Pete really channeling his inner Hyli with that killkillkILLKILLKILL at enemy nexus, listen toвидео.html at 5:32 it’s exactly the same lol
Its better for lvl 1 invades. 3 quick autos + aoe damage when generally a bunch of enemies are close together. They didnt invade so its stupid but sometimes its good.
The two things I learned watching this:
1) BongoTap
2) Damages help to kill the enemies.
i would have never guessed Nº2
3) Shrooooooooom
Bwippo lying. I have never see. Damage kill enemies
4) You gotta aim your Teemo Qs into their nostrils
'Well that shroom is just... Art honestly. It takes art to miss a whole creep wave with a shroom. Im impressed'. HAHAHAHA
He said both XD
i literally did that last night xD
Ig I‘m not a noob, I am an artist now😌👏🏻
Loving the series, especially the Bwipo ones :o
Bwipo and Hyli is my fav
Hey btw yoy can go on twich where they have like 4 2hours streams from fnatic teaches noob
@@KatastOrfeas I can't see any video on the fnatic twitch?
Ye Him and bwippo have chemestry
@@MrJacqques its what they have saved I dont think its everything thought
5:48 "damage helps you kill your enemy" LMFAOOOO
Well I win more games since I heard that... In fact, I win games...
Lol it is like that meme 60 seconds in Africa, a minute passes
@@sarang7650 lmao, true
People die when they are killed
“What is the threshold for pisslow?”
“What isn’t?”
I believe the term is 'pisslo' as a replacement of 'elo' which is where you are if your skill level in the game is pisslow
I love how Bwipo is actually showing how to play and roast at the same time
Can you entertain chat?
entertains just by being there XD
He's been in 7 kills out of 45. What a legend xD.
5:44 "Damage helps you kill things"
The best tip I ever received. It's life-changing.
I like how much fun Pete has with Bwipo always
12:08 Ah, the good old "support" Brand who does more damage than the rest of his team. That's my main.
ya likin the changes to him this patch?
Now people are walking around the street saying BongoTap for absolutely no reason.
5:45 useful information thanks pete
Can watch it just for Bwipo's reactions.... 😂😂
10:29 just close your eyes and listen to it
That's hillarious
1:02 watch bwipo's hair
that part of the vidframe is in delay cause he had to put that kapa meme lurk from behind the chair
Just his hair casually phasing into another dimension. Nothing special.
The Bwipo here is actually just a hologram and glitched out a little there. While this was filmed, the real Bwipo ran it down playing Rengar top.
Bwipo is a fake human (like in Dark Tower) cumfirmed
this is the funniest thing ever, thank you for this piece of art!!!
LOL when he misses the entire wave with his shroom
We need more of these. This series is so entertaining to watch.
bwipo:5:43 "damage is good when you try to kill someone"
I like these series especially with Bwipo!
After knowing that damage helps you kill your enemies, I improved 100% thanks Fnatic!
Synopsis: Professional LoL player soft flames his colleague for 12 minutes.
Rated R for violence.
BongoTAP! Jajajajaja, The best teemo in the world, Bwipo lo quiero mucho bro saludos desde Colombia para todos #Fnatic.
Even The Bwipo Abusing 'Faker What Was That' Haha
The Bwipo episodes are the best
This is the most fun i've seen Pete have
I can already see PerkZ coaching Pete
1:45 reminds me how powerful a good stare is. 😂
5:46 That piece of advice won my promos
Im happy just watching this titles changing from getting out of silver to getting out of gold
*happy pig noises*
"damage helps u kill ur enemy" woow pete didn'T know that!
This video made me HappyBongoTap
10:57 Thebauss??!!
Bwipo always seems to be holding back a laugh
“Damage helps you kill an enemy” was one of the highlighted tips lmao
The uplifting content we need right now!
Bwipo laugh is so cuuute 🥺
I subscribed to this channel just for this series
I'm waiting for this whole chat to be full of BongoTap xD
*a happy bausffs apears*
Love this series. Pete is a good verbal punching bag for the players but bwipos episodes are fire.
You should do more with Bwipo it cracks me up
Alternate title: bongotap
" Damage helps you kill your enemy "
i felt that ...
I came for the advice, but stayed for the BongoTap.
5:02 "faker what was that " 😂
5:45 The best tip ever!
i love this serie, Pete is so fun
true, it's a real art to miss a creep wave with a shroom ^-^
I just realized how much I miss bwipo streams:(
Honeslty just Bongo Tap....
Bwipo is so friendly, I love his streams ❤
I love how Bwipo is the nicest one to you while coaching. and you freeze up the hardest why is that Pete?! Lol
Pete: i got shrooms
I think bwipo had some shrooms tho
I think Bwipo is the coolest in Fnatic. He seem such a nice dude
Bwipo is the most fun to watch in this series
I like that solobolo is now a thing in EUW. 7:40
Pete really channeling his inner Hyli with that killkillkILLKILLKILL at enemy nexus, listen toвидео.html at 5:32 it’s exactly the same lol
You gonna miss the canon anyway 😂😂😂😂 made my night
New drinking game: Take a shot every time BongoTap is said
bwipo sounds so fun to play with looooool
The only thing I learned is to dodge if I see Pete join the lobby.
Can't wait to see Pete join fanatic
Can someone tell me where Pete got those glasses from ? They look really nice ! @fnatic
-Wise Bwipo.
I'n what dimension would u start W on jayce
Its better for lvl 1 invades. 3 quick autos + aoe damage when generally a bunch of enemies are close together. They didnt invade so its stupid but sometimes its good.
I start almost every game with w on jayce and bully in lane. That way i can do short trades or lasthit farm if needed..
With conq
Idk too, Q pairs really nicely with your E so the all-in becomes even more threatening at lv 2
If you take electrocute, or phase rush, its very good
Congrats for ur first win after 12 episodes
Pete: Oskar wanna go to the gym?
Oskar: I'm already at the gym
The gym he's at: .....
Love the video as always
When u can be coached by bwipo, and u decide to play teemo.
Hadn't this already been uploaded before? I feel like I saw it already for some reason.
there was basically a part 1 but it only showed the first game. the beginning of this video is the ending of the last one
5:44 omg why didn't I think of that
Okay. I would like to know what the heck is happening with the top of Bwipos' head at 1:02. Oh and with the face that pops up behind the chair xD
Yooooo bwipos laugh is turning into a KEKW
Bwipo brining his gf to the table is same like someone who made it to gold 4 and keep bringing that anywhere anytime
sometimes, I see pete's plays and I wonder how he even managed to get out of silver.
I'm trying to figure out how he got placed in silver
Bwipo: coach NOOB to get out of Gold
Me: stuck in Iron for 1 freaking year
Can't wait for perkz coaches noob video
Bwipo is 200 procent memes 100 procent good teacher
"I cri everytum" Bwipo was on fire
Bwipo is my favourite player because he just vibes and has fun xD
Pete should bring more of these with Upset and Nisqy
5:48 ,, Damage helps to kill the enemies".
Me: hmm i should show this to my teammates in soloq
I stop to play league but i like to watch this serial especially the Bwipo ones
bwipos hair is legendary
7:38 "you solo boloed him" i swear i heared this somewhere :D
Continue this series it's pretty good
"I can entertain chat for a bit"
Bwipo: Blank stare and says absolutely nothing.
Chat: 👁👄👁 Do something.
The Nemesis in the back must be so triggered by Petes cursor
Bwipo again!! He's the best coach from fnc!!!
So, his team had 45kills and he had 7kp as a Teemo. This guy is a legend
einfach lachkick hammer video
I really want to cointinue watching ur play becuz we want the result of fanatic teaching you all the way to become pro player.
i shed a tear when they got reversed, on game 3 when bwipo suffered a 2nd death, u can see the disappointment in his eyes
Its so funny to watch bcs bwipo is a funny person in generall :D
My favorite series :D