While chanting various Catechisms of the Imperial Creed, or.. ...The Emperor Protects ! Faith Is My Shield ! Ave Imperator In Excelcis Terra ! Blessed Are HIS Angels Of Death, For They Bring HIS Wrath Upon Mankind's Enemies ! Save Me !... etc
If you are a citizen of any of the millions upon millions of human planets who may experience some contact with Xenos, do not under any circumstances, have one single thought of being open to accepting any offer from a Xenos for peace, friendship and harmony. Even just thinking about it will invite all manor of problems for your entire civilisation. These people are so powerful, that they can sense your thinking, even if you don’t come to a conclusion about it. One day, you will receive a knock on the door and wish you never opened it.
@Cyberpunk9000 Well most hostile xenos are Orks and Tyranids, they don't practice diplomacy (Orks once did during the Dark Age of Technology, so did Eldari). Druhkari, there aren't enough to compare, though the ones you want to run into the least. The Eldari generally stay clear of humans as they don't hide in the Webway. Craftworlds are just too important to gamble an offensive war with. Haven't heard much from the dangerous Rangdans in a while.
Psykers are rare, but NEVER equate it to our numbers. In the world of 40K, numbers are exaggerated to the extreme. Rare to them is like, at least, 1.6 billion. There are cities in those million worlds whose average population is 30 times our current world population.
*To emphasize the sheer numbers:* 1 Hive City can house 10-100 billion. 1 Imperial Planet can have more than 1 Hive City. The Imperium has a Million worlds.
@@atheist101 and that is lore accurate funnily enough as it could all be faulty reports from the adeptus administratum, as it is an ungodly amount of information written and read by normal humans, all written in "paper" (parchment made from recycled human skin, as actual paper is only for nobility as trees are a luxury resource.)
@@atheist101I just want my almost borderline stratosphere & cloud shifting titans back. You know the one where they can shoot across continents just fine 😂
Bricky has another, ENTIRELY LORE CENTRIC CHANNEL, that basically nobody knows about called Adeptus Ridiculous. It is essentially deep dives for each individual faction that span between 1-2 hours or so
Its good, but doesnt make for good reaction content. Since its basically a podcast. And even then, they still follow Brickys "Fun before accuracy" rule. Good to listen to while working, not so much if yoy want an actual lore dive.
@@alphaxbox3728 nut thats what makes it fun for people who want some comedy with their grimdark. If you dont want humour and you want a documentary style approach then luetin07 and baldermort is channels i would recommend. If you want naration of the books then its A border prince.
Outside of books and things, there aren't any video games or similar media that take place in the vast history before 40k. That's basically mostly setup for the setting as it exists and for a game introduction to 40k, I'd say Space Marine 2 is a great place to start. From there, games like Rogue Trader are also really good if you're into CRPGs at all.
The thing about the Emperor is that he is Basically immortal and has been Is suffering for 10k years on the throne protecting Humanity. the good side is he basically became a god The bad side He's Basically a god Whose mind is fractured into a million pieces suffering because of the throne.
In the most recent novel at the end of the Heresy, it's revealed that the Emperor could have become a legitimate god, but doing so would have destroyed terra, so he turned down the power and instead fractured off the "good" part of himself and sent it into the warp. So he's not quite a god, but close enough to one that a human probably wouldn't know the difference.
I think whats the most funny about it is how much of a raging atheist the emperor was. Dude would literally kill you for talking to him about religion and now there is a galaxy wide religion based on him. Always makes me think of "the entire history of the world i guess" - "you can make a religion out of that".
Warhammer isn't so much a board game as it is a bottomless pit. Trust me. There is SO much nuance to this setting that makes it feel like you'd need a PhD to know where to begin.
40k has the richest lore of any franchise EVER, there are somewhere around 300-400 books, comics, videon games and a shit ton more, its a very generous franchise in terms of material, Have fun getting in to it! 👍👍👍
Man, i love seeing 40k newbies experiencing that “it” moment when that one particular thing sticks the landing and suddenly they want to know more. Welcome to 40k!
An important detail to the Eldars downfall is that they were basically immortal. After death, their souls would reincarnate, and the newborn elf would regain their memories in late adolescence. So, being killed in a freaky sex/torture musical was no big deal. You'll be back in 50-100 years.
Bricky's vids are a good place to start as they're quite fun (perhaps a few too many in-jokes at times for the average newbie to get) but he can be a little shaky on the lore in truth. It's fine though, because they're a nice way to get to grips with the basics and get a feel for the universe. There are also hundreds of really good animation shorts, game intros and fan fics to discover on YT that will blow your mind. I strongly recommend you start with the incredible fanfic animation 'ASTARTES' which really captures the spirit of 40K and badassery of the Space Marines- it's not very long but a real piece of impressive work.
Dude I'm watching your reactions with your girl and now you jumped in my universe. Love it. You need to watch more. A lot of lore (Bricky) and animations. Good luck and stay with us! Emperor Protects!
While Psykers are rare, at about one-per-billion, there are soooo many humans in the 40K universe, meeting the 1000 (or 10,000 sometimes) per day is not a major problem. Some of the lore places the population of earth alone in the Quadrillions, other lore has it at around 200 billion. But overall, people are a very expendable resource in 40K. Check out luetin09's series, 'THE IMPERIUM'S 10 WORST JOBS' for some flavour on that.
This is truly a massive universe of entertainment, there are video games to play, books to read, art to enjoy and at the heart of it all is a tabletop board game that offers a hobby for life!
21:00 miura was definitely a 40k fan. Each of the godhand is one of the four chaos gods, opposed by the skull knight, an immortal man capable of facing any one of them off, but not all at once(The Emperor)
No way, WH 40k is the best!!! Just started getting into it because of these lore video's. I personally enjoy building and painting the miniatures, very Zen.
The Eldar, Tau, and Necrons all use typically use alternative forms of FTL travel, but for the most part, the warp and crossing through it is your most common form of FTL in 40k.
Eldar still use the Webway, Necrons are so batshit technologically advanced that they simply have FTL travel in real-space because science, and Tau only kinda go into the warp, like dipping their toes as opposed to diving. The distance is shorter, the speed is lower, but much safer. And Tau have a weak connection to the Warp, so demons aren't really attracted to them.
Eldar still use the Webway, Necroncs are simply built different and travel at FTL speed in real space and Tau only kinda go into the Warp. It's slower, the distances are shorter, but much safer, plus Tau have a weak connection to the Warp and so don't attract demons as much
@@steelbear2063 They tried proper warp travel recently .... you can imagine how it went Yeah there is a reason why the Tau are starting to learn the truths of the 40k galaxy .... Zealotry and Xenophobia ...
@@steelbear2063 True, but for the most part, warp drives are still a rarity in Tau space and they fall back on less disastrous alternatives. At least that's MY understanding.
There's a lot of lore because they've been writing it since the 1980s And no one is good in 40k (no, not even the Tau), there's just varying degrees of evil.
Bricky's factions and space marine legions videos a pretty good basic intro to the lore. After that there are plenty of good channels that get into more specific things, one I would highly recommend is Wolf Lord Rho, he reads excerpts from the books and shorts stories, then talks about them. That way you can experience some of the lore directly.
Hell yeah awesome reaction! There is no one best way to start getting deeper into it! Just follow your curiosity and whatever you think is coolest and you’ll fine some facet of 40k to engage with. Could be listening to lore/audio books while painting miniatures, can be playing video games that feature the faction you’re into at the time, seriously whatever direction you pick, even just binging videos, is valid. Just know that every content creator has their own favorites and their own perspective on events, which tbh is half the fun as I feel like just how facts and events of history are hazy in 40k, the community understanding and interpretation of the lore can take on a mythological folktale aspect of its own.
17:25 the eldar were truly immortal at this time, with innumerable ways to come back after death. So the eldar of the time were comoletely ambivalent towards death- theirs or other's. A party where your most beloved friends flayed you until you couldn't hold on anymore and expired would have been a quiet night in at the zenith of The Eldar Empire.
Eldar was the reason humanity was able to progress so quickly. Their contact jumpstarted human efforts to colonize and were also the main reason for their fall besides the AI rebellion.
Check out "Angron Eater of Worlds" by Warrior Tier. This is a fully voice acted story of the Primarch Angron and its an emotional roller coster, what happened to him was horrific.
@@hootponca77397 Our corpse God casually burned Nurgle Garden and pushed back Mortarion like a little child and ressurecting Guiliman at the same time. You are running out of time traitor the wheel of destiny is turning =][= *We are the Hammer!* =][= Grey Knight out.
@@trynox4fun259 ahahahahaa! Grey knights? Please your petty knights do Not scare me! Chaos IS Inevitable! You may kill me, break my bones and sever my head from shoulders! Chaos WILL Consume ALLLLL! LET GALAXY BUUUURN!!!!
Warcraft was originally meant to be a Warhammer game, but they could not get the licence. Also The Emperor wasn't the only one with a plan, he killed.everyone else who had a plan and genocided their entire civilization
The RUclipsr luetin is the one that hooked me on Warhammer. He does a great job as well and is worth checking out. Also their is the fan made animation Astartes that is amazing.
If you are wondering, "where are the dwarves" 40k has those too! The leagues of votann are a race of short, stocky clone templates lead by massive ai cores from the dark age of technology, the votann, and its thought they were effectively an artificial race created by dark age of technology humanity to work raw materials from worlds in the galactic core for humanity's first empire. They were thought to have been wiped out by the tyranids, but recently have been rediscovered, so technically pretty "new" to the setting.
To explain that weird moment where someone else head pops up in front of Horus that is Alpharius primacy of the 20th legion who has a ton of hard to track and fully know lore as he is the head of the spying legion. Essentially one telling is he was the first primarch found but the emperor trained him in secret and let him watch the others as they were discovered
Beserk premiered in 1988, Slaanesh was first mentioned in Warhammer six years before in 1983. So no, but it may be certain aspects later influenced the development of the lore, but Warhammer certainly got there first
Warhammer, and by extension all the tabletop miniature games, is basically Chess but with a lot of extra rules. Instead of always moving a certain number of squares, you can move a certain distance, instead of a Pawn being able to take out a tower in one hit each unit will have health and need to be attacked multiple times, you can't attack through walls or other units, etc.
Bricky had some good suggestions for books for people new to the franchise at the end of the video, definitely recommend checking them out, they’re also available as audiobooks as well.
You could watch Luetin09 whenever you want to dive deep in the lore. Luetin is a bit meandering and speculative but his style is fitting for the setting. Warhammer 40k is a deep, ancient ocean and you can find anything you like in there, anything at all from esoteric cosmic horror to space noir to military fantasy or whatever else you could dream up. This rabbit hole has no bottom.
10:00 StarCraft was meant to be warhammer, but a single game that was meant to be warhammer 40k fell through after it already started, so the developers basically just created their own knock off wh40k universe. ….which means that everything that StarCraft is is WH40k watered down for copyright reasons… which means that StarCraft is a drop in the ocean of lore the 40k is… which is awesome!
You should check out his Every Faction Explained videos. I'd say they are possibly the best intro to 40K videos out there. And welcome to the vast universe of 40K.
As soon as he mentioned warcraft, I knew he was a man of culture! Would easily understand what 40K was going for. For me, the heroes of the grim darkness of the universe were the normal humans, especially Cadians or that Rambo guy of Catan. My most adored was a Commisar being mistaken for a badass when he's actually just a terrified dude 😂
I recommend you watch the What if the Emperor Had a Text-to-Speech Device, which is a funny/epic series that expands on the lore from the Emperor's perspective.
Traveling through the warp is relatively safer if you have something called a gellar field to keep the demons out. It almost always usually works. That's also if you don't somehow get stuck in the warp for centuries, or get sent backward in time or on the opposite side of the galaxy that you intended. Other than that, perfectly safe.
There's also another lore channel: *_Isyander and Koda_* that does dedicated lore vids for each faction, what they're like, what they're about, and how they operate. So if you are curious on learning more about that, give 'em a look. Oh, also, there's a semi-lore/educational series of videos by Dr. Chris Raynor that goes into detail on Space Marine biology and enhancements. More so on how it could be possibly made with real life tech, but still goes over how it functions in lore.
I love how warhammer can explore so many themes and relations and emotions and ideas by completely recontextualising them in a grim dark future our very own galaxy. Too many authors make their main characters basically the generic average modern thinking person even if they live in a world of magic and fantasy. In warhammer every character makes sense in the context they live in. They would be unreasonable in our context, but their thinking is in many ways the same us our, just in a different context. 1 x 3 = 3 2 x 3 = 6 Same method from a slightly different starting spot can have a huge difference in the long run.
I used to work for GWUS. Ran the Grand Tournaments, wrote Pub Quizzes, made the Rogue Trader Tournaments back in the day. It is huge, amazingly fun and expensive as frack! This is a rabbit hole unlike none other. Say goodbye to everything else you knew. Welcome to Warpspace dude. 😈
Welcome to all consuming universe of 40k! Bricky does a great two part faction explanation. Also recommend luetin09 for deeeep lore. Great reaction keep it up!! Remember The Emperor Protects, Always
Welcome to 40K! This universe is an addiction. Can’t wait to see what faction you will pick, it’s kinda like watching who picked their first Pokemon hahaha!
18:05 The symbolism is immense since it is indicative of what could happen to humanity as well. While neither extreme nor evil it is recognised that much of the new culture of the west is destroying old "limits" or traditions. The old family traditions are crumbling and children born into the new culture most of the time take it further. The Eldar are also very arrogant to the point it is almost genetic, thus causing an avalanche effect that no outside force could hope to stop it short of a war that they lose.
quote: "If you truly do hail from the realm that men once called hell, when you return there, tell your kindred it was Sanguinius who threw you back" and the demon he threw back was bigger then a house and he ripped a wing out with one hand and the other was chokeking the demon with its own whip
Idk if Bricky uploads much lore vids but you gotta check out Weshammer, Leutin09, Isyander and Koda, Arbitor Ian, and even Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer. All are my go to for lore, especially Weshammer.
Welcome brother to the God Emperor's glorious light! Now raise your lasgun, glory to his name the xenos tide shall fall before his wrath! Check out Brickys other videos, deeper breakdowns of factions, space marine chapters and the like.
Fun fact the Chaos Gods Tzeetch, Khorne and Nurgle were created in the War in Heaven because the Old One's decided to weaponize the WARP because they were losing. Now they didn't start out as gods they were weapons to be used against the Necrons and the Ctan but over the course of the War they feasted on the corruption of warp energy and became GODS. Also fun fact the SCI-FI film Event Horizon was heavily based on Warhammer 40k and is very good example of why you don't go through the warp without a Ghellarfield.
30:45 Humans are a galaxy spanning species in Warhammer with the estimate of 4 quadrillion population in the galaxy, even if the psykers are only 1%, that's still enough to feed the Emperor everyday for 10k years until the present time.
30:48 no it's actualy worse, There's a spectrum from blank no power to Omega lowest to alpha highest. You'd feed big E gamma and delta level psychers that's the sweet spot. Either way psychers are becoming less rare and there's billions of people across the galaxy in the 40th millennium. I did play SM2 and what I remember to this day is the scale of hive cities in the game. Amazing. I always end up talking about hive cities.
He's fallen into the rabbit hole. Welcome. The hole is unfathomably deep. Make yourself at home. You'll be falling for a long time.
Just like those kids in that volcano in Spy Kids 2
I just imagine falling into the endless pit from portal 2
*slow clap* *slow clap*
Can confirm
Soon after he comes across Luetin's lore vids:
"I have been falling for THREE HOURS!"
Just a tip. If you see a daemon then suddenly marines in grey power armor appear out of nowhere to fight it, run away from both.
While chanting various Catechisms of the Imperial Creed, or..
...The Emperor Protects !
Faith Is My Shield !
Ave Imperator In Excelcis Terra !
Blessed Are HIS Angels Of Death, For They Bring HIS Wrath Upon Mankind's Enemies !
Save Me !...
"If you see a demon ... "
See a what? 🤔 I didnt see anything ... nope. No I did not.
@razor1uk610 (*appears right in front of you*) Save you from what? Never mind, I'll just read your mind... and just to be sure...
If you are a citizen of any of the millions upon millions of human planets who may experience some contact with Xenos, do not under any circumstances, have one single thought of being open to accepting any offer from a Xenos for peace, friendship and harmony. Even just thinking about it will invite all manor of problems for your entire civilisation. These people are so powerful, that they can sense your thinking, even if you don’t come to a conclusion about it. One day, you will receive a knock on the door and wish you never opened it.
@Cyberpunk9000 Well most hostile xenos are Orks and Tyranids, they don't practice diplomacy (Orks once did during the Dark Age of Technology, so did Eldari). Druhkari, there aren't enough to compare, though the ones you want to run into the least. The Eldari generally stay clear of humans as they don't hide in the Webway. Craftworlds are just too important to gamble an offensive war with. Haven't heard much from the dangerous Rangdans in a while.
By the emperor, I love seeing someone at the moment they get hooked on Warhammer. Its a crack to me.
Warhammer 40k is so good, check out his faction series too, he goes in detail about all the factions.
Up voting this so hard
Every single faction explained by bricky is also quite a fun introduction to the setting. I recommend it.
Psykers are rare, but NEVER equate it to our numbers.
In the world of 40K, numbers are exaggerated to the extreme. Rare to them is like, at least, 1.6 billion. There are cities in those million worlds whose average population is 30 times our current world population.
*To emphasize the sheer numbers:*
1 Hive City can house 10-100 billion.
1 Imperial Planet can have more than 1 Hive City.
The Imperium has a Million worlds.
writers themselves are sometimes confused by the scale and numbers
@@d-pod_LEspecially with the Titans. So many discrepancies
@@atheist101 and that is lore accurate funnily enough as it could all be faulty reports from the adeptus administratum, as it is an ungodly amount of information written and read by normal humans, all written in "paper" (parchment made from recycled human skin, as actual paper is only for nobility as trees are a luxury resource.)
@@atheist101I just want my almost borderline stratosphere & cloud shifting titans back. You know the one where they can shoot across continents just fine 😂
This is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to 40k lore. It's a teaser. You have NO IDEA what you're in for.
Dont worry about where to start, find an interesting looking rabbit hole and dive. Have fun
Bricky has another, ENTIRELY LORE CENTRIC CHANNEL, that basically nobody knows about called Adeptus Ridiculous. It is essentially deep dives for each individual faction that span between 1-2 hours or so
thanks for the tip, looks interesting
You beat me to it. Adric is a great lore channel.
Love it. Found it a few weeks ago ❤
Its good, but doesnt make for good reaction content. Since its basically a podcast. And even then, they still follow Brickys "Fun before accuracy" rule. Good to listen to while working, not so much if yoy want an actual lore dive.
@@alphaxbox3728 nut thats what makes it fun for people who want some comedy with their grimdark. If you dont want humour and you want a documentary style approach then luetin07 and baldermort is channels i would recommend. If you want naration of the books then its A border prince.
36:29 watch his “Every Faction Explained” video for a deeper dive into the factions and races
Outside of books and things, there aren't any video games or similar media that take place in the vast history before 40k. That's basically mostly setup for the setting as it exists and for a game introduction to 40k, I'd say Space Marine 2 is a great place to start. From there, games like Rogue Trader are also really good if you're into CRPGs at all.
The thing about the Emperor is that he is Basically immortal and has been Is suffering for 10k years on the throne protecting Humanity. the good side is he basically became a god The bad side He's Basically a god Whose mind is fractured into a million pieces suffering because of the throne.
In the most recent novel at the end of the Heresy, it's revealed that the Emperor could have become a legitimate god, but doing so would have destroyed terra, so he turned down the power and instead fractured off the "good" part of himself and sent it into the warp. So he's not quite a god, but close enough to one that a human probably wouldn't know the difference.
I think whats the most funny about it is how much of a raging atheist the emperor was. Dude would literally kill you for talking to him about religion and now there is a galaxy wide religion based on him. Always makes me think of "the entire history of the world i guess" - "you can make a religion out of that".
Warhammer isn't so much a board game as it is a bottomless pit. Trust me. There is SO much nuance to this setting that makes it feel like you'd need a PhD to know where to begin.
40k has the richest lore of any franchise EVER, there are somewhere around 300-400 books, comics, videon games and a shit ton more, its a very generous franchise in terms of material, Have fun getting in to it! 👍👍👍
I just got into warhammer 40k also and bricky was my introduction to. Your picked a great video to get you started in warhammer 40k.
Please do more, I really enjoyed how well you get the lore!
Man, i love seeing 40k newbies experiencing that “it” moment when that one particular thing sticks the landing and suddenly they want to know more.
Welcome to 40k!
So far, this is the single best introductory video i've seen to get new players to join. It is a masterpiece.
Starcraft was supposed to be a Warhammer IP but Blizzard failed to aquire the permission from GamesWorkshop.
Bricky's two part 40k videos of all the factions is great, super entertaining and goes into more detail. There are two 1-hours videos.
An important detail to the Eldars downfall is that they were basically immortal.
After death, their souls would reincarnate, and the newborn elf would regain their memories in late adolescence.
So, being killed in a freaky sex/torture musical was no big deal. You'll be back in 50-100 years.
Space Marine 1 Anniversary Edition would be what I recommend playing first. You get too fight the Orks. It is on sale last I checked.
"This is just crazy now!" He gets it. He gets WH40k now.
Watching you smile and seeing you get excited brings me so much joy knowing 40k has another enthusiast among its ranks
The movie Event Horizon is basically about what happens when you travel through the Warp without your Gellar Fields(Warp force field) up.
Bricky's vids are a good place to start as they're quite fun (perhaps a few too many in-jokes at times for the average newbie to get) but he can be a little shaky on the lore in truth. It's fine though, because they're a nice way to get to grips with the basics and get a feel for the universe. There are also hundreds of really good animation shorts, game intros and fan fics to discover on YT that will blow your mind. I strongly recommend you start with the incredible fanfic animation 'ASTARTES' which really captures the spirit of 40K and badassery of the Space Marines- it's not very long but a real piece of impressive work.
17:17 the eldar basically turned their entire race into one giant diddy party lol
Dude I'm watching your reactions with your girl and now you jumped in my universe. Love it. You need to watch more. A lot of lore (Bricky) and animations. Good luck and stay with us! Emperor Protects!
I have watched this video and reactions to this videos so many times!!! it's a classic, I hope you do more
While Psykers are rare, at about one-per-billion, there are soooo many humans in the 40K universe, meeting the 1000 (or 10,000 sometimes) per day is not a major problem. Some of the lore places the population of earth alone in the Quadrillions, other lore has it at around 200 billion. But overall, people are a very expendable resource in 40K. Check out luetin09's series, 'THE IMPERIUM'S 10 WORST JOBS' for some flavour on that.
Yes, the Eldar had a treaty with humanity during the age of technology.
This is truly a massive universe of entertainment, there are video games to play, books to read, art to enjoy and at the heart of it all is a tabletop board game that offers a hobby for life!
21:00 miura was definitely a 40k fan. Each of the godhand is one of the four chaos gods, opposed by the skull knight, an immortal man capable of facing any one of them off, but not all at once(The Emperor)
The best place to start is the table top. It’s relatively cheap to get into and the games are pretty quick, nice convenient way to get into it 😁
No way, WH 40k is the best!!! Just started getting into it because of these lore video's. I personally enjoy building and painting the miniatures, very Zen.
The Eldar, Tau, and Necrons all use typically use alternative forms of FTL travel, but for the most part, the warp and crossing through it is your most common form of FTL in 40k.
Eldar still use the Webway, Necrons are so batshit technologically advanced that they simply have FTL travel in real-space because science, and Tau only kinda go into the warp, like dipping their toes as opposed to diving. The distance is shorter, the speed is lower, but much safer. And Tau have a weak connection to the Warp, so demons aren't really attracted to them.
Orks is the warp because it's a more enjoyable ride.
Eldar still use the Webway, Necroncs are simply built different and travel at FTL speed in real space and Tau only kinda go into the Warp. It's slower, the distances are shorter, but much safer, plus Tau have a weak connection to the Warp and so don't attract demons as much
@@steelbear2063 They tried proper warp travel recently .... you can imagine how it went
Yeah there is a reason why the Tau are starting to learn the truths of the 40k galaxy .... Zealotry and Xenophobia ...
@@steelbear2063 True, but for the most part, warp drives are still a rarity in Tau space and they fall back on less disastrous alternatives. At least that's MY understanding.
There's a lot of lore because they've been writing it since the 1980s
And no one is good in 40k (no, not even the Tau), there's just varying degrees of evil.
You've barely scratched the surface with this video. It goes much deeper than you realize. So many things have happened in this universe
Warhammer 40k is my favorite, excited to see you get into this lore.
that outro everytime, chills, literal chills.
11:30 The Necrons are quite heavily based on the Tomb Kings of Warhammer Fantasy. So, undead magicians from egypt, but in space.
Bricky's factions and space marine legions videos a pretty good basic intro to the lore. After that there are plenty of good channels that get into more specific things, one I would highly recommend is Wolf Lord Rho, he reads excerpts from the books and shorts stories, then talks about them. That way you can experience some of the lore directly.
Hell yeah awesome reaction! There is no one best way to start getting deeper into it! Just follow your curiosity and whatever you think is coolest and you’ll fine some facet of 40k to engage with. Could be listening to lore/audio books while painting miniatures, can be playing video games that feature the faction you’re into at the time, seriously whatever direction you pick, even just binging videos, is valid. Just know that every content creator has their own favorites and their own perspective on events, which tbh is half the fun as I feel like just how facts and events of history are hazy in 40k, the community understanding and interpretation of the lore can take on a mythological folktale aspect of its own.
The beginning of the video where he says he has a huge backlog of games that he needs to play is soooo damn true
That was a good scratching of the surface of a good intro to the lore.
Nice video ive been a fan of 40k since the 90s love the lore. Im a secret geek and i think you'll love it get stuck in boss
T GETTIN INTO 40K? Oh my days metal and 40k oh yeah 🤘
Bruhm I am now addicted to the lore.
Bricky's Faction vids are great too
17:25 the eldar were truly immortal at this time, with innumerable ways to come back after death. So the eldar of the time were comoletely ambivalent towards death- theirs or other's. A party where your most beloved friends flayed you until you couldn't hold on anymore and expired would have been a quiet night in at the zenith of The Eldar Empire.
The last few minutes of the video tells you recommended books to read if you want to get into the story
Dude, I hope you will continue watching Bricky's lore explanation, cause i subscribed.
I second that😁
Tuska daemonkilla... His story brings a tear to my eye every time
Eldar was the reason humanity was able to progress so quickly. Their contact jumpstarted human efforts to colonize and were also the main reason for their fall besides the AI rebellion.
@17:59 they were very aware of the existence of Humanity and Humanity was aware of them.
Check out "Angron Eater of Worlds" by Warrior Tier. This is a fully voice acted story of the Primarch Angron and its an emotional roller coster, what happened to him was horrific.
It warms my heart to see the slow descent of a person into warhammer 40k. Cant wait til he does a react to the Iron Warriors "birthing" program.
Papa nurgle loves you.
Welcome to 40k. Know this. Your bank account will SUFFER ;)
(Pulls up on fishing rod and sets the Warhammer hook) We got him boys!
Another video you need to watch is Astartes.
It is a fanmade short film. It is fantastic and garnered the creator many accolades and a job with GW.
30:16 welcome 😁 brother T
That's the first thing we heretics say about the emperor! 😈
yes inquisitor this one right here XD
@@Vyruz-oq6hw begone servant of the corpse god!! 😈
@@hootponca77397 Our corpse God casually burned Nurgle Garden and pushed back Mortarion like a little child and ressurecting Guiliman at the same time.
You are running out of time traitor the wheel of destiny is turning
=][= *We are the Hammer!* =][=
Grey Knight out.
@@trynox4fun259 ahahahahaa! Grey knights? Please your petty knights do Not scare me! Chaos IS Inevitable! You may kill me, break my bones and sever my head from shoulders!
Chaos WILL Consume ALLLLL!
@@hootponca77397 i mean grey knights have plenty of ways to permanently kill a daemon or banish it for a long long time it just takes a bit of work
Warcraft was originally meant to be a Warhammer game, but they could not get the licence. Also The Emperor wasn't the only one with a plan, he killed.everyone else who had a plan and genocided their entire civilization
Be careful of accumulating a "Pile of shame". 😂
The RUclipsr luetin is the one that hooked me on Warhammer. He does a great job as well and is worth checking out. Also their is the fan made animation Astartes that is amazing.
If you are wondering, "where are the dwarves" 40k has those too!
The leagues of votann are a race of short, stocky clone templates lead by massive ai cores from the dark age of technology, the votann, and its thought they were effectively an artificial race created by dark age of technology humanity to work raw materials from worlds in the galactic core for humanity's first empire.
They were thought to have been wiped out by the tyranids, but recently have been rediscovered, so technically pretty "new" to the setting.
It USED to be 1000 psychers per day to keep me alive. Now it's 4000 because ... uh ... reasons.
To explain that weird moment where someone else head pops up in front of Horus that is Alpharius primacy of the 20th legion who has a ton of hard to track and fully know lore as he is the head of the spying legion. Essentially one telling is he was the first primarch found but the emperor trained him in secret and let him watch the others as they were discovered
21:07 actually the other way around. Berzerk came first, and literally inspired slaanesh and it’s further developing story over the years.
Beserk premiered in 1988, Slaanesh was first mentioned in Warhammer six years before in 1983. So no, but it may be certain aspects later influenced the development of the lore, but Warhammer certainly got there first
@@cerisambrook7692ya, Berzerk has also alot more stuff based on Warhammer
Warhammer, and by extension all the tabletop miniature games, is basically Chess but with a lot of extra rules.
Instead of always moving a certain number of squares, you can move a certain distance, instead of a Pawn being able to take out a tower in one hit each unit will have health and need to be attacked multiple times, you can't attack through walls or other units, etc.
For those that want to know the answer is Leuton. Leuton is the answer.
good time to get into it the show will be coming in the future so this is a good rough overview to help with whatever will be involved in the show
Bricky had some good suggestions for books for people new to the franchise at the end of the video, definitely recommend checking them out, they’re also available as audiobooks as well.
You could watch Luetin09 whenever you want to dive deep in the lore. Luetin is a bit meandering and speculative but his style is fitting for the setting. Warhammer 40k is a deep, ancient ocean and you can find anything you like in there, anything at all from esoteric cosmic horror to space noir to military fantasy or whatever else you could dream up. This rabbit hole has no bottom.
10:00 StarCraft was meant to be warhammer, but a single game that was meant to be warhammer 40k fell through after it already started, so the developers basically just created their own knock off wh40k universe.
….which means that everything that StarCraft is is WH40k watered down for copyright reasons… which means that StarCraft is a drop in the ocean of lore the 40k is… which is awesome!
You should check out his Every Faction Explained videos. I'd say they are possibly the best intro to 40K videos out there. And welcome to the vast universe of 40K.
1:30 warcraft was base on Warhammer fantasy, StarCraft based on Warhammer 40k
As soon as he mentioned warcraft, I knew he was a man of culture! Would easily understand what 40K was going for. For me, the heroes of the grim darkness of the universe were the normal humans, especially Cadians or that Rambo guy of Catan. My most adored was a Commisar being mistaken for a badass when he's actually just a terrified dude 😂
I recommend you watch the What if the Emperor Had a Text-to-Speech Device, which is a funny/epic series that expands on the lore from the Emperor's perspective.
Bricky makes quite a few mistakes but as an introduction this is more than serviceable
Traveling through the warp is relatively safer if you have something called a gellar field to keep the demons out. It almost always usually works. That's also if you don't somehow get stuck in the warp for centuries, or get sent backward in time or on the opposite side of the galaxy that you intended. Other than that, perfectly safe.
Yeah, millions of ships are traveling through the warp every day.
There's also another lore channel: *_Isyander and Koda_* that does dedicated lore vids for each faction, what they're like, what they're about, and how they operate. So if you are curious on learning more about that, give 'em a look.
Oh, also, there's a semi-lore/educational series of videos by Dr. Chris Raynor that goes into detail on Space Marine biology and enhancements. More so on how it could be possibly made with real life tech, but still goes over how it functions in lore.
There are so many books to explore (or audiobooks) to expand your knowledgte!
I love how warhammer can explore so many themes and relations and emotions and ideas by completely recontextualising them in a grim dark future our very own galaxy.
Too many authors make their main characters basically the generic average modern thinking person even if they live in a world of magic and fantasy.
In warhammer every character makes sense in the context they live in. They would be unreasonable in our context, but their thinking is in many ways the same us our, just in a different context.
1 x 3 = 3
2 x 3 = 6
Same method from a slightly different starting spot can have a huge difference in the long run.
I used to work for GWUS. Ran the Grand Tournaments, wrote Pub Quizzes, made the Rogue Trader Tournaments back in the day.
It is huge, amazingly fun and expensive as frack!
This is a rabbit hole unlike none other. Say goodbye to everything else you knew. Welcome to Warpspace dude. 😈
Your studio looks sick af !!! 😮
Yo your fans didn't give you the lore they gave you the DEEP lore!!! 😱😱😱
Welcome to all consuming universe of 40k! Bricky does a great two part faction explanation. Also recommend luetin09 for deeeep lore. Great reaction keep it up!! Remember
The Emperor Protects, Always
Welcome to 40K! This universe is an addiction. Can’t wait to see what faction you will pick, it’s kinda like watching who picked their first Pokemon hahaha!
My 2 favourite chapters 1 being the space sharks and a close second is the Imperial Fists but welcome to war hammer 40k 😂
18:05 The symbolism is immense since it is indicative of what could happen to humanity as well. While neither extreme nor evil it is recognised that much of the new culture of the west is destroying old "limits" or traditions. The old family traditions are crumbling and children born into the new culture most of the time take it further. The Eldar are also very arrogant to the point it is almost genetic, thus causing an avalanche effect that no outside force could hope to stop it short of a war that they lose.
quote: "If you truly do hail from the realm that men once called hell,
when you return there, tell your kindred it was Sanguinius who threw you back" and the demon he threw back was bigger then a house
and he ripped a wing out with one hand and the other was chokeking the demon with its own whip
Idk if Bricky uploads much lore vids but you gotta check out Weshammer, Leutin09, Isyander and Koda, Arbitor Ian, and even Baldermort's Guide to Warhammer. All are my go to for lore, especially Weshammer.
☠️ Welcome Sir! The Emperror protects! ☠️
Anyone ever read The Malazan Book of the Fallen? Warp travel reminds me of that trade/delivery company that travelled the Warrens
Everybody has a plan until Horus punch the Emperor in the face.
Welcome brother to the God Emperor's glorious light! Now raise your lasgun, glory to his name the xenos tide shall fall before his wrath!
Check out Brickys other videos, deeper breakdowns of factions, space marine chapters and the like.
Fun fact the Chaos Gods Tzeetch, Khorne and Nurgle were created in the War in Heaven because the Old One's decided to weaponize the WARP because they were losing. Now they didn't start out as gods they were weapons to be used against the Necrons and the Ctan but over the course of the War they feasted on the corruption of warp energy and became GODS.
Also fun fact the SCI-FI film Event Horizon was heavily based on Warhammer 40k and is very good example of why you don't go through the warp without a Ghellarfield.
30:45 Humans are a galaxy spanning species in Warhammer with the estimate of 4 quadrillion population in the galaxy, even if the psykers are only 1%, that's still enough to feed the Emperor everyday for 10k years until the present time.
More like 15 quadrillion in the Imperium, there are on average 15 billion psykers at any given time
@@DocDeeISC Praise the Emperor
Ive been playing for 30years. long before the Internet... welcome to war.
30:48 no it's actualy worse, There's a spectrum from blank no power to Omega lowest to alpha highest. You'd feed big E gamma and delta level psychers that's the sweet spot.
Either way psychers are becoming less rare and there's billions of people across the galaxy in the 40th millennium.
I did play SM2 and what I remember to this day is the scale of hive cities in the game. Amazing.
I always end up talking about hive cities.
The Eldar are very special among the elven community nobody else has ever murder Fúçked an evil God into existence LOL