A Phone-Sized E-Reader? Boox Palma 2 In-Depth First Impressions

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 16

  • @Danominator
    @Danominator 20 дней назад +2

    You know, I hadn't thought about it till now, but as a glasses wearer it would probably be really beneficial to have an e-ink tablet for scriptreading...

  • @TonyBalboa
    @TonyBalboa 20 дней назад +2

    I love e-readers, and my last e-reader purchase was the Kindle Scribe. Unfortunately, my Scribe hasn’t been used in a while. Ever since I started using a folding phone, currently the Z Fold 6, I’ve stopped using my Scribe. I love being able to unfold my phone, open my Kindle app, and start reading. Like you said toward the end of this video, “the best reader is the one you carry with you.” I never leave without my phone, so I always have it with me.
    I’m curious to hear about your experience with e-readers considering you also primarily use a folding phone as well.
    Great video, Shane. Looking forward to your complete review.

    • @tylerhoward1705
      @tylerhoward1705 18 дней назад +1

      Agreed. Kindles are awesome but when you got an all in one device you never leave home without....

  • @AwwsmGaurav
    @AwwsmGaurav 20 дней назад +1

    I really like this device, it's so cool. I was gonna get the plama soon, but they announced the palma 2, I'm waiting when it'll be available in my country.

    • @AwwsmGaurav
      @AwwsmGaurav 20 дней назад

      I'm looking forward for more videos on this device from you, I'm curious what videos you'll be making about it. Other than the full review

    • @AwwsmGaurav
      @AwwsmGaurav 20 дней назад

      14:09 How is the battery life with 3rd part launcher?

    • @AwwsmGaurav
      @AwwsmGaurav 20 дней назад

      Bro uninstalled Google 😂, why is that so funny for me? I never heard that before.

  • @terida81
    @terida81 19 дней назад +1

    I have the Palma 1. It looks like the fingerprint scanner and maybe the AI are the only real upgrades? FYI, the camera is only intended to be a document scanner, not a real camera. And e-ink uses frontlight, not backlight. There's a difference. Thanks for the review!

  • @hectoralvf
    @hectoralvf 15 дней назад

    Hi! Hope you see this. I have a physical disability and have 3 very important questions:
    1. Does it have tap2wake? Or some way to wake the phone without pressing buttons
    2. Does it have some kind of one hand mode to reach the upper left corner of the screen?
    3. Does it have always listening google assistant? So I can make phone calls without toching the device

    • @shanecraigtech
      @shanecraigtech  15 дней назад +1

      No tap to wake, no one handed mode and this lacks the radios to make calls. Sorry!

    • @hectoralvf
      @hectoralvf 14 дней назад

      @@shanecraigtech oh my, of course it lacks the radios lol, don't know what I was thinking. Thak you very much!

  • @tylerhoward1705
    @tylerhoward1705 18 дней назад

    Its such a great idea and looks like a great build... I just feel like its 3/4 of the way completed.

  • @miroslavsvoboda367
    @miroslavsvoboda367 20 дней назад

    I don't understand why it does not support a pen or stylus as their bigger devices. It would be a good note-taking device and its use-case would improve - as a reader only, it really speaks only to heavy book readers, not to people in business or e-ink notes fans as myself... I like it but I cannot find a use-case for me, unfortunately (for Boox)...

  • @larrymarso4492
    @larrymarso4492 8 дней назад

    front light

  • @CF542
    @CF542 18 дней назад +2

    Seems to me this device is a jack of all trades, master of nothing.