I am still working and saw your video. Trying to learn spearfishing. I am in Bari now, other side of the Adria. I want to tell you that you are very good person, your respect for the nature is remarkable. Thanks!
@S.H.A.R.K.O.W your videos are amazing and you are an amazing man, my parents had their honeymoon in Croatia back when it was part of Yugoslavia, they went to Porec , my dad was also into snorkeling and diving and said that the water was crystal clear
@billywatts4689 Thanks man! Great to hear your parents spent their honeymoon in Poreč because i also spearfish there 😅 If you really want clear sea i'd say go more to the south because Poreč has about 15m visibility on a good day while Island Vis for example has double that like 30m 😎 Watch out for the boats because a bunch of dipshi#s are planning too close to the shore
@@S.H.A.R.K.O.W I am so grateful for your replies. My mother was not a fan but she is not into the sea. My father said it was very clear but obviously I will take your advice and I am most grateful for it as I am the warning of boats, Thank you sincerely .
Bellissimo video come sempre. Mi dispiace sentirti dire che alcuni miei connazionali sparano a tutto, purtroppo sono molti quelli che non rispettano il mare e non solo Italiani. Sono Italiano e vivo a Senj da due anni, amo la Croazia e il suo mare. Ogni anno pago la licenza di pesca regolarmente, mentre molti pescatori purtroppo non lo fanno. Molto spesso porto a casa lattine e plastica che trovo in mare, purtroppo c'è molta maleducazione ma quello che manca è il controllo. Grazie per i tuoi video e ti auguro sempre buon mare!
Another great video, thanks for uploading. It's very calming to watch under water scenes. I hope you don't mind me giving out some recommendations,... so what I've realised after years of fishing is that if you have fresh fish from the same day really really no herbs are necessary when putting them on grill. You only use rosemary, garlic & other herb chit on pre-frozen or 1day+ old fish where you are trying to hide a bit of over fishy flavour. I know I know tastes are subjective it's just a suggestion. Also tip for all the spearos that are finding different kinds of baits but don't carry a mesh bag like Sharkow does. After years of not picking them up because spikes & chit I found it rather save option to hook them in already caught fish body to carry them.
Thanks! I actually prefer eating the fish 24h after catching because the fresh ones always "curve" like the salpa in the video 😅 Thanks for the tips! 😎
@bahoslav Didn't know that 😅 Thanks for the info! I was always wondering why would someone cut fish like that 😁 Nice demonstration with symbols thanks! 😎
Hahah dobar video svaka cast svaki videi su ti ekstra vidi se da posvecujes se tome ali vidim neki dobiju preglede video nigjde logike nista ono 20,30 k samo naprijed tata Mata si 😂❤️
Awesome video dude! Love to watch you! I’m from Bulgaria and I go spearfishing in Greece a lot, but I would love to come to Croatia! How are the laws there for foreigners?
Thanks man i appreciate it! 😎 As for the kaws you need to buy a permit and you can spearfish from sunrise to sunset with bunch if fish size regulations 😁
Wow i am watching your videos for a long time now and i am sperfishing to. I am 14 so i still need some practise but watching your videos helps me find out some techniks and the caring of nature ur aswome. I was also interested wich part of croatia are u hunting or were u from? 🤩(my english is bad i am from Slovenia)
Thanks! You're still to young to legally spearfish but that is none of my business 😎 I'm from Croatia and i'm spearfishing in North Adriatic Region and Istria (HR: Kvarner, Istra)
@vidberendijas2504 Don't worry! I myself started when i was 10 years old 😅 Just don't get caught and don't shoot small fish for fun 😎 Try to develop your technique in shallow sea on salpas and mullets and you'll learn the basics that way! Good luck! 😎
Odlican ti je video kao i uvijek! Procitah da kupujes novu kameru. Upravo sam sebi kupio go pro hero 12 black. Da li mi mozes pomoci oko settings-a, da su mi videi dobrog i cistog kvaliteta kao tvoji? :D Hvala unaprijed!
Hvala! Ja napuštam GoPro jer je nesigurno smeče kojem baterija drži uru vrimena 😅 A što se tiče settingsa moraš snimat 4K60 i upalit Protune da možeš onda sam napravit color grade kasnije u post produkciji 😎 Ona obična "Auto" GoPro boja je po meni prezelena 😅 Ako snimaš za sebe bit ce GoPro ok ali za bilo šta ozbiljno nije siguran jer stalno blesavi nešto pa vrlo lako ostaneš bez snimka 🤣
@S.H.A.R.K.O.W A joj.. dje mi sad ovo rece kad ga kupih😂😂 nema veze, svakako snimam za sebe. Vise mi je to da objavim neki video na IG ili tako nesto, nista ozbiljno. Zavrsice mi taj posao😅 Daj neki review/video kad kupis novu kameru, pogotovo ako ti se dobro pokaze. Hvala na savjetu, uradicu tako🙂
Great video. Do you have a good recipe for mullet? We have many huge mullet here in Japan but I never catch them because my wife once ate mullet sashimi (lol) and she really didn't like it. Now she tells me not to bother catching them. Was that rosemary you were stuffing inside?
Thanks! Yes its rosemary! Those mullets i caught are one of the tastiest fish here in Adriatic and i think it all comes down to what they eat 😅 In Japan it might be different because of their food chain 😎 The thing is those mullets in the video tasted very simillar to the sea bass
@@S.H.A.R.K.O.W plenty of rosemary in my garden so i will give mullet another try in the spring. the mullet i see are not estuary mullet so should taste ok too.
Pozdrav i cestitke na ulovu. Interesira me podvodni ribolov i rado bih probao tu vrstu ribolova. Dali znas bi mi mogao preporuciti nekoga u Puli? Pozdrav
12:51 nobody threw him back with the hook still on.. he took the bait and went into a hole and the fisherman couldnt pull him out and the line broke leaving him there with a hook and sinker
Brate sta koristis od opreme mislim na wetsuit I dali koristis mozda rukavice jos Ili carape za ronjenje I koje debljine. Jos me zanima za koju temperaturu koristis kakva odjela
Znaci samo odjelo ljeti (3mm) a ispod 19°C imas (7mm) sa rukavicama I carapama (3mm). Imas li mozda ugradjenu kapu u odjela? Ako imas jeli debljina ista i za 3mm i za 7mm.Zanima me jeli ti kad bude vruće/hladno posle nekog vremena I ako bi mogao promjeniti dio opreme za neki dio godine sta bi uzeo.
@obrensaric2774 Ljeti može biti samo vruče kad more zagrije na 30°C ko ove godine 😅 Nebi baš nešto mjenjao ali kad je baš ono vruče i 3mm je previše pa nebi bilo loše i tanje odijelo tipa 1mm samo toliko da me štiti od sunca 😎
@@S.H.A.R.K.O.W hvala ti brate 💪zao mi je sto te smaram I potencionalno tjeram da I sam pogledas u svoju opremu da se sjetis🥴 samo neznam dali imas kapu u odjelu I za 7mm I za 3mm
Cao brate, vratih se na tvoj video da te pitam za misljenje..Ja sam iz Cg pa bih otisao do Hrvatske na jedno 3-4 dana da ronim malo. Pa me interesuje koje bi mi ti mjesto predlozio? Po mogucnosti da je neko manje mjesto, naravno na moru i da je lijepo za ronjenje. Prastaj ako te smaram al si me ozbiljno navukao da odem do Hrvatske da ronim hahaha😂
Pozdrav! Najbitnije su "mikrolokacije" ili "pošte" tako mi to ovdje zovemo a to ti svaki lovac čuva ko oko jer je more mrtvo 😎 Nisam nikad lovio u CG ali predpostavljam da je ribe tu negdje ko i u HR a to znači malo jer se ipak radi o istom moru 😁 Ako stvarno želiš nešto konkretno ulovit morat češ sa brodom van 😎 Znam da Danijel Babin iz Dalmacije radi ove Safari ture na pošte to bi ti po meni bila najbolja varianta! 😎
@@S.H.A.R.K.O.W hahahaha ma sve znam sto se tice cuvanja mikrolokacija i slicno ja sam te pitao u smislu da mi predlozis neki gradic ili mjesto pored mora pa bih ja trazio tamo lokacije cisto da isprobam ronjenje u Hr. Kao npr Korcula, izgleda mi interesantno ali ne znam kakvo je ronjenje tamo
I am still working and saw your video. Trying to learn spearfishing. I am in Bari now, other side of the Adria. I want to tell you that you are very good person, your respect for the nature is remarkable. Thanks!
Thanks for amazing comment man i appreciate it very much! I believe all spearos should be nature ambassadors and take care of the sea! 😎
Super vid , ko i obicno , odlicne duzine ,cak 2x za pogledat - joj srce boli od srece kad se vidi tvoj vid a mi predaleko da bi zaplivali malo :)
Hvala! Zato su videa tu da malo pogledaš kad nema prilike 😎
the vids are getting better and better man, wish you would get more recognition for your work
It's already happening as we speak 😎
You are a very kind man much respect to you
Thanks mate! I'm glad that the algorithm reached England! 🇬🇧 😎
@S.H.A.R.K.O.W your videos are amazing and you are an amazing man, my parents had their honeymoon in Croatia back when it was part of Yugoslavia, they went to Porec , my dad was also into snorkeling and diving and said that the water was crystal clear
@billywatts4689 Thanks man! Great to hear your parents spent their honeymoon in Poreč because i also spearfish there 😅 If you really want clear sea i'd say go more to the south because Poreč has about 15m visibility on a good day while Island Vis for example has double that like 30m 😎 Watch out for the boats because a bunch of dipshi#s are planning too close to the shore
@@S.H.A.R.K.O.W I am so grateful for your replies. My mother was not a fan but she is not into the sea. My father said it was very clear but obviously I will take your advice and I am most grateful for it as I am the warning of boats, Thank you sincerely .
FInally he is backkkk!!
Always been here but just diving less in winter 😎
Da goat is back, every vid is a highlight bro! Thank you for the effort!
Thanks man! Goat is always here just spearfishing a bit less in winter 😎
Bellissimo video come sempre. Mi dispiace sentirti dire che alcuni miei connazionali sparano a tutto, purtroppo sono molti quelli che non rispettano il mare e non solo Italiani. Sono Italiano e vivo a Senj da due anni, amo la Croazia e il suo mare. Ogni anno pago la licenza di pesca regolarmente, mentre molti pescatori purtroppo non lo fanno. Molto spesso porto a casa lattine e plastica che trovo in mare, purtroppo c'è molta maleducazione ma quello che manca è il controllo. Grazie per i tuoi video e ti auguro sempre buon mare!
Credo che tu sia l'eccezione "buona" 🙂 Grazie per il feedback! Sono felice che non siate tutti uguali! 😎
Great Video!
I really liked that you've shown how you prepared the fishes.
Also the beautiful shots of the sunset etc.
Thanks! Will add more of that in future videos! 😎
I think you should always take video of preparing dinner in your all videos. İt’s getting more impresive.
Agreed! 😎
Great video, you are creative.
Thanks! Trying my best to be! 😎
Svaka cast, odlican video pozdrav iz Srbije! 💪
Hvala brate! Pozz u Srbiju iz Hrvatske! 😎
Another great video, thanks for uploading. It's very calming to watch under water scenes. I hope you don't mind me giving out some recommendations,... so what I've realised after years of fishing is that if you have fresh fish from the same day really really no herbs are necessary when putting them on grill. You only use rosemary, garlic & other herb chit on pre-frozen or 1day+ old fish where you are trying to hide a bit of over fishy flavour. I know I know tastes are subjective it's just a suggestion.
Also tip for all the spearos that are finding different kinds of baits but don't carry a mesh bag like Sharkow does. After years of not picking them up because spikes & chit I found it rather save option to hook them in already caught fish body to carry them.
Thanks! I actually prefer eating the fish 24h after catching because the fresh ones always "curve" like the salpa in the video 😅 Thanks for the tips! 😎
@@S.H.A.R.K.O.W Fresh fish curving on the grill is easily handled with some side cuts.
@bahoslav Didn't know that 😅 Thanks for the info! I was always wondering why would someone cut fish like that 😁 Nice demonstration with symbols thanks! 😎
Hahah dobar video svaka cast svaki videi su ti ekstra vidi se da posvecujes se tome ali vidim neki dobiju preglede video nigjde logike nista ono 20,30 k samo naprijed tata Mata si 😂❤️
Hvala! Ne brini...Sve to na kraju dođe na svoje 😎
Bravo. Pozdrav iz Slovenije!
Hvala! Pozdrav iz Hrvatske! 😎
Hello you made my yay
Glad i did! Thanks for the feedback! 😎
Hope you upload soon love youre content
I hope so too! 😎
Svaka čast odličan ulov, ja bi osobno potignuo ugora pošto u nas ih love i od pola kila pa da ga pustim nebi ga vise bilo za dva dana😂
Hvala! 😎 Ugor od pola kile je čista drača neznam ko bi to htio jest 😅
Bravo super video
Hvala! 😎
Awesome video dude! Love to watch you! I’m from Bulgaria and I go spearfishing in Greece a lot, but I would love to come to Croatia! How are the laws there for foreigners?
Thanks man i appreciate it! 😎 As for the kaws you need to buy a permit and you can spearfish from sunrise to sunset with bunch if fish size regulations 😁
Wow i am watching your videos for a long time now and i am sperfishing to. I am 14 so i still need some practise but watching your videos helps me find out some techniks and the caring of nature ur aswome. I was also interested wich part of croatia are u hunting or were u from? 🤩(my english is bad i am from Slovenia)
Thanks! You're still to young to legally spearfish but that is none of my business 😎 I'm from Croatia and i'm spearfishing in North Adriatic Region and Istria (HR: Kvarner, Istra)
@ okay thx for information i know i am to young for this tought😅. I have weekend at Pag in croatia.
@vidberendijas2504 Don't worry! I myself started when i was 10 years old 😅 Just don't get caught and don't shoot small fish for fun 😎 Try to develop your technique in shallow sea on salpas and mullets and you'll learn the basics that way! Good luck! 😎
@@S.H.A.R.K.O.W ty
Odlican ti je video kao i uvijek! Procitah da kupujes novu kameru. Upravo sam sebi kupio go pro hero 12 black. Da li mi mozes pomoci oko settings-a, da su mi videi dobrog i cistog kvaliteta kao tvoji? :D Hvala unaprijed!
Hvala! Ja napuštam GoPro jer je nesigurno smeče kojem baterija drži uru vrimena 😅 A što se tiče settingsa moraš snimat 4K60 i upalit Protune da možeš onda sam napravit color grade kasnije u post produkciji 😎 Ona obična "Auto" GoPro boja je po meni prezelena 😅 Ako snimaš za sebe bit ce GoPro ok ali za bilo šta ozbiljno nije siguran jer stalno blesavi nešto pa vrlo lako ostaneš bez snimka 🤣
@S.H.A.R.K.O.W A joj.. dje mi sad ovo rece kad ga kupih😂😂 nema veze, svakako snimam za sebe. Vise mi je to da objavim neki video na IG ili tako nesto, nista ozbiljno. Zavrsice mi taj posao😅 Daj neki review/video kad kupis novu kameru, pogotovo ako ti se dobro pokaze. Hvala na savjetu, uradicu tako🙂
@bato371 Oču 😎
Where have you been so long. We waited 4 months man😅
I've got real $hit to do besides RUclips 😎 Its winter and i dive less + trouble with GoPro and it quickly ends up like that! 😎
great video as always!
whats your opinion on best months for lica?
Thanks! September and beginning of October is best for Leerfish or Lica 😎
Nice 👍
Do you ever shoot barracuda?
Thanks! I've caught adriatic barracuda (škaram) before yes but never recorded it 😅
@S.H.A.R.K.O.W cool. They are very tasty
Yes i agree! They are pretty rare where i'm at and i've only saw them a handful of times 😅
Finalyyy , yesterday evening i wanted to message you whereee is the video u promised 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Took some time but is finally here 😅
@S.H.A.R.K.O.W just keep going big bass or big sea bream will come :) all best
@freespirit5209 I doubt it now in winter but in summer they do 😎
Hi amazing video! I am just getting into spearfishing and I was wondering what neopren you use for this temperatures?
Thanks! I'm using 7mm woth open cell on the inside for winter 😎
Pozdrav iz Ljubljane
Hvala puno i takodjer tebi pozdrav nazad iz Pule! 😎
Great video. Do you have a good recipe for mullet? We have many huge mullet here in Japan but I never catch them because my wife once ate mullet sashimi (lol) and she really didn't like it. Now she tells me not to bother catching them. Was that rosemary you were stuffing inside?
Thanks! Yes its rosemary! Those mullets i caught are one of the tastiest fish here in Adriatic and i think it all comes down to what they eat 😅 In Japan it might be different because of their food chain 😎 The thing is those mullets in the video tasted very simillar to the sea bass
@@S.H.A.R.K.O.W plenty of rosemary in my garden so i will give mullet another try in the spring. the mullet i see are not estuary mullet so should taste ok too.
Koja slucajnost, danas kucam na yt: "podvodni ribolov", zafalilo mi more 😄 Kad malo nakon ti objaviš. Večera mami vodu na usta 🤤 Svaka cast!
Hvala! 😎 Večera je stvarno bila bomba! 🐟
Pozdrav i cestitke na ulovu. Interesira me podvodni ribolov i rado bih probao tu vrstu ribolova. Dali znas bi mi mogao preporuciti nekoga u Puli? Pozdrav
Hvala! Znam da je ronilacku klub "Meduza" organizirao tečaje ronjenja na dah a to je osnova za podvodni ribolov 😎
12:51 nobody threw him back with the hook still on.. he took the bait and went into a hole and the fisherman couldnt pull him out and the line broke leaving him there with a hook and sinker
Thats why it should be banned 🚫🎣
Odlican video! Koju debljinu odjela nosis? Trenutno imam samo 5mm i nisam siguran moze li se u ovo vrijeme s njim.
7mm i taman je za ovo doba! Bio sam danas i kako dere levant smrzo bi se u 5mm 😅
Bravo, super video.Gde lovis?
Hvala! Lovim u Istra i Kvarner 😎
@ super kanal imas, ja ljeti lovim na Krku.
Hvala! Krk je ok ali previše ljudi ljeti za bilo šta ozbiljno 😅
@@MC-tb6pgimas li dozvolu srbijanac?
Odličan video kolega! Koja je to puška?
Hvala! Cetus Triton 90 karbonska 😎
Hvala ti na odgovoru! Imaš li mail ili nešto na sto bih te mogao pitati par pitanja vezano za kanal? Lp
Instagram če biti najlakše 😎
ja iman 16 i ciple san lovija doslovno s povrsine,i to kilo pa na gore,za veceru dosta😋
I da se nadovezen uzor si mi i zbog tebe san pocea ronit proslo lito.🤗
Hvala! Drago mi je da je tako! Cipli na gradelama su postali omiljena večera moje čitave familije 😅
Koje odjelo preporucas za kupiti da se moze ugodno ronit i tijekom zime inace pozdrav iz Dubrovnika
Za zimu trebaš 7mm 😎 Ne postoji odijelo koje je dobro za cijelu godinu 😅 Meni osobno najbolje ljeti 3mm a zimi 7mm i to je to 😎
What fish can I catch in winter
It depends but mostlt fish on the holes 😎 Some mullets also here and there 😅
Brate sta koristis od opreme mislim na wetsuit I dali koristis mozda rukavice jos Ili carape za ronjenje I koje debljine. Jos me zanima za koju temperaturu koristis kakva odjela
Sve što si spomenuo koristim! 😎 Odijela imam 3mm(ljeto) i 7mm(kad more padne ispod 19°C). Rukavice i čarape su mi 3mm.
Znaci samo odjelo ljeti (3mm) a ispod 19°C imas (7mm) sa rukavicama I carapama (3mm). Imas li mozda ugradjenu kapu u odjela? Ako imas jeli debljina ista i za 3mm i za 7mm.Zanima me jeli ti kad bude vruće/hladno posle nekog vremena I ako bi mogao promjeniti dio opreme za neki dio godine sta bi uzeo.
@obrensaric2774 Ljeti može biti samo vruče kad more zagrije na 30°C ko ove godine 😅 Nebi baš nešto mjenjao ali kad je baš ono vruče i 3mm je previše pa nebi bilo loše i tanje odijelo tipa 1mm samo toliko da me štiti od sunca 😎
@@S.H.A.R.K.O.W hvala ti brate 💪zao mi je sto te smaram I potencionalno tjeram da I sam pogledas u svoju opremu da se sjetis🥴 samo neznam dali imas kapu u odjelu I za 7mm I za 3mm
Sva odijela koja su za podvodni ribolov imaju kapu ne brini 😎
Ej svaka čast na ribi kao I uvjek, video je top, ali se bogami čekao 😅. Ovdje vidlivost nije preko 3m I nema smisla ronit, baš bezveze.
Hvala! I tu je sad katastrofa ovo je sve snimjneno od 1.11-10.11 tada je još nekako uvjetno bilo ok a sada čekamo 😎
Hey can you pls say which reel i can pair up with an omer invictus hf70 and pls dont be that expensive
Don't have that gun bud...How am i supposed to know that? 😅
Cao brate, vratih se na tvoj video da te pitam za misljenje..Ja sam iz Cg pa bih otisao do Hrvatske na jedno 3-4 dana da ronim malo. Pa me interesuje koje bi mi ti mjesto predlozio? Po mogucnosti da je neko manje mjesto, naravno na moru i da je lijepo za ronjenje. Prastaj ako te smaram al si me ozbiljno navukao da odem do Hrvatske da ronim hahaha😂
Pozdrav! Najbitnije su "mikrolokacije" ili "pošte" tako mi to ovdje zovemo a to ti svaki lovac čuva ko oko jer je more mrtvo 😎 Nisam nikad lovio u CG ali predpostavljam da je ribe tu negdje ko i u HR a to znači malo jer se ipak radi o istom moru 😁 Ako stvarno želiš nešto konkretno ulovit morat češ sa brodom van 😎 Znam da Danijel Babin iz Dalmacije radi ove Safari ture na pošte to bi ti po meni bila najbolja varianta! 😎
@@S.H.A.R.K.O.W hahahaha ma sve znam sto se tice cuvanja mikrolokacija i slicno ja sam te pitao u smislu da mi predlozis neki gradic ili mjesto pored mora pa bih ja trazio tamo lokacije cisto da isprobam ronjenje u Hr. Kao npr Korcula, izgleda mi interesantno ali ne znam kakvo je ronjenje tamo
Korčula je super jer je dosta izolirana i nije baš brzo dostupna 😎 Dugi Otok vanjska strana je isto bomba!
@@S.H.A.R.K.O.W nista onda probacu tamo, hvala na pomoci svakako
@luka889 Rogi 🤟🏻
What Italian spearman’s did to you 😢😢
Nothing i just saw them killing everything that moves a couple of times...we're talking 0.2kg octopuses and 100g gilthead seabreams...
No predator fish
It can happen but unlikely 😎
yeah 10 kg plus eel but 500gr mullets are ok. other spearos like you are the best and most ethical xD chill man you are just another amateur nooby