1st look at the new Nike Vapor Pro 3 Tennis Shoes: more comfort with updated support!

  • Опубликовано: 20 дек 2024

Комментарии • 11

  • @user-th8hx5vl9k
    @user-th8hx5vl9k 17 часов назад +1

    What is the difference between Vapor pro and Vapor 11 lines?

  • @cueilleursdecerises
    @cueilleursdecerises 19 часов назад +1

    They look much better than the pro 2

  • @BenjagoBenjago
    @BenjagoBenjago День назад +8

    Is it just me or does it look really cheap and poorly made…. Could just be the early release though

    • @tenniswarehouse
      @tenniswarehouse  День назад +1

      Hmmm...in my opinion, in hand they don't look cheap or poorly made, sorry that isn't translating! Wish I had more of the colors to show but only had the black one at the time of this video! The upper to me feels a bit more substantial than the previous one, and as mentioned, the entry into the shoes feels really soft and plush!
      Michelle, TW

    • @BenjagoBenjago
      @BenjagoBenjago 23 часа назад

      @ ok yes I take your word for it. The other colors will pop more for sure will check them out

  • @JeffreySkinner-t8u
    @JeffreySkinner-t8u День назад

    Nice looking shoe!

  • @bounce_hit3534
    @bounce_hit3534 День назад

    I’m excited for the shoe! I hope the echo chamber on the forums is wrong with this one

  • @allchannel1841
    @allchannel1841 15 часов назад +2

    It's a joke! Everyone was waiting for the original Vapor Pro to make a comeback (even the pros like Alcaraz, Rune, etc., didn’t switch to the Vapor Pro 2). But in the end, Nike came up with something worse: the Nike Vapor Pro 3 Turbo GP, ladies and gentlemen!

  • @jonathanchen1026
    @jonathanchen1026 День назад +1

    I really liked the vapor 11 over the pro 2, hopefully the updates are good! Had problems with the insole of the vapor pro 2 crinkling up when I played

    • @tenniswarehouse
      @tenniswarehouse  День назад +1

      The Vapor 11 gets updated in a couple months! 😉
      Michelle, TW

  • @Onanastic
    @Onanastic 14 часов назад

    It still looks too substantial for a tennis shoe, especially when compared to the vapor pro 1. I don’t understand this recent maximalism trend from Nike. If ain’t broke, then why “fix” it?