I love Chi Chi but gotta be honest don't think this was the beat for the 2nd half of her verse. On the other hand this beat has Peso written all over it with how fast tempo it is with all the 808s His flow here actually reminds me of his verse on DPS Baki I Am Him song
Jhbboss got my favorite verse he was snappin 🔥🔥🔥
Fasho! he turned up on this one. thanks for the comments
I love PE$O's energy and the fact that he was playing surge made it so much better. Fire cypher 🔥🔥🔥
5:51 my only memory about this guy. Riddle
This was a good reaction my Favourite verse is Chi Chi’s and next react to the Pokemon rival rap cypher.
V!ce really thought she was Ty Wild with those slant rhymes lmfaooo 😂☠️
7:18 whatchu mean by everyone came?
Nurse simping with the most serious voice ever
Pe$o understood the assignment
Happy new year
Frivolous had my personal favorite verse
I never heard of Omega Sparx before he is good
They went crazy on the song my g
Chi-Chi's got my favourite verse again but Jhb is a very close second. Shoutout to everything Shara was spitting too
I love Chi Chi but gotta be honest don't think this was the beat for the 2nd half of her verse. On the other hand this beat has Peso written all over it with how fast tempo it is with all the 808s
His flow here actually reminds me of his verse on DPS Baki I Am Him song
Have you reacted to Cam Steady's Pokémon Mat4yo Rap Cypher yet? Check it out on RUclips!
Gonna be honest I think this was mat4yos worst pokemon cypher verse. It wasn't bad but im so used to him popping off so this felt kinda watered down.