Joyce🇲🇼 He was sent by God just to teach us about the love of God and how to obey God, how to be humble to the core. I will be grateful to God for the life of Prophet T.B Joshua
Dios Todopoderoso Apóstol Jon Chi. Adelante con el legado del nuestro profeta TB Johsua. Fue un privilegio para usted q supo valorar el legado y enseñanzas de su Mentor y amigo TB
I will forever love 💝 TBJ even in his death those idiots saying this & that about my TRUE prophet may God forgive them for they do not know what they are doing they're just agents of satan. Sorry woman of God I can imagine the stress these idiots are putting you they're just Jealous
Joyce🇲🇼 He was sent by God just to teach us about the love of God and how to obey God, how to be humble to the core. I will be grateful to God for the life of Prophet T.B Joshua
Thank you Jesus for sending prophet TB Joshua to rescue Me from sinking hallelujah
I never seen that Man like Prophet TB JOSHUA, humble, giver , forgiver , To God be the Glory 🎉🎉🎉🎉
A Prophet like no other. Glory to God for the life well spent by Our Beloved Prophet Prophet TB Joshua.
Apostle john chi. You are a soldier
TB Joshua for ever Amen
Dios Todopoderoso Apóstol Jon Chi. Adelante con el legado del nuestro profeta TB Johsua. Fue un privilegio para usted q supo valorar el legado y enseñanzas de su Mentor y amigo TB
Aleluya amén 😇🙏
I love you TB Joshua ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I love you TB JOSHUA
God bless you man of God.
Amen 🙏
I will forever love 💝 TBJ even in his death those idiots saying this & that about my TRUE prophet may God forgive them for they do not know what they are doing they're just agents of satan. Sorry woman of God I can imagine the stress these idiots are putting you they're just Jealous
Be blessed
I want to visit this man of God but I don't know how to go about it
Good morning
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