I swear half of these stories make you go “no way this happened.” Then you find out that not only did this thing happen, but it was actually only the 7th craziest thing to happen in that units history, just under that time when ol’ rusty Bob McGill fought of 100 Moro warriors with a wooden stick, a needle and a rifle cartridge.
Every time I see the titles to this guys videos that’s exactly what I say I literally said it out loud this time and saw your pinned comment 😂 A+ comment
Still wild that the idea of prohibition went over helluva lot of desks and nobody in charge said "look, our nation's origin story is basically 'you're not my effing boss'. this is gonna be such a bad idea."
Kind of crazy how this went from "soldiers were banned from drinking on campus grounds" to "drunk soldiers tried to kill an officer and received 0 punishment"
"And all the drunk cadets start fortifying their barracks" Can we just take a minute to recognize that even at peak inebriation, the cadets had the wherewithal to mount a defense against an imaginary enemy? Makes me proud, in a way lol.
Biggest flex from the drill instructor:"this fuckers are ready to fight at a moment notice even when they are Soo fucking drunk they can't even remember their own name"
The teachers teaching these cadets were probably quietly proud that even in a drunken state their cadets were able to fortify a position and were ready to defend it relatively quickly
@@Majin_Fuu “Boys? You made this old man proud. I know I can count on you to defend yourself against an oncoming bombardment. “And do you know how we’re going to celebrate? Doing a thousand pushups. Oh don’t worry. That’s just the warm up. “Dig in, boys. We’re going to have a party!”
As a west pointer I’m so happy you’re making this video! The eggnog riot is one of our favorite stories and hearing someone retell it like this is amazing.
@@the_fat_electrician amazing! A lot of stuff I didn’t know. One thing that I remember from the oral tradition at school is that at some point during the night a bunch of cadets pointed a cannon at Thayer’s house (which still stands to this day, the Superintendent lives there). Also, Benny Havens is still known and loved. Our oldest song, “Benny Havens Oh” honors his memory as one of the most important figures in our history. A section of the West Point Band that does performances at some events is called the Benny Havens Band.
15:40 "Do it with a bunch of your buddies because they can't get all of you in trouble at the same time" *flashback to September of '19 and the Area 51 idea*
Lieutenant Colonel John Malcolm Thorpe Fleming Churchill, a.k.a. "Mad Jack" British officer who went into battle with bagpipes, a broadsword and a longbow....in WW2. Has the last confirmed longbow kill. This man is a legend and needs his own episode.
One of my classmates at junior college was having his second go at college. His first time, he went to Ole Miss for almost a year. It didn't work out too well. There were two dorms across the street from each other and they developed a rivalry, probably from sheer boredom. Anyway. My classmate's room mate brought a box full of fireworks left over from New Year's. They got drunk and decided to aim rockets and Roman candles at the open windows across the street. Someone across across the street had some fireworks and they fired back and forth at each other. He said some fireballs landed in their closet and destroyed all of their clothes, but they didn't care.
Speaking of Christmas stories, you should do one on the origins of NORAD's Santa tracker. One single misprint in the newspaper started something so wholesome from the military.
I mean we gotta make sure we don't shoot the old boy down. Imagine how pissed the Marines would be if their baby girls didn't get that doll....😢😊It's gonna get ugly real fast 😂😂
Not an officer, didn’t go to West Point, but a lot of my military stories also end with myself and others passed out drunk on the floor. So it’s accurate if nothing else
@@cfields8507 Last time I tried that, my dad's funeral days before the COVID lockdowns, it took me 3 days to recover. Getting old sucks. I used to be able to walk up the quarterdeck, put on my khakis, and get to work
The “European React” channel covered his “Proportional” video and it was incredible. The appreciation he showed for the story was wonderful to see. Sharing our histories/cultures is the very best thing that could be happening and Fat Electrician is helping spread positive things through otherwise outrageous stories.
Wanna know America's military secret? Mor hutzpah than brains. America is predictably unpredictable. Some stuff we paln. Some of it is seat of your pants the rest of it is, America really real unpredictable to the extreme. and are capable of cleaning up the mess from someone else's mess on the fly. Take the boat episode. It's just that we don't do anything predictably if being unpredictable works too. The rest of the world just haven't been able to understand or plans. And that's because the people we end up having to fight, are unable to think on the fly. Mix that with those considered as Gangster, come up solutions to issues they haven't even thought about. After only 15 years of peace in 250 years makes us highly unpredictable, but that even the rank and file in the US thought was crazy.
A serious contender for a new video should be Josef Menčik, the last knight. He was a Czech guy living in the 20th century who liked to ride a horse wearing full medieval plate armour and lived in a castle with no electricity. He collected medieval artifacts and tried to get young people interested in history by inviting schools to his castle. In 1938 the Nazis crossed the border into Czechoslovakia and Menčik prepared for war. Despite being 68 he got into his armour, onto his horse and charged at panzers crossing the border with his halberd. He wasn't shot at by the invading Nazis and was left be. He survived the war and died in 1945, a few days after his castle was nationalised by the Czechoslovak government.
Please please please do an episode on Mad Jack Churchill, the WWII commando who went into special operations missions with a longbow and broadsword, stormed the beaches of Norway playing the bagpipes and only pausing to throw grenades. One of the greatest legends to ever live
_"If it wasn't for those damn Yanks, we could have kept the war going for another 4 years!..."_ - Mad Jack Churchill, actual f*cking quote. In case it wasn't obvious where the 'MAD' part came from. :)
I don't think he's done Mad Jack yet. He has done one on Douglas Bader who flew fighters with no legs. Similar sounding story, there are so many absolute bad asses from that time period. He will eventually cover all of them he can find stories on. I will be here for all of them and then some.
Benny Havens was so beloved by the Corps of Cadets that they composed a song in his honor, which remains a classic among the Corps to this day (search “Benny Havens, oh” it’s a somber tune about slow promotions and not having booze). One of the bands at the academy is also named after him.
Man, the west point class that held what would be future generals fighting against each other in the civil war is just wild. Even some of the stories of when they met in battle and talked are insane
Your history lessons are by some of the best out there! Because it's like "there's no way this actually happened" but here we are with a story with evidence to back it up. 👏👏👏
My son is 17 year years old. And we share a love of history and we always share your videos and have gone down so many history rabbit holes because of you. It's awesome. Hes started a bet with his friends about beating their test scores, cause after watching your videos, his friends grades are up too. So in other words. Your videos are making at least half the boys in my son's history class pass, all because of you. 😂😂😂 So thanks from From a history living Mom.ñ
@@AaronCurtright wouldn't you know it, you just need teachers who are passionate to ignite the spark in the next generation. Almost like this is what my generation was screaming in the early 2000s.
@@shadowuaw-0001 That's a great idea... but what do we have to do to get Nick to sign on as an itinerant high school history teacher/professor? You gotta know that's way too much for a run-of-the-mill high school teacher!! 😂🤣 Don'tcha know that the local Board of Education would all be having conniption fits at the next board meeting!! 😆🤣 Don't feel bad, my generation was doing a lot of the same screaming in the early '60s! History was always sooooo dry. Nick would draw a crowd and fill a classroom in any generation.
@@MrGaryGG48nothing? Thats the beauty of the internet... hes already doing that. Look a lot of the home school and online schooling programs for k-12 use videos like this. Mythbusters famously features prominently in many of the science courses curriculum.
Please do videos on the following: -The Woobie -Jim Corbett the Modern Dragonslayer -The F-15 EX Eagle 2 -The Story of John Paul Jones -The time the US Postmaster tried to deliver mail by Missile. -The SS Warrimoo and its incredible time hack. -The great escape of Gene Hambleton. -The Nutty Bet of Bill Williams. -The standoff between Steve Anthony and Hollywood. -The Story of the Lost Confederate Statue "Dutchy". -The time Idaho Fish & Gane parachuted beavers away from McCall ID.
Can we just acknowledge how much of a gangster Hitchcock is in this story?😂 Just casually blowing off almost getting shot. Also, Merry Christmas to you and yours Nic. My dad (who’s a vet) and I love your videos, I introduced him to the channel back in June.
Those carved stone steps were part of the the training, how to complete complex physical tasks while being absolutely plastered. A skill members of the military still find useful.
I joined the Air Force back 2014, and I ended up in med hold while in BMT. When I got there they had recently instituted a rule where we weren't allowed to have our phones in med hold anymore. Turns out that's because the dorm across from mine has decided to have a "naked bubble party" where they suddsed up the entire dorm and slid naked across the floor like penguins. The idiots of course recorded the whole thing and posted it; hence no phones. The kicker was another guy from my flight had got to Med Hold before me and was one of the culprits. I was like "what the heck dude, you're the reason we can't have our phones?" And just when "Heh... Yeah that was fun."
Remember. ‘It’s never a war crime the first time!’ Especially at West Point. Thank you for the amazing tales of bravery, heroism, and occasionally just humor. All the ‘freedom factions’ (yes i omitted the r) of love this christmas!!
You need to do a video on The Great Locomotive Chase. The story of a group of Union Army spies who Strategically Transferred Equipment to an Alternate Location via a Confederate Military Locomotive that they “acquired” called “The General” and proceeded to make a “Proportional” response to southern secession by “Proportionally” tearing up the main rail line from Atlanta to Chattanooga. And it got made into a Buster Keaton movie.
Speaking as someone who was homeschooled, DO IT!!! Obviously the language is a little rough for younger ears so maybe save it for later grades. 😂. But definitely a wonderful teaching tool.
Sylvanus is my great X a bunch of generations uncle and I never had heard this story. Thank you and I also sent it to my father who attended West Point and I’m sure he’ll enjoy it as well. Thanks again!
You have a gift for telling stories and coining phrases, and I love it. I drop damn near everything when I see you've posted a new vid, and its worth it, everytime.
I just started watching the fat election like 6 months ago. I just watched one of his older videos that was originally on Tick Tok and was only like 4 min long. I'm so glad he's switched over to RUclips. The videos have gotten a lot better and actually long enough to get the whole story and the best part more jokes. Keep up the good work
I discovered this channel several weeks ago. It has quickly become my favorite! This video made my morning! If the story isn’t hilarious enough, the narration is even funnier. I love military history and love to laugh my ass off! Such an original idea. I’m not sure how you find crazy stories like these but I’m going to count on this channel from now on to laugh, learn and hear original content. Keep up the great work! High School History teachers need to be educated by the Fat Electrician and maybe more young people would like history. The obscure stories, naturally hilarious commentary, funny as hell analogies that fit perfectly, and a natural comedian telling the story. What else could you ask for? I think this channel is absolutely unique and a riot to watch! Hats off to the Fat Electrician!😂😂
I've been waiting for this. I've spent every waking moment of the last 2 weeks anticipating your Christmas special and it's finally here. And it's one of the most least spoken outside of the West point community stories that I've seen in a long time. The fact that you keep finding these hidden gems of history is absolutely amazing. Keep up the great work and quack bang out
I was never in the military so I am probably projecting when I say this but I get the feeling that if I was an instructor at West Point I think I would have had very mixed feelings about the whole affair. On the one hand I would be absolutely pissed off that the riot happened to begin with, but on the other hand I think I would have to be at least a little bit proud of the cadets that managed to organize and fortify their position despite being so shit-faced. Love your work it is always a joy to listen to
Sometimes I wonder if the people in charge of the history channels I follow get together to decide their topics. This is now the third video I have seen in the last 7 days telling us about the eggnog riot. That being said the moment I saw the very first video and learned about this story I immediately wanted to hear quack Bang tell it
I do love your videos. I've been following you since your first Marine video went viral on tiktok. Watched all of them over there as soon as you posted, and then came over here to follow along. Awesome to see how much you've grown in such a short time. Keep up the good work and Merry Christmas!
Since you love military history and are a fellow Iowan, you should read up on Fort Des Moines and its history with training black officers during WWI and female officers during WWII. A deep dive into the 34th ID is a good idea too. They saw a ton of action in WWII in North Africa and Italy (which my grandfather who raised me was a Red Bull Soldier).
Video suggestion: PLEASE do a video about Billy Waugh!! You've done so many other stories/videos about badass dudes, and Mr. Waugh definitely deserves one. He passed earlier this year at 93 y/o. He served in Army SF in Korea and Vietnam, and then after he got out of the military he went on to work with the CIA SAD. He was still doing reconnaissance missions during GWOT at like 70-something years old. If you need/want reading material as a reference, check out the book called "Surprise, Kill, Vanish" by Annie Jacobsen. It has multiple stories in it, but the majority of the book is about Billy and his story.
@@Hakar17 Lol yup, he was a badass. If you like books, I highly suggest reading the book I mentioned, "Surprise, Kill, Vanish" by Annie Jacobsen. It talks about a few people, but mainly Mr. Waugh.
"The two times a year that the cadets are allowed to drink on campus, the 4th of July and Christmas,"; I don't like where this is going and at the same time I love where this is going!
I'm on 1 of 4-12hr shifts in a 24hr factory. There have been nights when almost half of my shift wants to go home early. I always say, "If we all leave, they can't fire everybody or they'll lose a quarter of their production crew!" 🤣😂
I just want to say that I’m probably your biggest fan. Keep up the great work. I thought history was dumb and I had no interest in it until you started making videos.
Thank you for another Great few minutes in American Military history. After watching your video for the first time i shared with my 2 sons. Both said to me " wow! Why couldnt we have someone like him for a US History teacher?" Thank you for great interesting content. Merry Christmas to you & your family.🎄
The content you upload always manages to thoroughly entertain me while teaching me history so thank you so much for your time and effort you put in to the videos
I used to live across the Hudson River from West Point. I spent quite a bit of time on the WP campus when I was a kid.During the summers we would go for band concerts, every Labor Day would be an 1812 Overture concert... they had howitzer batteries banging away. Stayed the Thayer Inn once. Core childhood memory.
I did not expect that to basically be swept under the rug. I wholeheartedly expected the drunken cadets to wake up to a boatload of soldiers just looking at them and waiting.
I found your channel not that long ago, and as a history fan myself, I've been enjoying the deep dive into your content 😉 That's for this present, and I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas!
Bud I'm a huge history fan, my old Highschool history teacher was a huge influence on me, he made it fun, informative and educational, I've shown your videos to my historical apathetic nephews and now they're hooked on US history as long as I deliver it like you, thank you for inspiring my salty crusty azz to help teach the youngsters proper history! Signed A crusty public safety guy!
@@Honor_and_Steel he's the guy who brought out the atrocities that were carried out by the Nazis in the concentration camps through his detailed reports - and yes, he included the details of how The Holocaust was being carried out in his reports. Dude got out, fought in the Warsaw Uprisings, got caught "legitimately" this time around. Later when he returned in 1945 to report on the situation of Poland under the Commies - he was caught by their version of the KGB, tortured and was then finally executed in 1948. The Commies didn't want him to be known BUT history has a way of correcting itself even though it's inconvenient for some (like the Commies). Honestly, I really don't know HOW and WHY and exactly WHAT makes the Polish so insanely brave! 🤯 Did you know that the Polish quite literally blackmailed their way into NATO? 🤣🤣🤣 That makes for an epic story by itself! 🤣🤣🤣
Oh my god I am in tears! This was how building 369 on Ft. Stewart was circa 2006! I've seen MPs shoved in the truck of their own cars and driven around base! Wow this sure brought back memories of barracks brawls!
You really should do a video on Commander Mush Morton! Should’ve won a Medal of Honor but he had one little oppssy and never did but this man created the tactics that submarines would begin to use throughout WWII!
Second highest scoring American submariner... and he trained the top scorer, Dick O'Kane. Though Mush was maybe a little too aggressive for his own good.
@@cosperpaulAbsolutely, and most of the successful submariners in '44 on were using his tactics. But his orders were to _not_ attack ships while leaving the Sea of Japan on his last patrol. He disobeyed those orders and sunk three ships. Problem was, those sinkings let the Japanese connect the dots and predict his course and speed of advance. That's not a problem in the open sea, but he had to transit La Perouse Strait. They knew exactly what time to expect him to be there, and the strait is narrow and shallow. Aircraft caught him and crippled the boat, then destroyers finished him off. If he were a little less aggressive, he would live to fight another day. This was late 1943-Wahoo was due for a refit to get better radar, sonar, and fire control. Throw in the torpedo fix, and he'd have gotten twice as many ships by war's end.
@@windwalker5765 look I agree that he was over zealous but his aggression is what led to his success and sometimes that gets you killed. If it wasn’t for him though Captains like O’kane, Flucky, Ramage, and Burlington would have never been as good or successful if it wasn’t for what they all learned from Morton. It’s war and mistakes are made and Morton had his fair share as did everyone but he still was extremely successful and put a huge hurting on the Japanese war effort! He also showed a single submarine could do more damage than a whole wolf pack.
You sound almost surprised that Davis wasn’t punished, but the man’s involvement began and ended with acquiring the booze. When caught and ordered to bed, he obeyed. Man generally gets a bad rap without any recognition of the good things he did; able infantry commander in Mexico, worked hard to modernize the US Arsenal as secretary of war, and acted to limit the worst excesses of the politicians in CSA.
‘Anti-war’ might be a bit of a stretch, but definitely wanted a negotiated peace as soon as possible and worked to keep the war as humane as any can be. Ironically he was also one of the guys arguing against secession in the years leading up to the war, and basically gets picked as CSA president because they know he won’t want it (and the provisional government can’t agree on anyone else).
Dude, you should make slightly edited versions of these videos for teachers to use in classrooms. If I had you for a history teacher back in the day I would have paid attention.
Nah. Play them in full. Nothing TFE has said in any of these rises to a level that I think would be super offensive. If we can learn about Unit 731 in high school and what all went down there, I think TFE saying “Do I have to show you fuckers what it feels like to chew five gum?” is INCREDIBLY mild in comparison. And this is coming from a mega bleeding heart lefty.
I live pretty close to West Point, nearby Rockland County. Everything you have said is pretty much accurate about West Point. But pretty baller place, they let me in on a Sheriffs Badge and a please. I got a full tour of the facility from a nice group of privates too
Nic since you like story suggestions, have you ever thought about covering the Battle of Athens? I have only seen one other video going over it and id love to see how you could tell the story. Also love the vids and Merry Christmas ya filthy electrician (I'm hvac so fuck electricians lol)
@@mightymikethebear for me its just a friendly rivalry type thing. But as an over all thing its mostly just cause electronics are messy assholes who only care about themselves and don't look out for any other trade when they are working.
I'm sitting here listening to this while I work, having just returned from time off for New Years... and I'm trying not to laugh, but I'm just bouncing in my chair and tears are streaming. OMG this is GOLD!!! Love your channel and I have one of your merch shirts.
I grew up near West Point. I've been on campus many, many times i've never heard this story, but this is by far the best story i've ever heard about. West point
The Eggnog Riot is exactly why alcohol is prohibited in the Marine Corps barracks. They would make the Eggnog Riot look like an ice cream social and the Commandants have been very aware of this fact.
Keep the future video suggestions coming! Also i started another channel called “the fat files” check it out
Just subscribed
Gotta do one on Roy Benavidez!
I'm just wondering where the D in Scheel's is? 🤔
Could you do a video on the destroyer escort uss tabberer?
A video about desert storm, a video on the f35 or a video shitting on Russian equipment
I swear half of these stories make you go “no way this happened.”
Then you find out that not only did this thing happen, but it was actually only the 7th craziest thing to happen in that units history, just under that time when ol’ rusty Bob McGill fought of 100 Moro warriors with a wooden stick, a needle and a rifle cartridge.
Not even a rifle, a rifle cartridge.
That's how you know they did
holy shit
Every time I see the titles to this guys videos that’s exactly what I say I literally said it out loud this time and saw your pinned comment 😂 A+ comment
I love that he was “rusty” and you know he ain’t made of metal.
The egg nog riot truly was the window into which we could see how well prohibition would play out
See some racing carriages! 😂😂
Still wild that the idea of prohibition went over helluva lot of desks and nobody in charge said "look, our nation's origin story is basically 'you're not my effing boss'. this is gonna be such a bad idea."
@@THeMightyWarHamsterwith guns... dont forget the guns 😂 america was built on booze guns and "you cant make me" attitude 😂😂😂
Oh, it gets better: this is *before* the big wave of German immigrants came in the 1850s.
Kind of crazy how this went from "soldiers were banned from drinking on campus grounds" to "drunk soldiers tried to kill an officer and received 0 punishment"
Total fuckery, if there ever was any!! LOL 😂🤣😅😆😹
"And all the drunk cadets start fortifying their barracks"
Can we just take a minute to recognize that even at peak inebriation, the cadets had the wherewithal to mount a defense against an imaginary enemy? Makes me proud, in a way lol.
Biggest flex from the drill instructor:"this fuckers are ready to fight at a moment notice even when they are Soo fucking drunk they can't even remember their own name"
Metal double bunks are great.
Right?!? American badassery ! 😎
Once upon a time, drunk me decided to look out for future drunk me and stashed a bag of Doritos in my beer fridge in my garage 😂🤌
Go Navy!
The fact that they were so hammered, they thought the staff were gonna start shelling the barracks is just hilarious
The teachers teaching these cadets were probably quietly proud that even in a drunken state their cadets were able to fortify a position and were ready to defend it relatively quickly
SSGTs are proud but cadets are still getting it in the morning 😅
@@Majin_Fuu “Boys? You made this old man proud. I know I can count on you to defend yourself against an oncoming bombardment.
“And do you know how we’re going to celebrate? Doing a thousand pushups. Oh don’t worry. That’s just the warm up.
“Dig in, boys. We’re going to have a party!”
“Teamwork makes the dream work, even if the dream is to be an asshole on Christmas Eve.” Definitely famous words to live by.
Christmas. I don't celebrate it. Kidnapp me to go drinking on Christmas day. Ill love you forever.
As a west pointer I’m so happy you’re making this video! The eggnog riot is one of our favorite stories and hearing someone retell it like this is amazing.
Howd i do with it?
@@the_fat_electrician amazing! A lot of stuff I didn’t know. One thing that I remember from the oral tradition at school is that at some point during the night a bunch of cadets pointed a cannon at Thayer’s house (which still stands to this day, the Superintendent lives there).
Also, Benny Havens is still known and loved. Our oldest song, “Benny Havens Oh” honors his memory as one of the most important figures in our history. A section of the West Point Band that does performances at some events is called the Benny Havens Band.
@@Wayward_Jerichoyo, are you currently attending? Or already graduated?(im applying for USNA, USMA, and USAFA to be apart of the class of 2028)
Well hello officer I see you there
Must be liking having Samuel L. Jackson retell how you lost your virginity.
15:40 "Do it with a bunch of your buddies because they can't get all of you in trouble at the same time" *flashback to September of '19 and the Area 51 idea*
I'm a Vet and have learned more about real history of our country from you than all my years of schooling, keep it up.
That fact that history only remembers Grant as "THE" drunk Westpointer is the oddest part of the school's long glorious tale to me.
And now Ulysses S. Grant is also one of our three Generals of the Armies of the United States, along with George Washington and John J. Pershing 🫡
Equally important is the fact that Grant, unlike Napoleon, never suffered any Waterloos 🫡
Grant was drunk on duty only due to him going through a bout of depression due to being a thousand miles from his wife and I believe oldest child.
Lieutenant Colonel John Malcolm Thorpe Fleming Churchill, a.k.a. "Mad Jack"
British officer who went into battle with bagpipes, a broadsword and a longbow....in WW2. Has the last confirmed longbow kill. This man is a legend and needs his own episode.
This is the exact reason History was my favorite subject. I got that early onset republican syndrome in me LMFAOO.
We need an episode on Mad Jack, and on Sir Christopher Lee as well.
Hitchcock should have been called Old Ironballs.
Not only "Mad Jack," but "Mad Mike" Hoare the mercenary. Just as colorful
I first heard about Mad Jack on the TV Tropes page for Refuge in Audacity. The man exemplifies that.
I love how Nic tells storys and makes you feel like you are there even though he wasn't there himself.
I agree. He really has a way of pulling you into the story
Thats the goal lol
@@MIKE_F44 He does, it's like MrBallen but with war stories and he cusses wich make things better.
@@the_fat_electricianIt's really cool to get a hearted comment and a reply from you, also I love how you made Unsubscribe your own.
@@Mr_SeaWolf unsub is a good time for sure lol
One of my classmates at junior college was having his second go at college. His first time, he went to Ole Miss for almost a year. It didn't work out too well. There were two dorms across the street from each other and they developed a rivalry, probably from sheer boredom. Anyway. My classmate's room mate brought a box full of fireworks left over from New Year's. They got drunk and decided to aim rockets and Roman candles at the open windows across the street. Someone across across the street had some fireworks and they fired back and forth at each other. He said some fireballs landed in their closet and destroyed all of their clothes, but they didn't care.
Some of the craziest stories I’d ever heard were when I worked on a military base but I’m pretty sure this story takes the cake.
Speaking of Christmas stories, you should do one on the origins of NORAD's Santa tracker. One single misprint in the newspaper started something so wholesome from the military.
I mean we gotta make sure we don't shoot the old boy down. Imagine how pissed the Marines would be if their baby girls didn't get that doll....😢😊It's gonna get ugly real fast 😂😂
Let's be honest. Mike Rowe already covered that one about as well as anyone could.
I swear half of the events in this whole story end with "and then they passed out drunk on the floor."
God damn it, I love this country so much.
Not an officer, didn’t go to West Point, but a lot of my military stories also end with myself and others passed out drunk on the floor. So it’s accurate if nothing else
If that's not how the story ends, does the story really need to be told?
@markuhler2664 some of my best end with a drunken stumble home at dawn 😂
@@cfields8507 Last time I tried that, my dad's funeral days before the COVID lockdowns, it took me 3 days to recover. Getting old sucks. I used to be able to walk up the quarterdeck, put on my khakis, and get to work
Dude... I see people from all around the world reacting to your stories. Great job in spreading American greatness to the world.
Dude same, it’s fun to watch the Brits react to it positively lmao
The “European React” channel covered his “Proportional” video and it was incredible. The appreciation he showed for the story was wonderful to see. Sharing our histories/cultures is the very best thing that could be happening and Fat Electrician is helping spread positive things through otherwise outrageous stories.
Wanna know America's military secret? Mor hutzpah than brains. America is predictably unpredictable. Some stuff we paln. Some of it is seat of your pants the rest of it is, America really real unpredictable to the extreme. and are capable of cleaning up the mess from someone else's mess on the fly. Take the boat episode. It's just that we don't do anything predictably if being unpredictable works too.
The rest of the world just haven't been able to understand or plans.
And that's because the people we end up having to fight, are unable to think on the fly.
Mix that with those considered as Gangster, come up solutions to issues they haven't even thought about.
After only 15 years of peace in 250 years makes us highly unpredictable, but that even the rank and file in the US thought was crazy.
True, a Swede, a Brit, a couple in Guersey and several here.
“Bribed the guard with 35 cents to look the other way”
That is adjusted for inflation $11.04 today 😂
A serious contender for a new video should be Josef Menčik, the last knight. He was a Czech guy living in the 20th century who liked to ride a horse wearing full medieval plate armour and lived in a castle with no electricity. He collected medieval artifacts and tried to get young people interested in history by inviting schools to his castle. In 1938 the Nazis crossed the border into Czechoslovakia and Menčik prepared for war. Despite being 68 he got into his armour, onto his horse and charged at panzers crossing the border with his halberd. He wasn't shot at by the invading Nazis and was left be. He survived the war and died in 1945, a few days after his castle was nationalised by the Czechoslovak government.
Please please please do an episode on Mad Jack Churchill, the WWII commando who went into special operations missions with a longbow and broadsword, stormed the beaches of Norway playing the bagpipes and only pausing to throw grenades. One of the greatest legends to ever live
A quote of his discussing the use of the atomic bomb: "If it wasn't for those damn Yanks, we could have kept the war going another 10 years!" 🤣🤣🤣
(you mean a long-form video, as he did one before.)
_"If it wasn't for those damn Yanks, we could have kept the war going for another 4 years!..."_ - Mad Jack Churchill, actual f*cking quote.
In case it wasn't obvious where the 'MAD' part came from. :)
@@CaptainFrost32 Did he? I just checked when I saw your comment and it didn't come up in my search. What was the title?
I don't think he's done Mad Jack yet. He has done one on Douglas Bader who flew fighters with no legs. Similar sounding story, there are so many absolute bad asses from that time period. He will eventually cover all of them he can find stories on. I will be here for all of them and then some.
Benny Havens was so beloved by the Corps of Cadets that they composed a song in his honor, which remains a classic among the Corps to this day (search “Benny Havens, oh” it’s a somber tune about slow promotions and not having booze). One of the bands at the academy is also named after him.
It's sung in one of Errol Flynn's cavalry Westerns.
Man, the west point class that held what would be future generals fighting against each other in the civil war is just wild. Even some of the stories of when they met in battle and talked are insane
15:37 “If you’re going to do the wrong thing, do it with a bunch of your buddies. They can’t arrest you all at once.”
That would be great shirt
Your history lessons are by some of the best out there! Because it's like "there's no way this actually happened" but here we are with a story with evidence to back it up. 👏👏👏
My son is 17 year years old. And we share a love of history and we always share your videos and have gone down so many history rabbit holes because of you. It's awesome. Hes started a bet with his friends about beating their test scores, cause after watching your videos, his friends grades are up too. So in other words. Your videos are making at least half the boys in my son's history class pass, all because of you. 😂😂😂 So thanks from From a history living Mom.ñ
Maybe there is hope for the younger generation…
@@AaronCurtright wouldn't you know it, you just need teachers who are passionate to ignite the spark in the next generation. Almost like this is what my generation was screaming in the early 2000s.
@@shadowuaw-0001 That's a great idea... but what do we have to do to get Nick to sign on as an itinerant high school history teacher/professor? You gotta know that's way too much for a run-of-the-mill high school teacher!! 😂🤣
Don'tcha know that the local Board of Education would all be having conniption fits at the next board meeting!! 😆🤣
Don't feel bad, my generation was doing a lot of the same screaming in the early '60s! History was always sooooo dry. Nick would draw a crowd and fill a classroom in any generation.
@@MrGaryGG48nothing? Thats the beauty of the internet... hes already doing that. Look a lot of the home school and online schooling programs for k-12 use videos like this. Mythbusters famously features prominently in many of the science courses curriculum.
History was always my favorite subject. I think I’ve learned more from this channel than I did in school
Honestly reminds me of the old glory days of the history channel... with more humor 😂
Please do videos on the following:
-The Woobie
-Jim Corbett the Modern Dragonslayer
-The F-15 EX Eagle 2
-The Story of John Paul Jones
-The time the US Postmaster tried to deliver mail by Missile.
-The SS Warrimoo and its incredible time hack.
-The great escape of Gene Hambleton.
-The Nutty Bet of Bill Williams.
-The standoff between Steve Anthony and Hollywood.
-The Story of the Lost Confederate Statue "Dutchy".
-The time Idaho Fish & Gane parachuted beavers away from McCall ID.
oh, Bat-21, that story is just wild!
WHAT ???? bu, Be b, ... .. WHAT ?????
Mail by missle? I need to know more!
Can we just acknowledge how much of a gangster Hitchcock is in this story?😂 Just casually blowing off almost getting shot. Also, Merry Christmas to you and yours Nic. My dad (who’s a vet) and I love your videos, I introduced him to the channel back in June.
The poor guy was like, "I'm not getting paid enough to deal with this..." 😂 Let the man sleep in peace.
This is a story I have been waiting to hear you tell, because it’s ridiculous on its own, but your storytelling style seems perfect for it.
Those carved stone steps were part of the the training, how to complete complex physical tasks while being absolutely plastered. A skill members of the military still find useful.
Half of this guy's stories involve Marines and alcohol as the main plot points and I LOVE IT.
marines and alcohol go together like communism and severe retardation
Your story telling is legendary and I absolutely go feral waiting for uploads. Keep crushing it bro. Much love!
I appreciate that
I joined the Air Force back 2014, and I ended up in med hold while in BMT. When I got there they had recently instituted a rule where we weren't allowed to have our phones in med hold anymore. Turns out that's because the dorm across from mine has decided to have a "naked bubble party" where they suddsed up the entire dorm and slid naked across the floor like penguins. The idiots of course recorded the whole thing and posted it; hence no phones. The kicker was another guy from my flight had got to Med Hold before me and was one of the culprits. I was like "what the heck dude, you're the reason we can't have our phones?" And just when "Heh... Yeah that was fun."
Remember. ‘It’s never a war crime the first time!’ Especially at West Point. Thank you for the amazing tales of bravery, heroism, and occasionally just humor. All the ‘freedom factions’ (yes i omitted the r) of love this christmas!!
You need to do a video on The Great Locomotive Chase. The story of a group of Union Army spies who Strategically Transferred Equipment to an Alternate Location via a Confederate Military Locomotive that they “acquired” called “The General” and proceeded to make a “Proportional” response to southern secession by “Proportionally” tearing up the main rail line from Atlanta to Chattanooga.
And it got made into a Buster Keaton movie.
I'm fueled by Eggnog and Hate during the holidays.
New shirt?
That needs to be on a shirt
Definitely needs a shirt.
My wife and I have been talking about home schooling our kids, and I swear if we do your channel will be part of their classes!
Speaking as someone who was homeschooled, DO IT!!!
Obviously the language is a little rough for younger ears so maybe save it for later grades. 😂. But definitely a wonderful teaching tool.
I guess we have a new goal for the next trip to Texas 😂
Whats my favorite car channel doing here???
Sylvanus is my great X a bunch of generations uncle and I never had heard this story. Thank you and I also sent it to my father who attended West Point and I’m sure he’ll enjoy it as well. Thanks again!
You have a gift for telling stories and coining phrases, and I love it. I drop damn near everything when I see you've posted a new vid, and its worth it, everytime.
I'm so glad to see that Nick has recovered from his accident
Wait accident? What happened?
In joke from the Unsubscribe podcast
I swear I see an inside joke and instantly know it comes from UnsubPod.
Yeah it's been mentioned the last several episodes 😂
I can’t tell how happy this made me! A story about my school on Christmas! Thank you!
Happy holidays!
I just started watching the fat election like 6 months ago. I just watched one of his older videos that was originally on Tick Tok and was only like 4 min long. I'm so glad he's switched over to RUclips. The videos have gotten a lot better and actually long enough to get the whole story and the best part more jokes. Keep up the good work
I saw a tiktok about a US special forces veteran taking on the crips in a shootout at home. Love to see your video on it!
PopoMedic covered that, very cool video
I almost choked on my food when the bugle part came up. Jesus Christ this has got to be one of my favorite military stories of all time
the quiet, terrible bugling in the background at that part of the story is priceless
The military and alcohol... a timeless love story.
First thing I learned to say in West Germany was, "Guten tag, ein bier, bitte."
I discovered this channel several weeks ago. It has quickly become my favorite! This video made my morning! If the story isn’t hilarious enough, the narration is even funnier.
I love military history and love to laugh my ass off! Such an original idea.
I’m not sure how you find crazy stories like these but I’m going to count on this channel from now on to laugh, learn and hear original content. Keep up the great work!
High School History teachers need to be educated by the Fat Electrician and maybe more young people would like history.
The obscure stories, naturally hilarious commentary, funny as hell analogies that fit perfectly, and a natural comedian telling the story. What else could you ask for? I think this channel is absolutely unique and a riot to watch! Hats off to the Fat Electrician!😂😂
Your reasoning for why to wear the glove is probably the best sell I’ve seen in an ad.
The wife approved lol
Eggnog must have played a part into TFE"s super fast recovery from his accident!
I've been waiting for this. I've spent every waking moment of the last 2 weeks anticipating your Christmas special and it's finally here. And it's one of the most least spoken outside of the West point community stories that I've seen in a long time. The fact that you keep finding these hidden gems of history is absolutely amazing. Keep up the great work and quack bang out
Great Story... Never heard it before today. Have a Merry Christmas!!
"Why don't you inherently respect officers are your betters?" Is a question I heard phrased one way or another.
This. This and many other reasons.
I was never in the military so I am probably projecting when I say this but I get the feeling that if I was an instructor at West Point I think I would have had very mixed feelings about the whole affair. On the one hand I would be absolutely pissed off that the riot happened to begin with, but on the other hand I think I would have to be at least a little bit proud of the cadets that managed to organize and fortify their position despite being so shit-faced.
Love your work it is always a joy to listen to
Sometimes I wonder if the people in charge of the history channels I follow get together to decide their topics. This is now the third video I have seen in the last 7 days telling us about the eggnog riot.
That being said the moment I saw the very first video and learned about this story I immediately wanted to hear quack Bang tell it
Its actually a phenomenon that happens. Watched a mini documentary about it. I can't remember what its called
I do love your videos. I've been following you since your first Marine video went viral on tiktok. Watched all of them over there as soon as you posted, and then came over here to follow along. Awesome to see how much you've grown in such a short time. Keep up the good work and Merry Christmas!
Since you love military history and are a fellow Iowan, you should read up on Fort Des Moines and its history with training black officers during WWI and female officers during WWII. A deep dive into the 34th ID is a good idea too. They saw a ton of action in WWII in North Africa and Italy (which my grandfather who raised me was a Red Bull Soldier).
Video suggestion: PLEASE do a video about Billy Waugh!! You've done so many other stories/videos about badass dudes, and Mr. Waugh definitely deserves one. He passed earlier this year at 93 y/o. He served in Army SF in Korea and Vietnam, and then after he got out of the military he went on to work with the CIA SAD. He was still doing reconnaissance missions during GWOT at like 70-something years old.
If you need/want reading material as a reference, check out the book called "Surprise, Kill, Vanish" by Annie Jacobsen. It has multiple stories in it, but the majority of the book is about Billy and his story.
Damn dude was "having discussions" at 70? What a G
@@Hakar17 Lol yup, he was a badass. If you like books, I highly suggest reading the book I mentioned, "Surprise, Kill, Vanish" by Annie Jacobsen. It talks about a few people, but mainly Mr. Waugh.
My whole family enjoys your work. thanks for what you do. History + funny = awesome.
I’m just here for the quality jiggling.
"The two times a year that the cadets are allowed to drink on campus, the 4th of July and Christmas,"; I don't like where this is going and at the same time I love where this is going!
Good God this channel is more entertaining than all of Netflix, Disney and Prime Video combined.
I'm on 1 of 4-12hr shifts in a 24hr factory. There have been nights when almost half of my shift wants to go home early. I always say, "If we all leave, they can't fire everybody or they'll lose a quarter of their production crew!" 🤣😂
Scheels is a STACATTO DEALER! And priced better than other stores.. I love that place
I just want to say that I’m probably your biggest fan. Keep up the great work. I thought history was dumb and I had no interest in it until you started making videos.
Every west pointer I meet is either a nerd or has a "how I snuck alcohol into West Point" story
‘Twas the night before Christmas,
And all through the house,
Everyone was drunk and/or pissed off,
Even the mouse.
0:35 I’m sorry, somebody clip that for an out-of-context compilation
Agreeeed 100%😂
I love your stories! I can relate to them. Especially the "and then he passed out drunk on the floor part of it." Reminds me of college.😂
Thank you for another Great few minutes in American Military history. After watching your video for the first time i shared with my 2 sons. Both said to me " wow! Why couldnt we have someone like him for a US History teacher?" Thank you for great interesting content. Merry Christmas to you & your family.🎄
The content you upload always manages to thoroughly entertain me while teaching me history so thank you so much for your time and effort you put in to the videos
The closest I can come to a criticism of your content is that it is soo good that I often feel overwhelmed with American pride, joy and patriotism.
I used to live across the Hudson River from West Point. I spent quite a bit of time on the WP campus when I was a kid.During the summers we would go for band concerts, every Labor Day would be an 1812 Overture concert... they had howitzer batteries banging away. Stayed the Thayer Inn once. Core childhood memory.
Amazing!! Still waiting for the Navajo Code Talkers video! Love from the Navajo Nation!! 💙
On my list
I did not expect that to basically be swept under the rug. I wholeheartedly expected the drunken cadets to wake up to a boatload of soldiers just looking at them and waiting.
The commander of the bombardiers just squatting down smiling like “wakey wakey”
I found your channel not that long ago, and as a history fan myself, I've been enjoying the deep dive into your content 😉
That's for this present, and I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas!
Bud I'm a huge history fan, my old Highschool history teacher was a huge influence on me, he made it fun, informative and educational, I've shown your videos to my historical apathetic nephews and now they're hooked on US history as long as I deliver it like you, thank you for inspiring my salty crusty azz to help teach the youngsters proper history!
A crusty public safety guy!
Your Channel should be shown in high school history throughout the USA. Keep up the epic work and thank you.
Sweet I was bored af doing laundry, hope you’re fam is well man!
Miss drinking all day 🍻 Could you do Witold Pilecki the Polish Cav officer that infiltrated Auschwitz and escaped a few years later 🇵🇱 Polska
He did WHAT?
@@Honor_and_Steelhe was a Intel officer and got himself caught by the nazis, escaped and reported what the nazis were doing.
@@Honor_and_Steel he's the guy who brought out the atrocities that were carried out by the Nazis in the concentration camps through his detailed reports - and yes, he included the details of how The Holocaust was being carried out in his reports.
Dude got out, fought in the Warsaw Uprisings, got caught "legitimately" this time around. Later when he returned in 1945 to report on the situation of Poland under the Commies - he was caught by their version of the KGB, tortured and was then finally executed in 1948.
The Commies didn't want him to be known BUT history has a way of correcting itself even though it's inconvenient for some (like the Commies).
Honestly, I really don't know HOW and WHY and exactly WHAT makes the Polish so insanely brave! 🤯
Did you know that the Polish quite literally blackmailed their way into NATO? 🤣🤣🤣 That makes for an epic story by itself! 🤣🤣🤣
@@black_wolf365 must be the vodka
Don't have much to say but those Perma-Safe gloves are downright awesome!
They are!
Oh my god I am in tears! This was how building 369 on Ft. Stewart was circa 2006! I've seen MPs shoved in the truck of their own cars and driven around base! Wow this sure brought back memories of barracks brawls!
The only thing that surprises me is how it's not happen more often
You really should do a video on Commander Mush Morton! Should’ve won a Medal of Honor but he had one little oppssy and never did but this man created the tactics that submarines would begin to use throughout WWII!
Second highest scoring American submariner... and he trained the top scorer, Dick O'Kane. Though Mush was maybe a little too aggressive for his own good.
@@windwalker5765 he was good and aggressive as hell but made a big mistake but other than that his tactics were hard to counter and some of the best!
@@cosperpaulAbsolutely, and most of the successful submariners in '44 on were using his tactics. But his orders were to _not_ attack ships while leaving the Sea of Japan on his last patrol. He disobeyed those orders and sunk three ships. Problem was, those sinkings let the Japanese connect the dots and predict his course and speed of advance. That's not a problem in the open sea, but he had to transit La Perouse Strait. They knew exactly what time to expect him to be there, and the strait is narrow and shallow. Aircraft caught him and crippled the boat, then destroyers finished him off.
If he were a little less aggressive, he would live to fight another day. This was late 1943-Wahoo was due for a refit to get better radar, sonar, and fire control. Throw in the torpedo fix, and he'd have gotten twice as many ships by war's end.
@@windwalker5765 look I agree that he was over zealous but his aggression is what led to his success and sometimes that gets you killed. If it wasn’t for him though Captains like O’kane, Flucky, Ramage, and Burlington would have never been as good or successful if it wasn’t for what they all learned from Morton. It’s war and mistakes are made and Morton had his fair share as did everyone but he still was extremely successful and put a huge hurting on the Japanese war effort! He also showed a single submarine could do more damage than a whole wolf pack.
Love the stories and storytelling. Just found the channel a couple of months ago. Any chance of bring some of the old t-shirts back for sale?
Some of the most popular one come back around! Which one u want
@@the_fat_electrician Warheads on Foreheads, No Metric System on the Moon and there was one other, but can't think of it at the moment
@@garce7039 warhead on foreheads is constantly coming back
@@the_fat_electrician Freedom Fractions is the other. I'll keep an eye out for the Warheads. Thanks for the replies.
You sound almost surprised that Davis wasn’t punished, but the man’s involvement began and ended with acquiring the booze. When caught and ordered to bed, he obeyed. Man generally gets a bad rap without any recognition of the good things he did; able infantry commander in Mexico, worked hard to modernize the US Arsenal as secretary of war, and acted to limit the worst excesses of the politicians in CSA.
Also, actively anti-war throughout the entire Civil War when everyone else itched for a fight. For all his faults, he was a philosopher.
‘Anti-war’ might be a bit of a stretch, but definitely wanted a negotiated peace as soon as possible and worked to keep the war as humane as any can be. Ironically he was also one of the guys arguing against secession in the years leading up to the war, and basically gets picked as CSA president because they know he won’t want it (and the provisional government can’t agree on anyone else).
@@joshuahnatek3342 so he is the only sane person in the CSA room?
They bribed the guard with .35 cents. which even today is only 11 bucks. That guard must have been a true bro!
Just watched the stream with Terry I loved hearing a bit about how you make your videos
TFE also donated $500 to the cause.
Dude, you should make slightly edited versions of these videos for teachers to use in classrooms. If I had you for a history teacher back in the day I would have paid attention.
Nah. Play them in full. Nothing TFE has said in any of these rises to a level that I think would be super offensive. If we can learn about Unit 731 in high school and what all went down there, I think TFE saying “Do I have to show you fuckers what it feels like to chew five gum?” is INCREDIBLY mild in comparison.
And this is coming from a mega bleeding heart lefty.
3 seconds in and I like it. The eggnog riot sounds so dumb that it can’t be something that can’t faked!!
I live pretty close to West Point, nearby Rockland County. Everything you have said is pretty much accurate about West Point. But pretty baller place, they let me in on a Sheriffs Badge and a please. I got a full tour of the facility from a nice group of privates too
i used to work at west point for summer jobs and i went drinking at Benny Havens all the time! its a great bar thats still right outside of the base.
Thank you for the entertaining content
Nic since you like story suggestions, have you ever thought about covering the Battle of Athens? I have only seen one other video going over it and id love to see how you could tell the story. Also love the vids and Merry Christmas ya filthy electrician (I'm hvac so fuck electricians lol)
Its on my list!
@@the_fat_electrician i can't wait for the video man! I figured you would know the story and tell it one day!
Why do HVAC guys have a problem with electricians?
@@mightymikethebear for me its just a friendly rivalry type thing. But as an over all thing its mostly just cause electronics are messy assholes who only care about themselves and don't look out for any other trade when they are working.
Merry Christmas 🧹
I'm sitting here listening to this while I work, having just returned from time off for New Years... and I'm trying not to laugh, but I'm just bouncing in my chair and tears are streaming. OMG this is GOLD!!! Love your channel and I have one of your merch shirts.
I grew up near West Point. I've been on campus many, many times i've never heard this story, but this is by far the best story i've ever heard about. West point
12:15 right when you say "cut" I got a YT add 😂
Happened to me as well
The Eggnog Riot is exactly why alcohol is prohibited in the Marine Corps barracks. They would make the Eggnog Riot look like an ice cream social and the Commandants have been very aware of this fact.