Hot Wheels Unleashed 2 Turbocharged With Luna Pt02
- Опубликовано: 7 фев 2025
- Well this time Luna wasn't behaving correctly, there were some stuttering and frame drops. it looks like, because of the map loading otherwise i dont know. last time wasnt having soo many issues, luckily i can pause the game.
Well i manage to get to reach 70% of single player in 12h, and unlocking 68 cars, soo i m expecting 5h more when completing the single player to unlock 100 cars at least making it about 22%.
The game is well made, even though the amount of races repeat areas they have good made circuits and with different variety, making them feel unique from each other, soo it dosent feel repetitive, only from when you have to complete the challenges that you most likely will have to repeat missions.
Going back and forward between cars you can definitely feel the difference from each.
The spin prize is just useless, luckily i didnt find any way to purchase spin credits with real currency(pretty sure they have that in mind when making the game). but the game is starting to feel like you may not be hable to unlock all cars without a serious grind and time if lucky. If the gift cars is for others players involve, this may cause a trading system for hard to find vehicles that may be lock to one players and unlock in others, this could go in a messy way. Did find a thread for trading in reddit for doing soo. but not proper trade system implemented by the game.
Still no clue what the module and the area icon with numbers are for.
Dont get me wrong the game is fun and enjoyable to look at.
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