How to apply Sunscreen on Face and Neck

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @SkintitaApril
    @SkintitaApril 3 года назад +23

    Can we just appreciate how much she helps a lot of people, especially skincare beginners.. Thank you Melissa and keep safe always. I know this may sound like a cliche, but please include us in your prayers, we are sick right now from covid. 😢🙏 Your videos help me get by... Thank you.. ❤️

    • @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet
      @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet  3 года назад +5

      Hey Anna Maria!
      Thank you so much for always watching my videos and supporting my channel!💕 I'm happy to hear that my videos help you to get through this!
      We are currently going through weird times which is difficult to for everyone right now! We need to help and support each other more in order to overcome this together.
      I send you a big hug🤗

    • @SkintitaApril
      @SkintitaApril 3 года назад +3

      @@MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet thank you and hugs to you too!! 💕

  • @natalijabogdanova7999
    @natalijabogdanova7999 3 года назад +5

    Thank you, dear Melissa. As always, very informative, very useful and practical!

  • @technnobuzzit
    @technnobuzzit 2 года назад +1


  • @josearrieta4522
    @josearrieta4522 3 года назад +2

    Feliz Viernes Melissa! Have a great weekend. On my way to Puerto Rico for my birthday which is Sunday! Like always thank you for sharing!

    • @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet
      @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet  3 года назад

      Hey Jose!
      For you too and enjoy your birthday! :)
      Do you live in Puerto Rico or is it a birthday trip? :)

    • @josearrieta4522
      @josearrieta4522 3 года назад +1

      @@MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet Birthday Trip! I try going to Puerto Rico twice a year. So far this year i went in June, now and going for Christmas! I live in Virginia. Where are you located?

    • @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet
      @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet  3 года назад

      @@josearrieta4522 Oh okay! Have fun :)
      I'm in Europe, Luxembourg :)

  • @august.forever1654
    @august.forever1654 3 года назад +2

    Thank you Melissa!!! I really needed this! 💜💜💜💜

  • @oliviasiewlanpang2851
    @oliviasiewlanpang2851 3 года назад +1

    Thank you for sharing Melissa ❤

  • @drew-citizenX9a48
    @drew-citizenX9a48 7 месяцев назад +1

    Can I apply moisturizer first, before sunscreen? (after cleansing, of course)

  • @iitsmariem
    @iitsmariem 3 года назад +2

    I first, thank you mellisa 🌷💙

  • @aszhaameerali837
    @aszhaameerali837 3 года назад +1

    This video is very useful thank you Mellisa 🤗

  • @ruby-br6lj
    @ruby-br6lj 2 года назад +1

    Hello,could you please review the hello sunday the take out one sunscreen stick?

  • @peterkaale6977
    @peterkaale6977 3 года назад +1

    Hello sweetheart how are you today! i have a question? I always finish with sunscreen after i did everything in my face so now i want to introduce face spray it like glowing spray. do i need to use after sunscreen then i spray in to my face or before sunscreen

    • @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet
      @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet  3 года назад

      Hey! :)
      I'm good and you?
      Well, you probably want to use it after you have applied your sunscreen if it is like a makeup product :)

  • @realpaladan2370
    @realpaladan2370 3 года назад +2

    Can u cleanse again in the afternoon and put your moisturizer and sunscreen again? Mostly in the afternoon I'm so oily.

    • @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet
      @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet  3 года назад +1

      Sure! However, if you have oily skin, you probably do not need to use a moisturiser and just apply your sunscreen after cleansing and that's it! :)

    • @realpaladan2370
      @realpaladan2370 3 года назад +1

      @@MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet Thank you very much and i would love to see more amazing videos to come mwuah❤️

  • @gemma9044
    @gemma9044 Год назад +1

    Hey Melissa! Great video as always!! 🙂
    However, I have a question regarding the layering with sunscreen. It's said that it should be the last step in a skincare routine. But what should we do, when we have some water-free solutions in the routine, f.e. Resveratrol? Is this coming before the Sunscreen (which in my case is chemical and water-based) or after?
    I always used it before the sunscreen, but today i remembered, that products should be layered from most watery to the most occlusive and now i'm afraid that the sunscreen can't penetrate the skin effectively when i use a water-free product before. 🥲

    • @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet
      @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet  Год назад +1

      And yes, correct. Products should generally be layered from the most watery to the most occlusive. However, sunscreen should still be the last step in your skincare routine, regardless of the other products you're using.
      This would be the order of application:
      Toner (if used)
      Water-based serums and treatments
      Water-free solutions (like Resveratrol)
      Moisturizer (if used)
      The primary goal of sunscreen is to form a protective barrier on top of the skin to shield it from UV radiation. Therefore, it doesn't necessarily need to penetrate deeply. As long as you apply your chemical sunscreen after your other skincare products, it should provide adequate protection.

  • @dani-mb7rk
    @dani-mb7rk 3 года назад +2

    does the moisturizer + sunscreen from CeraVe left a white cast?

    • @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet
      @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet  3 года назад +1

      As you can see in the video, no, it does not :) It goes away after a couple of minutes.

  • @EnilaGeo
    @EnilaGeo 2 года назад +1

    Thre Effaclar cleanser for sensitive skin is enough to take out the sun protector at night? I use the Vichy ideal purify as sun protector, I don’t know if it is more difficult to take it off completly.

    • @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet
      @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet  2 года назад +1

      I haven't tried that sunscreen. However, nowadays most sunscreens come off easily. Mineral sunscreens are often a bit harder to remove. You can also use the cleanser twice to remove it from the skin.

    • @EnilaGeo
      @EnilaGeo 2 года назад +1

      @@MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet Thanks for the response :)

  • @fationismajli5437
    @fationismajli5437 2 года назад +1

    Melisa can i buy sunscren with ingredient titanium dioxid and zinc oxid together in sunscren is good for oily sensitiv

    • @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet
      @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet  2 года назад

      Generally, if you have sensitive skin, you can use mineral sunscreens. BUT from my experience, the overall formulation of the sunscreen is more important. So if the mineral sunscreen contains ingredients you do not tolerate well, it will have the same outcome. So my suggestion is to test it!

    • @fationismajli5437
      @fationismajli5437 2 года назад +1

      @@MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet thank you for help

  • @ikramhatime9263
    @ikramhatime9263 2 года назад +1

    Melissa can you tell me please I have now the sunscreen ISDIN Fotoultra 100 Active unify and I do it every day, do you think I may need the balm cleanser to remove it at night or it can be completely removed with just my actual cleanser Cerave now , what do you think ?

    • @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet
      @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet  2 года назад

      Does it remove well with your regular cleanser? Is it getting smeary and sticky when going over it? If not, it removes it properly. Otherwise, you will still see some sunscreen or areas where it "sticks". Generally, I have never had many issues with chemical sunscreens, only with mineral sunscreens.

  • @stevejr8875
    @stevejr8875 2 года назад +1

    I use that in my routine Then it is not necessary to put the sunscreen I put my cerave sunscreen on that AM I use the cerave sun projector which is the orange lid is "Hidrating mineral sunscreen broad spectrum spf50"

    • @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet
      @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet  2 года назад

      was that a question 🤔?

    • @stevejr8875
      @stevejr8875 2 года назад +1

      @@MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet Yes, If I put that AM cream you always need to put the sunscreen.

    • @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet
      @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet  2 года назад +1

      @@stevejr8875 If you use the moisturizer with SPF I showed in the video, that is already your sunscreen. So you do not need to use another sunscreen afterwards! :)

    • @stevejr8875
      @stevejr8875 2 года назад +1

      @@MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet Thank you 🥰 very much I always follow your routines, hugs 🤗

    • @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet
      @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet  2 года назад +1

      @@stevejr8875 🥰

  • @lilianaquispe9804
    @lilianaquispe9804 2 года назад +1

    Thank youuu! greetings from Peru

  • @fufu3768
    @fufu3768 3 года назад +1

    Can i apply cerave pm facial moisturizing lotion before the am version or i only need the am version cause it already includes a moisturizer?

  • @sandeepdhaliwal3509
    @sandeepdhaliwal3509 3 года назад +1

    Hey melissa..m using 4-5 drops of paula’s choice C15 boost..i found like very little pimples on my that with serum?? M using 4 drops because i have bit sunspots on cheeks..I used twice a day..4 drops in morning routine and 4 drops in night routine.. is it safe???

    • @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet
      @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet  3 года назад

      It can be yes since you are still new to the ingredient. What else do you use? 🤔 And yes it can be used twice a day, however you need to adjust it to your personal skin tolerance 😃

    • @sandeepdhaliwal3509
      @sandeepdhaliwal3509 3 года назад +1

      @@MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet i use cetaphil cleanser then paula choice c15 then use baby johnson lotion and then la rochay posay sunscreen..this is my morning and night night skip sunscreen

    • @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet
      @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet  3 года назад

      @@sandeepdhaliwal3509 In the evening, is your cleanser able to break down your sunscreen?

    • @sandeepdhaliwal3509
      @sandeepdhaliwal3509 3 года назад +1

      @@MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet yes sure..m doing double cleaning in evening

    • @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet
      @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet  3 года назад

      @@sandeepdhaliwal3509 Since when do you use your skincare products which ones are new and which ones aren't?

  • @sonalfonseka1543
    @sonalfonseka1543 Год назад +1

    how to re-apply sunscreen. should i wash face using cleanser before re-apply

    • @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet
      @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet  Год назад

      This would be ideally yes. However, how much sun exposure do you have?

    • @sonalfonseka1543
      @sonalfonseka1543 Год назад +1

      @@MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet around 20 mins in the morning between 9.30 to 10.. if i wash face using cleanser not only sunscreen and dirt wash out from face, face moisturizer and vitamin c serum too

    • @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet
      @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet  Год назад

      @@sonalfonseka1543 Well, if you have only that little sun exposure, you really don't need to reapply it as it will hardly break down. I mean, unless you rub it off, then you can reapply it to those areas.
      But what does your routine look like? Can you list the steps so I can take a look?

    • @sonalfonseka1543
      @sonalfonseka1543 Год назад +1

      @@MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet cleanser toner vitamin c moisturizer and sunscreen.. at night cleanser toner and aloe gel... these days there are lot of sunshine.. around 12 o 'clock its feel like burning without sun expose

    • @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet
      @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet  Год назад

      @@sonalfonseka1543 Yes, it's the same here. However, if you're not exposed to direct sunlight, it's not an issue. Sunscreen breaks down with UV radiation exposure. So, if you're not in the sun, it remains effective.

  • @maimoonafarukh3611
    @maimoonafarukh3611 3 года назад +1

    PLEASE give me ONE product for open pores on my oily skin of 39 years. ,🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

    • @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet
      @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet  3 года назад +1

      What do you currently use?

    • @maimoonafarukh3611
      @maimoonafarukh3611 3 года назад +1

      @@MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet tried a few things but nothing worked. It been months didn't do anything about it

    • @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet
      @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet  3 года назад

      So, what have your tried and for how long have you been using those products?

    • @maimoonafarukh3611
      @maimoonafarukh3611 3 года назад +1

      @@MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet Thank you for your immediate response.
      I used The Ordinary Granactive Retinoid 2% in squalene
      (May be I didn't know how to use it properly...the product never fully got absorbed in my skin)

    • @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet
      @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet  3 года назад +1

      @@maimoonafarukh3611 How much did you use of it?
      I recommend looking into Salicylic Acid and/or Niacinamide.

  • @fufu3768
    @fufu3768 3 года назад +2

    My sunscreen's name is "SUN SCREEN" and it has SPF 50 PA+++. Im 14 y/o, can i use that?

    • @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet
      @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet  3 года назад

      I never tried it, but why not 🤷🏻‍♀️ If it gives you the desired protection and finishes, just go for it. However, suppose you aren't happy exchange it and try another brand. Sunscreen is very individual; therefore, you need to test a few to find the right one for your needs. Great brands I can recommend is CeraVe and Paula's Choice.

  • @iwastubed96
    @iwastubed96 Год назад +1

    Back of neck for short hair?

    • @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet
      @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet  Год назад +1

      Apply sunscreen to all areas where your skin is exposed to direct sunlight. However, if you wear protective clothing on the neck, for instance, then you wouldn't need to apply it there. So, you should adjust sunscreen application to your individual needs.

  • @sandeepdhaliwal3509
    @sandeepdhaliwal3509 3 года назад +1

    And one thing it’s been 15 days I started paula choice C15..but I didn’t get lighten my sunspots 😨😨

    • @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet
      @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet  3 года назад

      Well, it's likely not going to make them disappear entirely since most often you need mechanical treatment for it, but it should help to reduce it over time, but it depends on many factors. Overall, 15 days is not really an extended period. From my trials (which you can find on my channel ), it usually took about 1-2 months before I noticed any improvements. So if you do not see improvements after 2-3 months, I wouldn't continue to use it any further. But you need to be patient! 😃 And keep in mind that these are only topical cosmetic products available over the counter and not medical treatments.

  • @catmario7138
    @catmario7138 3 года назад +1

    I wear a fragrance free mineral sunscreen for babies from Garnier and it leaves a suuuper bad white cast on the skin. Maybe you have advice how to deal with it 😢

    • @catmario7138
      @catmario7138 3 года назад +1

      And also interesting where you got this grey microfiber face towel from 🙃

    • @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet
      @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet  3 года назад +1

      Hey! You could try and wear liquid or powder foundation on top of it or look for a different sunscreen without a white cast. It isn't recommended mixing your sunscreen with a makeup product as it my dilute the sunscreen, but you could layer it instead.
      I buy them from Amazon. Those are makeup remover washcloths :)

    • @catmario7138
      @catmario7138 3 года назад +1

      Yes, I am using this method! Is it true that mineral sunscreen can be used less than a teaspoon than a chemical one?

    • @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet
      @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet  3 года назад

      @@catmario7138 I have tested mineral and chemical sunscreen, and from my experience, the sunscreen formulation matters. You can have chemical sunscreens where half to a full teaspoon is way too much for the face, neck and décolletage, and the same goes for mineral sunscreens. However, the guide of half a teaspoon was very accurate for my face and neck with all the sunscreens I have tried, and I think it is an excellent measurement to get an idea of how much it is. So the main goal here is that you need a fair amount. However, if you feel that it is way too much, just reduce it a bit :)

    • @catmario7138
      @catmario7138 3 года назад +1

      @@MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet Thank you Melissa for reply!

  • @gorkhaliwarrior4590
    @gorkhaliwarrior4590 2 года назад

    Do i need to use a sunscreen differently while i am using the cetaphil moisturising lotion?

  • @ambermalik4181
    @ambermalik4181 3 года назад +1

    Plz rply i need your help .. i got severe pigmentation whenever i apply sunblock now i quit .. what should i do ??

    • @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet
      @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet  3 года назад

      What sunblock do you use? And do you use any other products such as Vitamin C 🤔?

    • @loveu8910
      @loveu8910 2 года назад

      This happened to my mum. She got dark spots. I think it was due to an ingredient in the sunscreen. She faded them by using sheet masks.

  • @fufu3768
    @fufu3768 3 года назад +1

    Can i air dry my hair after applying sunscreen? Cause i apply sunscreen after taking a shower and my hair will still be wet so i apply the sunscreen and air dry my hair cause i dont have a hair dryer so i use electric fan and the air can also expose my face. Is that okay?

  • @chadsultana9233
    @chadsultana9233 2 года назад +1

    After using sunscreen i always feel uncomfortable. Like it feels like my face is oily or something.whats the solution?

    • @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet
      @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet  2 года назад

      Changing the sunscreen.
      I can recommend COSRX Aloe Soothing Sun Cream or NIOD Survival 20 or 30

    • @chadsultana9233
      @chadsultana9233 2 года назад +1

      @@MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet have already used neutrogena and missha...Both are same!

    • @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet
      @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet  2 года назад

      Yes, these are not great sunscreens... but the ones I have mentioned above are.

  • @dingdong18
    @dingdong18 Год назад +1

    We can use sunscreen at night?

    • @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet
      @MelissaVanDijkTheSkinDiet  Год назад

      Well, there is no sun, so it doesn't make sense unless you live in a place where you have sunshine around the clock.

  • @災厄-b9o
    @災厄-b9o 2 года назад +1

    Thank you!