옛날 광고들 재미있게 잘 보고 있습니다. 취향에 따라 오래전 음악들을 향유하듯이 옛날 광고들도 이렇게 즐길 수 있으니 너무 즐겁습니다. 혹시 90년대 tbs 교통방송 라디오의 캠페인들을 모아서 들어볼 기회가 있었으면 합니다. 어릴때 아버지와 함께 차를 타고 시골에 내려갈 때 틀어놓으시던 채널이 교통방송이라 아직도 진한 추억으로 남아 있습니다. 그때 추억속으로 한번 들어가보고 싶네요. 다시한번 좋은 자료들 감사드립니다.
I like the ad at 14:03 ~ 14:18, the actress on the right looks so beautiful and elegant. Could someone translate the ad or tell me what the ad says please? Would like to know what she's saying.
It is an advertisement for dandruff removal shampoo. And the person wearing black on the right is Korean actress 'Kim Ha-neul'. - (* 'Sopoongsan' is an oriental medicine prescription for skin diseases.) (BGM: Jeong Min-a - Lullaby of Birdland) Narration: She said she was confident in dandruff, but she bowed to the neatness of the East. (14:15 Subtitle: 'Sopoongsan'* of 12 ingredients such as ginseng and allies) Clean even the deep dandruff, 'Curea Sopoongsan'. - It is an anti dandruff shampoo commercial for LG Household & Health Care released in 2007. This product emphasizes that its performance is superior to other dandruff removal shampoos using oriental medicine ingredients. I am not good at English, so the sentences may be awkward. Anyway, I hope it helps.
@@yopibing That helps a lot, thank you so much for the translation! Your English is good, don't worry about it haha. And thanks for telling me about Sopoongsan, I learned something new today :) Also do you often come across shampoo commercials? That's just something I'm somewhat interested in.
@@hundsliao5515 I'm glad it helped you understand. 😄 It is only included when found by chance, and the frequency of uploading the video is not constant, so it will be difficult to tell you the exact frequency. However, personally, if I upload the video five times, it seems that there are more than two to three videos. Thanks for watching my videos and for your interest in the content that appears. I hope you'll have a comfortable night.
레쓰비 광고에 이문세 님이 내레이션 해주시니 거부감이 전혀 없어서 편안하고 좋았어요
80년대 생이라 2천년대 광고는 아주 옛날광고는 아닌데, 여기까지 오면서 정말 귀하게 봤어요. 다음 업로드도 기대하겠습니다^^
댓글수정하니까 요피님의 하트가 사라졌네요😭
다시 눌러드렸습니다😄
8:07에 딤채광고 인줄알았다..마지막에 띵 이러는거 보니깐
이때 이등병이라서 한창 개갈굼 먹을 때라 잊혀지지도 않음 ㅋㅋ
22:30 특히 한국타이어 광고는 점호 기다리면 TV에서
광고 줄창 나올 때라서 더 기억에 남네요 ㅋ
5:31 흥보가 기가막혀
옛날 광고들 재미있게 잘 보고 있습니다. 취향에 따라 오래전 음악들을 향유하듯이 옛날 광고들도 이렇게 즐길 수 있으니 너무 즐겁습니다.
혹시 90년대 tbs 교통방송 라디오의 캠페인들을 모아서 들어볼 기회가 있었으면 합니다.
어릴때 아버지와 함께 차를 타고 시골에 내려갈 때 틀어놓으시던 채널이 교통방송이라 아직도 진한 추억으로 남아 있습니다.
그때 추억속으로 한번 들어가보고 싶네요.
다시한번 좋은 자료들 감사드립니다.
아직 TBS 자료는 나와있는 곳이 없네요ㅠㅠ
저도 감사드립니다!
벌써 15년이 되어는데 광고 하나하나 기억나네
고등학교 입학식전 예비소집일전에 보던것들 ㄷㄷㅋㅋ
이야 08학번인데 다 기억나는것 같다
0:42 00700
나 초6학년으로 막 올라갈때 했던 광고
I like the ad at 14:03 ~ 14:18, the actress on the right looks so beautiful and elegant.
Could someone translate the ad or tell me what the ad says please? Would like to know what she's saying.
It is an advertisement for dandruff removal shampoo.
And the person wearing black on the right is Korean actress 'Kim Ha-neul'.
(* 'Sopoongsan' is an oriental medicine prescription for skin diseases.)
(BGM: Jeong Min-a - Lullaby of Birdland)
Narration: She said she was confident in dandruff, but she bowed to the neatness of the East.
(14:15 Subtitle: 'Sopoongsan'* of 12 ingredients such as ginseng and allies)
Clean even the deep dandruff, 'Curea Sopoongsan'.
It is an anti dandruff shampoo commercial for LG Household & Health Care released in 2007. This product emphasizes that its performance is superior to other dandruff removal shampoos using oriental medicine ingredients.
I am not good at English, so the sentences may be awkward. Anyway, I hope it helps.
@@yopibing That helps a lot, thank you so much for the translation! Your English is good, don't worry about it haha. And thanks for telling me about Sopoongsan, I learned something new today :)
Also do you often come across shampoo commercials? That's just something I'm somewhat interested in.
@@hundsliao5515 I'm glad it helped you understand. 😄
It is only included when found by chance, and the frequency of uploading the video is not constant, so it will be difficult to tell you the exact frequency.
However, personally, if I upload the video five times, it seems that there are more than two to three videos.
Thanks for watching my videos and for your interest in the content that appears. I hope you'll have a comfortable night.
제16대 노무현 대통령 임기 종료
제17대 이명박 대통령 임기 시작!
나는헌법을준수하고국가를보위하며 조국평화통일 국민자유 복리증진 및 민족문화창달에노력하여 대통령으로서의직책을성실히수행할것을 국민앞에엄숙히선서합니다
2008.2.25 대통령 이명박
새로운60년을시작하는첫해인 2008년을대한민국선진화 원년으로선포합니다 산업화민주화결실을소중하게가꾸고 각자가스스로자기몫을다하며 공공복리를위해협력하는사회 풍요배려와품격이넘치는 나라를향한장엄한출발을선언합니다 어렵고고통스럽더라도 더빨리변해야합니다