Should I stop doing CW and start doing FT8?

  • Опубликовано: 19 май 2024
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Комментарии • 21

  • @N4AAJ
    @N4AAJ 12 дней назад +1

    Hey Andre, I am a software engineer and have zero interest in ft8. It's neat, but there is no challenge in it, IMO. But, lots of folks enjoy it. And sure, like all other modes, it has a place. Regardless, I glad it gets and keeps people on the radio! I've also shared your frustration in calling cq to no avail regardless of conditions. Just so you know, I have a hamalert on your call sign and will give you a call from KY (lol) every time I hear you :) All we can do is make as much noise as possible and like you said, answer every cq we hear. Sota and Pota are a lot of fun. I think those two programs are probably the best thing to happen to Amatuer Radio in a long time. My wife took interest to radio due to Pota and Sota. She just passed her Extra exam! I really enjoy watching her trying to bust pileups to chase Pota stations and having fun. Please let us how the ft8 portable works out. Might definitely enhance your time in the field. I have to admit, I've had the same thoughts about giving it another shot. Cw is and always will be my favorite mode. Im still learning all the time. Thats what I love about it! Look forward to hearing you on the bands. 73 es cul de N4AAJ

    • @ve2zdx
      @ve2zdx  12 дней назад +1

      Yes, for devs I think the last thing we want after work is to click on more stuff on a screen hahaha 73!

  • @kuyakano8976
    @kuyakano8976 12 дней назад

    Hello Andre, interesting video and perspective. The gist I get is that you are looking for interest and find it lacking at times. To garner interest on the radio waves, it much depends on location. Pota and Sota might be a way forward for you, depending on your family situation.
    As an older Ham, my view is that FT8 is stress free. There is a lot less fatigue compared to CW and yet there can be quite a bit of excitement as well, chasing a new entity or grid locator. Personally I find it relaxing hunting for contacts on screen while enjoying a bowl of pipe tobacco :). Needless to say I operate exclusively from the comfort of my garden shed. Wire antennas only.
    Then there is the organic thrill of CW, whether it is a longer rag chew or a quick 599 from a dx station. Some Hams complain about the report/73s mentality of FT8. Perhaps they don't always realize that it is not much different when hunting dx in phone or CW. A quick contact and moving on to the next.
    For your type of activity and maintaining a level of satisfaction, FT8 could be a good backup to make at least some contacts. FT8 hears way below what the human ear can discern. To make it challenging, perhaps reduce your power to milliwatts.This is something I do often when using digital modes, in the spirit of let's make it more challenging for the mode to copy me.
    Having said all that, I do believe that viewers may find watching a video with only FT8 contacts very boring. You mentioned that you consider YT as a logging/repository tool. Maybe consider giving it a little bit extra spice (lower power on FT8, mix with phone and CW when there's plenty of activity), if only for your children to look back decades from now, so they see what their old man has been up to! I'd also like to say that I enjoyed the tales of your CB experiences while in Brasil. Any more CB war stories from a South-American perspective will be greatly appreciated.

  • @Paul-VA4ADM
    @Paul-VA4ADM 13 дней назад

    I feel you André. Also working in IT. Huge fan of CW but you are right not a lot of people working CW.
    In my experience SSB gives me the most contacts following by CW -> FT4 - > FT8.
    I operate FT4/8 just to give a park to the hunters. I consider FT8/4 as a tool. CW is romantic mode, it's a mastery. But nothing beats the warmth of human voice.

  • @lstavenhagen
    @lstavenhagen 9 дней назад

    I too do amateur radio & CW primarily to get away from computers... I also do IT/programming for a living and hate messing around with buggy software and cranky, bad connections, etc. I tried PSK31 years ago and it got old really quick. But FT8 is intriguing and I'm tempted to try digital modes again at some point. Also interested in POTA and plan to take my IC-705 out to activate some parks in my area, though nowadays it's too hot to do that until about next Oct.... So I hear ya, 73, AI5QA

  • @jimrobinson941
    @jimrobinson941 12 дней назад

    Hello Andre..old ham from can military in 1962 as ve3rcs (Signal Corps) then 80yrs and fist no good for c.w. therefore I just love ur future winters its going to get pull up ur socks and keep it up..maybe u get small lien-too, keep out in mtl also so very envious of ur situation.....keep it up..........

    • @ve2zdx
      @ve2zdx  12 дней назад

      Thanks for the kind words!

  • @EvanK2EJT
    @EvanK2EJT 11 дней назад +1

    It's funny, because I'm an equal opportunity ham. I'll use any mode. I'm not picky. Now, I enjoy CW the most, but I'll often hop on FT8 in the morning and see what I can work gray line just for giggles. As far as I'm concerned, if the mode exists, and I have the capability to use it, I'll use it. As for POTA (or SOTA or any of the other outdoor awards programs), I love doing that....because it makes YOU the DX. People actively try to work you. It's addicting when you call CQ and get a HUGE pileup. I don't care if it's on 40m and I'm only working stations within a few hundred miles, or I'm on 10m and working the world. That's one of the most addictive things to POTA or SOTA.

    • @ve2zdx
      @ve2zdx  11 дней назад

      That’s what I like about pota, the interest and the quick qsos. And I don’t understand why DX stopped being like this. Back in the day a qso could mean you’d spent a qsl card and people had more interest. Now that 95% of the confirmation is done electronically I don’t understand why people just avoid replying. Initially thought it was the signal strength vs noise level… it’s not. When I reply to someone calling cq they answer at first also I have many recordings of people copying me, from Spain to Japan .. signal is always very audible. It’s just pure lack of interest =/

  • @thuff3207
    @thuff3207 2 дня назад

    There is nothing wrong with using digital modes and your right there are some on CW that are just not helping the expanding the use of CW. But we in the CW world need to answer anyone we hear. It’s more fun to play with CW and it’s just ducks in a barrel for FT8. It works but where is the fun.

  • @zoltanjuhasz3885
    @zoltanjuhasz3885 12 дней назад +1

    Andre, only CW your good job, please no ft8 this is world shit!!!😂 thanks a lot i hope see you next time HA8LNN Zoli

    • @ve2zdx
      @ve2zdx  12 дней назад +1

      I’m making the effort to understand why people find it fun 😂 so far I still find it boring

    • @outnaboot
      @outnaboot 11 дней назад

      Why do people hate FT8 so is amazing, if you don't like it, don't worry about it. Rather than hating on it, focus on what you love in the hobby.

  • @outnaboot
    @outnaboot 11 дней назад

    I love working with FT4 and FT8, especially with POTA. At the end of the day, the contacts still count on FT8 and FT4 with POTA. I am not a CW fan at all.

    • @ve2zdx
      @ve2zdx  11 дней назад

      Everything has its place. As I said I’m trying to figure out how ft8 can be fun to me so I use it as a backup mode. The fun of CW lives in the therapy of it, and this you only understand after making some effort to the point where you’re comfortable with it.
      To understand why some people hate ft8 it’s because it’s killing what they consider the most important thing in ham radio: human interaction. On ft8 you never know if you’re talking to a human or a ft8 bot. The next mode to hated will be CW when someone manages to configure AI and leave it getting QSO by itself. In NA human interaction is not valued as it is in other parts of the world (here it’s not as vital as it is in other parts), thus you will realize that normally people who hate ft8 the most are outside of NA.
      I think CW will slowly die because it requires effort and when someone decides to put the effort to actually learn it they are faced with criticism (new generation vs old generation see criticism in different ways) and the most important, lack of activity. POTA is reviving CW a bit but I think it’s not enough.

    • @outnaboot
      @outnaboot 11 дней назад

      @@ve2zdx Thanks for your comment. I never worked CW. Why? Well, when I was in the military, CW was drilled into me: copying at 20 WPMs and transmitting at 12 WPM. I spent endless nights in the CW lab. Once I passed my requirement in the army, I never touched it again. I love voice, but FT8 is a lot of fun as well. I disagree with the lack of human interaction with FT8, I am very humanly activated with FT8, never automated, always managing contacts and searching DX or POTA.

    • @ve2zdx
      @ve2zdx  11 дней назад

      @@outnaboot do they actually still use cw in the military? You look younger than me and when I did it, cw was long gone hehe

    • @outnaboot
      @outnaboot 11 дней назад

      @@ve2zdx not anymore...I think I was one of the last, and that was in 1988.

  • @thomasrossow2130
    @thomasrossow2130 8 дней назад

    Hey Andre, do what you want if you enjoy it. For my part, I say no to FT8 😇vy 73 de Thomas dc5ly

  • @thuff3207
    @thuff3207 2 дня назад

    There is nothing wrong with using digital modes and your right there are some on CW that are just not helping the expanding the use of CW. But we in the CW world need to answer anyone we hear. It’s more fun to play with CW and it’s just ducks in a barrel for FT8. It works but where is the fun.

    • @thuff3207
      @thuff3207 2 дня назад

      Also, you can do FT8 with an Ipad a KX2, and one cable if you are interested. I have but I still prefer CW.