Every Chelsea fan favorite players because he creates magic on the football pitch.. a very talented dribbler .. I miss him and hope to see him join us again in the future 🔵🔵🔵
Hazard should see this more than anyone else. We need this hazard back. As his name mentions it clearly, he was a hazard to every opposition that played against him. Football is not the same without this hazard.
Some of these passes that he receives and turns the entire team into attack mode, when our wingers get them now they just pass the ball backwards or sideways
He still has it In his head, he was free at Chelsea and he could go back to this form if he comes back. Madrid was in his dreams, a team of galacticos and it takes quite a mentality to be the main man. Hazard only plays when he's the star of the show, the team playing around him.
The most overrated player on earth , his skills and dribbles are class no doubt but that's about it , he was never consistent and he was never on Messi level
He said hell be back next season, he wants to play for madrid and he played with pain for 2 years cause they didnt let him do surgery, now that he got surgery and is less injury prone i believe him. I saw some hazard things back when i watched belgium and if he gets the rythm he might get there.
Chelsea plays was centred around hazard, since he left chelsea hasnt been consistent with the play and unable to score, need another hazard, hope dembele can take the crown.
This video is dedicated to James.
why don't you upload again?
@@prenz. Stay tuned!
@@jocafc yessss
Who else is coming back here to re watch his greatness after his retirement announcement :(
Boys don't want girlfriend, boys just wanna see Eden Hazard balling again🥺
First he should leave Real Madrid shit
True 💯👍🏻
On god
Speak for yourself bro
Don't cry because it finished, smile because it happened.
Every Chelsea fan favorite players because he creates magic on the football pitch.. a very talented dribbler .. I miss him and hope to see him join us again in the future 🔵🔵🔵
Barely anyone Chelsea fans favorite player 😂 so many players ahead of him if you’re a real Chelsea fan
@@bobbye4731 yawn.
@@bobbye4731 "real chelsea fan" like any of you are even from therr
@@bobbye4731 Wassup Plastic man
Hazard should see this more than anyone else. We need this hazard back. As his name mentions it clearly, he was a hazard to every opposition that played against him. Football is not the same without this hazard.
He choose money, and karma punish him
he was a wizard on the ball!
This video will never age, what a banger
Hazard's knee slide that season was pure class🥶💯
And this spectacular player ended his career yesterday 🥺
the most nostalgic vid i’ve seen in a while
Have miss him so much, I don't think Chelsea can have player like him when it comes to skills
I really miss this dude man... like seriously!
thanks a lot for entertaining us we'll never forget you legend ❤️
your video has a place in my life right now
Meu Deus que magia,não acredito no fim que esse cara teve.
Wish we could turn back time to the good old days 🥺
Some of these passes that he receives and turns the entire team into attack mode, when our wingers get them now they just pass the ball backwards or sideways
he was something else man
still want him to stay in Madrid and shine, he deserves it
aged well
@@bilbobluntz1946aged even better
@@michaelange. did he make a comeback in retirement?
@bilbobluntz1946 no he permanently retired from football
I know guys , what a sad end for him😞
Chelsea legend we miss you😢 😢
This is the Hazard we all loved, using him play for our national team was an AMAZING ERA. I miss those times 🥲.
Rindu masa - masa prime hazard😢
Sad video, just memories remain from that Hazard that was once unstoppable.
Me levantaba todos los días en la mañana para verte
I miss this man magic on the field
Life was so good back when Hazard played for Chelsea
There was a time Eden Hazard was the face of the Premier League.. Good Times
Um dos melhores do mundo nessa época...
Tinha potencial de sobra, pena que não aproveitou
The best editor returns!! Welcome back bro great compilation as always ;D
Thanks man! :)
No way less than 1,000 views :( amazing beautiful editing
@Morgan DeRossi Oh good Hazard is finally getting some recognition after 3 years
218k view now
What a video, what an edition, incredible! I really like these kind of videos with this kind of lovely music, not the current videos with trap music
I miss him so much
Oh god I would do anything for this man to become this man again
Fr bro 😭
Simple tricks done perfectly
Dam I use to watch this a couple years back before my games lol sick edit !
Perigo era brabo dms...que saudade desse cara mano💔
Que jugador nos perdimos... :(
He still has it In his head, he was free at Chelsea and he could go back to this form if he comes back. Madrid was in his dreams, a team of galacticos and it takes quite a mentality to be the main man. Hazard only plays when he's the star of the show, the team playing around him.
Eden hazard 😞😞 my favorite baller
He deserved UEFA win at chelsea as well as potential ballon dor winner at Madrid.
man s greatest tragedy is this guy not doing what he did best
Players like this are not in the Premiere League anymore 😢
I used to like Chelsea only because of him, was one of my favorite players, his downfall is a disgrace for football :(
The streets will never forget 🔥
So unfortunate that he's not doing his magic in Madrid hope he gets there again
The most overrated player on earth , his skills and dribbles are class no doubt but that's about it , he was never consistent and he was never on Messi level
@@joshuakithyoma9575 He knew where to put his skills
That’s the point
He said hell be back next season, he wants to play for madrid and he played with pain for 2 years cause they didnt let him do surgery, now that he got surgery and is less injury prone i believe him. I saw some hazard things back when i watched belgium and if he gets the rythm he might get there.
@@joshuakithyoma9575 he was the best player in the premier league whilst he was there wtf you talking about overrated
@@joshuakithyoma9575 Just admit you never watched him at Chelsea. "he was never consistent" lmao you couldn't be more wrong
Watching Eden Hazard and Neymar at their Prime makes me realize again why i love football so much 🥲
The Legend of Chelsea we miss Hazard 💙💙💙💔💪💪💪💪💪💪💪
Back then he really was one of the best in the world
How I wished this player would captain our team oneday😭😭💙
Sorry idea.
There is only one man who can beat hazard in dribbling and that guy is messiiiiiii
bro was cool
The Epitome of grace!
Damn man… im not even real fan but imagine him at his peak playing with karim at his peak and viniciusss… it would be just deaadly
What a player
Nice video bro...
Hasta el día de hoy sigo admirando a ese Hazard que la rompía en Chelsea, espero que vielva a ese nivel lo extraño.
Presiento que lo harea y Real Madrid un juego ultraexplosivo en ataque
This guy is a football player
Jogava muito!
I've craved seen Eden on his form again for do long
Then I go found kwarasheila ☺️
Volta logo para o Chelsea cara!
miss u
He was so fucking fast...
he was the king before
Ladies and gentlemen..Eden Michael Walter Hazard! Best player to ever dominate the PL
Jogava demais 🤩🤩
Ele sempre foi bom, Mas seu maior erro foi engordar comendo besteira e ter ido pro reall madrid
@@ricardodiaz9827 o Real Madrid deu todo suporte pra ele continuar em alto nível, o problema foi dele mesmo.
Te extraño todos los dias de mi vida
only in pathetic PL can do something, but in the best league of the world La Liga he's warming the bench
EDEN HAZARD top player 2016 2017
Even Chelsea win UCL, no one of Chelsea player in Hazard level..
Missing you badly
Le phénomène 😢
He is the best dribbler ever🥵
Eden Hazard At Chelsea He's A Wizard And Wears A Fcking Magic Hat (AKA) Chelsea Shirt
the man who only stopped based on fouls and injuries
Getting me through man
take me back to 2017
What a video
What a song
And what a player he was
When music fucks up a good video
Hazard in his prime👏🔵🇧🇪😍
If Chelsea could have such an attack again, we'd win the premier league by miles
Otro edit como este❤
Imagine messi has his power shot n finishing
Messis finishing is much better imo
thats so sad to see bro a talented player like hazard getting his carrer absolutely destroyed demolished since he joined real madrid
i just want to be like hazard
Cómo se llama la canción del vídeo
Our Messsi😔🫴🫴
c'est trop ce jouer cette année la
Chelsea plays was centred around hazard, since he left chelsea hasnt been consistent with the play and unable to score, need another hazard, hope dembele can take the crown.
Lo extraño 😢😔
Name of this music, plz?
Steam Phunk - Feelings 😁
@@jocafc Thank u, my friend!
Ojalá lo traigan
World's greatest McDonald's sponsor
Prime hazard
Nice :)
Thanks man!
esse video combina com os raps do 7mz do coringa...