Good job! you have a really strong voice and man when you hit those high notes . . . basically what im trying to say is your amazing and i hope you do extremely well in your singing carrer!
nicely done ma'am! And that outfit is killer, i hope you remember all these positive comments as proof that no matter how many crush you on the way to the top, that there is always someone out there who can't wait for you to make it
DANG GIRL! I love this song and I have tried singing it so many times and I have heard other people song it but you, you have talent and it sounds very beautiful. Your voice is outstanding don't let nothing bring you down keep it up and who knows maybe ou will become the next Miley Cyrus just a whole lot better :) keep it up :)
I don't believe there is any song that you can't are so professional, and true to yourself.Much respect always, and we WILL see you at the top, i promise you this.:)
you are the best singer i have ever listened to you are so beautiful and you have such a great voice i loved it and every other song you have done!!!!!
wow u look pretty here btw u have a great voice!! i hope u get big one day cuz i will go buy ur album i hope u become a star :) Keep reaching ur dream girl :D
@cupcaeke09 Yes. I perform anytime I get a chance to. Lately I have been visiting different malls in the area and performing at Hot Topic. Also school talent show, I sing the national anthem for hockey games and school assemblies, music stores... literally any chance I get because I love to do it! :)
DANG GIRL! this is a very complicated song I hve tried singing it and I've heard others sing it but not as good as you. Your voice is amazing. You sing very beautiful keep it up and don't let jelous ppl try to bring you down because you are AMAZING!
beautful and sing so good! wow! it looks like ur not even trying and u sound so good xD like theres so much more u can do :O.. ur amazing! i wish i could sing like u! :)
@ButterflyFlyAway15 I am working with a record/production company and will let you know when the first single is ready on itunes. Keep watching here and my facebook for the announcement.
@1992brb Thank you so very much!!!! You have no idea how much that means to me!!! And when I was 4, I started singing but I never told anyone. It was my secret talent haha! And when I was 10 I would listen to christina aguilera and Mariah Carey and I started singing along with them and fell in love with it so I told my parents and they have been so incredibly supportive so they helped me and I started posting youtube vids!
holyyy snappp!!! Your like really really good! i mean like whoaaa.. lol i really like yours better than mileys, and like those notes that you hit in the end were beauitful!! holy snap girl, you got it goingg! :) keep it up. :D
@MSwhatareulookinat Haha. Thank you. I wish I could sing in a movie. But I'm slowly getting closer to my dreams. I'm moving to place where I will have more oppurtunities. :) Thanks again!
Good. Strong with notes on point and you handle the song fine.
Rochelle, I love how you always match your outfits to the songs you're singing!
this is awesome! by far the best cover you have done!! xx
OMG! now this is amazing! she is sooo prettie and sooo talented !! xx
you're amazing!! and your voice is sooo beautiful :)
Good job! you have a really strong voice and man when you hit those high notes . . . basically what im trying to say is your amazing and i hope you do extremely well in your singing carrer!
U did an amazing job! Ur cover of this song is so beautiful! I swear! Love it x1000 (:
this is fav song of all time right now! so glad you covered it! bravo!
omg. great job! this song is so beautiful
I bet your parents are very proud! You have an awesome voice. Keep following your dreams!
nicely done ma'am! And that outfit is killer, i hope you remember all these positive comments as proof that no matter how many crush you on the way to the top, that there is always someone out there who can't wait for you to make it
You are so talented. Keep it up :) I love your voice so much !
why are u not famous yet?? you are amazing!! #loveit!
AWESOME !!!!!!!!!!!! you make it sound so so easy! wow. very impressive!
This is the best cover I've heard so far. Great job!
loved it!!! you are so good!
Oh wowweee. I love this song! And you just made it like, a million times better(:
u r sooo pretty!>3 and i luv ur voice!
most beauty voice that i've ever heard!!! congrat!
@Tietsepiets Thank you so much! That means the world to me!
great job!! and i really like your dress too! :)
DANG GIRL! I love this song and I have tried singing it so many times and I have heard other people song it but you, you have talent and it sounds very beautiful. Your voice is outstanding don't let nothing bring you down keep it up and who knows maybe ou will become the next Miley Cyrus just a whole lot better :) keep it up :)
I don't believe there is any song that you can't are so professional, and true to yourself.Much respect always, and we WILL see you at the top, i promise you this.:)
love ur outfit(as always)
u have a GREAT voice
im suprised ur not famous
u have looks talent and clothes
u rock girl
im ur biggest fan
OMG!!!! You are sooo AMAZING
@Selena569 THANK YOU!! And singing has been my chosen career since I was 10 years old. :)
@nickiminjas Oh no way!!Well I'm so glad you like it!!! Thank you so much!! And I don't know, it comes naturally for me haha! :)
you are the best singer i have ever listened to you are so beautiful and you have such a great voice i loved it and every other song you have done!!!!!
this is amazing, keep up the great work!
wow u look pretty here btw u have a great voice!! i hope u get big one day cuz i will go buy ur album i hope u become a star :)
Keep reaching ur dream girl :D
omg i like your dress!!!! u r a great singer
blew me away... you have a stunning voice! :)
@daybreak845 I'm 15. Thanks for the comment!
Very rarely do you find a cover that's better than the original, but I fount it. Your voice gave me cold chills.
love love love thiiis!!!!!! so pretty cover, and you are very pretty too!
@iamcrafty2010 Thank you so much!!!!! :DD
this is amazing! and i really like your shoes :p
@cupcaeke09 Yes. I perform anytime I get a chance to. Lately I have been visiting different malls in the area and performing at Hot Topic. Also school talent show, I sing the national anthem for hockey games and school assemblies, music stores... literally any chance I get because I love to do it! :)
my god,you really amazed we when you started singing,I listened with my mouth open,that's how much you amazed me !
I think you're going to make it.
you are truly an amazing singer....just wonderful 5*
@Lilrocker1203 thank you!! I love that song!
DANG GIRL! this is a very complicated song I hve tried singing it and I've heard others sing it but not as good as you. Your voice is amazing. You sing very beautiful keep it up and don't let jelous ppl try to bring you down because you are AMAZING!
really good voice!! plus you look beautiful :] good job
this is amazing!!!
you are an amazing artist i hope you make it somewhere you deserve to:) good luck to you and keep doin what you do:)
you are amazing. I LOVE YOUR DRESS!
Best cover of this song I've heard so far. You should go to American Idol, i'm not kidding but you have the power to win.
beautful and sing so good! wow! it looks like ur not even trying and u sound so good xD like theres so much more u can do :O.. ur amazing! i wish i could sing like u! :)
you are sooooooooooo good!!! o my goodness! Please keep up the work and go for it!!!! :-D wish i was as good as u!
@cutiesix667 yes, for a couple more days, then it's off to LA!!!
OMG! You are a awsome singer! You also are really pretty!
so in love with your voice
@MissUnperfectSR no not my mom her mom TC168230. but thank you! :)
OMG .. Your voice .. it is so Amazing !!
Your voice is amazing!!
You have an amazing voice!!
wow! i LOVE ur voice!
@ButterflyFlyAway15 I am working with a record/production company and will let you know when the first single is ready on itunes. Keep watching here and my facebook for the announcement.
III llloooooove ur outfit !!! U are so cute !! love ur singing ^^
well done:) its so good! xx
I am your biggest fan! I listen to you sing everyday;))))))
i think you have sooo much talent loved it
Love The Singing!
@1992brb Thank you so very much!!!! You have no idea how much that means to me!!! And when I was 4, I started singing but I never told anyone. It was my secret talent haha! And when I was 10 I would listen to christina aguilera and Mariah Carey and I started singing along with them and fell in love with it so I told my parents and they have been so incredibly supportive so they helped me and I started posting youtube vids!
wow you have an amazing voice!! :) nice job
Wow... I'm speechless...Wow pretty much sums it up. You have an amazing voice.....I subscribed :)
Wooooooooooooow! Very goog, you singer perfect and very nice, GOD bless you!
Your vocals .. Exceptional .
Good job babe :)
I was not sure who sang this song, but now i do. This is another great song for your voice. What do do with the backing vocals? and the instrumentals?
Very pretty girl!! I love that dress and your hair, and you have an amazing voice. Especially for 15, wow! Good luck getting signed when you move!
great vid :) love your voice!
Amazing at singing!!!!
Awwwww beautiful u brought tears to my eyes
Ur amazingly good! It's crazy!:) keep on rocking!:)
your wayy good at this!, nd pretty too! (:
I like it!
beautiful voice!
holyyy snappp!!! Your like really really good! i mean like whoaaa.. lol i really like yours better than mileys, and like those notes that you hit in the end were beauitful!! holy snap girl, you got it goingg! :) keep it up. :D
@DinoBioOoOo Thank you so much!!!!
you are such a good singer keep up the hard work how old r you by the way?
you look sooo pretty and you sang this amazinglyy(:
Best I've heard so far by those who are trying to sing this song. Congrats!
Oh, your outfit's sooo cute! And wow, can you sing! =D
@MSwhatareulookinat Haha. Thank you. I wish I could sing in a movie. But I'm slowly getting closer to my dreams. I'm moving to place where I will have more oppurtunities. :) Thanks again!
Totally owned it ur great ur voice is great (& luv the dress too lol)
U are so pretty and u have an amazing voice!!!
u r g8!! U sing this song so well!!!
great voice:) I loved it x
OMG!! That was amazing!!=) You should be a professional singer haha!=)
I love this song, but I have never been a fan of Miley's voice, but you're version is brilliant. Keep singing. You're going to go far.
amazing job..
loved it :)
OMG UR GREAT! I LOVE ur dress Woohoo!!
@zzaawwcc thank you!! ur so nice! :)
@mabelou1 My mom films it, and I use a Sony HD-SR10 camera.
sooooo great!!!!!
I'm not going to think it twice ! 5 STARS !
grandiose as always!!!!!
spectacular voice