When clair de luna started playing and the stage background started to come up, I started getting sucked into the performance as if I was going into another world. And my heart was going to explode when the song went to climax with the saxophone. It was a performance that stood out with careful directing even in the visual area.
aaa tour 令我印象最深嘅曲目反而係改編版Debussy嘅 clair de lune,我有睇其他人嘅觀後感講佢哋會改編成搖滾版本身真係擔心,悠揚嘅旋律、濃郁嘅調聲、輕盈而富有層次嘅琴聲,詮釋午夜月光如水傾瀉嘅形象已經深入民心,呢首需要極細膩同埋富有感情嘅處理先可以詮釋夢幻嘅氣氛,改編成搖滾就同原曲朦朧、寧靜嘅調性完全不符,除咗驚佢哋比古典樂迷戰四方之外仲驚我自己接受唔到要掉頭走。 但正式開波之後反而靜下心,忽然覺得冇必要瞻前顧後,音樂就係音樂,就算係新手、用嘅樂器唔符合大眾預期或者彈得拙劣都無妨赤子之心,你同我嘅身份係邊個唔重要,只要嗰刻係享受音樂其實已經好足夠。
When clair de luna started playing and the stage background started to come up, I started getting sucked into the performance as if I was going into another world. And my heart was going to explode when the song went to climax with the saxophone. It was a performance that stood out with careful directing even in the visual area.
aaa tour 令我印象最深嘅曲目反而係改編版Debussy嘅 clair de lune,我有睇其他人嘅觀後感講佢哋會改編成搖滾版本身真係擔心,悠揚嘅旋律、濃郁嘅調聲、輕盈而富有層次嘅琴聲,詮釋午夜月光如水傾瀉嘅形象已經深入民心,呢首需要極細膩同埋富有感情嘅處理先可以詮釋夢幻嘅氣氛,改編成搖滾就同原曲朦朧、寧靜嘅調性完全不符,除咗驚佢哋比古典樂迷戰四方之外仲驚我自己接受唔到要掉頭走。