  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 24

  • @RealMonsterGaming
    @RealMonsterGaming  6 часов назад +4

    Will you guys be investing in this monster? ❄️

    • @mattson2026
      @mattson2026 6 часов назад

      Yes as a Tank
      MG, Maybe on the Next Video that can you please showcase Snowclus as an Attacker
      Look at "Icebreaker Hug" it deals Insane Magic Damage which is quite unreasonable for a Tank YIKES!!!!!
      I wonder what Snowclus looks like as an Attacker instead of a Tank with that "Icebraker Hug" Skill combined with that Guard Down Hater and maybe this guy can be used in this Friday's Colosseum and it must be taken account that his AoE's don't deal enough damage but this is the reason why he's better when using him as a Tank but what about an attacker can Snowclus be run as an Attacker. The Answer in my opinion, YES
      But thatis if you guys want him to deal really insane amount of damage with "Ice Breakerhug".
      What if you give Snowclus 2 Strength Runes and 1 Team Speed that would kill that Graciel Choirmaster Easily and deal like 2.1 M Damage to Him.

    • @Bpm09-d2t
      @Bpm09-d2t 6 часов назад

      I will definitely take a tank do u think he’s better than king atum bc that’s who I use.

    • @mattson2026
      @mattson2026 5 часов назад

      @@Bpm09-d2t Stats wise Yes he is but Trait wise No: Mega Taunt Trait is so much better.
      But I find it better than King Atum.

    • @Bpm09-d2t
      @Bpm09-d2t 5 часов назад

      @ I agree but king arum gets destroyed 😭😭

    • @RealVoltaik
      @RealVoltaik 2 часа назад

      I dont have money Help me to get ansestor and top mystic

  • @LegendaryLeader-ye2jf
    @LegendaryLeader-ye2jf 6 часов назад +2

    great vid bro

  • @vervinbayani4145
    @vervinbayani4145 2 часа назад +1

    Good vid bro

  • @eann_483
    @eann_483 4 часа назад

    I love this video so much, I'm glad you posted today MG!

  • @archerman90
    @archerman90 5 часов назад +1

    guard down and removes stamina, only 30%? no, no, im not running this skill. *1 second later* wait a second hold on I like this I will run this skill.

  • @reddsosa4774
    @reddsosa4774 5 часов назад +1

    Hey man I’m new how do you use the snowclaus tales tokens ? I’m working through that dungeon right now

    • @RealMonsterGaming
      @RealMonsterGaming  5 часов назад +2

      When the tales challenge starts, there will be keys in there that you can get, those keys will let you open the chests in the chest shop after tales ends. Inside the chests, there will be cells for Snowclus that you can use to rank him up.

    • @reddsosa4774
      @reddsosa4774 4 часа назад

      @@RealMonsterGamingok thanks man I couldn’t find an answer anywhere online

  • @guacboygaming9760
    @guacboygaming9760 4 часа назад +1

    W video 🔥🔥

  • @archerman90
    @archerman90 5 часов назад +1

    you sold mythics on your blindasaur video and I made sure to leave a comment on that saying, why would you sell onikapa?!?! he carried me so far when I was a starter why you gotta sell him like that!?

  • @King-Casko
    @King-Casko 6 часов назад +1

    MG 🙌🏽

  • @murtadaakadim8882
    @murtadaakadim8882 5 часов назад +1

    Hey how can i get snowclues please?

    • @Carlitos77_
      @Carlitos77_ 2 часа назад

      this Friday on the tales event

  • @mohamedhaggag4462
    @mohamedhaggag4462 Час назад

    Yo monster gaining I made a bad mistake I accidentally made a purchase and customer service us not answring