@ville__ if your content is actually good you should promote it. Not go under other youtubers comments talking about how much "better" your content is. Werid dude, weird
the thing is if someone is actually participating in starvemaxxing then they too probably have an eating disorder because this new trend is simply glamourizing restricting
So true ! You are incredibly gorgeous and unique. I am afraid this dumb AI compares real faces of real people with only one specific robotic face and judges people "ugly" when their features don't match with the robotic model's.
I MAKE BETTER CONTENT THAN THIS. I’m a 30+ year old media creator with aspergers syndrome who is a jack of all trades with a passion for fighting against cyberbullying. I’ve been doing these kinds of things for over 10 years and I’ve picked up a whole set of different skills along the way..
Hey at least your not a 30 year old that has no job but to troll people because their lives are so miserable, so that they had to try to make others miserable
Agreed. Like how exactly would it even tell you how supposedly attractive you are? It’s all subjective in every way. There’s do definitive attractiveness. Beauty standards literally change every few years, decades and centuries. Long noses were once a trend. Thick lips used to be looked down upon. Monolids used to be mocked, now people are getting surgery to get their eyes slanted. If anything, it’s just telling you how close you look to someone else that whoever is running the ai has deemed as “beautiful” they assigned positives to people with certain traits that they liked and then trained the model on them. Then assigned negatives to the rest.
I was diagnosed with anorexia at eleven. Hospitalized two days after Christmas. Spent two weeks inpatient and three months outpatient. It was horrendous. Every time I was tagged to eat, a gut wrenching guilt consumed me, served with a nice panic attack. It infuriates me. I feel like they’re making fun of ran EDs and acting like they’re perfectly normal and heathy. For the past six years all I ever think about is food and exercise. I have no friends. No social life. Just my family and a never ending cycle of thoughts. So glad I don’t have TikTok
Imagine what would happen to the cosmetics industry if everyone was satisfied with themselves! Don't fall for this BS, kids! Take care of your health and go be happy! You don't need this bull!
Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), or body dysmorphia, is a mental health condition where a person spends a lot of time worrying about flaws in their appearance. These flaws are often unnoticeable to others. People of any age can have BDD, but it's most common in teenagers and young adults. It affects both men and women.
I’ve been struggling with this for a while. Back in middle school I skipped meals a lot and it got to the point where I was skinny on a concerning level. I still saw myself as fat though.
I have this It really does make me hate myself but as a person overall I’m decent Looks wise some days are bad some days are not as bad but there no such think as feeling attractive I’m 37 I started living my life properly I’d say at 35 I’m now modelling despite having body dysmorphia and was surprised that most models I’d met also had it None of them believe they’re pretty and most of us went into modelling to try and see ourselves through someone else’s eyes Sometimes it really works but I’d say the editing process is stressful as you will find every flaw on your face and the photographer will only edit so much because they don’t want you to look filtered Sometimes can be frustrating I still dream of a nose job But I didn’t let myself get one when I had the chance because I thought I was being insane I now know k genuinely just have a horrible nose and it’s not in my head 😂 as ppl keep mentioning I have my dads nose Which is badly broken so it’s offensive
This is literally a YA dystopia. I'm not even kidding. An AI determining what human features are "beautiful" or not? If I could time travel, I'd go back in time 10 or 15 years, publish this as a story, and I'd be set for life. Or be accused of ripping off Uglies.
What’s crazy is how it even determined what’s “attractive” or not. I’m going to guess whoever is running the ai assigned “positives” to certain traits then “negatives” to others. Which just shows you that this is all subjective anyways. In about 10 years the standard of beauty will have changed. Just like it did 10 years ago. And 10 years before that. Long noses were at one point seen as very attractive but now people want tiny whoville noses. I can’t imagine what all these people who got all these surgeries will look like in their senior years.
@@ca678.4 yeah, so many people forget that "AI" doesn't really exist yet. Those algorithms aren't intelligent the way us humans are. They just do what they have been told to do by a human, using data that was first generated by humans. It simply reflects what WE put out into the world, it doesn't come up with this out of the blue. It reads what is being praised in a certain dataset and just applies it's observations to a new dataset, nothing more
The problem is that there are many different versions of "beautiful." The AI is running off of one type of "beautiful." For example, it said you were "not that bad" but I always thought you were beautiful. Different features look good on different people. The AI doesn't know this.
The thing is... if you slightly change the angle, results are wildly different. I've done it twice and once I had big forehead, then small. Same with mouth and nose
1:55 there aint no way. Hayley, youre the most DROP DEAD GORGEOUS girl ive seen on the internet. seriously. Aint no way a goofy ahh website call you 'avergae'
Yup. 100%. It’s so crazy how tiktok will literally freak out over some third party supposedly using their data from tiktok but will give their full face to something like this just to see how supposedly “attractive” they are to something that isn’t real.
@@LaMach420 I can understand it to a degree, but our culture has become increasingly vapid and shallow. This just seems like it’s playing into the whole “style over substance” trend.
Fr!! I'm so glad there are ppl like Hailey and most of her subscribers who actually aren't brain-dead and think that EVERYTHING they see on tiktok is real and true 😭 U guys literally keep me sane and keep the world running thank u so much 😭😭🙏
as someone who was in a residential program for people with eating disorders, starving does not "increase your brain power", and that's not just because you're thinking about food all day. it is a proven fact that without food your brain can't function properly. not only will your body become much weaker, but your brain will only have enough energy to keep your body working. it's sickening that people are repackaging and promoting disordered eating as something that will improve your confidence and strengthen your body when it's actually the opposite.
Right. Aswell proven a human body will literally start eatng itself inside out to survive. I used to have AN aswell binge eating disorder (now im recovered thank god), but all of this bs because of shit society, bullying like chronic one in past due of fucking looks only, when i was just a kid trying to idk enjoy maybe human experience? It is very sick what humanity has become and im glad there are still many people using their rational minds and brains.
I think images of starved Holocaust victims need to be brought out as visual aids. "This is what you start turning into when you starve yourself over a prolonged period of time. These people were starved intentionally by others, and this was the result." I doubt hollowed abdomens and pronounced ribcages are what they mean to strive for.
I would like to differentiate between people starving themselves and people practicing fasting. I have done intermittent fasting on and off for years and sometimes do prolonged water fasts. There is really nothing wrong with that. As long as you have sufficient fat your body will be fine and you can benefit from increased autophagy and insulin sensitivity. I have been doing this for years and my body hasn't exactly consumed itself as I weigh 103kg with about 14% bodyfat. If done correctly it can be a very efficient way of helping people lose weight as well, the body tries hard to preserve muscle on a fast, burns fat faster than on a normal calorie deficit and it can reverse insuline resistance....
I mean, makes you tired because of digestion, but starving means your body has to exert more energy and produce more adrenaline and cortisol, which makes you more energetic, but only temporarily just like not sleeping I noticed both of those things give me a slight rush
How can I eat food and drink water without my ex? Before my ex came over for a week and half he asked me if I had anything to eat or drank any water and I told him how I wasn't eating or drinking anything and he told me that Everytime he has asked me this question that I respond how I do not eat when he is not around. And looking back the first time him and I broke up I would make myself vomit and even though I was overweight that wasnt the reason why I just didn't know how to deal with the pain. The 2nd time we broke up I went from a size Large to medium-small (back into my elementary/middle school/ high school clothes) this time breaking up even harder one of reasons being is I can't stand myself for sleeping with other guys even if we are broken up because I still love him and wish I hadnt broken up with him and just went to psychward even if it only makes things worse i would of not been so stressed. Like I love cooking and when I go to grocery store or try to order groceries online all I can think of is either "Oh me and my ex used to make this" or "I never tried this food or recipe with my ex how can I eat it" or "I don't know the amount of spices or even remember the full recipes to meals he made." When he was over last month I watched and remembered some of his sauces he makes. And sometimes when I try a new recipe I'll make it for him and that helps it just takes so much energy and it happens so fast yesterday I sipped water and was so hungry but when I went to eat something I couldn't, even when offered food because i was going to throw up stomach acid (which has happened before) i think its called bile, and the word my ex told me i think is spelled famished. But as soon as he called me I made food and don't even know when because I heard a ding from my toaster oven 10 or 20 minutes later and was like I was just feeling hungry again and had no idea i made something to eat till I remembered being surprised that there was food in my fridge (I had given my ex my card to get food but didn't know there was still processed food in my freezer so I wouldn't have to make food from scratch. Which him and I have fun doing spending time with each other and knowing what goes into our bodies, but do not mind processed foods at all for me as long their vegan or at least vegetarian since we don't live in a Vegan friendly state. And he goes back and forth which I do think it's funny he sometimes says he's on a Raw Diet (not Raw Vegan because of him eating fish and eggs uncooked) but we'll go out to eat and I'll get him cooked meats. When we broke up this time he became Raw Vegan for while while working out. But I swear no matter if he is paying or I'm paying we ball out at restaurants with our low income selves it's such a nice treat to go out or order food (we both don't have a car) and spoil ourselves trying new foods like recently we tried Jamaican food for the first time because i saw online they had Jerk Tofu, Stir fried Cabbage and Okra, and got him Catfish and 3 orders of Okra. Now we said once a month we'll try something on their menu they have a few different tofu flavors. And other options with no meat. To be honest I hate stigma that vegetarian, vegan causes eating disorders because I have never tried so many other foods even foods I never ate before now that there are all sorts of vegan items I see online and sometimes at the grocery store that I feel safe enough to try and see what it tastes like, like I never had chili or a meatball sub before making it vegan homemade with my stepdad,mom,or ex and was like "this is what ive been missing my whole life." Which is a line Ive heard for 15 years since not eating meat and limiting my dairy to almost none
I’ve been suffering from some low self esteem/ image issues lately but what I did was: stop following accounts on socials that were showing me celebrities- I’m training my algorithm to show me animals and pretty teacups instead Then, I decided to do an “I am pretty challenge” in which the only rules are to be kind to myself and be kind to others.
@@Child-Of-God20 I do think I am beautiful but the challenge is a personal thing to help me remember that I think kind people are pretty and I want to be a kind person.
As a 20 year old male that has struggled with multiple EDs throughout my life, that have been very severe at times and it’s a fight every day…. Seeing other guys develop EDs openly and defend it scares me so bad… so many guys don’t understand what they are getting themselves into and promoting…it’s saddening and truly disappointing😔
I'm so sorry to hear this. I have struggled with one myself throughout my life....and while it's become more manageable as I age it never truly goes away. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Stay strong, I hope you feel better about yourself.
Let them, if they’re shallow enough to only care about looks then it’ll bite them in the ass later. I sound rude but it’s not our problem, they wouldn’t even listen to us cuz they’d say “I mog you” etc. You can’t get through to those type of people. This generation is gonna have a lotttt of BDD and EDs lol
Literally the only people who would use one of these attractiveness evaluation sites are people with low self-esteem. Someone with high self-esteem wouldn’t bother.
As a recovered anorexic, the term "starvemaxxing" made me cackle. Euphemisms on euphemisms; it's never-ending. Same shit, different day. It'll never go away. I don't know how people so often trick themselves into thinking these trends are anything but eating disorders. I have to laugh about it or I'll cry. I hope everyone can wake up and see what's really going on here, and I hope they recover well. Anyone bragging about not eating for four days straight is clearly in a very dark place.
The dude in the eye surgery vid saying that "most women opt to get it corrected" is so freakin sinister wtf. He's literally trying to shame and peer pressure girls into getting this procedure for a feature that most people have never heard of or considered a "deformity" until now (the feature is literally considered pretty and dreamy on women and many actresses like Audrey Hepburn had/have it, we're just gaslighting ppl about beauty standards now I guess)
Yes, this look was very on trend in the 60s and 70s with people like Twiggy, Cher and Paul freaking McCartney, and they all were considered beautiful people with tons of admirers. The makeup trends intentionally exaggerated or mimicked this feature. I hate that features are trendy, like just let people exist.
7:50 I believe so many men downplay women's looks is because they know that these women are out of their league so they critique their appearance in order to make them insecure about themselves so then they'll be like "Actually I'm doing you a favor by dating you" YOU CAN'T CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE!
If you actually believe that then you are somewhat delusional and conspiratorial in your thinking. Getting a large group of people to do anything coordinated is extremely difficult. A simple explanation is that women do not know what men want so they ask other women who also do not know and spiral into becoming unappealing. Meanwhile men are basically in the same boat not knowing what women want which is why our solution is hit something with a hammer.
Thank you for bringing up the “starvmaxxing” issue. I hate that it’s even a trend or considered to be a health benefit!! It’s nothing but a glorified ED. They may think it’s fun now, but it won’t be fun when they can’t get OFF that train! I seriously hope that TikTok starts doing something about those videos to discourage that kind of content. Keep up the good fight!! ❤
0:30 so one time me and my friends decided to play around with pink mirror, it was horrible. we searched up a photo of the prettiest girl in the world and entered it in, it was rated a 2. we put a LITERAL rat in the second time and it was rated a ten!
As someone that had an eating disorder, this is so so wrong. Borax is prohibited in foods in US. Not eating for 4 days is an eating disorder, and take it from me, can do so much damage to your body. I have been in heart failure twice, and have to take plenty of meds to reduce failure all because I was stupid when I was younger. I weep for the generation coming up on Tik Tok. It's a cesspool.
@@nicholasgutierrez9940Why the hell did you think this was an appropriate thing to share at all, especially to someone who is suffering from an eating disorder? You’re right, you are evil and disturbed.
The combination of Gen Z being so stressed about their appearances and using beauty products not designed for their skin is gonna cause them to age even faster and get wrinkles much earlier. How they don’t know this is beyond me.
I'm just really loving these loud aggressive compliments She would walk up to someone,shout 'YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT' refuse to elaborate and leave
i struggled with an eating disorder (specifically EDNOS) for many years. starvemaxxing is an insult to people with eating disorders and promotes an unhealthy relationship with food, eating, and your body. this is just so disgusting to me.
Although in the Fnaf universe (especially with Security Breach), that roast session couldn’t be further from the truth, considering that the Glamrock animatronics have the ability to have human emotions
I wish you would've researched and included the actual reasons not to ingest borax. Immediate side effects can be stomach irritation, vomiting, diarrhea, skin redness, rashes, and peeling. Long term side effects anemia and seizures 😮
I had the hardest time reading anemia. I kept trying to read it as anime but with bad spelling and almost left the dumbest statement on the Internet today lol.
The starve-maxxing one genuinely made me so mad. I have anorexia (i’m doing better) and to me it just seems as if those people are glossing over it. People that are OLDER THAN ME are making an eating disorder look like it’s healthy. At this point, I have no faith for the people on tiktok.
aren't these kids at school i literally don't understand how there is SO much content and SO many kids engage with it. It's genuinely baffling. How did we get here? This is insane honestly, it's like those buzzfeed quizzes we did as pre teens except instead of them being fun and cute they're literally MADE to make you upset?
People are waging psychological warfare on themselves via TikTok and it's so sad. People torturing themselves for no reason or for clout or I don't even know anymore...
It's demonic, that's why. Demons take great pleasure in watching us suffer and destroy ourselves. It took me a long time to finally see it for what it was.
this is why i’m not allowed to have tiktok. this is all so disturbing. drinking borax? wtf? i always used it to make slime during my slime phase. but for drinking? nahhhh
First, DON’T starvemax. You’re practically killing yourself BY STARVING. Second, 53?! You’re gorgeous. Third, WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO LOOK THE SAME?! We all have different body’s. They’re going to look different. To everyone: You’re absolutely gorgeous! Don’t let anyone tell you other wise. You got this.
When I was in early middle school I tried that pretty scale and its body scale. That was so detrimental on my mental health. It gave me an ED and so much self esteem issues. I’m 21 now and I cannot imagine being that same age today with this all over the internet
Okay the borax one is actually insane to me. There are literally countless plants on this beautiful Earth that will help balance hormones and are naturally anti-inflammatory 🤦🏻♀️
honey is an anti-inflamatory and it also tastes good. just eat honey. i drink honey mixed into my tea every day. i don't know what borax tastes like but it doesn't sound that tasty
just got up to the starvemaxxing bit and whoa boy take it from someone who used to only eat 1 meal a day for a few years (not really by choice) it not only doesnt work unless youre exercising (because your body is storing it into fat to use because youre not e a t i n g!) but its also really painful sometimes, why the hecc would ppl wish that upon themselves?? a healthy body isnt worth it if you dont have a sound mind first, youre just gonna hurt yourself further.
STARVEMAXXING bro that reminds me about ED tumblr and that online community but this time instead of being targeted mainly at women its now more equal with all genders on tiktok. Eating disorders are definitely going to skyrocket with these kids watching those tiktoks.
As an ugly girl, I literally dgaf abt looks atp like this generation is way too obsessed with “looksmaxxing” and rating HUMAN BEINGS as numbers on a scale. If I wanted to change, I’d get surgery, simple as that. It’s so dumb to me why people change for others and cry about this shit… it’s YOUR life 💀 stop letting other people dictate how you should feel about YOURSELF. And a reminder, even tho looks are everything (cuz let’s be fr, they are) just remember that this body and face shouldn’t stop you from being happy, everyone wants to look and feel attractive and you have every right to whether it’s surgery or taking care of yourself, listening to music that makes you feel good, feel cute/sexy, etc. Are you really gonna let your physical body and face limit your imagination and happiness? 💀🥱 we are more than our flesh. We are complex, sentient, intelligent, empathetic human beings, treat yourself as such.
You are not ugly. Though, usually good health+no too high levels of stress or realistic optimism+good fashion+health usually enhances someone “beauty” but in the end beauty is just a perception.
Me too girl. Have been putting me and my peace first. Best decision I've made. Honestly getting a glimpse of other platforms on RUclips be even too much for me sometimes ngl 🤣😂 I be baffled.
Good god, I couldn’t imagine wanting to look exactly like the rest of the population. This day and age has absolutely ruined the idea of uniqueness and having your own personality or style
I joined looksmaxxing just for self improvement. I was wrong. They were so mean and my self image god destroyed. Looking at this video healed me so much. Thank you so much.
I'm a guy, and the guys version of this whole looksmaxxing trend is sooo bad. I watch a lot of self improvement channels and glow up channels for boys (not Redpill crap lmao) just so I can try to become the best version of myself physically and mentally but every now and then I always see this looksmaxxing stuff and it makes me sick. From the bones smashing to the mewing and everything else it's just insane. I feel sorry for people who are that insecure due to beauty standards in society that cause them to take this route. Love your videos hayley! (Btw the cody rhodes shirt is dope! Hope he faces roman at mania ) 😅
The pretty scale thing is just using the measures we use in drawing to form a face, that are supposed to be "symmetrical" it's just a bunch of misinterpreted stuff, being asymmetrical doesn't mean ugly, it's just that we as humans are obsessed with measuring stuf, that's only a guide for drawing and some people take it too seriously, a story as old as time: people taking sh!t too seriously
it's because asymmetry doesn't translate well into 2d so we make sure things are lined up like you can trace a photograph perfectly but it might look wrong! it's not for irl use lol
I watched "looks maxing" go from an underground incel forum discussion to this. Matt Rife or however you spell it and his whole face changing was the canary in the coalmine.
I'm a 36 years old mum of a 18 years old amazing young woman and I'm not on TikTok since I found it psichedelically terrifying but my daughter sometimes uses it... you're my source of information on that scary Hell so that I can help her to immunize herself from the mental illnesses induced by the use of these social media. Thank you for speaking objectively, with healthy and sound words.
why, Sir? I wanted a child. I had the possibility, I was a young mother full of energy who played with her daughter a lot, and now I'm still pretty young, I have 2 degrees, a second level master in Data Science + PhD, great carreer and I have enough to guarantee her a bright future I hope I will be lucky enough to experience fully @@funnatopia704 I'm so happy I decided to open my amazing legs to her amazing father.
Am a psych student and we're already suffering from the multiple changes because of trends 😭✋ teachers can barely keep up at this point with how trends mess up teens and young adults
I call them clones , they buy the same things, same cars, same makeup, same procedures, constantly joining the same trends. Go sit and people watch sometime. You will see the same person walk by over and over :/ it’s chilling.
Ok.. im nearly 40 and have serious confidence issues, after seeing your results and you are absolute stunning part of me actually wanted to try it but i KNOW i would get an awful result and i KNOW it would upset me.. i cant even imagine how to handle that as a teen.
Keep going with your unique beauty, sounds, personality, and content. When people start looking and sounding like everyone else they lose that best and most attractive part, the uniqueness.
Starvemaxxing is fucking wild, swear to god this is going to raise a whole new generation of almond mums, except atleast this time the kids will be given to homes with sensible parents.
I have anxiety and stress and limited time to eat at my job and honestly i have now to force myself to eat cause i wouldnt eat properly !! My lunch/dinner break is 40 minutes being 7 on the way, more the line, more deciding what to eat the following day and then eat and then back to the 7 minutes to my actual place of work !!! My body got used to not eat properly and i wake with wanting to vomit, not being able to chew properly, and not being hungry at all, and i feel terrible and to top that i cant sleep at all, so please guys start taking care of urself, eat please u literally need food its ur fuel to live !!!
It really pisses me off because I HAD an eating disorder, which I had to work through, not because I had any problems with my body initially but because someone else did and they literally and routinely took food out of my hands so I couldn't eat it. I ended up really skinny for a while with my hair literally falling out from stress and malnutrition before I got out of that situation. My relationship with food after that was...weird... Basically I acted like I was a squirrel on a raft... I still have a habit of hiding food in weird spots. I also struggle to know what weight I'm healthier at because I'm comfortable being slightly plump (not fat, really, but definitely a couple pounds overweight) only people used to tell me I looked better rail thin. It does shitty things to your brain when you screw around with eating habits when you're young and it makes me so mad these dumb kids are inflicting that pain on THEMSELVES... This was something done TO me, I can't imagine doing it to myself... Just no.
My friends step sister was like at the hospital for months because she accidentally put her hands inside her mouth after making slime, it’s crazy to think people would do this just to “ look better “
starvemaxxing feels so dystopian and honestly mocking. i have an eating disorder unfortunately, and as im typing this, the only thing ive eaten today is a granola bar because i just couldn't get anything else down. it's a horrible way to live, and i'm shocked that people are choosing to do so.
THIS!! I’ve been struggling with my image for a while but have been very careful to only watch people who promote good and healthy messages about beauty and bodies. I watched ONE video of his and it was horrible, can’t imagine what it is doing to his followers.
Our generation is obsessed with looking exactly alike
But then the world would be boring because nobody would be unique😂
Begun the clone wars have.
@ville__ if your content is actually good you should promote it. Not go under other youtubers comments talking about how much "better" your content is. Werid dude, weird
@ville__Oh shit, you might actually not be a bot. But you also might be a very advanced bot...
these people need to stop looksmaxing and get with BRAINMAXXING
Hey guys I'm doing intelligencemaxxing today!
@ville__you make worse content than this bruh.
stop typing this copypasta like a dombas
Epicpoemmaxxing rn.
Until they start eating tide pods as remedy for ADHD and autism
We deleting tiktok in 2024 honestly..
No doubt
why you have it in the first place lmaooooo
Never got that garbage app
I already deleted it bout 2 years ago… like?? ‘Leggings legs’ now this??.. hello????
@@__VR__8 good point
as someone with anorexia, “starvemaxxing” honestly seems like it’s mocking us…
exact though i had it feels like mocking people with EDs or anor like you :(
i really hope you recover!! this kinda trend is really bad, i hope it falls of soon
It does.. I've had an ed before and it's not in anyway fun. The fact their promoting this is disgusting. Also I hope you have a safe recovery
fr like I got pretty pissed.
the thing is if someone is actually participating in starvemaxxing then they too probably have an eating disorder because this new trend is simply glamourizing restricting
I’m an old lady, I asked my cat if I’m pretty. He said yes, that was his consultation and then we both purred. 😁
I hope he gave you a slow blink too, just to seal the deal because he sounds like a sweetheart
aww what a nice guy!
Ain't NO way it gave you a 53% "just alright" when you're LITERALLY beautiful 💀💀
I know I'm pissed about that for real.
real she’s so pretty
So true ! You are incredibly gorgeous and unique. I am afraid this dumb AI compares real faces of real people with only one specific robotic face and judges people "ugly" when their features don't match with the robotic model's.
Pink mirror gave me a 7.1 out of 10 on a pic of me without makeup im so happy 😁
not happy anymore I did the pretty scale thing
"You're not bad" when she's objectively beautiful in every way, including on the inside
Clearly a.i knows nothing about beauty
I’m a 30+ year old media creator with aspergers syndrome who is a jack of all trades with a passion for fighting against cyberbullying. I’ve been doing these kinds of things for over 10 years and I’ve picked up a whole set of different skills along the way..
fr haylo is so damn pretty-
That's how you know it's a scheme. I can speak from a guy's point of view, she's a babe for sure.
Hey at least your not a 30 year old that has no job but to troll people because their lives are so miserable, so that they had to try to make others miserable
I'm not letting AI tell me if I'm pretty, AI doesn't even know how many hands a person is supposed to have.
Lol right
also AI has schizophrenia
I get it. Best comment 🤣
Agreed. Like how exactly would it even tell you how supposedly attractive you are? It’s all subjective in every way. There’s do definitive attractiveness. Beauty standards literally change every few years, decades and centuries. Long noses were once a trend. Thick lips used to be looked down upon. Monolids used to be mocked, now people are getting surgery to get their eyes slanted. If anything, it’s just telling you how close you look to someone else that whoever is running the ai has deemed as “beautiful” they assigned positives to people with certain traits that they liked and then trained the model on them. Then assigned negatives to the rest.
@ville__meanwhile u only have 1 vid on ur channel and it's a short
I was diagnosed with anorexia at eleven. Hospitalized two days after Christmas. Spent two weeks inpatient and three months outpatient. It was horrendous. Every time I was tagged to eat, a gut wrenching guilt consumed me, served with a nice panic attack. It infuriates me. I feel like they’re making fun of ran EDs and acting like they’re perfectly normal and heathy. For the past six years all I ever think about is food and exercise. I have no friends. No social life. Just my family and a never ending cycle of thoughts. So glad I don’t have TikTok
Im srry for u having anorexia two days after Christmas :(
Ngl kinda sounds similar to what I went though, I hope you are now doing better..
I really hope that you're doing okay - it's rough, but it gets better, I promise. You can do this and you're gonna get through it ❤
It's going to be ok! It's never too late to heal
(Edited for spelling mistake)
Imagine what would happen to the cosmetics industry if everyone was satisfied with themselves! Don't fall for this BS, kids! Take care of your health and go be happy! You don't need this bull!
Plastic surgeries were created after ww2 fir people who had injuries etc not for following the tiktok trends
Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), or body dysmorphia, is a mental health condition where a person spends a lot of time worrying about flaws in their appearance. These flaws are often unnoticeable to others. People of any age can have BDD, but it's most common in teenagers and young adults. It affects both men and women.
Sadly, this is true. It’s sad how society has made everyone so insecure to the point it can lead to this 😢
I’ve been struggling with this for a while. Back in middle school I skipped meals a lot and it got to the point where I was skinny on a concerning level. I still saw myself as fat though.
I have this
It really does make me hate myself but as a person overall I’m decent
Looks wise some days are bad some days are not as bad but there no such think as feeling attractive
I’m 37
I started living my life properly I’d say at 35
I’m now modelling despite having body dysmorphia and was surprised that most models I’d met also had it
None of them believe they’re pretty and most of us went into modelling to try and see ourselves through someone else’s eyes
Sometimes it really works but I’d say the editing process is stressful as you will find every flaw on your face and the photographer will only edit so much because they don’t want you to look filtered
Sometimes can be frustrating
I still dream of a nose job
But I didn’t let myself get one when I had the chance because I thought I was being insane
I now know k genuinely just have a horrible nose and it’s not in my head 😂 as ppl keep mentioning I have my dads nose
Which is badly broken so it’s offensive
I think this is an ED idk
This is literally a YA dystopia. I'm not even kidding. An AI determining what human features are "beautiful" or not? If I could time travel, I'd go back in time 10 or 15 years, publish this as a story, and I'd be set for life. Or be accused of ripping off Uglies.
The "Pretties" IRL
honestly 😂 make it thirty or forty years and i think you’ve done it
What’s crazy is how it even determined what’s “attractive” or not. I’m going to guess whoever is running the ai assigned “positives” to certain traits then “negatives” to others. Which just shows you that this is all subjective anyways. In about 10 years the standard of beauty will have changed. Just like it did 10 years ago. And 10 years before that. Long noses were at one point seen as very attractive but now people want tiny whoville noses. I can’t imagine what all these people who got all these surgeries will look like in their senior years.
omg ur so right I was wondering why this kinda felt familiar and this is basically the prequel to Uglies lmfao
@@ca678.4 yeah, so many people forget that "AI" doesn't really exist yet. Those algorithms aren't intelligent the way us humans are. They just do what they have been told to do by a human, using data that was first generated by humans. It simply reflects what WE put out into the world, it doesn't come up with this out of the blue. It reads what is being praised in a certain dataset and just applies it's observations to a new dataset, nothing more
The problem is that there are many different versions of "beautiful." The AI is running off of one type of "beautiful." For example, it said you were "not that bad" but I always thought you were beautiful. Different features look good on different people. The AI doesn't know this.
Exactly it’s just one type that the AI knows.
AI is probably doing it based on the current beauty standards, which are just hella unachievable.
The thing is... if you slightly change the angle, results are wildly different. I've done it twice and once I had big forehead, then small. Same with mouth and nose
also AI is subject to human bias and its not even actually intelligent, just machine learning
to it, your face is just numbers
And it's so clearly based on European centric features. I'm sure the ethnic girlies are gonna feel real good about this one 🙂
there aint no way. Hayley, youre the most DROP DEAD GORGEOUS girl ive seen on the internet. seriously. Aint no way a goofy ahh website call you 'avergae'
You can't convince me TikTok isn't mental warfare at this point.
BOYCOTT TIKTAK (and yes i am a 13 yr old girl saying boycott tiktok, i have never downloaded it and never will)
Also those websites are thinly veiled data farming sites for impressionable kids.
Is that even legal?? 😟
@@Ghs6 Yeah they just put it in TOS. What do you think china is doing with tik Tok...
Sorry I ment @ville_ not @vile_
Yup. 100%. It’s so crazy how tiktok will literally freak out over some third party supposedly using their data from tiktok but will give their full face to something like this just to see how supposedly “attractive” they are to something that isn’t real.
Another term for “Looks maxxing” is “personality minimizing”
Hahaha that was good!!
LMAOOO nah fr the most copy-paste personality and so shallow
Personality is a meme and doesn’t matter
There's nothing wrong with looksmaxxing itself, it just so happens to attract idiots like bugs to a light.
@@LaMach420 I can understand it to a degree, but our culture has become increasingly vapid and shallow. This just seems like it’s playing into the whole “style over substance” trend.
Personally, I think beauty is in individuality and really there’s nothing cooler than being unique and happy
Truth and fact!
Amen, brother!
Fr!! I'm so glad there are ppl like Hailey and most of her subscribers who actually aren't brain-dead and think that EVERYTHING they see on tiktok is real and true 😭
U guys literally keep me sane and keep the world running thank u so much 😭😭🙏
Cope unfortunately
@@dreamdesigns8514 lol
You using the app and getting a 53% is a wonderful example of why we shouldn’t trust AI with our confidence, BECAUSE YOU’RE LITERALLY GORGEOUS
If you have a rare feature on your body, EMBRACE IT!
as someone who was in a residential program for people with eating disorders, starving does not "increase your brain power", and that's not just because you're thinking about food all day. it is a proven fact that without food your brain can't function properly. not only will your body become much weaker, but your brain will only have enough energy to keep your body working. it's sickening that people are repackaging and promoting disordered eating as something that will improve your confidence and strengthen your body when it's actually the opposite.
Right. Aswell proven a human body will literally start eatng itself inside out to survive. I used to have AN aswell binge eating disorder (now im recovered thank god), but all of this bs because of shit society, bullying like chronic one in past due of fucking looks only, when i was just a kid trying to idk enjoy maybe human experience? It is very sick what humanity has become and im glad there are still many people using their rational minds and brains.
I think images of starved Holocaust victims need to be brought out as visual aids. "This is what you start turning into when you starve yourself over a prolonged period of time. These people were starved intentionally by others, and this was the result." I doubt hollowed abdomens and pronounced ribcages are what they mean to strive for.
I would like to differentiate between people starving themselves and people practicing fasting. I have done intermittent fasting on and off for years and sometimes do prolonged water fasts. There is really nothing wrong with that. As long as you have sufficient fat your body will be fine and you can benefit from increased autophagy and insulin sensitivity. I have been doing this for years and my body hasn't exactly consumed itself as I weigh 103kg with about 14% bodyfat. If done correctly it can be a very efficient way of helping people lose weight as well, the body tries hard to preserve muscle on a fast, burns fat faster than on a normal calorie deficit and it can reverse insuline resistance....
I mean, makes you tired because of digestion, but starving means your body has to exert more energy and produce more adrenaline and cortisol, which makes you more energetic, but only temporarily just like not sleeping I noticed both of those things give me a slight rush
How can I eat food and drink water without my ex? Before my ex came over for a week and half he asked me if I had anything to eat or drank any water and I told him how I wasn't eating or drinking anything and he told me that Everytime he has asked me this question that I respond how I do not eat when he is not around. And looking back the first time him and I broke up I would make myself vomit and even though I was overweight that wasnt the reason why I just didn't know how to deal with the pain. The 2nd time we broke up I went from a size Large to medium-small (back into my elementary/middle school/ high school clothes) this time breaking up even harder one of reasons being is I can't stand myself for sleeping with other guys even if we are broken up because I still love him and wish I hadnt broken up with him and just went to psychward even if it only makes things worse i would of not been so stressed. Like I love cooking and when I go to grocery store or try to order groceries online all I can think of is either "Oh me and my ex used to make this" or "I never tried this food or recipe with my ex how can I eat it" or "I don't know the amount of spices or even remember the full recipes to meals he made." When he was over last month I watched and remembered some of his sauces he makes. And sometimes when I try a new recipe I'll make it for him and that helps it just takes so much energy and it happens so fast yesterday I sipped water and was so hungry but when I went to eat something I couldn't, even when offered food because i was going to throw up stomach acid (which has happened before) i think its called bile, and the word my ex told me i think is spelled famished. But as soon as he called me I made food and don't even know when because I heard a ding from my toaster oven 10 or 20 minutes later and was like I was just feeling hungry again and had no idea i made something to eat till I remembered being surprised that there was food in my fridge (I had given my ex my card to get food but didn't know there was still processed food in my freezer so I wouldn't have to make food from scratch. Which him and I have fun doing spending time with each other and knowing what goes into our bodies, but do not mind processed foods at all for me as long their vegan or at least vegetarian since we don't live in a Vegan friendly state. And he goes back and forth which I do think it's funny he sometimes says he's on a Raw Diet (not Raw Vegan because of him eating fish and eggs uncooked) but we'll go out to eat and I'll get him cooked meats. When we broke up this time he became Raw Vegan for while while working out. But I swear no matter if he is paying or I'm paying we ball out at restaurants with our low income selves it's such a nice treat to go out or order food (we both don't have a car) and spoil ourselves trying new foods like recently we tried Jamaican food for the first time because i saw online they had Jerk Tofu, Stir fried Cabbage and Okra, and got him Catfish and 3 orders of Okra. Now we said once a month we'll try something on their menu they have a few different tofu flavors. And other options with no meat. To be honest I hate stigma that vegetarian, vegan causes eating disorders because I have never tried so many other foods even foods I never ate before now that there are all sorts of vegan items I see online and sometimes at the grocery store that I feel safe enough to try and see what it tastes like, like I never had chili or a meatball sub before making it vegan homemade with my stepdad,mom,or ex and was like "this is what ive been missing my whole life." Which is a line Ive heard for 15 years since not eating meat and limiting my dairy to almost none
I’ve been suffering from some low self esteem/ image issues lately but what I did was: stop following accounts on socials that were showing me celebrities- I’m training my algorithm to show me animals and pretty teacups instead
Then, I decided to do an “I am pretty challenge” in which the only rules are to be kind to myself and be kind to others.
@@Child-Of-God20 I do think I am beautiful but the challenge is a personal thing to help me remember that I think kind people are pretty and I want to be a kind person.
Based and kindpilled
As a 20 year old male that has struggled with multiple EDs throughout my life, that have been very severe at times and it’s a fight every day…. Seeing other guys develop EDs openly and defend it scares me so bad… so many guys don’t understand what they are getting themselves into and promoting…it’s saddening and truly disappointing😔
I'm so sorry to hear this. I have struggled with one myself throughout my life....and while it's become more manageable as I age it never truly goes away. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Stay strong, I hope you feel better about yourself.
I’m so sorry I wish you well
Let them, if they’re shallow enough to only care about looks then it’ll bite them in the ass later. I sound rude but it’s not our problem, they wouldn’t even listen to us cuz they’d say “I mog you” etc. You can’t get through to those type of people. This generation is gonna have a lotttt of BDD and EDs lol
“Big Forehead” 😭😭😭
She's a 5 out of 10. Ai was accurate.
Literally the only people who would use one of these attractiveness evaluation sites are people with low self-esteem. Someone with high self-esteem wouldn’t bother.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Everyone has different tastes and different things they find attractive.
This is so real
There is objective beauty, beauty standards which are the same all over the world which indicate health.
As a recovered anorexic, the term "starvemaxxing" made me cackle. Euphemisms on euphemisms; it's never-ending. Same shit, different day. It'll never go away. I don't know how people so often trick themselves into thinking these trends are anything but eating disorders. I have to laugh about it or I'll cry. I hope everyone can wake up and see what's really going on here, and I hope they recover well. Anyone bragging about not eating for four days straight is clearly in a very dark place.
yeah i've been skipping meals to try to become leaner idk if I should try something else
Trusting an AI or paying a random guy to tell you what to look like is almost as brain dead as trusting a buzzfeed personality test.
Ai is crazy for that, you’re GORGEOUS. I can’t stop thinking when I’m watching your videos “She’s so pretty 😭😭😭”
I was caught off guard by the "gentle stroke" and the very aggressive "THAT!". But VERY GOOD VIDEO ONCE AGAIN.
The dude in the eye surgery vid saying that "most women opt to get it corrected" is so freakin sinister wtf. He's literally trying to shame and peer pressure girls into getting this procedure for a feature that most people have never heard of or considered a "deformity" until now (the feature is literally considered pretty and dreamy on women and many actresses like Audrey Hepburn had/have it, we're just gaslighting ppl about beauty standards now I guess)
Yes, this look was very on trend in the 60s and 70s with people like Twiggy, Cher and Paul freaking McCartney, and they all were considered beautiful people with tons of admirers. The makeup trends intentionally exaggerated or mimicked this feature. I hate that features are trendy, like just let people exist.
My friend has it and BRO it makes her look like a GODDESS it's ungodly the amount of times I've complemented her eyes.
Yes! Thank you!! Shut up, greedy-for-gain eye doctor.
7:50 I believe so many men downplay women's looks is because they know that these women are out of their league so they critique their appearance in order to make them insecure about themselves so then they'll be like "Actually I'm doing you a favor by dating you" YOU CAN'T CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE!
Facts only!
"You're lucky I love you babe! Ur like so mid" - 🤡
That's a sign of a narcissist
A man that's like a 2 looks wise will look at a beautiful woman and go "Oh she's a 0 yadayadayada'
If you actually believe that then you are somewhat delusional and conspiratorial in your thinking. Getting a large group of people to do anything coordinated is extremely difficult.
A simple explanation is that women do not know what men want so they ask other women who also do not know and spiral into becoming unappealing. Meanwhile men are basically in the same boat not knowing what women want which is why our solution is hit something with a hammer.
As an aspiring med student, the way I had to pick my jaw up off the floor and back on its hinges like 8 times throughout this video is insane
As a non med student, same!!
like how are billies contacts showing???
Thank you for bringing up the “starvmaxxing” issue. I hate that it’s even a trend or considered to be a health benefit!! It’s nothing but a glorified ED. They may think it’s fun now, but it won’t be fun when they can’t get OFF that train! I seriously hope that TikTok starts doing something about those videos to discourage that kind of content. Keep up the good fight!! ❤
0:30 so one time me and my friends decided to play around with pink mirror, it was horrible. we searched up a photo of the prettiest girl in the world and entered it in, it was rated a 2. we put a LITERAL rat in the second time and it was rated a ten!
Oh my gosh… (just to clarify you mean an actual rodent and not a person right? 😭) to be fair, rats *are* beautiful
@@Banna_Rama42821 no i mean an actual rodent
Well 🐀 are adorable
As someone that had an eating disorder, this is so so wrong. Borax is prohibited in foods in US. Not eating for 4 days is an eating disorder, and take it from me, can do so much damage to your body. I have been in heart failure twice, and have to take plenty of meds to reduce failure all because I was stupid when I was younger. I weep for the generation coming up on Tik Tok. It's a cesspool.
Hi. I know this is going to sound evil. But I am glad my ex has an eating disorder and she is going through hell. I hope you are doing better though.
@@nicholasgutierrez9940Why the hell did you think this was an appropriate thing to share at all, especially to someone who is suffering from an eating disorder? You’re right, you are evil and disturbed.
@@nicholasgutierrez9940 I'm guessing this is an ex that me tally broke you in some way?
@@nicholasgutierrez9940 what the fuck dude
@@nicholasgutierrez9940 I love how literally no one asked and u felt the need to say it anyway 😭😭
The combination of Gen Z being so stressed about their appearances and using beauty products not designed for their skin is gonna cause them to age even faster and get wrinkles much earlier.
How they don’t know this is beyond me.
It’s literally called Pink Mirror. This is a black mirror episode
Fr fr
I'm just really loving these loud aggressive compliments
She would walk up to someone,shout 'YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT' refuse to elaborate and leave
i struggled with an eating disorder (specifically EDNOS) for many years.
starvemaxxing is an insult to people with eating disorders and promotes an unhealthy relationship with food, eating, and your body.
this is just so disgusting to me.
Damn you DESTROYED that AI. Verbally beat the hell out of it lmaooo
You roasting that bot was peak content 😆
Although in the Fnaf universe (especially with Security Breach), that roast session couldn’t be further from the truth, considering that the Glamrock animatronics have the ability to have human emotions
I wish you would've researched and included the actual reasons not to ingest borax. Immediate side effects can be stomach irritation, vomiting, diarrhea, skin redness, rashes, and peeling. Long term side effects anemia and seizures 😮
That’s why it works. Because instead of getting all those other problems, you’ll just die
I had the hardest time reading anemia. I kept trying to read it as anime but with bad spelling and almost left the dumbest statement on the Internet today lol.
Hayley’s got the prettiest freaking eyes. I love how she blessed us with a close shot of them in this video😌💖
Starvemaxxing? When i was a teen we called her Ana.
The starve-maxxing one genuinely made me so mad. I have anorexia (i’m doing better) and to me it just seems as if those people are glossing over it. People that are OLDER THAN ME are making an eating disorder look like it’s healthy. At this point, I have no faith for the people on tiktok.
aren't these kids at school i literally don't understand how there is SO much content and SO many kids engage with it. It's genuinely baffling. How did we get here? This is insane honestly, it's like those buzzfeed quizzes we did as pre teens except instead of them being fun and cute they're literally MADE to make you upset?
People are waging psychological warfare on themselves via TikTok and it's so sad. People torturing themselves for no reason or for clout or I don't even know anymore...
Ikr it's so fucked up
It's the start of the dystopian futures we have been warned about for years.
Propaganda. We are at war.....look around; observe those in your circle; cautious with your words.
It's demonic, that's why. Demons take great pleasure in watching us suffer and destroy ourselves. It took me a long time to finally see it for what it was.
this is why i’m not allowed to have tiktok. this is all so disturbing. drinking borax? wtf? i always used it to make slime during my slime phase. but for drinking? nahhhh
“She has potential.” Is what I say about npc sims before I lock them up in my basement.
that pic is photoshop lol
First, DON’T starvemax. You’re practically killing yourself BY STARVING. Second, 53?! You’re gorgeous. Third, WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO LOOK THE SAME?! We all have different body’s. They’re going to look different. To everyone: You’re absolutely gorgeous! Don’t let anyone tell you other wise. You got this.
sclera is just the white of your eyes. The canal tilt stuff or whatever is bullshit but sclera is just a part of the eye like the iris or the pupil
@UTubeTrollPolice298Didn’t someone else comment this same exact thing?
I love when you can see Sclera in the eyes ! Make me sad people would want to get rid of that
When I was in early middle school I tried that pretty scale and its body scale. That was so detrimental on my mental health. It gave me an ED and so much self esteem issues. I’m 21 now and I cannot imagine being that same age today with this all over the internet
right , on the school chromebook too. the body scale said i had no hips and looking back im like “duh, i was 12!”
it’s so sad 💔💔
Dang, people would do anything for looks.
@UTubeTrollPolice298Come on. If you really did make better content, then you wouldn’t have to be an idiot sending copypastas about being 30.
@UTubeTrollPolice298 ...? oh?
@@W1shfull.0it’s a bot
Well the better you look the better you’re treated…
@@caityy.is.better oh
Love this rant. Like our own minds don't tear us apart everyday anyways. Being an entire well rounded person was once a thing. I swear it was.
Everyone is a 100% on the beauty scale, especially you! I really love your eyes and I’m not sure why. Nobody should need to be discouraged like that
TikTok is an absolute mess
Okay the borax one is actually insane to me. There are literally countless plants on this beautiful Earth that will help balance hormones and are naturally anti-inflammatory 🤦🏻♀️
The prettyscale thing is bullsht.Did it a few times,one time it said 92% and another one it said 47%.
honey is an anti-inflamatory and it also tastes good. just eat honey. i drink honey mixed into my tea every day. i don't know what borax tastes like but it doesn't sound that tasty
Don’t eat it, it’s a household chemical it says DO NOT EAT
Antibiotic too. Honey dressings have been used for at least 4,500 years and are still today used to treat serious infections.
just got up to the starvemaxxing bit and whoa boy
take it from someone who used to only eat 1 meal a day for a few years (not really by choice) it not only doesnt work unless youre exercising (because your body is storing it into fat to use because youre not e a t i n g!) but its also really painful sometimes, why the hecc would ppl wish that upon themselves??
a healthy body isnt worth it if you dont have a sound mind first, youre just gonna hurt yourself further.
As a brazilian girl, the brazilian bombshell looks nothing like us 😅 we come in all shapes and sizes
Pior que é verdade nunca vi alguém assim aqui
Eu tenho olhos de peixe morto :')
STARVEMAXXING bro that reminds me about ED tumblr and that online community but this time instead of being targeted mainly at women its now more equal with all genders on tiktok. Eating disorders are definitely going to skyrocket with these kids watching those tiktoks.
Tiktok should be banned at this point .
Agreed! The sooner the better. It's so obviously a net negative for society.
definitely. there’s nothing good about that app
@@thisnameistaken331 True facts!
From the whole world and universe
I believe it is banned in Mississippi, Montana, and Nevada
As well as some places overseas
The fact that’s she’s absolutely drop dead gorgeous and got that rating
As an ugly girl, I literally dgaf abt looks atp like this generation is way too obsessed with “looksmaxxing” and rating HUMAN BEINGS as numbers on a scale. If I wanted to change, I’d get surgery, simple as that. It’s so dumb to me why people change for others and cry about this shit… it’s YOUR life 💀 stop letting other people dictate how you should feel about YOURSELF. And a reminder, even tho looks are everything (cuz let’s be fr, they are) just remember that this body and face shouldn’t stop you from being happy, everyone wants to look and feel attractive and you have every right to whether it’s surgery or taking care of yourself, listening to music that makes you feel good, feel cute/sexy, etc. Are you really gonna let your physical body and face limit your imagination and happiness? 💀🥱 we are more than our flesh. We are complex, sentient, intelligent, empathetic human beings, treat yourself as such.
Don't you call your self an ugly girl!
Girl you’re probably so pretty.The pretty’s girls think they are ugly.Your pretty irl.Dont think you ugly because of some one❤
You are not ugly. Though, usually good health+no too high levels of stress or realistic optimism+good fashion+health usually enhances someone “beauty” but in the end beauty is just a perception.
3 years off of all social media except this. Things keep getting worse every month 😂😢😮
girl me too 😭 i'm so confused with how fast things have gone downhill since i stopped using these platforms
Me too girl. Have been putting me and my peace first. Best decision I've made. Honestly getting a glimpse of other platforms on RUclips be even too much for me sometimes ngl 🤣😂 I be baffled.
@@zozofab02 gurrl a hot messs
Same here, boo. Strange times we find ourselves in.
Good god, I couldn’t imagine wanting to look exactly like the rest of the population. This day and age has absolutely ruined the idea of uniqueness and having your own personality or style
As a person with low self-esteem, even i aint falling for that😭🙏
I joined looksmaxxing just for self improvement. I was wrong. They were so mean and my self image god destroyed. Looking at this video healed me so much. Thank you so much.
Now i am actually grateful not having enough storage to download tiktok 💀
I'm a guy, and the guys version of this whole looksmaxxing trend is sooo bad. I watch a lot of self improvement channels and glow up channels for boys (not Redpill crap lmao) just so I can try to become the best version of myself physically and mentally but every now and then I always see this looksmaxxing stuff and it makes me sick. From the bones smashing to the mewing and everything else it's just insane. I feel sorry for people who are that insecure due to beauty standards in society that cause them to take this route. Love your videos hayley! (Btw the cody rhodes shirt is dope! Hope he faces roman at mania ) 😅
You got a recipe for the ultimate strawberry smoothie? Your pfp and username are promising...
Its a secret... passed down by generations @KustardKiraki
@@AzraelSeraphino 😂
Girlie your literally the prettiest girl ive ever seen in my 14 years of life 😍
The pretty scale thing is just using the measures we use in drawing to form a face, that are supposed to be "symmetrical" it's just a bunch of misinterpreted stuff, being asymmetrical doesn't mean ugly, it's just that we as humans are obsessed with measuring stuf, that's only a guide for drawing and some people take it too seriously, a story as old as time: people taking sh!t too seriously
it's because asymmetry doesn't translate well into 2d so we make sure things are lined up
like you can trace a photograph perfectly but it might look wrong! it's not for irl use lol
Remember when people used to say "everyone is beautiful in their own way " and now it's " If your ugly that's okay just get a glow up"
Thank you for bringing awareness to the issue. Some people are just crazy.
Have people really come around to ingesting borax, like tide pods 2.0? 🤯
I can't believe grown adults are that stupid.
I watched "looks maxing" go from an underground incel forum discussion to this. Matt Rife or however you spell it and his whole face changing was the canary in the coalmine.
If you see this, don't stretch your scrote. Don't do it. I don't care how many people start doing it. Don't do it.
I'm a 36 years old mum of a 18 years old amazing young woman and I'm not on TikTok since I found it psichedelically terrifying but my daughter sometimes uses it... you're my source of information on that scary Hell so that I can help her to immunize herself from the mental illnesses induced by the use of these social media. Thank you for speaking objectively, with healthy and sound words.
Looks like somebody forgot to close their legs LMAO
Yeah tik tok just is insane.
why, Sir? I wanted a child. I had the possibility, I was a young mother full of energy who played with her daughter a lot, and now I'm still pretty young, I have 2 degrees, a second level master in Data Science + PhD, great carreer and I have enough to guarantee her a bright future I hope I will be lucky enough to experience fully @@funnatopia704 I'm so happy I decided to open my amazing legs to her amazing father.
@@funnatopia704 by that logic, your mom forgot to close her legs too 🤷♀
Her attitude is like drama queen, I love itttt
This is ridiculous. Bless the people in this world who actualky have sense
Asian beauty trends and standards are becoming more popular here
Ain’t no way Sigh Asian countries are trying to get rid of it and it’s reaching the western
Yeah that stick leg thing is straight out of Asia.
@@Nikki_the_Gyes and definitely that hammer 🔨 method…
It's sad people are relying on AI to give the validation. I can't even blame them though.
I only use ai to flirt with it because I'm lonely and too shy irl to actually flirt with a human being 😭
@ville__ where yo parents at kid
@ville__ “💀female” 💀😭INCEL
@@stellartsuki i think its a bot
I better get into psychology and become a therapist bc it's looking like a booming buisness in the long run 😆
Cut the studies. Call yourself a Spiritual body connection coach. They will fall for anything.
This is so true damn... 😅 pretty concerning how obsessive people have become
Am a psych student and we're already suffering from the multiple changes because of trends 😭✋ teachers can barely keep up at this point with how trends mess up teens and young adults
haylo hayley is right
everyone is gorgeous!!!
I'm someone who has issues with getting up and eating and they won't be only thinking about eating, they will be in pain and thinking about the pain.
I call them clones , they buy the same things, same cars, same makeup, same procedures, constantly joining the same trends. Go sit and people watch sometime. You will see the same person walk by over and over :/ it’s chilling.
Ok.. im nearly 40 and have serious confidence issues, after seeing your results and you are absolute stunning part of me actually wanted to try it but i KNOW i would get an awful result and i KNOW it would upset me.. i cant even imagine how to handle that as a teen.
Keep going with your unique beauty, sounds, personality, and content. When people start looking and sounding like everyone else they lose that best and most attractive part, the uniqueness.
Starvemaxxing is fucking wild, swear to god this is going to raise a whole new generation of almond mums, except atleast this time the kids will be given to homes with sensible parents.
"Grandma, you have a sideways medial canthus and you need lip filler."
From Gen X. Thank you for being a voice of reason for the younger generations, cuz WOW! 💚✌️
I have anxiety and stress and limited time to eat at my job and honestly i have now to force myself to eat cause i wouldnt eat properly !! My lunch/dinner break is 40 minutes being 7 on the way, more the line, more deciding what to eat the following day and then eat and then back to the 7 minutes to my actual place of work !!! My body got used to not eat properly and i wake with wanting to vomit, not being able to chew properly, and not being hungry at all, and i feel terrible and to top that i cant sleep at all, so please guys start taking care of urself, eat please u literally need food its ur fuel to live !!!
1:56 the filter is straight un factual HAYLEY IS GORGEOUS WHAT THE SIGMA
i’m actually gonna cry.. everyone is promoting eating disorders and it’s so harmful .
It really pisses me off because I HAD an eating disorder, which I had to work through, not because I had any problems with my body initially but because someone else did and they literally and routinely took food out of my hands so I couldn't eat it. I ended up really skinny for a while with my hair literally falling out from stress and malnutrition before I got out of that situation. My relationship with food after that was...weird... Basically I acted like I was a squirrel on a raft... I still have a habit of hiding food in weird spots. I also struggle to know what weight I'm healthier at because I'm comfortable being slightly plump (not fat, really, but definitely a couple pounds overweight) only people used to tell me I looked better rail thin. It does shitty things to your brain when you screw around with eating habits when you're young and it makes me so mad these dumb kids are inflicting that pain on THEMSELVES... This was something done TO me, I can't imagine doing it to myself... Just no.
Tiktok rotted my brain, thank god im now allowed to use it anymore😭
My friends step sister was like at the hospital for months because she accidentally put her hands inside her mouth after making slime, it’s crazy to think people would do this just to “ look better “
starvemaxxing feels so dystopian and honestly mocking. i have an eating disorder unfortunately, and as im typing this, the only thing ive eaten today is a granola bar because i just couldn't get anything else down. it's a horrible way to live, and i'm shocked that people are choosing to do so.
Girl you need to talk about quoves studio and debunk whatever the hell that man is spouting. HE needs an ENTIRE VIDEO for himself
THIS!! I’ve been struggling with my image for a while but have been very careful to only watch people who promote good and healthy messages about beauty and bodies. I watched ONE video of his and it was horrible, can’t imagine what it is doing to his followers.
not ai telling Hayley she’s mid when she’s literally so pretty oml…
She’s extremely mid and worse of all, she’s the jealous type of girl