  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 371

  • @Free-gb1bf
    @Free-gb1bf Год назад +593

    “He’s saving flash for the next time he gets a pro team” ☠️

  • @simargl2454
    @simargl2454 Год назад +1647

    Good to see Nemesis back in the highest level of competition

  • @LxrdDaryus
    @LxrdDaryus Год назад +436

    Best caster duo😂😂
    “I watched Pokémon…..as a kid”
    *awkward silence*
    “I’m ignoring you”
    Funniest exchange

    • @Energy0120
      @Energy0120 Год назад +36

      "Nemesis flash man!"
      "No he would trade one for one."
      "I don't care flash!"
      "It's not worth."
      "How about you grow some balls, huh?"

  • @Viktor_Von_Doom
    @Viktor_Von_Doom Год назад +463

    Unironically 100x more entertaining than pro League. 100+ champs and 90% of the time only like 15 are played, this is way more fun

    • @BossBarrett
      @BossBarrett Год назад +14

      I think Leagues like this can work in tandem with Pro. Completely different objectives for pros than content creators. This league is great for spotlighting content creators and talent while also showcasing 100+ league champs

    • @ethosterros9430
      @ethosterros9430 Год назад

      That and considering how they eat sleep and shit league they still get the basics wrong and cant play those 15 champs for shit most of the time.
      Not a flex I'm literally disgusted that I play some champs better than pros as a total casual, and understand drafting better than most of these coaches. They should be the best of the best and average casuals shouldn't be able to point out glaring errors. Like what are they doing with their time? Sure as hell isnt practice or research.

    • @ethosterros9430
      @ethosterros9430 Год назад +1

      ​@@BossBarrettChina and Korea are the only pros worth watching cuz they actually understand game fundamentals. Its hard to tell the difference between silver and LCS sometimes. It's like hands diff most of the time.

    • @Velereonics
      @Velereonics Год назад

      Riot should unironically implement the "can only have a champion appear in a series once" rule for pro-play.
      I think most esports have to have some version of this. Like part of my marvel versus Capcom is so popular is because people play three different characters so it's like the team that you play is what makes it interesting.
      In League we see the same comps over and over and over because riot doesn't want to mess with the formula. Two options are to alter the game really heavily or to alter the rule set. They never go hard enough on the 1st, so the only option is to change the rules to force variety

    • @djordemahoney
      @djordemahoney 11 месяцев назад

      ​@@ethosterros9430stfu and go pro then mister nohand.

  • @vrataski_
    @vrataski_ Год назад +349

    thank you drututt for setting up the best brass knuckles streamer only 5v5 tournament. truly a gangster of all time

  • @help1ng316
    @help1ng316 Год назад +286

    Druttutt the inventor, fixed the league scene singlehandedly

  • @laxksamana2099
    @laxksamana2099 Год назад +1105

    Thank you Drututt for making this gigantic chungus of an event (DUS [Drututt Ultimate Showdown {Better LCS}]) it really give us (audience) a lot of *good quality content.* And a genuine appreciation from me, here's some cookie and milk 🍪🥛

    • @shengs1001
      @shengs1001 Год назад +65

      Milk = 😋 yummy milk
      Cookie milk = 🤮 predator milk

    • @maxem8146
      @maxem8146 Год назад +3

      But this has better production Than emea masters really

    • @Zakru
      @Zakru Год назад

      @@shengs1001 SURPRISE! I'M BACK

    • @psycholol4855
      @psycholol4855 Год назад +5

      @@shengs1001predator milk🥶

    • @szarvasszilard5061
      @szarvasszilard5061 Год назад +1

      Seconding this. Thanks dr.

  • @LawsofPaul
    @LawsofPaul Год назад +76

    Nemesis and Dzukill trying their best to carry 3 corpses across the finish line 😂

  • @KuoOwen
    @KuoOwen Год назад +114

    Been waiting for this for so long.
    Also I think posting the scrims to hype up the main event is a good strategy. It also serves as trying out different small things and collecting feedback.

  • @keithmiller9369
    @keithmiller9369 Год назад +44

    Not sure if you were actually disappointed at the finish or not but don't be. This is so good. I hope this inspires more of these types of tournaments and we can see fantastic turnouts for these in the future. I loved this match and love seeing "homemade" tournaments. Your coverage was absolutely so entertaining. You actually managed to cover ALL the key moments and your duo commentary is LEGEN... wait for it... DAAAARY!

  • @kylenewton8438
    @kylenewton8438 Год назад +92

    Drut & Rat carrying league content alone

  • @MomayezSefr
    @MomayezSefr Год назад +27

    thanks drut for putting to much effort gathering all these streamers and creating hella nice content. hope you have good times in korea aswel

  • @TheBossDiavolo
    @TheBossDiavolo Год назад +46

    Feel so bad for reptile, he was outperforming dealersz every single game and overall playing really well, if there was an mvp award for each team it would be Dzukill and Reptile

    • @腎臓魂
      @腎臓魂 Год назад +17

      Yeah but i think Yamato also did good job

    • @yousef858
      @yousef858 Год назад +3

      extreme top gap tbh.

    • @kalakan123
      @kalakan123 Год назад +10

      Dzukill mvp for getting bauss as enemy toplaner

    • @TheBossDiavolo
      @TheBossDiavolo Год назад

      @@腎臓魂 Yamato obviously played well and had the toughest opponent But i'd still put it in favour of reptile

    • @stefcarry00
      @stefcarry00 Год назад +4

      I think it was more a support gap honestly

  • @ChineseSpy1989
    @ChineseSpy1989 Год назад +21

    Baus keeps inting, Kesha gapping Dantes, Drut and Ratu banter. this is the best.

    • @gingobingo1567
      @gingobingo1567 Год назад +6

      Kesha carried by neme and dzu every game. Reptile and azzapp extreme gap bot every game. Unlucky Baus picked karma.

    • @bah4952
      @bah4952 Год назад +6

      ​​@@gingobingo1567i mean, netherim is crazy bad its actually crazy, i really felt bad for dealersz lmao. i know he is low master playing with challengers in front of thousand of viewers, but it was painful watching him play

    • @Waylangmichalski
      @Waylangmichalski Год назад +8

      Dantes honestly is a free loss if he’s not on hecarim. Or if you kill him early he doesn’t stop inting

  • @kylehenze1508
    @kylehenze1508 Год назад +85

    Wow i did not expect that ending, Baus picking akshan top and Dantes picking akali jungle for game 5 and absolutely carrying was amazing

  • @void2920
    @void2920 Год назад +199

    These Scrims are really good, can't wait for the real tournament

    • @phantik5090
      @phantik5090 Год назад +5

      it's already tournament?
      thumbnail says its day 1,and I don't hear a word about scrims in this video

    • @murilomarcosmelo1062
      @murilomarcosmelo1062 Год назад +136

      ​@@phantik5090does he know?

    • @iagorocha4814
      @iagorocha4814 Год назад +13

      Yeah Dr.ututt should rly do this one for real, I cant wait

    • @dariohenriquez7773
      @dariohenriquez7773 Год назад +7

      yes the real tournament is gonna be GREAT cant wait too

    • @phantik5090
      @phantik5090 Год назад +5

      ​@@murilomarcosmelo1062is this just local joke?
      then my bad I guess

  • @pawoochara
    @pawoochara Год назад +261

    Thank you Druttut for using AI advanced technology to immitate like RatEarl is still with us

  • @seanhollowell8982
    @seanhollowell8982 Год назад +16

    Drut seriously thank you for putting in all the work to get this together. Seriously amazing content love you

  • @R3Fl3CT_
    @R3Fl3CT_ Год назад +38

    Druzkill and Nemesis on one team. This gotta be illegal

    • @boredindividual
      @boredindividual Год назад +10

      With the best worst jungler in the west. The unholy trinity

  • @TokiPone
    @TokiPone Год назад +40

    loved the part at 1:48:32

  • @puppetmaster8514
    @puppetmaster8514 Год назад +29

    I mean to be fair, Dzukill is playing against Baus, where Neme is playing into Yimit (actual human player).

    • @dxhynieee
      @dxhynieee Год назад +14

      baus is like actually insane at the game, except he plays only the shittest champions in the game, pretty much his only viable champion is tank sion, , if drafted correctly, rammus, and gragas, and dzukill just has an awnser to every single one of his champions, so, jover

    • @lazysean5418
      @lazysean5418 Год назад

      ​@@dxhynieeei mean even outside the tournament there is things called draft phase right?

    • @Xomatik123
      @Xomatik123 Год назад +8

      @@dxhynieee baus is good only in soloq his playstyle just doesnt fit for a tournament. He's got good macro and manages his CDs in a 1v1 well but he is definitely not a mechanical player

  • @witwulf6881
    @witwulf6881 Год назад +23

    DUS tournament was such great live.

  • @younggod5230
    @younggod5230 Год назад +3

    this is much more entertaining than actual pro play. just seeing baus and dantes in a "room" together is kinda mindbreaking

  • @kumailnaqvi1181
    @kumailnaqvi1181 Год назад +34

    i loved when doctor said "its dussing time" and dussed all over the league community, truly a doctor moment

  • @thegaminghydra592
    @thegaminghydra592 Год назад +13

    Drut and ratir were arguing like an old married couple

  • @petermicek5835
    @petermicek5835 Год назад +12

    baus inting every game is the funniest thing

  • @ovven4671
    @ovven4671 Год назад +9

    Unironically really awesome idea, looking forward to dus 2 already

  • @theminecraft4202
    @theminecraft4202 Год назад +21

    I feel so bad for Reptile vayne, two times he pops off but team is gg

    • @TheBossDiavolo
      @TheBossDiavolo Год назад +10

      For real, Reptile was performing well every game but toplane is terorist

  • @yepnope7005
    @yepnope7005 Год назад +29

    Thank you Dr. Uttut for distracting me from my failing academics with this amazing content

    • @4seiken-594
      @4seiken-594 Год назад +1

      Distracting yourself is why they're failing

    • @yepnope7005
      @yepnope7005 Год назад

      @@4seiken-594 fr?

  • @obscuriosity4853
    @obscuriosity4853 Год назад +4

    props to druttutt for holding his flash at 3:13 , truly an enigma of a player

  • @hugonamenlos7218
    @hugonamenlos7218 7 месяцев назад +1

    1:25:05 i really thought rat was about to say that they take kesha to tournaments to swap him in for the unexpected nunu pick lol

  • @MREmrdzcn
    @MREmrdzcn Год назад +2

    Nemesis showing Challenger OTP's that they're nothing without their champion.

  • @Mistowgan
    @Mistowgan Год назад +4

    Can we just have Rat and Drututt cast LEC from now on? I have not laughed this much in a long time!

  • @2xsexpresso
    @2xsexpresso 6 месяцев назад +3

    netherim really milked yamato with his ganks. Freaky!

  • @Razmatschannel
    @Razmatschannel Год назад +4

    Drututt and Rat are such a good caster combo

  • @snowskinned
    @snowskinned Год назад +2

    Chat spamming Kassadin emote was gold

  • @mindsprawl
    @mindsprawl Год назад +1

    To everyone involved, this was really really cool. Was impressed with the quality of the gameplay. This is way better than watching pros, way more fun, and reminds me of the good old days.

  • @gearguts7259
    @gearguts7259 Год назад

    THANK YOU for uploading these, I sadly could not see them live due to scheduling issues!
    Hope DUS is successful enough to make another one, this was the most entertaintment I've had watching league casting since 2016!

  • @gmyrek31
    @gmyrek31 Год назад +5

    if riot is decent company they make that rule that the champions are not repeated this year on worlds

    • @aoaxe
      @aoaxe Год назад

      Really good idea tbh

    • @izshtar
      @izshtar Год назад +1

      i wish they would implement it, i'm tired of kai'sa, zeri, ivern picked everytime.

  • @LestaBan
    @LestaBan Год назад +2

    This should be the format for worlds get to see so many champs

  • @d.v.fernandez4123
    @d.v.fernandez4123 Год назад +1

    Surprisingly good casting by Dr Uttut. GG!!

  • @weedapplez
    @weedapplez Год назад +3

    more excited for this then worlds LOL

  • @OscarLT321
    @OscarLT321 Год назад +1

    I have never been so invested into a fall guys 5v5 series! wp

  • @RahulDevanarayanan
    @RahulDevanarayanan Год назад +1

    G5 draft gap was insane. Must be so nice to play with a mid laner that has real depth in their pool

  • @yoinkling
    @yoinkling Год назад +1

    Cool, was looking for the TCS homage and it's in their player names.

  • @gugachef3361
    @gugachef3361 Год назад +2

    good to see dantes and baus inting like usual

  • @lTheSlothful
    @lTheSlothful Год назад +2

    One of the best tournaments I’ve ever seen

  • @leonel9683
    @leonel9683 Год назад +4

    lose in peace gang, rooted for them the entire time

    • @ChineseSpy1989
      @ChineseSpy1989 Год назад +2

      same i rooted for LIP because of Kesha and Neme.

    • @leonel9683
      @leonel9683 Год назад

      @@ChineseSpy1989 I was between Dantes and Kesha, but I like Kesha more. Also dzukill was a demon, literally consumed everyone else.

  • @Benefactor_Infarno
    @Benefactor_Infarno Год назад +1

    Low5 has lost every single game durring scrims and the main tournament amazing lmao

  • @gingobingo1567
    @gingobingo1567 Год назад +1

    Having RATIRL in this makes it so much better.

  • @nise0210
    @nise0210 Год назад +2

    the only watchable cast duo

  • @fiahrose5961
    @fiahrose5961 Год назад

    im genuinely hyped to watch these every time they're uploaded

  • @jezdziecgier
    @jezdziecgier Год назад

    Actually the most fun to watch league content in years

  • @reggaemarley4617
    @reggaemarley4617 Год назад +1

    Making the format Fearless was an awesome idea.

  • @bungusconsumer
    @bungusconsumer Год назад +2

    Someone needs to make an image of drut as mercy reviving league

  • @jonatanrosa8825
    @jonatanrosa8825 Год назад +1

    High quality Tournament bro, keep up the great work. This shit is better than official

  • @firadeuz
    @firadeuz Год назад

    Bro Drut is doing more to community than a rito with this tournament! THX man for the content

  • @jezdziecgier
    @jezdziecgier Год назад

    The production on this one needs some praises

  • @pixelated6439
    @pixelated6439 Год назад

    This is amazing thank you so much for organizing this

  • @thedarkmastereditz4123
    @thedarkmastereditz4123 Год назад

    Thank you Drututt for showing me the secret folder filled with gwen futa pics, i play myself to these pictures 24/7

  • @Alteroxx954
    @Alteroxx954 2 месяца назад

    Finally a good tournament with turbo based casters

  • @irritatingperson7882
    @irritatingperson7882 Год назад

    This series was fire. I NEED to see what happened in the last game between NNO and PDW tho

  • @blankusername4232
    @blankusername4232 Год назад

    Drututt and the Rat as casters would be goated for worlds

  • @firestrikeandrew5159
    @firestrikeandrew5159 Год назад

    You know dzukill is the best when he pops up on the thumbnail of every game he plays😂

  • @Pongaa_
    @Pongaa_ Год назад +2

    I love kesha blasting wand haircut, only cost him 850$.

  • @callumjohnson2600
    @callumjohnson2600 Год назад +1

    1:00:58 nah but the Dantes nunu so cracked he has instant transmission

  • @fouresyth4910
    @fouresyth4910 Год назад

    The overlay is so well made btw better than some riot stuff well done

  • @antonnrequerme6256
    @antonnrequerme6256 Год назад +1

    thank you Druttut for making that gragussy bounce

  • @justinboy6764
    @justinboy6764 Год назад

    Let’s go drututt, beautiful event thank you

  • @michapiotr1118
    @michapiotr1118 Год назад +1

    DUS IS literally the best thing that happened to league ever

  • @distraction2803
    @distraction2803 Год назад +1

    Skipping part of my grandfather's funeral today to watch this 👍

  • @djesus3692
    @djesus3692 Год назад

    Drututt went alphapreneur mode with DUS content

  • @praisetherok3299
    @praisetherok3299 Год назад

    This should become the norm of how draft tournament are made

  • @gabrielchristiano1994
    @gabrielchristiano1994 Год назад +1

    Ok this is already better than LEC playoffs

  • @kowalski6931
    @kowalski6931 Год назад

    that nemesis flash stray from drututt is crazy lmfao

  • @delchin19
    @delchin19 Год назад +5

    Crazy how Baus and Dzukill are the same rank considering the gap

    • @yousef858
      @yousef858 Год назад

      Sion is freelo braindead champ

    • @senseithomes
      @senseithomes Год назад +1

      It's not like baus is a bad player. But dzu literally destroys him at everything

    • @j4vii_c
      @j4vii_c Год назад +1

      if there was a higher elo than chall then dzukill would be higher than him, like he was rank 1 and 2 with diff acc i think

    • @delchin19
      @delchin19 Год назад +2

      @@senseithomes not saying he is, dzukill just showed us theres levels to this

    • @nelieberdochnicht
      @nelieberdochnicht Год назад

      Mr Dzuwu is the only reason i still play LoL

  • @iWindyS
    @iWindyS Год назад +1

    Well well well
    Remember to never lose yuor smile Druttut

  • @mushahidbaig6080
    @mushahidbaig6080 Год назад

    Bro the commentary team was legendary 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @cake4pigs
    @cake4pigs Год назад +1

    If pro play adopted this format it would probably be fun to watch

  • @HerbaceousM8
    @HerbaceousM8 Год назад

    i think the strength of this only once format starts to be a weakness by game 5. it works really well in Bo3, but when game 5 happens each role needs to have like 10 champs they can play well, or its a first time anything everywhere.

  • @ainmon5875
    @ainmon5875 Год назад

    I think this build started out at a way to counter Briar and evolved from there. I had 2 people go static shiv into full ap LB top on the first day of Briar’s release. Then a few days after that I started seeing the Trinity + hullbreaker addition.

  • @Makise121
    @Makise121 Год назад +2

    A rematch in losers will be hype

  • @summonstormx
    @summonstormx Год назад

    Yo where is the music links for the soundtrack of the champions select? Especially the game 5 one, it's a banger

  • @HerbaceousM8
    @HerbaceousM8 Год назад +2

    the ban format is better than majors and other official ones.

  • @urfavHyzenthlay
    @urfavHyzenthlay Год назад

    tbh i really agree with rat like imagine you have baus and enemy team has dzukill lmao

  • @pgcorps3901
    @pgcorps3901 Год назад +5

    BAUS champ pool can't handle 5 games LMFAO so he picks karma.

    • @andersjensen7348
      @andersjensen7348 Год назад

      So true lol, he is at the same time so good but also way overrated, I dunno how to handle Bauss lol

  • @t-alkemy
    @t-alkemy Год назад

    Crazy watch! I was really rooting for L5 but it is what it is.

  • @sdlarl
    @sdlarl Год назад

    yo if u wanna make this reaaaly good u should put more reactions and voice comms of the streamer, fun games, gl ! :)

  • @skippycochrane1839
    @skippycochrane1839 Год назад

    Thank you Dr. Ututt for using Kindred R (Lamb's Respite) to bring mr earl back to us! Thank you Dr. Ututt!

  • @Lolzetsu777
    @Lolzetsu777 Год назад

    funny to see kesha challenger nunu main turning into a gold player on jarvan xD

  • @gsghostgr1835
    @gsghostgr1835 Год назад

    you guys have to be the comendators in worlds, its so fun. (sorry for english)

  • @ink2467
    @ink2467 Год назад

    this was amazing worth every second of my 3h watch

  • @biklogan13
    @biklogan13 Год назад

    scrims were better than the actual tournament so far)

  • @grandarchon6969
    @grandarchon6969 Год назад +2

    When random streamers have better production and casters than the LEC...

  • @raresviju5246
    @raresviju5246 Год назад +1

    You corrected rat about “slingshot” and then proceeded to say it as well

  • @markpiper6382
    @markpiper6382 6 месяцев назад +2

    1:19:20 This aged poorly.

  • @MJLissevitz
    @MJLissevitz Год назад

    When i saw nemesis smile i tried to pause making scrambled eggs

  • @huidihu7498
    @huidihu7498 Год назад +1

    why is this so hype wtf

  • @mangoman126
    @mangoman126 Год назад

    That was an awesome series

  • @kokaie
    @kokaie Год назад

    First 2.46h video i watched without skipping