I’m trying to remove this panel and have discovered that it was installed backwards! From the factory presumably. The lip that is supposed to be on the front is on the back and the screw holes also indicate that it is backwards. It’s looking like I have to disassemble the actual just to be able to get this dang cover out. I need to access the igniter. Thought I’d post this in case anybody else can’t figure out why this damn cover won’t come out. It might be backwards!!!
Thank You, Thank You, THANK YOU... for the details you put into your video!!! I've been fighting with my Kenmore Gas Range 790.78789402 ALL afternoon to get the oven floor pan out. The details you added at the 1:55 mark, helped me finally get the pan out. I just pushed down a bit on the front edge of my pan (while the rear was slightly lifted) to bend the metal below the pan front lip downward. It then allowed me to get the pan out!!! Again, Thank You Sir!!!
Can I just remove the panels to clean the inside, instead of replacing it?
I’m trying to remove this panel and have discovered that it was installed backwards! From the factory presumably. The lip that is supposed to be on the front is on the back and the screw holes also indicate that it is backwards. It’s looking like I have to disassemble the actual just to be able to get this dang cover out. I need to access the igniter.
Thought I’d post this in case anybody else can’t figure out why this damn cover won’t come out. It might be backwards!!!
Thank You, Thank You, THANK YOU... for the details you put into your video!!! I've been fighting with my Kenmore Gas Range 790.78789402 ALL afternoon to get the oven floor pan out. The details you added at the 1:55 mark, helped me finally get the pan out. I just pushed down a bit on the front edge of my pan (while the rear was slightly lifted) to bend the metal below the pan front lip downward. It then allowed me to get the pan out!!! Again, Thank You Sir!!!