Players Included: Lebron James - 12 Blake Griffin - 7 Stephen Curry - 5 Derrick Rose - 5 Kevin Durant - 4 James Harden - 4 Kobe Bryant - 3 Dwyane Wade - 3 Giannis Antetokoumpo - 2 Paul George - 2 Kyrie Irving - 2 Damian Lillard - 2 Kawhi Leonard - 2 JR Smith - 2 Russell Westbrook - 2 Jarrett Allen - 1 Ray Allen - 1 Carmelo Anthony - 1 Matt Barnes - 1 Trevor Booker - 1 Chris Bosh - 1 Jimmy Butler - 1 Anthony Davis - 1 Demar DeRozan - 1 Luka Doncic - 1 Andre Drummond - 1 Tyreke Evans - 1 Kenneth Faried - 1 Sundiata Gaines - 1 Danillo Gallinari - 1 Manu Ginobli - 1 Gerald Green - 1 Jeff Green - 1 Andre Iguodala - 1 Joe Johnson - 1 Derrick Jones Jr - 1 Deondre Jordan - 1 Jeremy Lamb - 1 Courtney Lee - 1 Jeremy Lin - 1 Emmanuel Mudiay - 1 Larry Nance Jr - 1 Dirk Nowitzki - 1 Victor Oladipo - 1 Tony Parker - 1 Chris Paul - 1 Paul Pierce - 1 Rajon Rondo - 1 Terrence Ross - 1 Dennis Schroder - 1 Josh Smith - 1 Amar'e Stoudemire - 1 Jayson Tatum - 1 Isaiah Thomas - 1 Tyler Ulis - 1 Kemba Walker - 1 John Wall - 1 Andrew Wiggins - 1
This was my favorite part of watching the video seeing all of the different players! It was nice to see some of these players who you had not heard of in a long time or just had their one shining moment.
After all these years...still can’t believe Ray Allen’s absurd footwork on that final play. I know he could find the 3 point line with his eyes closed but my god that couldn’t be any more perfect. That shot is art. Poetry in motion
@@WyWid wrong, good commentators understand the hierarchy of sports business. If basketball fans like me hypothetically ceased to exist, the broadcasts would have 0 viewers, which means the commentators would lose their jobs and would have to do something else. Since people like Kevin Harlan know the ins and outs of the structure they're involved in, they surely know how to appreciate the huge role fans play in a major sports league like NBA.
@@adomaskuzinas2137 I respect your time and your reply. I appreciate your logic and reasoning between your carefully thought out and well written comment.
Watching all this stuff years later makes me glad to have been able to see some of these on live TV. Lob City, taking talents to South Beach, the last of the Spurs OGs, Kobe's goodbye tour around the country seeing every single fan applauding him on his way out. Was good times.
There is no 0 (zero)year.. Only year 1 AD.. So 1st decade has years 1-10 not like y thinking 0-9.. my english isnt that good so i cant explain better..
Sara2208 Beauty shut up bro he has done a lot of good things for the world of basketball and your gonna be that one bitch who ruins everything on a sad quote from a fucking dead all star great person Kobe was
2 things I take away from this: 1) No team has had their heart broken more than OKC 2) Did any one ever remember that Paul Pierce played for Washington?
Well OKC had three future MVPS on their lineup and has had other good players like melo and pg13 and has still not won a ring with each of those players
I still can't realize the fact that two of the top five play of a decade (maybe top ten all time...) happened within a minute of each other in the last moments of a playoff final game 7, meanwhile the cavs were lead 3-1 at the game 4 and thanks to these two plays they managed to win the finals it still gaves me chills everytime i see it how legendary is that seriously
I was there 3 years ago in Toronto. First day of my vacation, got off the plane just 2 hours before with two friends. After weeks of anticipation and hope that there will be a game 7 in this series. It was just amazing. Every time I see this moment I tear up man. It was not the first NBA Game I saw (went to L. A. and New York before) but it was the first Playoff Game and man, it will probably not get any better. And I am not a Toronto Fan, neither any other Team (maybe Mavericks for Dirk back in the day) but dammit, we were the north in 2019.
Kawhi Leonard's shot to finish off the Sixers has to be the most dramatic moment I've ever seen in the NBA, that'd be my number one. Lillard's shot on PG would be a close second though imo
@@merterdem7325 Yeeeaah, but the stakes were still very high. I think it's actually that much better that this shot led up to them winning the finals that year
Number of team appearances in order: Miami Heat - 12 Cleveland Cavaliers - 8 Los Angeles Clippers - 8 Golden State Warriors - 7 Oklahoma City Thunder - 6 Chicago Bulls - 5 Boston Celtics - 4 Denver Nuggets - 4 Houston Rockets - 4 Los Angeles Lakers - 4 Brooklyn Nets - 3 Milwaukee Bucks - 3 New York Knicks - 3 San Antonio Spurs - 3 Toronto Raptors - 3 Charlotte Hornets - 2 Dallas Mavericks - 2 Indiana Pacers - 2 Memphis Grizzlies - 2 Orlando Magic - 2 Phoenix Suns - 2 Portland Trailblazers - 2 Utah Jazz - 2 Washington Wizards - 2 Atlanta Hawks - 1 Detroit Pistons - 1 Minnesota Timberwolves - 1 New Orleans Pelicans - 1 Philadelphia 76ers - 1 Sacramento Kings - 1 Main takeaways: LeBron had 16 of the 20 Heat/Cavs appearances, meaning he accounted for nearly 1/5th of the top 100 plays of the decade. Also, lob city went crazy.
@@drmnhn3264 idk if it sound like stupid but I remember me watching these highlights in live and having a great moment this decade. Great plays doesn't mean It was just a highlights that every NBA's decade had, it was the great plays with emotions and the memories of our generation that is what makes it even greater, I dont care what you think about my comment but I really do have an emotions in it
Look at the man children playing bouncy ball! I want to be a man child too and put one of their names on my back! Because there's nothing that says "im a big boy, guys!" by wearing ANOTHER man's name on my back!
They could get a tech for that, I'm not hating but it would happen nowadays, the guy was on the court jumping like a maniac with time left in the clock
#3 Toronto will always be my overall favorite, I love both the announcers yelling "oooooooooo" in unison after what seemed like 5 seconds worth of bouncing on the rim
All of the highlights and reels of Kobe on here is amazing. And now hearing that the Black Mamba has just passed away... unreal. Rest easy, #8 and #24🐐
@@Wemyss333 i mean with the roster they have right now that's good though look at the 76ers even if they have a team i dont consider them a legitimate contenders they are 2nd round exit at best
Im biased. But when khawai dropped the shot he had the whole canadian nation behind him. I was out at my local pub and it was crazy. Most patrons never even followed basketball that much
7:37 feel the game. Bench player knew half court shot was going in. He felt it. Those are the crazy moments I love about basket ball. This brought back great memories
" A three wins the series" " It Liliard he got the shot off" " OH MY GOD, GOODDDDDDD!!! " AND THE BLAZERS WINS THE SERIES" " FOR THE FIRST TIME IN FOURTEEN" " YEARS!!! " 25:19 - Am I the only one who thinks this is one of Top 5 plays in your own decade? 👇💪
@@issatrayz8047 apparently their chemistry was awful, although from the way they played, it seemed they enjoyed playing with each other. One of the memorable teams of all time, used to be my favorite
The incredible block by Giannis Antetokounmpo of the Deandre Ayton dunk attempt in game # 4 of the 2020-2021 nba finals against the Suns is my #2 all time play. The Lebron James block of Iggy's shot required a total sprint from Lebron and perfect timing to pin Iggy's shot on the glass. Both defensive plays are #1 & #2 regardless of the evaluation. The all time NBA scoring champion & Giannis as a future hall of famer (barring injuries) reflect greatness of these two basketball titans!
I couldn't agree more, no one really pays attention in the defensive part pf basketball, even though its 50% of the game. And its as important if not more important than offence
To me, Giannis' block there was the single most athletic thing i've ever seen a human do lol Of all the people who have ever lived on this earth, I cant imagine more than 5 have length, explosiveness, and body control to make that save.
I was rooting for the Spurs so hard when Ray Allen made that shot. I remember being like, "Oh, easy. Spurs got this". Then Ray Allen made the NBA's play of the decade and obliterated my heart.
Born & raised here in SA, I was a junior & senior in high school '13 -' 14 so it was an incredible redemption arc to go back to back best in the west! Downtown was poppin when they won🏀🔥🏆🥇
She's all under control again nothing is impossible for me to do hope that you are interested and no remorse you have a nice weekend best regards David and no one is impossible for me and no one else may read print retransmit disseminate or i cant dont know how
W 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eeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeewewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenewwewenwnwnewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwewwnwneenewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwewwnwnewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwewwnwneewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwneewewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwneewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenw wnwnwnwwnwnwnwwwwwwwwneww
Players Included:
Lebron James - 12
Blake Griffin - 7
Stephen Curry - 5
Derrick Rose - 5
Kevin Durant - 4
James Harden - 4
Kobe Bryant - 3
Dwyane Wade - 3
Giannis Antetokoumpo - 2
Paul George - 2
Kyrie Irving - 2
Damian Lillard - 2
Kawhi Leonard - 2
JR Smith - 2
Russell Westbrook - 2
Jarrett Allen - 1
Ray Allen - 1
Carmelo Anthony - 1
Matt Barnes - 1
Trevor Booker - 1
Chris Bosh - 1
Jimmy Butler - 1
Anthony Davis - 1
Demar DeRozan - 1
Luka Doncic - 1
Andre Drummond - 1
Tyreke Evans - 1
Kenneth Faried - 1
Sundiata Gaines - 1
Danillo Gallinari - 1
Manu Ginobli - 1
Gerald Green - 1
Jeff Green - 1
Andre Iguodala - 1
Joe Johnson - 1
Derrick Jones Jr - 1
Deondre Jordan - 1
Jeremy Lamb - 1
Courtney Lee - 1
Jeremy Lin - 1
Emmanuel Mudiay - 1
Larry Nance Jr - 1
Dirk Nowitzki - 1
Victor Oladipo - 1
Tony Parker - 1
Chris Paul - 1
Paul Pierce - 1
Rajon Rondo - 1
Terrence Ross - 1
Dennis Schroder - 1
Josh Smith - 1
Amar'e Stoudemire - 1
Jayson Tatum - 1
Isaiah Thomas - 1
Tyler Ulis - 1
Kemba Walker - 1
John Wall - 1
Andrew Wiggins - 1
ClevelandEthan was waiting for this
Also didn't feel like lebron 12 times
This was my favorite part of watching the video seeing all of the different players! It was nice to see some of these players who you had not heard of in a long time or just had their one shining moment.
My man!
Kawhi and Butler had like a 2-way play
ClevelandEthan this should be top comments
dont forget jeremy lin got a ring before harden, russ and carmelo
@Kam Mike no because of mccaw
but whos better tho?
@@legacy8548 Lin obviously
Legacy lin
VGN 😂😂 good joke
After all these years...still can’t believe Ray Allen’s absurd footwork on that final play. I know he could find the 3 point line with his eyes closed but my god that couldn’t be any more perfect. That shot is art. Poetry in motion
I watched the whole video knowing he was going to be at number 1
It’s my favorite play since I’ve been watching basketball. Silkiest form and my god was that as clutch as you see.
Master class Legend Ray Allen💪💪
As a heat fan, that shot gives me goosebumps to this day
just like the stupid ads say
Shout out to all the commentators working hard and making these plays so special for years to come.
Not a single commentator cares who you are, and they still won’t care about you for years to come.
@@WyWid wrong, good commentators understand the hierarchy of sports business. If basketball fans like me hypothetically ceased to exist, the broadcasts would have 0 viewers, which means the commentators would lose their jobs and would have to do something else. Since people like Kevin Harlan know the ins and outs of the structure they're involved in, they surely know how to appreciate the huge role fans play in a major sports league like NBA.
@@adomaskuzinas2137 I respect your time and your reply. I appreciate your logic and reasoning between your carefully thought out and well written comment.
@@WyWid sounds like your dad!
“Oooooooo blocked by James!!” Sometimes the commentary makes it even more epic.
overrated every time
it's the only thing why Curry's shot against OKC became popular
@@futuropasado chasedown blocks are hard asf tho
One Euroleague color commentator does it better.
Lebron is bitch
D-Rose and Blake Griffin in their prime put up some of the most jaw-dropping baskets for sure.
The players that got me into the nba. Excited for this pistons team
Drose never hit his prime but he was a god before the injuries
The D-Rose dunks in here were great, but overall, his hangtime layups were even more creative and special and just as athletic and incredible.
SlitheryJack What team do you play for? If they got you into the NBA? 🙄
My favorite announcer
Midorima Shintaro that’s not the same announcer but it’s good
"IS THIS THE DAGGER". My favorite one
If you don't like that you don't like nba basketball
김찬호애국청년 Thats the most annoying one
Watching all this stuff years later makes me glad to have been able to see some of these on live TV. Lob City, taking talents to South Beach, the last of the Spurs OGs, Kobe's goodbye tour around the country seeing every single fan applauding him on his way out. Was good times.
you mean his helicopter tour??
My same thought to and include the last bit of Phoenix’s run and gun. Hard to believe how much the game has changed.
shame lob city had rivers as coach, they could have been epic
I've waited 10 years for this!
better wait for another 10 years, now with giannis' and luka's amazing plays
And u will w8 one more year cuz decade is going to end on 31.12.2020..
Marko Simić no man
@@markosimic1004 i dont think that's how decades work
There is no 0 (zero)year.. Only year 1 AD.. So 1st decade has years 1-10 not like y thinking 0-9.. my english isnt that good so i cant explain better..
Heroes come and go, but Legends stay forever" - Kobe
-RIP Legend.
Bruh can u stop this sentense is old
Athletes are not heroes,
@@kevinhausch1418 no one said they were. in fact this quote is saying the exact opposite of that.
Sara2208 Beauty shut up bro he has done a lot of good things for the world of basketball and your gonna be that one bitch who ruins everything on a sad quote from a fucking dead all star great person Kobe was
2 things I take away from this:
1) No team has had their heart broken more than OKC
2) Did any one ever remember that Paul Pierce played for Washington?
JMakahaFitz i remember and pierce played very well in playoffs
Of course I remember.
Well OKC had three future MVPS on their lineup and has had other good players like melo and pg13 and has still not won a ring with each of those players
CachisCurls key word: *future* mvps. harden was a 6th man, russ wasn’t the triple double machine he is today, kd was good but not at his peak
@@kh-oj4uf better watchвидео.html
I still can't realize the fact that two of the top five play of a decade (maybe top ten all time...) happened within a minute of each other in the last moments of a playoff final game 7, meanwhile the cavs were lead 3-1 at the game 4 and thanks to these two plays they managed to win the finals it still gaves me chills everytime i see it how legendary is that seriously
Well, that's a lot more Blake Griffin than I was expecting
He's had some of the greatest in-game dunks we've ever seen in the NBA
That LAC team was a highlight machine. One missing piece away from being full title contenders.
He was lit for a while there and just fell off the face of the earth
*than I had hoped for
Paul-Antoine Fae lol
1:16 “The players are having fun”
doesn’t seem that fun for the sixers
Yeah we rarely had fun at that point of the decade. We just had hope 😂
what was the score in this game?
@@wariatuncio7796 60 to 21
@@stillgod2250 60-21 I'm dying right now
dodoo_ it ended at 78-123 with a clippers win
7:20 Kings player who jumped up from the bench had INSANE confidence that shot would go in
Nah man he seen the green bar and knew it was all money
@@JackTheripper911 What you mean bro that release was n/a LMFAO
I came looking for this comment
That’s Eugene Jeter. He said, in team practices, Tyreke always makes these shots. So he knew they would win when T shot the ball.
Honestly, he probably should’ve gotten a foul/tech because he got up and ran on the court before the game ended
I was there 3 years ago in Toronto. First day of my vacation, got off the plane just 2 hours before with two friends. After weeks of anticipation and hope that there will be a game 7 in this series. It was just amazing. Every time I see this moment I tear up man. It was not the first NBA Game I saw (went to L. A. and New York before) but it was the first Playoff Game and man, it will probably not get any better. And I am not a Toronto Fan, neither any other Team (maybe Mavericks for Dirk back in the day) but dammit, we were the north in 2019.
Top 15 to top 1 plays:
Griffin: ight imma head in
No one:
Literally no one:
Clippers every game: is this a dunk contest?
Fr I miss the lob city version of the clippers
Had to break up lob city to reach the goal
Watching this was a trip down memory lane to when you didn't know basketball if you didn't know lob city 😔.
Kawhi Leonard's shot to finish off the Sixers has to be the most dramatic moment I've ever seen in the NBA, that'd be my number one. Lillard's shot on PG would be a close second though imo
Brought back terrible memories
Somehow I feel that during kawhi's shot, right after the inbound, it was a travel. Help me out.
@@jashdalal2667 Almost, but not quite
it is the most clutch and dramatic but it aint the finals
@@merterdem7325 Yeeeaah, but the stakes were still very high. I think it's actually that much better that this shot led up to them winning the finals that year
Number of team appearances in order:
Miami Heat - 12
Cleveland Cavaliers - 8
Los Angeles Clippers - 8
Golden State Warriors - 7
Oklahoma City Thunder - 6
Chicago Bulls - 5
Boston Celtics - 4
Denver Nuggets - 4
Houston Rockets - 4
Los Angeles Lakers - 4
Brooklyn Nets - 3
Milwaukee Bucks - 3
New York Knicks - 3
San Antonio Spurs - 3
Toronto Raptors - 3
Charlotte Hornets - 2
Dallas Mavericks - 2
Indiana Pacers - 2
Memphis Grizzlies - 2
Orlando Magic - 2
Phoenix Suns - 2
Portland Trailblazers - 2
Utah Jazz - 2
Washington Wizards - 2
Atlanta Hawks - 1
Detroit Pistons - 1
Minnesota Timberwolves - 1
New Orleans Pelicans - 1
Philadelphia 76ers - 1
Sacramento Kings - 1
Main takeaways:
LeBron had 16 of the 20 Heat/Cavs appearances, meaning he accounted for nearly 1/5th of the top 100 plays of the decade.
Also, lob city went crazy.
I love how many great plays were in this 2010s
@@drmnhn3264 idk if it sound like stupid but I remember me watching these highlights in live and having a great moment this decade. Great plays doesn't mean It was just a highlights that every NBA's decade had, it was the great plays with emotions and the memories of our generation that is what makes it even greater, I dont care what you think about my comment but I really do have an emotions in it
JukesNYou I think what the comment meant was H J loves that the 2010s had many great plays.
@@dapidizme thank you sir
@@drmnhn3264 - You make no sense.
Just goes to show how the basketball as a sport is better than its ever been. Players are more athletic and skilled on average and it shows.
26:06 look at the ref in the back, he felt that
I would do the same too if i was the ref
Lmaoooooooooo I see it 🤣
Look at the man children playing bouncy ball! I want to be a man child too and put one of their names on my back! Because there's nothing that says "im a big boy, guys!" by wearing ANOTHER man's name on my back!
James Lutian ???
My favorite
David Stern just passed
@@EnzoCrive damn rip to a legend
D .mcfunkerdoodle FR
The clippers looked like the Monstars on everyone of their jams.
Brandon Knight never recovered
RIP Kobe I remember my first NBA game it was 2006 LAL vs. Celtics I asked who's #24 on LAL my dad said The best player he's ever seen since Jordan
Buddy has never seen Legoat
@@Com.1a to be fair kobe was better than a third year lebron, but lebron has obviously surpassed kobe
21:25 that Brooklyn bench reaction... lmfao
Aceptando que fue un movimiento buenísimo bro'
They're like "Hold up we can't stand up that aint our guy"
@@zacharypeterson4178 EEEEEвидео.html
Did you guys notice that the guy was jumping up and down before the shot even went in?
2z 3k fact tyreke was practicing these shots and the so the guy jumping thought it would go in and it did
They could get a tech for that, I'm not hating but it would happen nowadays, the guy was on the court jumping like a maniac with time left in the clock
2z 3k i think he could tel it was going in ig
@@dawg9646 ik
“Should the bulls foul”
“Anthony for three”
“Anthony for three”
“Knicks by 1 with 8.2 remaining”
As a Bulls fan that hurts almost as much as the LeBron turnaround 3 in the 2015 playoffs to tie the series 2-2
It should be "puts it in"
The best comment 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
About the only highlight the Knicks had the past 10 years 😂😂😂
Should have been way higher than 80 tbh
2:24 We missed you, Mamba😢😢
This 100 list would be nothing without the infamous “bang” and “mama, there go that man”. 🔥👌
And the "if you don't like that you don't like. NBA basketball"
@@paulcaldo3550 no
@@gonzalo4658 u gay
Only the best NBA action is fantastic
7:36 guy off bench celebrating while ball is still 40 feet from basket.
Paul Quirk he got a green release
That’s a cool teammate!! He was confident that the shot was going in
Find you someone who believes in you as much as homie believed in Tyreke Evans
Imagine if the refs waived it off because they had an extra player on the court
@@hussein6173 LMAOOO
#3 Toronto will always be my overall favorite, I love both the announcers yelling "oooooooooo" in unison after what seemed like 5 seconds worth of bouncing on the rim
clear of the other 2
All of the highlights and reels of Kobe on here is amazing. And now hearing that the Black Mamba has just passed away... unreal. Rest easy, #8 and #24🐐
“Wade, from behind, takes it away. Chalmers, Cole, JAMESSSSSSSS”
Most disrespectful in game dunk ever
facundo martinez no cap ion even like lebron but I couldn’t believe what I had seen on that play
After the first clip
Jeremy Lin fans: Aight Imma head out.
We all know that kawhi carried the raptors
@@jamesmaher4581 as a diehard rap fan, I agree with you, their a good team but without Kawhi, they a 2nd round maybe 3rd round exit
@@Wemyss333 i mean with the roster they have right now that's good though look at the 76ers even if they have a team i dont consider them a legitimate contenders they are 2nd round exit at best
@@MichaelKing015 i don't you a basketball fan mr basketball fan
I’m only 18. My grandpa introduced me to basketball in 2010 or 2012. What a decade to get into basketball
18:32 he made Paul Pierce look like Velma looking for her glasses
Thats why you don't reach on Iso Joe
Big funny’s in the chat
26:06 look at the ref in the back, he felt that
"Defended by Simmons"
"Is this the dagger?"
still gives me goosebumps to this day
The SPECIAL JUAN to this day? It basically happened yesterday dude. This didn’t happen 20 years ago haha
@@killa2488 well, I've reaplayed it like 100 000 times so same effect
Killa same thing I was thinking 😂😂
Kawhi travelled
@@jamesclarkson8341 ik
18:22 This has to be the funniest crossover ever 😂
Never seen a guy fall forwards before lmao
"if you dunk on a king, you can be king for a moment"
sike you thought
JT can be the future .
Lou Fay why? Just because you say so
Summary of this video: Lebron James, Blake Griffin, game winners
Hey, Rose and Curry had their fair share.
Oh yeah yeah
And Kenneth Faried
@@yeetthefeet8616 oh no no
@@doctoraids6120 I watch Noahsnoah as well as rifty
5:16 was ranked way to low such an underrated dunk by J.R Smith
Totally agree that was filthy
@@Lkom24 With all the disrespect he gets people forget how good he was
Jed Robertson you see how giannis’s shitty buzzer beater was ranked high? HOW TF that was SO SIMPLE FOR HIS SKILL TF way more better plays
Im biased. But when khawai dropped the shot he had the whole canadian nation behind him. I was out at my local pub and it was crazy. Most patrons never even followed basketball that much
7:37 feel the game. Bench player knew half court shot was going in. He felt it. Those are the crazy moments I love about basket ball. This brought back great memories
You can do that in basketball?
I had the same reaction. Way before it got in...
yeah like wtf, no way he knewвидео.html ,
both shots tho that had to be crazy
"They do have a timeout"
"Decide not to use it"
"Curry wayyy downtown"
"Bangggg banggg"
*with 6 tense of a second remaining*
AFRO SAMURAI this nigga said tense😭😭😭
@@afrosamurai64 i thought it was tenths
One of the most disrespectful shot in the history
James catches puts up a three!
Wont go, rebound Bosh
Back out to Allen, his three pointer
One of those moments that sticks with you forever
One of the few times my jaw dropped watching a game
@@mattmmixes fax!
@@Shazayum Same!
That was incredible!
Can’t deny the greatness that is labron james either labron james against some team or some team against labron James…🐐
" A three wins the series"
" It Liliard he got the shot off"
" YEARS!!! "
- Am I the only one who thinks this is one of Top 5 plays in your own decade? 👇💪
Ramino II rip that one stung me for a while
@@oldspice62hi64 wdym?
And that thunder game winner too both top 5. Only 6 of those series ending game winners in the history and dame got 2 of em. Overlooked player
Ramino II yup that thing brought me chills. Dame is such a clutch player could of got 2 top 5 plays of the decade
"Should the Bulls foul?"
Melo: *drains the dagger*
Probably should've fouled.
hindsight is 20/20
@Leland Josephвидео.html
Jeff Van Gundy never knows what he's talking about
@@Kev... that's y he's so fun to listen to. Comic gold.
who else watching this during quarantine 😭
Adam Khan for real
Yea wishing I could go play some bball
Me buddy 😢
12:45 was insane, that corner by a rookie Luka was just a sign of how great he would become
Would of been funny if they put ben simmons scoring a three
Would have*
Hay Knee I turned my house upside down looking for who asked
@@Tcrror or would've but "would of" sounds nice to me
so many memories in just one video 😭
“Igoudala to Curry”
“Back to Igoudala”
“Up for the layup”
“OH, Blocked by James”
"LeBron James with the rejection"
Ateup88 we can all hear this in our heads
@Sam Lim Le3-6ron James
@@deku8910 u mad?
Should’ve been number 1 imo
9:47 I can't stop laughing, "Jeff Green knocks down a tree!" 😂
The fact that LeBron and Blake griffin are in almost half of these is crazy as hell
@Slurms MacKenzie he's kinda washed rn :/
And am the biggest blake fan
H 17 he not really washed he just wasn’t healthy this season don’t forget what he did last year
H 17 same but it’s the injury’s like always rip
I miss the old Griffin, Paul and Jordan Clippers:(
Lob City 😤
They shoulded have a ring, i still can't understand how they blowed that
They do not miss those days
@@Jonathanfootball144 Of course, because of the opportunity they realised they let pass
@@issatrayz8047 apparently their chemistry was awful, although from the way they played, it seemed they enjoyed playing with each other. One of the memorable teams of all time, used to be my favorite
Wade and Lebron is such an iconic duo, man I miss that dude
I can't lie.. When they were the villains it was major fun..
@@kenrickkahn yea I never witnessed it live as I was too young back then. I can assure you that was probably super cool though
@@nathanielbean3119 same. I’ve only got into Basketball since LeBron moved to Lakers basically & I live in England soooвидео.html
Both of these clowns 🤡 got whipped by an elderly mavs and spurs team..🤔🤔. Then the LeRefs and LeRay Allen saved them..
Man watching Lebron and D-Wade sure was fun. And watching the cavs and the warriors in the finals of 2016 was the best ever
15:15 "Excuse me, I got an appointment with the rim" 🤣
Lol that got me laughing all day
I feels like a decade since i last saw John Wall playing
29:15 One of the most heart stopping moments I've ever seen in my life
WTF!? Moments this hurt
WTF!? Moments and was a travel
Get chills every time I watch it
@@Tw2out refs swallow their whistles in the post season
That's why embiid cries bc refs are stupid 😂
The incredible block by Giannis Antetokounmpo of the Deandre Ayton dunk attempt in game # 4 of the 2020-2021 nba finals against the Suns is my #2 all time play. The Lebron James block of Iggy's shot required a total sprint from Lebron and perfect timing to pin Iggy's shot on the glass. Both defensive plays are #1 & #2 regardless of the evaluation. The all time NBA scoring champion & Giannis as a future hall of famer (barring injuries) reflect greatness of these two basketball titans!
I couldn't agree more, no one really pays attention in the defensive part pf basketball, even though its 50% of the game. And its as important if not more important than offence
To me, Giannis' block there was the single most athletic thing i've ever seen a human do lol
Of all the people who have ever lived on this earth, I cant imagine more than 5 have length, explosiveness, and body control to make that save.
Stop, please. I didn't get over it, still hurts 😭😭😭
@@azimmer13 your boo boo will someday go away - be patient! LOL
The scary part is that the 4th and 2nd place was in the same game! That match is the game of the decade imo.😯
Babotán Ákos 2nd place is undeserved
why is the score the same after that 3 point then ?
@@macansan7046 becuz the block came first before that shot m8
the best series of the decade, i might add.
But it did happen
When he said "when you dunk on the king, you can be king for a moment" I thought that was well said.
timestamp plz
@@moneygo123 Tatum dunks on Lebron
@@zzye2651 yeah but what time
@MoneyGo123 @Panda I felt motivated 3:59
7:20 that man was jumping out on the court before the ball even went in
How’s he do that lol
how tf...
Hes from the future watched this clip
Nba is rigged
@@elijahknapp727 NBA is rigged because a double-pump half court shot went in? Lmao
NBA has the best plays out of all sports
As a fan, Ray Allen’s corner three to tie the game still gives me goosebumps to this day
It's a travel 3 steps
@@omargamal686 you are blind obviously.
*sigh* looking at the date 1/1/2020 it gives me goosebumps because it was before tRump unleashed covid on the world =/
@@EyeOfThePhi always got to bring politics into it bruh
@@EyeOfThePhi im not an expert but wasnt it chinas fault?
"Mama there goes that man"
-Mark Jackson
"Hand down, man down"
,,That's how u tell 20 000 people to sit down and be quiet !"
@BOMBAATA Wilt Chamberlain 2K 20Kвидео.html
When D Rose said "😐" I felt that
Jeff Corey 🌹🔥🔥🏀
man this video just took me back. D Rose I wish you never got injured.
14:13 CPU on Hall of Fame.
how is that only #48
Without a ring
20:16 you know this one is just stunning when everybody in the stadium puts their hands on top of heads in disbelief and I from Toronto too.
I would've been fuming if my team lost like that
Ah yes, you being from Toronto means anything
@@satisfyingcuts kinda like every video you post.
I was going to like but I can’t
@@cattameme that makes total sense
I swear the announcers make It even more epic!!
That’s why they’re there lol.
Epic 😐
that D ROSE dunk on Dragic just aint as banging without the "I WANNA GO HIGHER"
Man a lot of this feels nostalgic. Nothing will ever compare to the days of prime kd, westbrook, lebron, pg, cp3, etc… so entertaining
28:48 Lillard the anti simp
LOL i thought i was the only one who noticed that :D
Haha I saw that too
daps up the dude before her too lmaooo
Why he even got a 'get outta my way' sign to that lady?
19:55 D Rose, the "it's what I do" face is the GOAT.
How he just jumped to noah like that's the most usual thing🤣🤣🤣
u are the real goat man
@@עידןפרדה-ז9י frrr lmaoвидео.html .
About the number one play:
A ton of Miami fans had left the arena because they were losing so badly and then tried to get back in hahaha
Marco Coelho fake fans
Hahahaha ikr?
Good thing I was on my couch.
Marco Coelho watched this game in Mexico, even they went HAM after that shot down in Zacatecas
“losing so badly”
they left despite only being down by 4 lmao
Bro I loved this video SO MUCH. I really hope you do more
"They do have a timeout"
"Decide not to use it"
"Curry way downtown"
Samuel Nash my #1
Samuel Nash they do have a time out Samuel Nash is a bandwagon ohh no one asked
@@david3535 oh I'm sorry but why am I still a GSW fan even if they are last in the conference? So shut the fuck up Bro
@@david3535 and you don't know nothing about loyalty in the NBA because when it comes when LeBron switch team you sir are a Bandwagon
Samuel Nash I’m literally from SF and still a gsw fan as well. I am so sick of people saying that I’m just part of a bandwagon
"A three wins the series"
"it's Lillard"
"He got the shot off"
"Lillard good"
"and the Blazers wins the series for the first time in 14 years"
Should be higher. ;)
nice you transcribed part of the video..
@David Cowan I laughed my ass off watching CJ McCollum desperately plead for him to bring it up a couple feet on that shot
As an OKC fan I love what we are building but man some of the moments with those 2 young future hall of famers still give me goosebumps to this day.
Just 2?
I was rooting for the Spurs so hard when Ray Allen made that shot. I remember being like, "Oh, easy. Spurs got this". Then Ray Allen made the NBA's play of the decade and obliterated my heart.
lol they still had OT and then game 7.......spurs just choked hard lmaoooooooo.
@@davidjames6036 Made up for it the following year, though. The Heat couldn't even bring that series to a game 6.
Born & raised here in SA, I was a junior & senior in high school '13 -' 14 so it was an incredible redemption arc to go back to back best in the west! Downtown was poppin when they won🏀🔥🏆🥇
If that was #1, then Manu's dunk on Bosh & Co. from the following Finals should have at least made the top 100!
@@MrHaps76 Totally agree. That dunk was legendary.
"LeBron catch up for three! Won't go! Rebound Bosh! Back out to Allen! His three pointer! BANG!!!" - that was 10 years ago...
“IS THIS THE DAGGER?” Is my fav but the best of the decade rightfully is “rebound bosh”
TheDeelanB as a spurs fan this kills me every time
@@jordanhuff7801 they should put Duncan in that play...
Jack pretty sure Duncan Fouled out
his* not its
Ok he was a dinosaur but it's "his"
She's all under control again nothing is impossible for me to do hope that you are interested and no remorse you have a nice weekend best regards David and no one is impossible for me and no one else may read print retransmit disseminate or i cant dont know how
Best play in history.
*Broadcaster* 4:06
"If you dunking on a king you can be a king for the moment"😂😂 this comment LMAO 😂🤣
Its crazy that 4 and 2 were in the same quarter of that same game. 2016 game 7 finals was the greatest game ever
29:15 This must be the most incredible shot I’ve ever seen. Leonard was the man in Toronto on their championship run, and this proved it.
one of the best finals runs ever by an individual player. Amazing
@@gerxpaul28 nfl is rigged
@@gerxpaul28 you’re dumb a f
@@gerxpaul28 you think they would rig it for Toronto to win how dumb are you
No one:
Literally no one:
L.A. Clippers: we dont care if we lose we just wanna dunk ..
Damn bro you got the whole squad laughing😑😑
@@lordjethro9573 stfu
LordJethroツ why do I feel like your clippers fan the guy did it as a joke
19:21 that was a disaster lob pass by Adebayo 😂
Thats Kagamis Meteor Jam right there
That was fucking high
it only works because the receiver is derrick jones
The top-25 were all OFFENSE except for #2. Best defensive play in the history of NBA.
6:19 “Jr Smith, WE JUST SAW A MAN FLY”
Humble Douglas should’ve been WAY higher
@@alove3177 FACTS
Only highlight that placed lower than it should
:insert nba finals game 1
"mama, there goes that man" hits different
Lowell Genon you know!! Mike Breen’s commentary + Mark Jackson’s analysis + Jeff Van Gundy’s banter = GOAT commentary team 👌🏻
after you watch this go watch the wnba video it has me 💀
W wnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweenewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnewwewenwnwnewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwwewenwnwnewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwwewenwnwnewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnewenwnwnewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwwenwnwnewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwneenwnwnewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwwenwnwnewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwwewwnwnewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwwewenwnewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweewnewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeenewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeenwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeewnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewnwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeewnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeenwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeeeeewewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwweweeeeeeeewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenwnwwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwenewwewenwnwnewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwwewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewweweeeeewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwewwnwneenewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwewwnwnewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwwnwnewwewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwnwnewwewwnwneewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwneewewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenwneewwnwnewwewewnwnewwewwnwnewwewenw wnwnwnwwnwnwnwwwwwwwwneww
@@michaelalewissr8671 ?
Igoudala to Curry, back to Igoudala”
always gives me goosebumps
Brings me tears
gg azarath u gave me goosebumps just from reading that lmao
Every Cleveland fan will remember that forever
I love this channel
"Mama there goes that man" line will always be iconic
Reporter: “Good golly Ms Molly!”
Reporter: Good golly Miss Molly!"
It's commentator not reporter😂😂
Good golly, Ms Molly!’”
"Rebound Bosh... back out to Allen... his 3-pointer... BANG!" 🔥 can’t get more clutch than that 🔥
Only if Bosh was able to do that with Duncan on the court.
Conor O'Hara
Duncan and Pops didn’t give respect to Bosh
They just watched at sideline
Them fault
As much rage as that shot created for me and my city, it’s in the right spot. Can’t hate on Ray doing what he does best. Still pissed at d fish tho.
Bro I just came here after watching the WNBA 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 the pain and suffering my eyes had to endure I needed this.
Man this is one of the most insane dunks I've ever seen, it deserves to be higher
Always loved that dunk. JR had a great season that year, I believe that was the year he won 6th man
Yet they put a block that’s ok at number 2.
@@BulletAgario it's not about how impressive it is but how impactful it was to the game and series