This talk was given two years before I was born. How grateful I am that I, living in England, can watch and rewatch this 40 years on and print it off the internet and take it all in as slow as I need to.
I love Elder Maxwell so much. Every phrase he says is a sermon to be studied. I am so grateful for these incredible leaders we have been so blessed to get.
"Giving up is a denial of the Lord's loving capacity to see us through all of these things. Giving up suggests that God is less than who he really is."
The discernment of Elder Maxwell into human frailties and what it takes to overcome the natural man is unequaled. His prose is like poetry. I love and admire this amazing witness of God with all my heart!
Life is not linear in time but experiential? Genius. Before reborn in Christ his talks at Conference put me to sleep. I was an infant from a spiritual aspect. Now I am so eternally grateful and in his debt for sermons preached in a single sentence. I can’t get enough of his words of wisdom. So much respect and love for him and his service. I think he kept his end of the bargain made in that foxhole on Okinawa.
I've been a member since '71, and heard Elder Maxwell many times, but I've never heard this one before. Thank you; thank you so much. This is a talk to hear and try to comprehend.
He died of leukemia almost exactly 20 years after giving this talk. We have been without him, but not without his direction for nearly two decades, aren't we blessed with technology.
I am so grateful for the technology that makes it possible to still be blessed by the words of Elder Neal A. Maxwell. I love his talks! Something about how he speaks, and what he says touches me deeply… He is speaking guided by the Holy Ghost, and I am receiving a greater desire to have Faith, Hope, and Charity as Jesus wants us to have. Never give up!❤
@Sean Walker I am so sorry. I pray for you Brother Walker. The Lord knows your struggles. He knows you, and he loves you. God bless you dear brother. 🙏
This is simplicity on the other side of complexity. Where he’s not only been able to synthesize the content into his own worldview, but he’s discerned the essence of the idea in such a simple, direct way that you can communicate it to other people. Hard to take simple notes on complex ideas expressed simply.
I'll really have to listen close to every words he speaks. If I get distracted and lose focus just for 30 seconds , I get lost and have to rewind to be able to understand everything he speaks is so remarkable! He covers a lot of ground with only a handful of words. I am grateful that I was around to hear him speak and inspired words. I would have to say, I believe even a non-believer in Christ would be inspired by his words about our Lord Jesus Christ and his gospel.
How I Love Elder Neal A. Maxwell. My Teacher during painful days. My Comfort during sleepless nights. I await our meeting once I’ve passed through the Veil.
I am so grateful for this talk, particularly right now. It is true if we turn to God He is there and guides us to people or talks like this one that help us overcome and gracefully endure to the end. Thank you Elder Maxwell.
It's almost the end of 2021 and still, this talk gives me the strength to endure and face a brand new year with hope. Elder Holland is right, he is like a modern Isaiah! Thank you, Elder Maxwell! I hope someday, I will be honored to meet you and thank you for your inspired words that are gifts to this world.
I remember years back sitting at my computer working on extraction for the church then suddenly stopping and started singing 'Danny Boy'. I sang it twice through and then cried. Later that day I learned that our dear Elder Maxwell had departed.
Wow. So much powerful truth is taught here by this man. Elder Maxwell's words will be forever studied and pondered by all that seek to understand God's truths and mysteries here in this life.
That was one of the most, if not the most powerful talk I've ever heard. My whole perspective on life, especially enduring this year of 2020, has changed and turned me to Christ. God bless Elder Maxwell. ♥
Truly! I love the story of how someone asked him if it was hard for him to come up with the imagery and descriptions and other exquisite uses of the language in his talks. He said it's actually the opposite- he had to fight the flow of words and replan his talks because it just kept coming. I also love how someone said it was hard for the interpreters to keep up with him in general conference because his vocabulary was just so full😆
Convicted, spiritually educated, enlivened, enlightened and blessed with spiritual strength. I am a man who strayed away into darkness for decades and now going on 2 years back to the fold. Thank you for helping me to understand that this is all for not if I do not endure.
I am so grateful I came across this talk. It is unusual because it is from 1984. I love what the prophets have consistently said, you are incredible! "Even as we hasten the dawn there are others who need the dawn to come slowly." Oh, I love you guys.
Uma das maneiras de posso conseguir suportar bem é lembrar de como eu me sentia perto do Espírito, abrindo o livro das escrituras e colorindo as partes que o Espírito falava, algo que falava mais forte ainda, embora não compreendesse no momento, e querer sentir me bem assim novamente. Segundo é ler a minha benção patriarcal é uma outra forma de sentir a alegria restaurada e orar por tudo que recebi de Deus, o batismo e o convênio batismal, que antes eu não tinha nada e agora tenho o Espírito Santo, e não sabia nada sobre mim e agora a minha benção patriarcal faz eu saber algo bom sobre mim, os meus convênios do Templo, que me fazem sentir que sou importante pra Deus. Sem pressa, continuar com paciência como mortais exige humildade para ver quando o tempo parar rápido, e não perder quando Ele passar. Que Deus me ajude nessa jornada. Muito obrigado pela ajuda.
It is October 2022. Elder Maxwell's talk in 1984 was the crown for Conference 2022. What a blessing for me personally. His words so well chosen, so meaningful and with such tender and with such spiritual ched all whoo
I went through three serous bouts of depression between 2001-2005. It nearly cost me everything. I was gifted "All These Things Shall Give Thee Experience." For the first time, I felt I was given the nurturing sustenance I required at that crucial time. I will be forever grateful.
I read all many of the comments about our brother Elder Maxwell. Yes, he is a true apostle of the Lord, yes he is one of the most Christlike people to walk the earth, but I want to say this. We all can make the decision to be the kind of follower of Jesus Christ that he is. With the grace of Jesus Christ to make it possible, lets all make that decision to endure to the end, and be the Christlike followers of God equal to mentors, like Nephi 1, 2, 3, Alma, Ammon, Ruth, Mary, and Elder Maxwell. It's exciting to think about meeting Jesus face to face someday, with a pure heart.
Especially forgetfullness. There are times when i am brought down to my knees and then i remember my heavenly father. The weight seems so heavy sometimes. More then i think i can bear. And again i start to remember my heavenly father. And so it is with us we ask him this question. How much more can i take? And he so responds "do you trust me". And even though i cannot see the green fields ahead nor the white topped peaks. I answer and say "yes". Not my will heavenly father but thine be done.
Elder Maxwell was a professor of political science at the University of Utah. He also held many administrative roles at the university. He first joined the university staff as assistant director of public relations in 1956. In 1958, he became Assistant to the President. He died in Salt Lake City, from leukemia. He was originally diagnosed with leukemia in 1996, eight years before his death. He was well prepared to give this talk by the Lord in 1984 and in 1996 he would find out how he would need to endure. Such a remarkable servant of God, and clearly this is Gods tender mercy toward him by teaching him this early on before he would need to endure such a hardship as leukemia.
I wasn't completely active during this wonderful apostle was spreading Gods lessons. I missed most of his teachings, but these recorded talks have opened great wisdom in my life. His words are so profound and yet simple to understand. I am gaining more and more gospel teaching in each new talk I hear from this man of God.
He opens the heart and mind to an understanding of the Savior in such a way as to truly see Him. Also knowing how much Elder Maxwell sought to be like the Savior and the haunting of his suffering with cancer , how much it shows how enduring well is so Christ like. It makes one realize in such a small way how much one must learn , comprehend and discipline oneself to just enter His presence and to understand the Majesty of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost.
Elder Maxwell I feel Speaks closely as Our Father & Savior Speaks. My Mother many years ago along with two others, as He, helped me to truly hear..the words He gives from beyond the veil. He is Amazing..I cannot Help but Think He was trained at the feet of Our Savior...
SINCERLY BELIEVE HE WAS. OTHERWISE, We And Countless Othets Could Not Be So Deeply Touched and Enlightened by His Words. Or feel the ... TRUTH & SPIRIT HE Emulates just by Saying A Few Words. As a Child I was Drawn to Him, & Pres. Hinckley.
I miss this dear, sweet man. His eloquence and humble sincerity is inspiring and yet calming. He always directs our thoughts to the Lord Jesus Christ and our Father in Heaven. His words are timeless. Thank you for posting this today. I needed to hear this. 🙏💗👍
Marvelous combination of true doctrine and understanding, heartfelt delivery. Brings back delightful memories of watching the sweet relationship between Elder Maxwell and now President Oaks.
Patience & faith. “God is active in the tutoring of each of us…My people must be tried in all things, that they may be prepared to receive the glory that I have for them, even the glory of Zion. And he that will not bear chastisement is not worthy of My kingdom.” The schooling through which we must all pass. May we be able to take heart and pass through all our trials & know that God gave us His perfect Son to make all things possible.
He was my favourite apostle. Met him at a tri-stake conference in England which he and Elder Monson visited. Befor the meeting while Moson was standing on the dais waving his handkerchief to the crowd Maxwell was in the midst of the audience shaking peoples hands! I was very moved by that.
I remember being in the audience during this event, and others when Elder Maxwell spoke. Every time was a feast of doctrine taught with power and eloquence that spurred reflection and self examination, and was the fodder of many discussions with friends and colleagues after the events.
I love this talk so much, and love elder Maxwell his words and his testimony had always intrigued me and lifted my spirit. His poetry in teaching the principles is my favorite things ever he practiced what he tought and overcome adversity what a great ensemble he is one of the many I will give a big hug to one day ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😇😇😇
WOW what an inspired talk that was. It is so awesome when you can feel The Holy Spirit in a talk. I felt this message in my heart yesterday and shared it with my wife and then we started listening to this. I was unable to finish it last night and had to finish it this morning. WOW This is so perfectly said.
The first talk that has superseded my all time favorite "The First and Great Commandment" - Holland, only because of it's poetic comprehensive and most actionable message, for me.
Yes I agree Elder Maxwell is certainly Apostle of the Lord he will greatly be missed at least he left US many great talks behind for us to enjoy for the future Generations. Thank God we have technology so these talks would be preserved.
Thankyou for sharing this message from a man of God. We needed this message to get us through these trying times. It helped me better understand why the evil is allowed to overtake the world. Free agency is the answer. God will be the judge. I pray that all those who are doing their best will stand strong in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am grateful for our Prophet President Nelson and all who lead and guide us in these latter days.
I believe in GOD that all who died in Christ Will be risen like unto Him our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of our Faith we are Blessed 🙏 and according to His GOOD Will. For those Who also believe in Christ and endure to the end & be baptized to His true church then we Will not Die anymore. All the Inhabitants of the Earth Will be Bless and soon be well & Good all the time.
I believe these teaching are true, powerful and come from God through his chosen servants to the whole world. From the beginning of time when Man and Woman began their mortality till the present day. We need constant reminders and nourishment of the spirit. It’s up to us to choose to accept The Lord in our lives, be baptized by the proper authority, and endure to the end with God’s help and blessings through His Beloved Son Jesus Christ!
I have listened to this talk 3 times in the last 2 days and my soul is filled with such hope and gratitude. I have never been so edified and uplifted from a talk like I am with this one. I wish I had heard this sooner in my life but I’m grateful to have learned from it now.
Thank you pres maxwell.hoping we continue to walk in narrow gate and straight path which leads in my life until the end of the day.i know gods guides me well in the name of Jesus Christ amen
Love this talk. Heard it more than once. Deep reminder that we come from somewhere phenomenal, we are somewhere great. How exciting it will be to return.
Nearly an hour of lucid edifying prose given with humble aplomb. A great mind and an even greater soul beckoning listeners to come unto Christ and be perfected in him.
Wow, that’s powerful. “Our capacity to love and our capacity to endure well are inextricably bound together.” I can’t explain why, but I’ve noticed the most difficult periods in my life have also been the periods where I learn to love the deepest.
32:37 many didn't catch it, but he just told us a detail about the atonement that isn't in scripture. That God spoke comforting words to the son. Incredible.
I met him in Temple Square while standing at the West gate welcoming visitors as a missionary, and I did have a chance to talk with him. He was waiting for his family because his grandchild was going to be baptized there. What an amazing experience that was for me.
I'm grateful for todays technology to watch sacrament meeting, in my own home. Grateful for a wonderful returned missionary share her love of the gospel and her missionary experience.
Alas, even he himself wasn’t among those who lived long and “died in their sleep at 85”. Some 7 years shy of that age, his transfer was approved, following his own coming to know personally what he knew intellectually of being “willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict…; even as a child doth submit to his father..(Mosiah 2) As Elder Maxwell endured the very public and private thrashing of leukemia. I discovered the wisdom and treasure of his poetic and prophetic gospel linguistic art form when I was a young 20 something, Newly married and becoming a father to my first son. When married, my wife and I were each given a copy of “what wives expect of their husbands” and a second volume entitled “what husbands expect of their wives.” We returned the books and with the bookstore credit we purchased instead Elder Maxwell’s Christ centered work entitled “Even As I Am”. It had such a profound impact upon me and how words from the scriptures connect to my daily life and intimate circumstances. So much so that I named my first born son after him: Neal. I still remember how surprised I was upon meeting him a few times, at how tall he is and the strength and softness of his handshake. How truly fortunate I feel, now in my 60’s, to have lived in the days that were also the portion of Neal A Maxwell’s days as a true apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ. I count it as one of the truly priceless gifts of my mortal experience. To hear him teach at conferences both General and local was “an experience” that shaped my life in such enduring and significant ways.
I Love the Process OF change, Persistently trying to change, to Grow, to Live life to the fullest, to Fulfill our /My Destiny with Prayers🙏 and a Smile…Exercising Faith, Enduring Well,.. every moment of Every Day…
This talk was given two years before I was born. How grateful I am that I, living in England, can watch and rewatch this 40 years on and print it off the internet and take it all in as slow as I need to.
This dude's talk can't be completely digested on the first view. This is a 55-minute gold mine for the struggling soul.
He is a true Apostle of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. 😊❤
I love Elder Maxwell so much. Every phrase he says is a sermon to be studied. I am so grateful for these incredible leaders we have been so blessed to get.
"Giving up is a denial of the Lord's loving capacity to see us through all of these things. Giving up suggests that God is less than who he really is."
So, so powerful.
So true
The discernment of Elder Maxwell into human frailties and what it takes to overcome the natural man is unequaled. His prose is like poetry. I love and admire this amazing witness of God with all my heart!
Life is not linear in time but experiential? Genius. Before reborn in Christ his talks at Conference put me to sleep. I was an infant from a spiritual aspect. Now I am so eternally grateful and in his debt for sermons preached in a single sentence. I can’t get enough of his words of wisdom. So much respect and love for him and his service. I think he kept his end of the bargain made in that foxhole on Okinawa.
People like this come once in a lifetime. This man was a gift.
Amen to that
yes - and it so great that we all his words still with us
I’m new to this channel! What happened?
My mother was able to speak like this man if you can imagine. Although I believe she spent this talent on raising us.
I've been a member since '71, and heard Elder Maxwell many times, but I've never heard this one before. Thank you; thank you so much. This is a talk to hear and try to comprehend.
It was unusual to have access to this type of content prior to the Internet in general and RUclips in particular.
He died of leukemia almost exactly 20 years after giving this talk. We have been without him, but not without his direction for nearly two decades, aren't we blessed with technology.
Absolutely!! When younger I couldn’t relate to or even understand what he said, but now, I can’t listen to him enough!!
I am so grateful for the technology that makes it possible to still be blessed by the words of Elder Neal A. Maxwell. I love his talks! Something about how he speaks, and what he says touches me deeply… He is speaking guided by the Holy Ghost, and I am receiving a greater desire to have Faith, Hope, and Charity as Jesus wants us to have. Never give up!❤
I am so grateful this talk. I am struggling with stage 4 cancer and find a great deal of peace from this talk.
@Sean Walker I am so sorry. I pray for you Brother Walker. The Lord knows your struggles. He knows you, and he loves you. God bless you dear brother. 🙏
I used to try to take notes when he spoke. Impossible! Such focused and compressed words , all I could do is listen over and over!
yes yes
This is simplicity on the other side of complexity. Where he’s not only been able to synthesize the content into his own worldview, but he’s discerned the essence of the idea in such a simple, direct way that you can communicate it to other people. Hard to take simple notes on complex ideas expressed simply.
I'll really have to listen close to every words he speaks. If I get distracted and lose focus just for 30 seconds , I get lost and have to rewind to be able to understand everything he speaks is so remarkable! He covers a lot of ground with only a handful of words. I am grateful that I was around to hear him speak and inspired words. I would have to say, I believe even a non-believer in Christ would be inspired by his words about our Lord Jesus Christ and his gospel.
Well said and done!
I wish he were alive today. O thank Heaven that we still have his most inspired and inspiring words and teachings available today.
How I Love Elder Neal A. Maxwell.
My Teacher during painful days.
My Comfort during sleepless nights.
I await our meeting once I’ve passed through the Veil.
It’s m I’m ok
This was one of the most powerful discourses I have listened to in my 36 years in church.
Wilson de la mare True that! So much here that it will take many replays to absorb it all.
Absolutely beautiful and powerful
One of the apostles I miss so much!!
I love elder Maxwell, he inspired me as a young man and he continues to inspire me twenty-five years later.
Me too
I am so grateful for this talk, particularly right now. It is true if we turn to God He is there and guides us to people or talks like this one that help us overcome and gracefully endure to the end. Thank you Elder Maxwell.
It's almost the end of 2021 and still, this talk gives me the strength to endure and face a brand new year with hope. Elder Holland is right, he is like a modern Isaiah! Thank you, Elder Maxwell! I hope someday, I will be honored to meet you and thank you for your inspired words that are gifts to this world.
I remember years back sitting at my computer working on extraction for the church then suddenly stopping and started singing 'Danny Boy'. I sang it twice through and then cried. Later that day I learned that our dear Elder Maxwell had departed.
I continue to drink at the well of Elder Maxwell’s wisdom and faith. What a treasure.
Wow. So much powerful truth is taught here by this man. Elder Maxwell's words will be forever studied and pondered by all that seek to understand God's truths and mysteries here in this life.
Your mind can't wander, you miss so much if you aren't concentrating on every word
That's why we can listen to him again and again!
That was one of the most, if not the most powerful talk I've ever heard. My whole perspective on life, especially enduring this year of 2020, has changed and turned me to Christ. God bless Elder Maxwell. ♥
Yes I miss Elder Maxwell and his succinct writings--which come back at the most needed times.
I love to listen over and over to the inspired thoughts of Elder Maxwell and his counsel from the 80’s that is applicable to all , always
@@alanbt188kphu7 27:51
His talks were always a rich Gospel feast!!!! His use of language, guided by the Spirit, is simply magnificent!!
For reals!
@@samuelbrown917 Probably one of best speakers ever
I love the story of how someone asked him if it was hard for him to come up with the imagery and descriptions and other exquisite uses of the language in his talks. He said it's actually the opposite- he had to fight the flow of words and replan his talks because it just kept coming. I also love how someone said it was hard for the interpreters to keep up with him in general conference because his vocabulary was just so full😆
Has there ever been a more eloquent speaker that utilizes the Holy Ghost
Convicted, spiritually educated, enlivened, enlightened and blessed with spiritual strength. I am a man who strayed away into darkness for decades and now going on 2 years back to the fold. Thank you for helping me to understand that this is all for not if I do not endure.
He has so much Faith and Knowledge. Listening to Him Teach Is A Blessing.
Watch his eyes-he seems to be speaking without notes. What a mind! What a soul.
I am so greatful that we can upload all the byu talks, etc etc Thank you God, ty byu. We are so blessed, even thou none of us are perfect.
I am so grateful I came across this talk. It is unusual because it is from 1984. I love what the prophets have consistently said, you are incredible! "Even as we hasten the dawn there are others who need the dawn to come slowly." Oh, I love you guys.
A needed reminder of what a true father is! I need my Heavenly Father’s divine tutoring
What a powerful speaker loved this apostle. Sure miss his spirit xx
His speeches reach into the core of my being
Beautifully said..
One of the BEST talks of all time. LOVE him.
Uma das maneiras de posso conseguir suportar bem é lembrar de como eu me sentia perto do Espírito, abrindo o livro das escrituras e colorindo as partes que o Espírito falava, algo que falava mais forte ainda, embora não compreendesse no momento, e querer sentir me bem assim novamente. Segundo é ler a minha benção patriarcal é uma outra forma de sentir a alegria restaurada e orar por tudo que recebi de Deus, o batismo e o convênio batismal, que antes eu não tinha nada e agora tenho o Espírito Santo, e não sabia nada sobre mim e agora a minha benção patriarcal faz eu saber algo bom sobre mim, os meus convênios do Templo, que me fazem sentir que sou importante pra Deus. Sem pressa, continuar com paciência como mortais exige humildade para ver quando o tempo parar rápido, e não perder quando Ele passar. Que Deus me ajude nessa jornada. Muito obrigado pela ajuda.
Such knowledge, wisdom ,and power of this great Apostle is timeless.
It is October 2022. Elder Maxwell's talk in 1984 was the crown for Conference 2022. What a blessing for me personally. His words so well chosen, so meaningful and with such tender and with such spiritual ched all whoo
I went through three serous bouts of depression between 2001-2005. It nearly cost me everything. I was gifted "All These Things Shall Give Thee Experience." For the first time, I felt I was given the nurturing sustenance I required at that crucial time. I will be forever grateful.
Thank you for sharing that.
Beautifully expressed with such a spirit that his message speaks to my very soul.
His voice is very calming. His messages are always so perfectly delivered and timeless.
I read all many of the comments about our brother Elder Maxwell. Yes, he is a true apostle of the Lord, yes he is one of the most Christlike people to walk the earth, but I want to say this. We all can make the decision to be the kind of follower of Jesus Christ that he is. With the grace of Jesus Christ to make it possible, lets all make that decision to endure to the end, and be the Christlike followers of God equal to mentors, like Nephi 1, 2, 3, Alma, Ammon, Ruth, Mary, and Elder Maxwell. It's exciting to think about meeting Jesus face to face someday, with a pure heart.
He is so wise... almost every statement is a character building quote.
That"s what I thought as well!
Speaks exactly to hearts that need understanding. Like me.
Such a powerful talk that gives a perspective that we should always remember. Especially in these turbulent times. ❤️
causes us to try to comprehend how much Heavenly Father loves us all , all the time even during our forgetfulness.
Especially forgetfullness. There are times when i am brought down to my knees and then i remember my heavenly father. The weight seems so heavy sometimes. More then i think i can bear. And again i start to remember my heavenly father. And so it is with us we ask him this question. How much more can i take? And he so responds "do you trust me". And even though i cannot see the green fields ahead nor the white topped peaks. I answer and say "yes". Not my will heavenly father but thine be done.
Elder Maxwell was a professor of political science at the University of Utah. He also held many administrative roles at the university.
He first joined the university staff as assistant director of public relations in 1956. In 1958, he became Assistant to the President.
He died in Salt Lake City, from leukemia. He was originally diagnosed with leukemia in 1996, eight years before his death.
He was well prepared to give this talk by the Lord in 1984 and in 1996 he would find out how he would need to endure.
Such a remarkable servant of God, and clearly this is Gods tender mercy toward him by teaching him this early on before he would need to endure such a hardship as leukemia.
I wasn't completely active during this wonderful apostle was spreading Gods lessons. I missed most of his teachings, but these recorded talks have opened great wisdom in my life. His words are so profound and yet simple to understand. I am gaining more and more gospel teaching in each new talk I hear from this man of God.
There is so much food for thought here, a person could listen to this pep talk everyday!
Listening to him makes it easy to endure...
This man was a spiritual giant, a gift, a beacon and wealth of knowledge.
A spiritual giant indeed!
He opens the heart and mind to an understanding of the Savior in such a way as to truly see Him. Also knowing how much Elder Maxwell sought to be like the Savior and the haunting of his suffering with cancer , how much it shows how enduring well is so Christ like. It makes one realize in such a small way how much one must learn , comprehend and discipline oneself to just enter His presence and to understand the Majesty of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost.
A timeless classic.....Neil A Maxwell.....gently yanks the knot (of pride)....out of your tail! Excellent talk, and very inspired.
Elder Maxwell I feel Speaks closely as Our Father & Savior Speaks.
My Mother many years ago along with two others, as He, helped me to truly hear..the words He gives from beyond the veil.
He is Amazing..I cannot
Help but Think He was trained at the feet of Our Savior...
SINCERLY BELIEVE HE WAS. OTHERWISE, We And Countless Othets Could Not Be So Deeply Touched and Enlightened by His Words. Or feel the ...
TRUTH & SPIRIT HE Emulates just by
Saying A Few Words.
As a Child I was Drawn to Him, & Pres. Hinckley.
Every sentence of this devotional is so profound. I have listened to it so many times and still can't get enough!!
I miss this dear, sweet man. His eloquence and humble sincerity is inspiring and yet calming. He always directs our thoughts to the Lord Jesus Christ and our Father in Heaven. His words are timeless. Thank you for posting this today. I needed to hear this. 🙏💗👍
as always timely remarks appreciated
for our times
Well said
The Godly power of this talk is immeasurable.
Maxwell was always one of my most favorite speakers. I love him. This, like most of his talks, is incredible and deep.
Marvelous combination of true doctrine and understanding, heartfelt delivery. Brings back delightful memories of watching the sweet relationship between Elder Maxwell and now President Oaks.
Patience & faith. “God is active in the tutoring of each of us…My people must be tried in all things, that they may be prepared to receive the glory that I have for them, even the glory of Zion. And he that will not bear chastisement is not worthy of My kingdom.” The schooling through which we must all pass. May we be able to take heart and pass through all our trials & know that God gave us His perfect Son to make all things possible.
He was my favourite apostle. Met him at a tri-stake conference in England which he and Elder Monson visited.
Befor the meeting while Moson was standing on the dais waving his handkerchief to the crowd Maxwell was in the midst of the audience shaking peoples hands! I was very moved by that.
I remember being in the audience during this event, and others when Elder Maxwell spoke. Every time was a feast of doctrine taught with power and eloquence that spurred reflection and self examination, and was the fodder of many discussions with friends and colleagues after the events.
I love this talk so much, and love elder Maxwell his words and his testimony had always intrigued me and lifted my spirit. His poetry in teaching the principles is my favorite things ever he practiced what he tought and overcome adversity what a great ensemble he is one of the many I will give a big hug to one day ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😇😇😇
WOW what an inspired talk that was. It is so awesome when you can feel The Holy Spirit in a talk. I felt this message in my heart yesterday and shared it with my wife and then we started listening to this. I was unable to finish it last night and had to finish it this morning. WOW This is so perfectly said.
The first talk that has superseded my all time favorite "The First and Great Commandment" - Holland, only because of it's poetic comprehensive and most actionable message, for me.
Beautiful teaching. I, a long time believer, enjoy and hunger for teaching like these.
How our Lord is enduring every second when people rejects his love? Thanks elder neal A.Maxwell for this lovely talk with your soft voice💖
Yes I agree Elder Maxwell is certainly Apostle of the Lord he will greatly be missed at least he left US many great talks behind for us to enjoy for the future Generations. Thank God we have technology so these talks would be preserved.
Thankyou for sharing this message from a man of God. We needed this message to get us through these trying times. It helped me better understand why the evil is allowed to overtake the world. Free agency is the answer. God will be the judge. I pray that all those who are doing their best will stand strong in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am grateful for our Prophet President Nelson and all who lead and guide us in these latter days.
I love him and can't wait to meet him
Our afflictions may not be extinguished but dwarfed, swallowed up by the joy in Christ!
Second time I’ve listen to this. It won’t be the last. Too much information to be half in only an hour of listening. I so miss him.
I believe in GOD that all who died in Christ Will be risen like unto Him our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of our Faith we are Blessed 🙏 and according to His GOOD Will. For those Who also believe in Christ and endure to the end & be baptized to His true church then we Will not Die anymore. All the Inhabitants of the Earth Will be Bless and soon be well & Good all the time.
I’ve learned I have to listen to this talk over and over throughout life
I believe these teaching are true, powerful and come from God through his chosen servants to the whole world. From the beginning of time when Man and Woman began their mortality till the present day. We need constant reminders and nourishment of the spirit. It’s up to us to choose to accept The Lord in our lives, be baptized by the proper authority, and endure to the end with God’s help and blessings through His Beloved Son Jesus Christ!
Exactly what I needed today, thank you!
I said the same thing to my husband yesterday!
I have listened to this talk 3 times in the last 2 days and my soul is filled with such hope and gratitude. I have never been so edified and uplifted from a talk like I am with this one. I wish I had heard this sooner in my life but I’m grateful to have learned from it now.
Thank you pres maxwell.hoping we continue to walk in narrow gate and straight path which leads in my life until the end of the day.i know gods guides me well in the name of Jesus Christ amen
Love this talk. Heard it more than once. Deep reminder that we come from somewhere phenomenal, we are somewhere great. How exciting it will be to return.
one of the most eloquent speakers of the English tongue
I very much needed to hear this talk; greatly appreciated and humble in its acceptance.
A great apostle to have walk the face of earth,thanks elder Maxwell, rest in peace until we on the other side.
Still so relevant. Gods words shall NEVER pass away.
Nearly an hour of lucid edifying prose given with humble aplomb. A great mind and an even greater soul beckoning listeners to come unto Christ and be perfected in him.
Wow, that’s powerful. “Our capacity to love and our capacity to endure well are inextricably bound together.”
I can’t explain why, but I’ve noticed the most difficult periods in my life have also been the periods where I learn to love the deepest.
Incredible talk.
Praises be to God because of His Son - thank you Elder .
Listening to him feels like sitting by a fire in a cozy blanket.
I loved being neighbor to you and Coleen and Cory and miss you all.
Elder Maxwell's talks are always great. Thanks for posting this.
Great admonition to mankind. Now, will listen to it again and again.
Noticed President Holland sitting on the back row on the left. This talk is sometimes hard to absorb all in one go. Such a great orator.
I love these old talks by our wonderful apostles that have passed on to the other side of the veil especially Elder Maxwell ❣️🙏❣️
We are glad you enjoy them!
32:37 many didn't catch it, but he just told us a detail about the atonement that isn't in scripture. That God spoke comforting words to the son. Incredible.
Truly this nannis a gifted servant of God. What a way with words. So powerful are the sentences he coins. Truly he can preach a sermon in a sentence.
I needed this talk this morning.
One of the all time great talks! Wow!
I met him in Temple Square while standing at the West gate welcoming visitors as a missionary, and I did have a chance to talk with him. He was waiting for his family because his grandchild was going to be baptized there. What an amazing experience that was for me.
I was there when this was given. I knew nothing at the time. How much more relevant it is today because of the elevated perspective of experience.
his ever timliness endures beyond the grave
I'm grateful for todays technology to watch sacrament meeting, in my own home. Grateful for a wonderful returned missionary share her love of the gospel and her missionary experience.
It takes a lot of brain power from my end to keep up with the way he uses words.
Thank you 🙏 for that information. Yes we are blessed to be able to hear these great people’s messages. Sister Burres
Alas, even he himself wasn’t among those who lived long and “died in their sleep at 85”. Some 7 years shy of that age, his transfer was approved, following his own coming to know personally what he knew intellectually of being “willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict…; even as a child doth submit to his father..(Mosiah 2) As Elder Maxwell endured the very public and private thrashing of leukemia. I discovered the wisdom and treasure of his poetic and prophetic gospel linguistic art form when I was a young 20 something, Newly married and becoming a father to my first son. When married, my wife and I were each given a copy of “what wives expect of their husbands” and a second volume entitled “what husbands expect of their wives.” We returned the books and with the bookstore credit we purchased instead Elder Maxwell’s Christ centered work entitled “Even As I Am”. It had such a profound impact upon me and how words from the scriptures connect to my daily life and intimate circumstances. So much so that I named my first born son after him: Neal. I still remember how surprised I was upon meeting him a few times, at how tall he is and the strength and softness of his handshake. How truly fortunate I feel, now in my 60’s, to have lived in the days that were also the portion of Neal A Maxwell’s days as a true apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ. I count it as one of the truly priceless gifts of my mortal experience. To hear him teach at conferences both General and local was “an experience” that shaped my life in such enduring and significant ways.
A great man and servant of the Lord.
I Love the Process OF change, Persistently trying to change, to Grow, to Live life to the fullest, to Fulfill our /My Destiny with Prayers🙏 and a Smile…Exercising Faith, Enduring Well,.. every moment of Every Day…
Wisdom of God has been given here.