The first is to defile My Divinity and to present Me as a mere man. The second is to create doubt as to My role as the Messiah.
How they insult My Name.
How they confuse My followers.
Do not listen to lies.
Do not listen when they try to convince you that God did not create the universe.
For all of these distractions are designed to weaken your faith and steal your souls.
Block your ears to such wickedness. Close your eyes to untruths as every effort will be made to convince you that I was not the Messiah, the Saviour and Redeemer of mankind.
How blind they are.
How little they have learned.
Your Jesus
Tale argument je v redu in pac je kot je izreceno!!!
Pismo, tistale Györkös Žnidarjeva ... direkt za zlikovko v grozljivki.
enako sm pomislu :D Mogoce bo idobila vlogo v IT (Stephen King) 3. del :D
Gorenjak butl...dej se vsaj govort navadi...
150 krat je v enem govoru vprasal česa se bojite
JA, 100 krat je vprašal, odgovora pa še vedno ni dobil, moral bi vprašati 1000 x
0:30 Brglez, ti si pravi dec! "Nima veze, da je ženska!" - resno, zakaj bi moški mogli biti vljudnejši do žensk. Moški nismo nič manj vredni... haha, Jao, Brglez.
Zakaj je Jansa vrnil denar, ce je preprican, da ni naredil nic narobe ?
Mogoce pa bo kot frizer Gorenjaku naredil frizuro, ki je nima.
Cepec brez primera
@@ivanvidovic8870 Točno, taki ne bi smeli biti v politiki, kot je naš Vinko
smrt janšizmu svoboda narodu