zemin li 对对对,现在网络上特别多这样的情况。我就用baby来形容吧因为我是baby粉。就是因为以前baby矫正个牙齿这样的就被人说成是整容啥的。到现在都还在说她整容,有些路人不了解然后去搜,但是搜到的都是扭曲事实的文章,最后路人直接转黑了。我真希望现在大家都有自己的判断力,不要轻易相信别人口中了解的“真相”“事实”,到最后冤枉了好人。
The fact that Li Chen cried because he felt so guilty, so remorsed, so bad for Sha Yi... it just shows how kind hearted of a person he is, how grounded he is and how humbled. While I was a little disappointed at the director for having made Li Chen carry on this mission, I think sometimes even something as heavy as this sort of thing should be addressed. We should be more openminded as human beings and should not believe everything we see, read, hear. Not everything is always as is.
I’m not at all disappointed in the director. He creates games that seem cruel, but it’s often more like tough love. If they really felt uncomfortable with it, they would’ve left; there’s still a deep attachment to the team.
to those who are wondering what happened, li chen got a mission from the director. The mission is to hit himself hard and blame it to the person next to him and better if it's sha yi because he is more suitable. li chen should also try hard to win and make everyone believe he is innocent. he cried because he felt really guilty because the audience believed him and he won the votes while shayi, the innocent one, loses. and he said halfway through the game, he was about to give up acting because while they were on the tearing name card game (idk what u call this in English) everyone believed li chen's evidence and sided with him while shayi was trying to prove his innocence and was on the verge of crying and li chen heart really broke during that time because he had to lie. I think what this ep is trying to show us is that, people believe everything they see and hear easily without concrete proof, like a paragraph, a picture, a voice message, they will assume immediately without knowing the true story behind it.
The sad reality of today’s life. People relied upon any information out there to make quick decisions. This episode is a testament and reminder that we should not be quick to judge without throughly research and have proven facts prior to making any judgement. And I think that celebrity faces firsthand some of these false information.
This ep really good. I hope eng sub ep can release soon. Actually, i find this show interesting. I mean its not really funny, but when i finished watch it, i just feel i find something Whose lost in my life or i can crying because scene after scene just soo touching. Like many things i can learn from this rs. Its good to see vs like this. Its not just about made you laugh but its made you warm too....
to add on: i feel like what the show also wanted to say is that, being accused just because of one audio clip/photo/video is really hurtful and everyone should respect others and not jump to conclusion
Besides all the joking and laughter, this episode has truly the best theme and message: people believe things without hearing or seeing the whole story which is something a lot of celebrities have to deal with and are wrongly accused. This is such a big problem in social media, and its awesome that this show touched on it. Well done directors or whoever came up with this topic.
I agree. While watching it, we may just think about the comedy side of this show, but lots of people don't think about the true message behind it. The fact this show has such a good message behind it is amazing, and it just makes me want to support the show even more. And like you said, it reflects what's happening on social media so much, and I think this is such a good way to remind us that we shouldn't believe everything we see without understanding the whole story. 加油奔奔!
I agree its such a big problem in the entertainment industry. I will often see gossip/rumors about my favorite stars and idols, its stupid how many people will believe something without hearing the full story. As a fan of many stars and knowing someone that had experienced a rumor spread, I'm not the person to see a rumor and believe it for the rest of my life.
@@Emily-9005 a lot will have to do with our capitalist society - wanting attention for fame and money. Even fans may jump on the bandwagon to hate their own favs if the majority are. Our world consists of people who are too scared to express themselves but only come out if there's a big crowd with them. Some people be facing social anxiety but have no problems bullying someone online. A common scenario is I may have a different opinion to the majority (even if its right) but I will still be looked down upon because my opinion is unpopular. That's why sometimes we need to stop relying on the media as a place of assurance and understanding. I say this as a kpop fan myself where i see an awful lot of hate in the biz and in fandom culture.
I agree, also a lot like the recent happenings with Black Lives Matter. Many people only see one side of the story, and their whole view changes because of one video
It's true. Not only for social media but also mainstream or any independent media. Not only applied to the entertainment industry but also for any other issues. Since 2003, I started to question the media channels that I thought were fair and independent, then from the beginning of last summer, my trust in these media channels totally shattered. Too many commentators nowadays. Remember they only represent their opinion and since it is their opinion it is always biased. To paint the whole picture for you to form your only opinion, check multiple sources, I say at least 5 before making your statement.
I've watched Running Man from the 1st season till now and it never disappoints me. They are not just giving fun and laughter but they also give life lessons. It is worth to watch. They are not just friends, but they are family who cheers and never let each other down.
If you've watched all the seasons of keep running, you'll see that they really are a family. To others, they may just be playing but each member put each other in their hearts. I've always admired their closeness
I can't wait to watch this video with English subtitles. Now , I'm not able to understand it so I'm just relying on the comments of the people who are able to understand and base on it . This has an amazing lesson that people should apply in their live.
i really like how keep running always give us an episode with a meaningful morale story behind it. they always give us something for us to reflect about on each episode. really love this show 💞
im not trying to compare running man with keep running but i feel like keep running is more educational than running man. running man is to mainly entertain us while keep running usually brings messages into their episodes. like the dad episode all those things i cry a lot watching keep running :') but im not shading running man like running man is arguably the funniest variety show but keep running is just very educational :)
lol this episode was on running man first when seokjin had to accuse a few actors (who always act as villians) hit his head in a dark room. Keep running just copied the idea.
Same idea with RM KR, but different executions. Standing applause for the Tim production and cast for giving education scene. I was wonder, the philosophy of Chinese culture was always this deep? every episode is not just fun but there are message of live, and those are remain in my heart. ❤️❤️❤️
@@daphnnepang7208 im mean... keep running in general is a recreation of korean rm but then the lessons you learn here in keep running hold a deeper meaning... but yeah i know everyone including me prefers korean rm but if you're looking for meaningful episodes i think keep running is better... both are good in their own ways.. and the copying thing.. honestly there's so many ideas used i feel like sometimes ideas could really run out... so at least appreciate some meaningful content portrayed in keep running and appreciate the comedic content on k rm 😀
I think this episode was very deep and moving, because things like this are constantly happening. The lesson on this episode was to "not assume things simply because of one small piece of evidence." And I think that's very correct. Just like the BLM happenings recently, many people only see one side of the story, without seeing the big picture. One simple video or tweet could change a whole person's way of thinking. Thank you BenBen for spreading awareness and the word. You guys are amazing.
This just shows that sometimes what we believe as the truth may not be the truth, and we may never know the full side of the story. So before we judge others and talk bad about them, think, and decide if it's even necessary. (This episode was so thoughtful and talks about such a common topic these days, cyberbullying. Big thank you to Keep Running ! 谢谢奔跑吧展示这个题材,谢谢你们的用心
Not only cyber bullying. This thing can be apply to real life situation. Even our friend can accuse us. Even people close to us, our neighbors or anybody. The thing is, our society keep becoming worse every year or time. We need more show like this, show that can educate us. This is why i love this show. Every episode have their meaningful meaning behind it.
其實呢~ 我對於綜藝節目
姚PD是最好的總導演了 謝謝你出那麼好的主題 由姚PD主導的每一期很好看👍
身为公众人物的他们 都体会过那种冤枉,说不清事实的感觉。李晨在现实生活中一定有过沙溢这期的经验,今天又必须演反派,所以觉得加倍的愧疚 才会落泪。谢谢跑男这期的题材,很有意义。
Yes, all directors, 您們太厲害了~
@@yaokangfan1788 基本是节目效果 也是最好的节目效果!
这一期太赞 给到的信息真的让很多很多人该好好反思一番~
@@yaokangfan1788 道理是自己领悟出来的
问题是李晨过去历史上一个黑点就是插刀教冤枉别人 你可以搜一下 这节目还有点讽刺
明白李晨是被迫的吧,相信現實中沙溢也是這樣的♡ 也看得出李晨很善良
突然想起郭德纲说过的一句话 “冤枉你的人比你还知道你有多冤枉” 所以李晨是真的难吖 😂
@@star1220 但也会有更多的人思考真相。我觉得意义就做到了
@@Maggie-dp9te 对但是这种事有时是真的思考不来,一个不小心就很容易冤枉他人
李晨最后那句里的“成为有自己想法,独立思考能力的人。”是很好的总结,有些观众基本上就是看到或听到一条信息后就改变了自己的选择。“老百姓就像一群低能的牛。有时恭顺得几近愚昧,有时又暴躁得几近造反。接到命令说‘你们欢庆!’他们服从;接着又接到命令说‘去和你们的邻国打仗!’他们也服从。命令他们拥戴皇帝,他们便磕头;接着又命令他们拥护共和,他们便欢呼。” ------ 莫泊桑 (引用的这段没有任何侮辱成分)
其实是没错,但这段句我也有见过几次了,那些公知们特别喜欢这句话,我都看腻了 😂😂😂
我觉得这一季的跑男主题特别有意义 不再是只为节目效果而搞笑 更多的是在传达正确的信息价值观给观众 娱乐中学习很棒! 尤其适合青少年观看
哈哈 你的点逗笑我了
看到後面才知道 是真的 這個點笑了我
原本哭了 看了你的留言笑出來😂
真的心疼被冤枉的老沙以及 被迫騙人的黑牛 真的好心疼 後面我也崩不住跟著哭
linyi zheng 对的对的、不知道到底发生了什么事情的话、我们这些旁观者如果轻易的就在网络上发出一些所谓的自己感觉正义的言论、就可能会特别的伤人、就会引导那些不知道真相的人去轻易的相信你发出来的那些话、慢慢的就发酵了、对当事人的伤害特别的大。可那些伤人的话就是你随随便便下的所谓的正义的结论。
zemin li 对对对,现在网络上特别多这样的情况。我就用baby来形容吧因为我是baby粉。就是因为以前baby矫正个牙齿这样的就被人说成是整容啥的。到现在都还在说她整容,有些路人不了解然后去搜,但是搜到的都是扭曲事实的文章,最后路人直接转黑了。我真希望现在大家都有自己的判断力,不要轻易相信别人口中了解的“真相”“事实”,到最后冤枉了好人。
這一期太有意義了 和晨哥一起哭 謝謝節目製作與演出者的用心
太感动了!这个题材真的非常好! 所以说网络上的东西我们作为网友 有时候真的不能发声
李晨当年站边边潇潇插刀印小天的时候 被冤枉的印小天一定也很委屈吧
太感动了 奔跑吧大家庭互相关心 保护 疼爱 看见晨哥哭的时候 自己也差点忍不住流泪呢 这一期太棒了
@@maywoon9009 噓!我跟你講😂😂
其實呢~ 我對於綜藝節目
The fact that Li Chen cried because he felt so guilty, so remorsed, so bad for Sha Yi... it just shows how kind hearted of a person he is, how grounded he is and how humbled. While I was a little disappointed at the director for having made Li Chen carry on this mission, I think sometimes even something as heavy as this sort of thing should be addressed. We should be more openminded as human beings and should not believe everything we see, read, hear. Not everything is always as is.
I’m not at all disappointed in the director. He creates games that seem cruel, but it’s often more like tough love. If they really felt uncomfortable with it, they would’ve left; there’s still a deep attachment to the team.
嗨,李晨好真诚呀。看到李晨哭,我也掉眼泪了。李晨 is the type of friend that would never truly betray anyone.
Jin Liu 终于看到个明白人了,其他人都在无脑捧李晨,他哭的时候我真是满脑子黑线
因为最后 Baby 和郑恺都选择相信沙溢,我才觉得沙溢说的是实话。依他们对晨哥这么深渊的交情,一定能看得出晨哥什么时候在说谎。
to those who are wondering what happened, li chen got a mission from the director. The mission is to hit himself hard and blame it to the person next to him and better if it's sha yi because he is more suitable. li chen should also try hard to win and make everyone believe he is innocent. he cried because he felt really guilty because the audience believed him and he won the votes while shayi, the innocent one, loses. and he said halfway through the game, he was about to give up acting because while they were on the tearing name card game (idk what u call this in English) everyone believed li chen's evidence and sided with him while shayi was trying to prove his innocence and was on the verge of crying and li chen heart really broke during that time because he had to lie.
I think what this ep is trying to show us is that, people believe everything they see and hear easily without concrete proof, like a paragraph, a picture, a voice message, they will assume immediately without knowing the true story behind it.
Thanks. This episode's theme is very timely.
The sad reality of today’s life. People relied upon any information out there to make quick decisions. This episode is a testament and reminder that we should not be quick to judge without throughly research and have proven facts prior to making any judgement. And I think that celebrity faces firsthand some of these false information.
Think before you confirm...
This ep really good. I hope eng sub ep can release soon. Actually, i find this show interesting. I mean its not really funny, but when i finished watch it, i just feel i find something Whose lost in my life or i can crying because scene after scene just soo touching. Like many things i can learn from this rs. Its good to see vs like this. Its not just about made you laugh but its made you warm too....
to add on: i feel like what the show also wanted to say is that, being accused just because of one audio clip/photo/video is really hurtful and everyone should respect others and not jump to conclusion
@@YH-nh7bq 5:58 以后就能看出来。不过想您这种眼瞎的人就应该发现不了了。
@@YH-nh7bq 你咋,瞎了?不能自己找?要不咱态度好点也行。
Pei Pei Low emmm...建议先去了解下插刀教?
Iris Zhang 看完这一期你还在这儿这样说,没学到点东西啊。你了解情况吗。
Anne YY 谁都不了解,但是李晨自己就站队了呀,这可是摆明面上的。可怜的是印小天吧,百口莫辩
baoshan teoh 就是根据很片面的一个图 一句话 一个声音 去判断人的好坏
Besides all the joking and laughter, this episode has truly the best theme and message: people believe things without hearing or seeing the whole story which is something a lot of celebrities have to deal with and are wrongly accused. This is such a big problem in social media, and its awesome that this show touched on it. Well done directors or whoever came up with this topic.
I agree. While watching it, we may just think about the comedy side of this show, but lots of people don't think about the true message behind it. The fact this show has such a good message behind it is amazing, and it just makes me want to support the show even more. And like you said, it reflects what's happening on social media so much, and I think this is such a good way to remind us that we shouldn't believe everything we see without understanding the whole story. 加油奔奔!
I agree its such a big problem in the entertainment industry. I will often see gossip/rumors about my favorite stars and idols, its stupid how many people will believe something without hearing the full story. As a fan of many stars and knowing someone that had experienced a rumor spread, I'm not the person to see a rumor and believe it for the rest of my life.
@@Emily-9005 a lot will have to do with our capitalist society - wanting attention for fame and money. Even fans may jump on the bandwagon to hate their own favs if the majority are. Our world consists of people who are too scared to express themselves but only come out if there's a big crowd with them. Some people be facing social anxiety but have no problems bullying someone online. A common scenario is I may have a different opinion to the majority (even if its right) but I will still be looked down upon because my opinion is unpopular. That's why sometimes we need to stop relying on the media as a place of assurance and understanding. I say this as a kpop fan myself where i see an awful lot of hate in the biz and in fandom culture.
I agree, also a lot like the recent happenings with Black Lives Matter. Many people only see one side of the story, and their whole view changes because of one video
It's true. Not only for social media but also mainstream or any independent media. Not only applied to the entertainment industry but also for any other issues. Since 2003, I started to question the media channels that I thought were fair and independent, then from the beginning of last summer, my trust in these media channels totally shattered. Too many commentators nowadays. Remember they only represent their opinion and since it is their opinion it is always biased. To paint the whole picture for you to form your only opinion, check multiple sources, I say at least 5 before making your statement.
对 以前就成员只是搞笑所以家长都很拒绝让我看这些的 换了新成员后 题材都带给我们不同的道理 不同的感受
对呀 我同学还说越来越无聊了 可我并不那么觉得 真的在里头学了不少
对 每一集都有不同的主题 跑男从开播以来我没少看一集 会继续看下去 还有等待Lucas和yuqi的回归
同时天涯沦落人。也没朋友了,因为自己也怕了。也不解释了, 无有。
选队的时候,Baby 和恺恺都选进入沙哥队。那时刻我就觉得(70%) 说假话的就是大黑牛。而且我也是从第1季看到现在,一直觉得李晨这个人很真诚。如果比说谎, 李晨输定了。因为每次说谎他都有很明显的表现,认识他一下就能认出来。最后还是挺可怜他们, 每个人, 特别是Baby要受了很多委屈❤❤❤
@@tataaachannel7857 ???
@@菜菜爱吃菜-i4r 呵呵😅😅
@@菜菜爱吃菜-i4r ,我的花名是tata,呵呵😅😅😅😂😂
看到李晨哭的时候真的好难过呀 尤其是后来 他说在场的所有人都体验过 现在在网络世界上人们常常就靠一个文章一张照片来判断一个人的人品 真相常常被扭曲 很后悔以前自己也曾经充当过现场的观众 在没有足够证据的情况下下定论 非常感谢跑男这次设立的主题 也辛苦现场的所有工作人员以及mc 谢谢🙏
晨哥哭我也哭了.... 原来不是委屈 是抱歉... 晨哥真的很善良的 不忍心欺骗尤其是观众,如果没有观众可能还不会那么伤心 毕竟是个游戏和节目效果而已 ):
I've watched Running Man from the 1st season till now and it never disappoints me. They are not just giving fun and laughter but they also give life lessons. It is worth to watch. They are not just friends, but they are family who cheers and never let each other down.
這集真的很感觸😢 現在的霸凌,不管是現實生活中的霸凌還是網路霸凌,都是那些人只看到了事情的一面或只是聽了一方的言語,就被誤導了,就開始去攻擊別人。非常能理解晨哥的心情,他也不想做這個壞人,也看得出他非常的內疚,都哭了,看他哭我也想哭。
這集真的很好看啊!不管你們同不同意,反正我是很喜歡❤ 越來越喜歡大林子了😍 希望跑男能越來越好!
If you've watched all the seasons of keep running, you'll see that they really are a family. To others, they may just be playing but each member put each other in their hearts. I've always admired their closeness
這期太有意義了 希望每個人都有獨立思考能力、自己判斷的能力,辛苦了晨哥跟沙溢哥
很多人往往都会因为仅仅看见一张纸 一个人说 都会认为那就是真相
所以在不懂的情况下 最好就是别去跟风 伤害别人
@@Yoyo-qv6lb 真相往往都是被掩盖的
@@Yoyo-qv6lb 你看就知道了呀
@@sheng19825 对的
很多时候人都只会相信自己或者自己看到的。。。😓 李晨真的好有责任感哦🥰 好感人
看得出李晨心理压力很大.. 很心疼.. 沙溢快哭的那段还强颜欢笑的表情也是很心疼.. 李晨真的辛苦了这期.. 😭这期真的看哭😭最后想说这个节目真的越做越棒👍🏻不管换成谁都会看完的
我看完了之后,我也😭了, 晨哥他也是一个对好朋友, 关心, 感受 别人的想法的一个人. ❤️
可現實中 有多少人 真的能學會呢?
很多的他們覺得自己沒有這樣因為碎片化的信息 而誤會了別人 甚至傷害了別人
他們都沒有自覺 因為他們都覺得他們看到的一部分是對的 甚至有時候後來真相放在了他們面前 也不會願意去相信 反省
所以 請不要隨意戴上帽子 除非 你真的在現場 知道了真相
看了几次就几次哭,真的太扎心了。晨哥哭的那瞬间,我的眼泪真的开始流不停了。心疼晨哥和沙爹呀🥺 说真的,我们所看到的不一定是事实,我们以为的事实也不一定是真相。这期节目真的太有意义了。
看了跑男那么久 被感动了不少次也哭了不少次 晨哥哭的时候 我也忍不住哭了
I can't wait to watch this video with English subtitles. Now , I'm not able to understand it so I'm just relying on the comments of the people who are able to understand and base on it . This has an amazing lesson that people should apply in their live.
看完這集 真的覺得換了這個導演之後都很有內容 每集都能有所收穫 而不單單只是一個綜藝節目
i really like how keep running always give us an episode with a meaningful morale story behind it. they always give us something for us to reflect about on each episode. really love this show 💞
这一集感觉非常有深度, 也明白事实往往是我们脑子里推断出来的,我们脑子里的事实只是我们比较能接受或选择去相信的一项推断。还是能明白事实和真相是有区别的。也太难为李晨哥,也感谢导演组想要呈现的哲理。当你以为看见了事实,是否还要再考虑你看到的事实是不是真相, 把瓜皮摘下来或把瓜分明从新的角度去看看你眼前的事实。这集真有意思!!
两个辩手的“吃瓜的自我修养”talk 比喻真的厉害👍佩服佩服!
看 奇葩说 里面的辩论 很喜欢他们
程海 不要随便說别人吧 我们也是只知道碎片的讯息
@@程海-t9w 你怎么知道?
这集太棒了 大家真的都用很小的范围去认定一个人的个性 品德 行为等 希望网络给予我们的是真实的事情 当然大家都需要明确思考每一件事情 🙏🏻 才不会有网络80事件等发生
其实这一期是想表明李晨也可以胜任这个职位,之前他当卧底都是第一个被怀疑的。作为跑男仅剩的元老级之一 现在也开始熟练起跑男的一些套路,更加有担当了。加油!
李晨真的是一个太好太善良的人了,一个人好人才会有像他这样的反应吧 这一期真的是很好的一个主题 希望黑粉网民们都不要再不分青红皂白地去伤害别人了 在事情的真相还未公开之前 希望大家都不要随意下定论
I have never seen Li Chen cried 😢so touching even though it just a show and he has a secret task but I cried when I saw him crying 😢😢😢😢😩😩😩
这期超好看 安排的内容很刺激 重点跑男每一期带出的内容都很有意义 也值得大家去深思的,不是单纯的拍摄节目。看到李晨流泪那一刻自己也鼻酸了 也感受得到公众人物的不容易 经常面对那么多的言语评论 希望每一个人都能以同理心去对待每一个平凡的我们 一句支持胜过10句蜚语💛
在黑暗里 我只注意到 郑恺戳baby一下 哈哈💙 从跑男第一季看到现在 一直都很喜欢他们俩~
真的最愛他們 TT
很感动。太棒了,谢谢跑男带给我们 这么有意义有信息 的节目
im not trying to compare running man with keep running but i feel like keep running is more educational than running man. running man is to mainly entertain us while keep running usually brings messages into their episodes. like the dad episode all those things i cry a lot watching keep running :') but im not shading running man like running man is arguably the funniest variety show but keep running is just very educational :)
Same thoughts....
lol this episode was on running man first when seokjin had to accuse a few actors (who always act as villians) hit his head in a dark room. Keep running just copied the idea.
Same idea with RM KR, but different executions. Standing applause for the Tim production and cast for giving education scene. I was wonder, the philosophy of Chinese culture was always this deep? every episode is not just fun but there are message of live, and those are remain in my heart. ❤️❤️❤️
@@daphnnepang7208 im mean... keep running in general is a recreation of korean rm but then the lessons you learn here in keep running hold a deeper meaning... but yeah i know everyone including me prefers korean rm but if you're looking for meaningful episodes i think keep running is better... both are good in their own ways.. and the copying thing.. honestly there's so many ideas used i feel like sometimes ideas could really run out... so at least appreciate some meaningful content portrayed in keep running and appreciate the comedic content on k rm 😀
@@ikapurwati512 yess well said 😀😀
真的好喜歡嘉爾~給人一種感覺就是傻傻的小弟弟🙈希望能多看看嘉爾來跑男(˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵)
這個節目越做越有水準了,已經做到寓教於樂 ^^
李晨一哭出来 我也哭了 我泪点很低 如果是我 我也是很愧疚 虽然这只是个综艺节目🥺好看啊这集 下期再下期可以来个很感动的那种 😂
I actually cried after watching this omg... who knows how much every artist gone through... from false accusations to make up scandals..
I think this episode was very deep and moving, because things like this are constantly happening. The lesson on this episode was to "not assume things simply because of one small piece of evidence." And I think that's very correct. Just like the BLM happenings recently, many people only see one side of the story, without seeing the big picture. One simple video or tweet could change a whole person's way of thinking. Thank you BenBen for spreading awareness and the word. You guys are amazing.
This just shows that sometimes what we believe as the truth may not be the truth, and we may never know the full side of the story. So before we judge others and talk bad about them, think, and decide if it's even necessary. (This episode was so thoughtful and talks about such a common topic these days, cyberbullying. Big thank you to Keep Running ! 谢谢奔跑吧展示这个题材,谢谢你们的用心
Not only on cyberbullying..
Not only cyber bullying. This thing can be apply to real life situation. Even our friend can accuse us. Even people close to us, our neighbors or anybody. The thing is, our society keep becoming worse every year or time. We need more show like this, show that can educate us. This is why i love this show. Every episode have their meaningful meaning behind it.
感同身受 所以觸動了