TWO LEGENDS ON ONE STAGE! | G-DRAGON with Missy Elliot - Niliria (Live Performance) [REACTION!!!]

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 3

  • @mariar3767
    @mariar3767 День назад +7

    I love this because both of them have a lot of fun on stage . Nilliria is a like a traditional korean song . So they mix rap with traditional music , 2 continents together, modern and traditional.

  • @루미-b2b
    @루미-b2b День назад +1

    Quality performance 🎉

  • @ayuyustitia
    @ayuyustitia День назад +2

    Yesss another g dragon...thanks you, please his another song middle finger upвидео.htmlsi=WVNope9cfacR0PFj