Thank you for having someone read the other verses. I could never hear what the congregation was reading. I listen to you Pastor Jack every morning while getting ready for work. Thank you for allowing God to use you to speak HIS truth.
Me too. It's helpful when I'm "just listening" & don't have my Bible open. Before I get chastised for that, let me say, I don't always "just listen" but I often "just listen" while doing housework, driving, crafting & crocheting. I appreciate this ministry very much. Thanks, Pastor Jack & Calvary Chapel from Memphis(ish), TN.
⚡️The Divine Order is to Obey The Shiloh (The Last Messenger) and The Tents of Shiloh (The Twelve Stars of The Desert Woman/The Twelve Imâms of Islâm ⚡️The Divine Order is NOT TO OBEY The Last Babylon, its Deceptive Woman, its 13th False-Apostle, Gog, Magog, Togarma ( and their najdi puppets) etc. ⚡️Many are deceived with the confusion of Black-Israelite truths and non-prophetic (greek/roman, mithraist-paulinian-pharisian-son-of-pharisian) lies. 1️⃣⚡️ The Book of Revelation of Yuhanna Apostle of The Black-Israelite Messenger Isa Ibn Mariam is easy to comprehend if you are on the side of Truth. 2️⃣⚡️The Wondrous Desert Woman With 12 Stars The Last Awaited To Rule The World: Real Islâm of The Twelve Imâms and The 12th Imâm Al Mahdi 3️⃣⚡️The Lamb “Looking AS IF slayed” is NOT the Son of Mariam. Lamb is NOT Ram. The Lamb is the INDIVIDUAL (IN BODY) of The 12th Star / Occulted Boy. 4️⃣ ⚡️The Lamb / Son of Âdam is ALSO THE COLLECTIVE (and IN SPIRIT ) Destiny of Sacrifice/Sufferings of the 12 Stars of The Desert Woman. 5️⃣ ⚡️The Twelve Stars of The Desert Woman / Twelve Imâms of Islâm are also the Twelve Foundations The City. 6️⃣⚡️ The Dragon/Serpent = the creature Iblîs (Devil/Apëp ). The Mark of The Beast is the Symbol of Negation of Unicity and Unity : The Cross 7️⃣⚡️The Whore Woman Sitting on Babylon: False/Nominal Christianism / Real-Mithraism-Paulinisn-Pharisian-Son-Of-Pharisianism and it’s occult lobbies. 8️⃣⚡️Last Babylon = The “West” ( Gog, Magog, Gomer/Togarma/Tubal/Mess h etc ( Continental Europe following blindly the zionazi Gog and Magog) 9️⃣⚡️Gog = zionazis khazar-false-iaraelites ( Real Israelites /Hebrews, Like Real Kushites, Real Këmites and Real Ismaelites/Arabs are Blacks ). 1️⃣0️⃣⚡️Magog = zionazis anglo-american-false-christians accomplices of Gog. 1️⃣1️⃣⚡️The 144000 = the 144000 Nâbis-Prophets NOT "ufo-abductees" by jînn shapeshifting reptoid/nordic blonds in a non-sensical “Rapture”. 1️⃣2️⃣⚡️ The Black-Israelite Scripture clearly confirm that Real Islâm is Islâm of the Black-Ismaelites Ahl’Al’Bayt - The Twelve Imâms of Islâm. 🏴 The BLACK-ISRAELITE ✔️MONOTHEIST/UNITARIAN Isa Son of Mariam is 🚫NOT The EUROPEAN POLYTHEIST/TRINITARIAN White-False-Jesus 🏴 The Black-Israelite Son of Mariam was commissioned ONLY to the 12 Tribes of Black-Israelites. 🏴 ONLY THE SHILOH AND THE TENTS OF THE SHILOH (The 12 Imâms of Isläm / 12 Stars of The Desert Woman) HAVE UNIVERSAL MISSION (All Adamity and Jinnity) There is 🚫NO MANDATE to ANY EUROPEAN statue, institution, kingdom, "empire" (roman/german/british/usaian) as DIVINE MESSENGERS of THE NECESSARY BEING ⚡️ The Shiloh is the Black-Ismaelite Brother of the Black-Ismaelite First Star of The Desert Woman and Father of the Black-Ismaelite Eleven Stars. ⚡️The Brother of the 1st Star and Father of the 11 Stars of The Desert Woman is The Last Messenger Muhammad - Sallalahu Alayhi Wa Âlihi Wa Salam- ⚡️The "Tents of Shiloh” mentioned in the Black-Israelite Scriptures are The Twelve Imâms of Islâm Brother and Descendants of the “Shiloh” ⚡️The Israelite-Black Prophets when REFERENCING the Ismaelite-Black Last Messenger of Rög/Râ/El/Eloh/Allah use also the words “Tents” and “Desert” ⚡️ Israelite-Black Book Song of Solomon/Sulaymân 1:5-6: "I am BLACK and lovely, daughters of Jerusalem, BLACK like the TENTS of KEDÂR" ⚡️KEDÂR is the ULTRA-BLACK Noble ancestor of Muhammad-Sallalahu Alayhi Wa Âlihi Wa Salâm- The Father of the 12 Stars in the Book of Revelation ⚡️ A PARTICULARITY of The Last Messenger of Rög/Râ/El/Eloh/Allah The Light is the 12 Stars of the Desert Woman : The 12 Imâms of Islâm. ⚡️The SHILOH and The 12 Stars of the Desert Woman were BEFORE Âtum (Adam) and Ib’Râ’Ham ( Ab’Râ’ham ) by 14000 Eon-Years. It do not make them “g-ds”. ⚡️Forefathers Âtum, Sét, Idrîs Ahnûh Jëhûti’Habu and Nuh started Islâm in Shâm / Kush-Këmët were BEFORE Forefather Ib’Râ’Hîm ( Ab’Râ’ham ). There is 🚫 NO CRUCI-FICTION of the Black-Israelite Son of Mariam. The story was “BIBLIFIED” by white mithraists-pharisian-son-of-pharisians. ⚡️Other Indra-hanumanist "biblified" falsifications are “Prophets were immoral”, “the curse of kanân”, "Properties of "Sham transfered" to "Sëm" etc
⚡️There is 🚫NO 13th Apostle. You are deceived by the european Mithraist-Paulian-Pharisian-Son-of-Pharisian subversion of Black-Israelite Scriptures. ⚡️Bulus/Paul do not hide that he is a deceiver and say in his “Act 23-6” : “I AM [ he do not say “WAS”] a Pharisic, Son of a Pharisic." ⚡️"…those who say they are Apostles and are not, and have found them liars" (Book Revelation 2:2) refer to Bulus/Paul.
Thank You for having someone read opposite of Pastor Jack Hibbs. I couldn’t understand when the congregation read and couldn’t read the words on the screen.
🟪Come On People Most of all , let us agree ,Say Come I have Searched and Many other watchman . So I went to the end of The Book , it was the only place left to Look !🤫 Open your Mouth Share , Share , Share Blow your Trumpets tell Family and Friends about this verse. Go to the End of the Book , When the Believers and the Watchman all agree. Revelation 22:17 (All BELIEVERS have the Holy Sprit ) And the Spirit and the Bride say Come ,say COME. (What is that verse saying ? We have the Sprit AND We are the BRIDE )( WE SAY COME ) And let Him that heareth say , come . (I heard it when I read it , I’m saying come .) (Let him HEARETH Say )(COME ) And let him that is athirst come . (Any One that that wants Jesus Come , BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST,COME ) And whosoever will, let him take the water life freely. ( should you chose )( To Drink of The Word of Jesus , His water is Life.) Jesus loves You BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST Your Born in the spirit BORN AGAIN Jesus Christ was crucified and you baptized by Water & Blood Blood 90% water Understand you are baptized by Jesus Water is Purification If any ask are you born again 😃🎶 If you Believe on Jesus you are😃 The Blood to cover are sin Pray Revelation 22:17 Pray this Verse every nite until we come up And Blow your Trumpets Most of all agree , Just Believe ? I am uncomfortable with using Maranatha ! It Has become Such a catch Phrase ? Pray for those people. Who are not saved ! Worry about them not leaving Planet earth! Come on people , Blow Your Trumpets Tell the World . Leave Comments? 1 Corinthians Verse 21. If anyman ( love not) the Lord Jesus Christ, Let him be Anathema, a Cursed , Cursed (Anathema) Get This Which Means : a Cursed , ban Cursed , will be Accursed be cause of unbelief . Not Believing Maranatha ! ( appears in the Bible , Once . ( It is the new Catch Phrase) (This is what this Phrase is About!) Just pray for those that don’t Believe. 22. If anyman ( Love NOT ) (the Lord JESUS CHRIST) (Let him be (Anathema ) (which is acursed or will be acursed .) Maranatha : means God’s (Judgement is coming on anyman that )( Love not the Lord ). THAT LOVES NOT THE LORD Who is the LORD 😃😃😃😃😃JESUS CHRIST I hope You Got that 😳 Read that lay verse again what Maranatha Means 23. The grace of our lord Jesus Christ Be with you . 24. My Love be with you all in Christ Jesus , Amen Maranatha Pray for those People. That they Love the Lord ! Maranatha Jesus is coming for those that Don’t Love Jesus Christ , they are Cursed! Tell-them Jesus Loves Them You are born in the Spirit BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST Born in in the Spirit BORN AGAIN Rapture any second Tuesday October 17, 2023 6:21 Love them tell them about Jesus Go after the One
Yes, thank you! I listen to your messages when I'm getting ready in the morning and always missed what the crowd read. I'm so glad someone is reading it also.
🟪Come On People Most of all , let us agree ,Say Come I have Searched and Many other watchman . So I went to the end of The Book , it was the only place left to Look !🤫 Open your Mouth Share , Share , Share Blow your Trumpets tell Family and Friends about this verse. Go to the End of the Book , When the Believers and the Watchman all agree. Revelation 22:17 (All BELIEVERS have the Holy Sprit ) And the Spirit and the Bride say Come ,say COME. (What is that verse saying ? We have the Sprit AND We are the BRIDE )( WE SAY COME ) And let Him that heareth say , come . (I heard it when I read it , I’m saying come .) (Let him HEARETH Say )(COME ) And let him that is athirst come . (Any One that that wants Jesus Come , BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST,COME ) And whosoever will, let him take the water life freely. ( should you chose )( To Drink of The Word of Jesus , His water is Life.) Jesus loves You BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST Your Born in the spirit BORN AGAIN Jesus Christ was crucified and you baptized by Water & Blood Blood 90% water Understand you are baptized by Jesus Water is Purification If any ask are you born again 😃🎶 If you Believe on Jesus you are😃 The Blood to cover are sin Pray Revelation 22:17 Pray this Verse every nite until we come up And Blow your Trumpets Most of all agree , Just Believe ? I am uncomfortable with using Maranatha ! It Has become Such a catch Phrase ? Pray for those people. Who are not saved ! Worry about them not leaving Planet earth! Come on people , Blow Your Trumpets Tell the World . Leave Comments? 1 Corinthians Verse 21. If anyman ( love not) the Lord Jesus Christ, Let him be Anathema, a Cursed , Cursed (Anathema) Get This Which Means : a Cursed , ban Cursed , will be Accursed be cause of unbelief . Not Believing Maranatha ! ( appears in the Bible , Once . ( It is the new Catch Phrase) (This is what this Phrase is About!) Just pray for those that don’t Believe. 22. If anyman ( Love NOT ) (the Lord JESUS CHRIST) (Let him be (Anathema ) (which is acursed or will be acursed .) Maranatha : means God’s (Judgement is coming on anyman that )( Love not the Lord ). THAT LOVES NOT THE LORD Who is the LORD 😃😃😃😃😃JESUS CHRIST I hope You Got that 😳 Read that lay verse again what Maranatha Means 23. The grace of our lord Jesus Christ Be with you . 24. My Love be with you all in Christ Jesus , Amen Maranatha Pray for those People. That they Love the Lord ! Maranatha Jesus is coming for those that Don’t Love Jesus Christ , they are Cursed! Tell-them Jesus Loves Them You are born in the Spirit BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST Born in in the Spirit BORN AGAIN Rapture any second Tuesday October 17, 2023 6:21 Love them tell them about Jesus Go after the One
Yes! I remember thinking of this and requesting it during the beginning of services during Covid. I'm so glad you're doing it now. So helpful to those who are listening but not able to look at or see the screen.
Isn't it amazing that here I am in Australia listening to a message from a Christ preaching preacher and being blessed by this wonderful message. Thankyou Lord for this privilege that has been gifted to me and all who hear this message. Thankyou Church for being the Christ Church.
🟪Come On People Most of all , let us agree ,Say Come I have Searched and Many other watchman . So I went to the end of The Book , it was the only place left to Look !🤫 Open your Mouth Share , Share , Share Blow your Trumpets tell Family and Friends about this verse. Go to the End of the Book , When the Believers and the Watchman all agree. Revelation 22:17 (All BELIEVERS have the Holy Sprit ) And the Spirit and the Bride say Come ,say COME. (What is that verse saying ? We have the Sprit AND We are the BRIDE )( WE SAY COME ) And let Him that heareth say , come . (I heard it when I read it , I’m saying come .) (Let him HEARETH Say )(COME ) And let him that is athirst come . (Any One that that wants Jesus Come , BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST,COME ) And whosoever will, let him take the water life freely. ( should you chose )( To Drink of The Word of Jesus , His water is Life.) Jesus loves You BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST Your Born in the spirit BORN AGAIN Jesus Christ was crucified and you baptized by Water & Blood Blood 90% water Understand you are baptized by Jesus Water is Purification If any ask are you born again 😃🎶 If you Believe on Jesus you are😃 The Blood to cover are sin Pray Revelation 22:17 Pray this Verse every nite until we come up And Blow your Trumpets Most of all agree , Just Believe ? I am uncomfortable with using Maranatha ! It Has become Such a catch Phrase ? Pray for those people. Who are not saved ! Worry about them not leaving Planet earth! Come on people , Blow Your Trumpets Tell the World . Leave Comments? 1 Corinthians Verse 21. If anyman ( love not) the Lord Jesus Christ, Let him be Anathema, a Cursed , Cursed (Anathema) Get This Which Means : a Cursed , ban Cursed , will be Accursed be cause of unbelief . Not Believing Maranatha ! ( appears in the Bible , Once . ( It is the new Catch Phrase) (This is what this Phrase is About!) Just pray for those that don’t Believe. 22. If anyman ( Love NOT ) (the Lord JESUS CHRIST) (Let him be (Anathema ) (which is acursed or will be acursed .) Maranatha : means God’s (Judgement is coming on anyman that )( Love not the Lord ). THAT LOVES NOT THE LORD Who is the LORD 😃😃😃😃😃JESUS CHRIST I hope You Got that 😳 Read that lay verse again what Maranatha Means 23. The grace of our lord Jesus Christ Be with you . 24. My Love be with you all in Christ Jesus , Amen Maranatha Pray for those People. That they Love the Lord ! Maranatha Jesus is coming for those that Don’t Love Jesus Christ , they are Cursed! Tell-them Jesus Loves Them You are born in the Spirit BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST Born in in the Spirit BORN AGAIN Rapture any second Tuesday October 17, 2023 6:21 Love them tell them about Jesus Go after the One
Jesus did say that He/The Kingdom of The Father, would be preached in ALL the earth! Thank you, for recognizing & being blessed. Take The Truth, & do likewise, growing our Father's Kingdom. Blessings unto you & your family, in Jesus name, from Log Cabin. TX.!
⚡️The Divine Order is to Obey The Shiloh (The Last Messenger) and The Tents of Shiloh (The Twelve Stars of The Desert Woman/The Twelve Imâms of Islâm ⚡️The Divine Order is NOT TO OBEY The Last Babylon, its Deceptive Woman, its 13th False-Apostle, Gog, Magog, Togarma ( and their najdi puppets) etc. ⚡️Many are deceived with the confusion of Black-Israelite truths and non-prophetic (greek/roman, mithraist-paulinian-pharisian-son-of-pharisian) lies. 1️⃣⚡️ The Book of Revelation of Yuhanna Apostle of The Black-Israelite Messenger Isa Ibn Mariam is easy to comprehend if you are on the side of Truth. 2️⃣⚡️The Wondrous Desert Woman With 12 Stars The Last Awaited To Rule The World: Real Islâm of The Twelve Imâms and The 12th Imâm Al Mahdi 3️⃣⚡️The Lamb “Looking AS IF slayed” is NOT the Son of Mariam. Lamb is NOT Ram. The Lamb is the INDIVIDUAL (IN BODY) of The 12th Star / Occulted Boy. 4️⃣ ⚡️The Lamb / Son of Âdam is ALSO THE COLLECTIVE (and IN SPIRIT ) Destiny of Sacrifice/Sufferings of the 12 Stars of The Desert Woman. 5️⃣ ⚡️The Twelve Stars of The Desert Woman / Twelve Imâms of Islâm are also the Twelve Foundations The City. 6️⃣⚡️ The Dragon/Serpent = the creature Iblîs (Devil/Apëp ). The Mark of The Beast is the Symbol of Negation of Unicity and Unity : The Cross 7️⃣⚡️The Whore Woman Sitting on Babylon: False/Nominal Christianism / Real-Mithraism-Paulinisn-Pharisian-Son-Of-Pharisianism and it’s occult lobbies. 8️⃣⚡️Last Babylon = The “West” ( Gog, Magog, Gomer/Togarma/Tubal/Mess h etc ( Continental Europe following blindly the zionazi Gog and Magog) 9️⃣⚡️Gog = zionazis khazar-false-iaraelites ( Real Israelites /Hebrews, Like Real Kushites, Real Këmites and Real Ismaelites/Arabs are Blacks ). 1️⃣0️⃣⚡️Magog = zionazis anglo-american-false-christians accomplices of Gog. 1️⃣1️⃣⚡️The 144000 = the 144000 Nâbis-Prophets NOT "ufo-abductees" by jînn shapeshifting reptoid/nordic blonds in a non-sensical “Rapture”. 1️⃣2️⃣⚡️ The Black-Israelite Scripture clearly confirm that Real Islâm is Islâm of the Black-Ismaelites Ahl’Al’Bayt - The Twelve Imâms of Islâm. 🏴 The BLACK-ISRAELITE ✔️MONOTHEIST/UNITARIAN Isa Son of Mariam is 🚫NOT The EUROPEAN POLYTHEIST/TRINITARIAN White-False-Jesus 🏴 The Black-Israelite Son of Mariam was commissioned ONLY to the 12 Tribes of Black-Israelites. 🏴 ONLY THE SHILOH AND THE TENTS OF THE SHILOH (The 12 Imâms of Isläm / 12 Stars of The Desert Woman) HAVE UNIVERSAL MISSION (All Adamity and Jinnity) There is 🚫NO MANDATE to ANY EUROPEAN statue, institution, kingdom, "empire" (roman/german/british/usaian) as DIVINE MESSENGERS of THE NECESSARY BEING ⚡️ The Shiloh is the Black-Ismaelite Brother of the Black-Ismaelite First Star of The Desert Woman and Father of the Black-Ismaelite Eleven Stars. ⚡️The Brother of the 1st Star and Father of the 11 Stars of The Desert Woman is The Last Messenger Muhammad - Sallalahu Alayhi Wa Âlihi Wa Salam- ⚡️The "Tents of Shiloh” mentioned in the Black-Israelite Scriptures are The Twelve Imâms of Islâm Brother and Descendants of the “Shiloh” ⚡️The Israelite-Black Prophets when REFERENCING the Ismaelite-Black Last Messenger of Rög/Râ/El/Eloh/Allah use also the words “Tents” and “Desert” ⚡️ Israelite-Black Book Song of Solomon/Sulaymân 1:5-6: "I am BLACK and lovely, daughters of Jerusalem, BLACK like the TENTS of KEDÂR" ⚡️KEDÂR is the ULTRA-BLACK Noble ancestor of Muhammad-Sallalahu Alayhi Wa Âlihi Wa Salâm- The Father of the 12 Stars in the Book of Revelation ⚡️ A PARTICULARITY of The Last Messenger of Rög/Râ/El/Eloh/Allah The Light is the 12 Stars of the Desert Woman : The 12 Imâms of Islâm. ⚡️The SHILOH and The 12 Stars of the Desert Woman were BEFORE Âtum (Adam) and Ib’Râ’Ham ( Ab’Râ’ham ) by 14000 Eon-Years. It do not make them “g-ds”. ⚡️Forefathers Âtum, Sét, Idrîs Ahnûh Jëhûti’Habu and Nuh started Islâm in Shâm / Kush-Këmët were BEFORE Forefather Ib’Râ’Hîm ( Ab’Râ’ham ). There is 🚫 NO CRUCI-FICTION of the Black-Israelite Son of Mariam. The story was “BIBLIFIED” by white mithraists-pharisian-son-of-pharisians. ⚡️Other Indra-hanumanist "biblified" falsifications are “Prophets were immoral”, “the curse of kanân”, "Properties of "Sham transfered" to "Sëm" etc
⚡️There is 🚫NO 13th Apostle. You are deceived by the european Mithraist-Paulian-Pharisian-Son-of-Pharisian subversion of Black-Israelite Scriptures. ⚡️Bulus/Paul do not hide that he is a deceiver and say in his “Act 23-6” : “I AM [ he do not say “WAS”] a Pharisic, Son of a Pharisic." ⚡️"…those who say they are Apostles and are not, and have found them liars" (Book Revelation 2:2) refer to Bulus/Paul.
SAME!!! We need to keep him in prayer Daily! He speaks truth & it's what everyone needs to hear, especially in the time we're living in. I just told our Home Group about him tonight, & sent his message from last week to one of the people in our group. Last week's message was Spot On!
Hi i want to thank you that you have someone reading out while the church is. Now i can hear!! Yayy! Lololo Thank you for teaching Gods word! Plus you're funny. So great to have laughter too! God is good!!!
Yes!!!!! I 💯 agree with you. I’ve been wishing this. I absolutely appreciate this because I can’t always have my Bible in front of me. This is just perfect.
I walk in the early morning listening to in the past I didn’t know what the congregation was saying. I too love that a man’s voice speaks it for me to understand. Thank you Pastor Jack and all those who helped make this.
🟪Come On People Most of all , let us agree ,Say Come I have Searched and Many other watchman . So I went to the end of The Book , it was the only place left to Look !🤫 Open your Mouth Share , Share , Share Blow your Trumpets tell Family and Friends about this verse. Go to the End of the Book , When the Believers and the Watchman all agree. Revelation 22:17 (All BELIEVERS have the Holy Sprit ) And the Spirit and the Bride say Come ,say COME. (What is that verse saying ? We have the Sprit AND We are the BRIDE )( WE SAY COME ) And let Him that heareth say , come . (I heard it when I read it , I’m saying come .) (Let him HEARETH Say )(COME ) And let him that is athirst come . (Any One that that wants Jesus Come , BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST,COME ) And whosoever will, let him take the water life freely. ( should you chose )( To Drink of The Word of Jesus , His water is Life.) Jesus loves You BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST Your Born in the spirit BORN AGAIN Jesus Christ was crucified and you baptized by Water & Blood Blood 90% water Understand you are baptized by Jesus Water is Purification If any ask are you born again 😃🎶 If you Believe on Jesus you are😃 The Blood to cover are sin Pray Revelation 22:17 Pray this Verse every nite until we come up And Blow your Trumpets Most of all agree , Just Believe ? I am uncomfortable with using Maranatha ! It Has become Such a catch Phrase ? Pray for those people. Who are not saved ! Worry about them not leaving Planet earth! Come on people , Blow Your Trumpets Tell the World . Leave Comments? 1 Corinthians Verse 21. If anyman ( love not) the Lord Jesus Christ, Let him be Anathema, a Cursed , Cursed (Anathema) Get This Which Means : a Cursed , ban Cursed , will be Accursed be cause of unbelief . Not Believing Maranatha ! ( appears in the Bible , Once . ( It is the new Catch Phrase) (This is what this Phrase is About!) Just pray for those that don’t Believe. 22. If anyman ( Love NOT ) (the Lord JESUS CHRIST) (Let him be (Anathema ) (which is acursed or will be acursed .) Maranatha : means God’s (Judgement is coming on anyman that )( Love not the Lord ). THAT LOVES NOT THE LORD Who is the LORD 😃😃😃😃😃JESUS CHRIST I hope You Got that 😳 Read that lay verse again what Maranatha Means 23. The grace of our lord Jesus Christ Be with you . 24. My Love be with you all in Christ Jesus , Amen Maranatha Pray for those People. That they Love the Lord ! Maranatha Jesus is coming for those that Don’t Love Jesus Christ , they are Cursed! Tell-them Jesus Loves Them You are born in the Spirit BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST Born in in the Spirit BORN AGAIN Rapture any second Tuesday October 17, 2023 6:21 Love them tell them about Jesus Go after the One
Thank you for finally having someone read where we can hear it during scripture reading. Drove me nuts for so long! When only the audience read, I couldn’t hear what they were saying and can always watch the video. In fact, most of the time I listen while driving. Praise God!
Please pray for the Eyes of the Children of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, to be opened to the Truth of Yeshua being the Messiah. May God bless Israel and make His face to shine upon Her.
Pastor Jack, as I have listened to you preach I feel you seem to be so happy and enjoy teaching God’s word to those who listen to you. It’s such a blessing to see a minister exude joy as you do. Thank you!
I’m a believer since 2021. I’m the only believer in my family. I had two strokes.The first one in May 2019, second in April this year and because of the grace of God, I’m still alive today. I’m going for heart MRI tomorrow because my Troponin is very high. But God is bigger than my battle and I’m not afraid. Please pray for me so everything will be ok for me, in Jesus Christ name I pray. Amen
Thank you SO MUCH for having someone read the audience's portion of scripture clearly! I oftrn listen to your sermons while doing other things, and without seeing the words, it's been impossible to understand them. This makes such a difference. Thank you!
I ALWAYS enjoy your messages, you are unique, unlike so many and you preach scripture, I share your messages, God bless you and your family and ministry 🙏🏽
Always an amazing and awakening message by Pastor Jack, he is the man of God, may the good Lord continue to bless and protect him and his family and God bless his Ministry.
It's been a v e r y l o n g time for me = 53 years watching and waiting , longing to see my Lord and Savior's precious face ! Now I feel it won't be very long and I am so excited ! My only 'hesitation' is my unsaved children = BUT the rapture may just wake them up ! Besides the Holy Bible I'm leaving personal letters addressed to each of my twelve grandchildren & so far five great grands. Just 'in case' !!! See ya soon .... hopefully ! =D
The Spirit is amazing. How He confirms His teachings and edifies. Over and over. From different mouths and scriptures - same message. The Lord God is unchanging and AMAZING. He answers. Wow. Thank you Lord. ❤
But we are to support those that bring God’s Word to us… don’t just listen and “trust God will provide for him “ … perhaps one of the ways God will provide for him is through YOU!!
The Lord told me I was first fruits of my family. 1st believer in the family... more to follow. Pray for my family. Some are very entrenched in catholicism.
Thank you so much for adding a clear reading of the scriptures! When I’m listening on my EarPods I can never make out what the congregation is saying..
⚡️The Divine Order is to Obey The Shiloh (The Last Messenger) and The Tents of Shiloh (The Twelve Stars of The Desert Woman/The Twelve Imâms of Islâm ⚡️The Divine Order is NOT TO OBEY The Last Babylon, its Deceptive Woman, its 13th False-Apostle, Gog, Magog, Togarma ( and their najdi puppets) etc. ⚡️Many are deceived with the confusion of Black-Israelite truths and non-prophetic (greek/roman, mithraist-paulinian-pharisian-son-of-pharisian) lies. 1️⃣⚡️ The Book of Revelation of Yuhanna Apostle of The Black-Israelite Messenger Isa Ibn Mariam is easy to comprehend if you are on the side of Truth. 2️⃣⚡️The Wondrous Desert Woman With 12 Stars The Last Awaited To Rule The World: Real Islâm of The Twelve Imâms and The 12th Imâm Al Mahdi 3️⃣⚡️The Lamb “Looking AS IF slayed” is NOT the Son of Mariam. Lamb is NOT Ram. The Lamb is the INDIVIDUAL (IN BODY) of The 12th Star / Occulted Boy. 4️⃣ ⚡️The Lamb / Son of Âdam is ALSO THE COLLECTIVE (and IN SPIRIT ) Destiny of Sacrifice/Sufferings of the 12 Stars of The Desert Woman. 5️⃣ ⚡️The Twelve Stars of The Desert Woman / Twelve Imâms of Islâm are also the Twelve Foundations The City. 6️⃣⚡️ The Dragon/Serpent = the creature Iblîs (Devil/Apëp ). The Mark of The Beast is the Symbol of Negation of Unicity and Unity : The Cross 7️⃣⚡️The Whore Woman Sitting on Babylon: False/Nominal Christianism / Real-Mithraism-Paulinisn-Pharisian-Son-Of-Pharisianism and it’s occult lobbies. 8️⃣⚡️Last Babylon = The “West” ( Gog, Magog, Gomer/Togarma/Tubal/Mess h etc ( Continental Europe following blindly the zionazi Gog and Magog) 9️⃣⚡️Gog = zionazis khazar-false-iaraelites ( Real Israelites /Hebrews, Like Real Kushites, Real Këmites and Real Ismaelites/Arabs are Blacks ). 1️⃣0️⃣⚡️Magog = zionazis anglo-american-false-christians accomplices of Gog. 1️⃣1️⃣⚡️The 144000 = the 144000 Nâbis-Prophets NOT "ufo-abductees" by jînn shapeshifting reptoid/nordic blonds in a non-sensical “Rapture”. 1️⃣2️⃣⚡️ The Black-Israelite Scripture clearly confirm that Real Islâm is Islâm of the Black-Ismaelites Ahl’Al’Bayt - The Twelve Imâms of Islâm. 🏴 The BLACK-ISRAELITE ✔️MONOTHEIST/UNITARIAN Isa Son of Mariam is 🚫NOT The EUROPEAN POLYTHEIST/TRINITARIAN White-False-Jesus 🏴 The Black-Israelite Son of Mariam was commissioned ONLY to the 12 Tribes of Black-Israelites. 🏴 ONLY THE SHILOH AND THE TENTS OF THE SHILOH (The 12 Imâms of Isläm / 12 Stars of The Desert Woman) HAVE UNIVERSAL MISSION (All Adamity and Jinnity) There is 🚫NO MANDATE to ANY EUROPEAN statue, institution, kingdom, "empire" (roman/german/british/usaian) as DIVINE MESSENGERS of THE NECESSARY BEING ⚡️ The Shiloh is the Black-Ismaelite Brother of the Black-Ismaelite First Star of The Desert Woman and Father of the Black-Ismaelite Eleven Stars. ⚡️The Brother of the 1st Star and Father of the 11 Stars of The Desert Woman is The Last Messenger Muhammad - Sallalahu Alayhi Wa Âlihi Wa Salam- ⚡️The "Tents of Shiloh” mentioned in the Black-Israelite Scriptures are The Twelve Imâms of Islâm Brother and Descendants of the “Shiloh” ⚡️The Israelite-Black Prophets when REFERENCING the Ismaelite-Black Last Messenger of Rög/Râ/El/Eloh/Allah use also the words “Tents” and “Desert” ⚡️ Israelite-Black Book Song of Solomon/Sulaymân 1:5-6: "I am BLACK and lovely, daughters of Jerusalem, BLACK like the TENTS of KEDÂR" ⚡️KEDÂR is the ULTRA-BLACK Noble ancestor of Muhammad-Sallalahu Alayhi Wa Âlihi Wa Salâm- The Father of the 12 Stars in the Book of Revelation ⚡️ A PARTICULARITY of The Last Messenger of Rög/Râ/El/Eloh/Allah The Light is the 12 Stars of the Desert Woman : The 12 Imâms of Islâm. ⚡️The SHILOH and The 12 Stars of the Desert Woman were BEFORE Âtum (Adam) and Ib’Râ’Ham ( Ab’Râ’ham ) by 14000 Eon-Years. It do not make them “g-ds”. ⚡️Forefathers Âtum, Sét, Idrîs Ahnûh Jëhûti’Habu and Nuh started Islâm in Shâm / Kush-Këmët were BEFORE Forefather Ib’Râ’Hîm ( Ab’Râ’ham ). There is 🚫 NO CRUCI-FICTION of the Black-Israelite Son of Mariam. The story was “BIBLIFIED” by white mithraists-pharisian-son-of-pharisians. ⚡️Other Indra-hanumanist "biblified" falsifications are “Prophets were immoral”, “the curse of kanân”, "Properties of "Sham transfered" to "Sëm" etc
⚡️There is 🚫NO 13th Apostle. You are deceived by the european Mithraist-Paulian-Pharisian-Son-of-Pharisian subversion of Black-Israelite Scriptures. ⚡️Bulus/Paul do not hide that he is a deceiver and say in his “Act 23-6” : “I AM [ he do not say “WAS”] a Pharisic, Son of a Pharisic." ⚡️"…those who say they are Apostles and are not, and have found them liars" (Book Revelation 2:2) refer to Bulus/Paul.
It is such a blessing to have someone clearly reading the Bible scriptures. That helps tremendously! Thank you so much for that! 👏🏼👏🏼 HalleluYAH!! Amen 🙏🏼
When you are listening ONLINE and the congregation reads scripture it’s muffled so thank you Pastor Hibbs for having someone read with clarity. I use to skip over this part . 😂
It's true. .. when my friend, a beloved servant of God died, her mother who was beside her while she was drawing her last breath, heard voices of heavenly host singing in chorus. They are welcoming God's servant to HIS Kingdom. What an experience!! To our loving and faithful GOD be all the glory!!
🟪Come On People Most of all , let us agree ,Say Come I have Searched and Many other watchman . So I went to the end of The Book , it was the only place left to Look !🤫 Open your Mouth Share , Share , Share Blow your Trumpets tell Family and Friends about this verse. Go to the End of the Book , When the Believers and the Watchman all agree. Revelation 22:17 (All BELIEVERS have the Holy Sprit ) And the Spirit and the Bride say Come ,say COME. (What is that verse saying ? We have the Sprit AND We are the BRIDE )( WE SAY COME ) And let Him that heareth say , come . (I heard it when I read it , I’m saying come .) (Let him HEARETH Say )(COME ) And let him that is athirst come . (Any One that that wants Jesus Come , BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST,COME ) And whosoever will, let him take the water life freely. ( should you chose )( To Drink of The Word of Jesus , His water is Life.) Jesus loves You BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST Your Born in the spirit BORN AGAIN Jesus Christ was crucified and you baptized by Water & Blood Blood 90% water Understand you are baptized by Jesus Water is Purification If any ask are you born again 😃🎶 If you Believe on Jesus you are😃 The Blood to cover are sin Pray Revelation 22:17 Pray this Verse every nite until we come up And Blow your Trumpets Most of all agree , Just Believe ? I am uncomfortable with using Maranatha ! It Has become Such a catch Phrase ? Pray for those people. Who are not saved ! Worry about them not leaving Planet earth! Come on people , Blow Your Trumpets Tell the World . Leave Comments? 1 Corinthians Verse 21. If anyman ( love not) the Lord Jesus Christ, Let him be Anathema, a Cursed , Cursed (Anathema) Get This Which Means : a Cursed , ban Cursed , will be Accursed be cause of unbelief . Not Believing Maranatha ! ( appears in the Bible , Once . ( It is the new Catch Phrase) (This is what this Phrase is About!) Just pray for those that don’t Believe. 22. If anyman ( Love NOT ) (the Lord JESUS CHRIST) (Let him be (Anathema ) (which is acursed or will be acursed .) Maranatha : means God’s (Judgement is coming on anyman that )( Love not the Lord ). THAT LOVES NOT THE LORD Who is the LORD 😃😃😃😃😃JESUS CHRIST I hope You Got that 😳 Read that lay verse again what Maranatha Means 23. The grace of our lord Jesus Christ Be with you . 24. My Love be with you all in Christ Jesus , Amen Maranatha Pray for those People. That they Love the Lord ! Maranatha Jesus is coming for those that Don’t Love Jesus Christ , they are Cursed! Tell-them Jesus Loves Them You are born in the Spirit BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST Born in in the Spirit BORN AGAIN Rapture any second Tuesday October 17, 2023 6:21 Love them tell them about Jesus Go after the One
DR.Michael Heiser and Chuck Missler great teachers of OT AND NT...have learned SOOO .uch from both of them...Missler knew what was hsppening in n the world ) 15-20 years ago....way b4 his time...LOVE 2 ALL
Pastor Jack, as I have listened to you preach I feel you seem to be so happy and enjoy teaching God’s word to those who listen to you. It’s such a blessing to see a minister exude joy as you do. Thank you! Vanessa Furubotten- Woodstock, GA
I thank God I came across this pastor and the church. It was at the Holy Spirit's right time that I needed to hear your messages. I wish I lived closer to this community. But, it has encouraged me to find a like-minded people of God here in my community. But, I'll keep listening. Thank you God for your perfect timing.
Thank you, Pastor, for always sharing God's word in such a loving and caring way. I listen to you every day and I am so blessed by God's word. I so appreciate your humor, too. God has richly blessed you - may He continue to bless you and your family!
Really think about it bear your cross, have mercy, forgive, love everyone. Do not love evil actions but the love the soul of them who have been taken hostage by evil powers, having their right eye darkened and their arm withered. Love do not hate anyone, enter the peace of Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior, who wants us ALL with him.
Love the voice overlay of the church scripture reading, thanks for doing that. I could never understand what they were saying before. I can read, its just nice if i am in listen only mode.
Pastor Jack is one of few of the true teachers of His Word that we have on this earth today. He is always faithful and true with his expository and teaches in a way that is easy to understand, hearing the obvious truth of His Word in every sermon. Thank you Pastor for another wonderful and uplifting message as I've found all your preaching to be. I'm hoping for feedback to let me know which of these short poems you, my brothers and sisters find more encouraging and edifying. Thank you in advance if you give me feedback on them. So here they are I'm going to use the one that speaks to more people to have engraved on a new Bible cover. 1) His Word is my teacher and guide, His steadfast love is my strength, He is the Rock of my foundation, The fear of Him is my wisdom, His return is our Blessed Hope, Take care and God Bless... 2) His Word is my teacher and guide, His steadfast love is my way and strength, He is the Rock of my foundation and salvation, My fear and awe of Him are wisdom and my faith, His return is our Blessed Hope, Take care and God Bless... Just leave or vote for number 1) or 2). Again thank you and God Bless...
The entire Old Testament points to Jesus! You ever pass an LED sign or a sign holder with a massive arrow, obnoxiously pointing to something. You’re naturally inclined to see what it’s pointing at….. I don’t know how people can miss it. JESUS is everywhere… unfortunately, some don’t want Him to reside in their hearts, just their mouths to curse in vain. Baruch HaBa B’Shem ADONAI Maranatha 🕊️
Pastor Jack we love you the way Jesus Christus is using you to bring me everyday to be more and more like God I went through a difficult time in 2023 when my wife did adultery and I found out and was furious and went to God for answers and God said I forgive her sins already and she falls in a demon evil person that I met in church I want you to forgive her like I forgive her and I gave her as your wife love her and forgive her and since I did that the holy ghost made me calm and from that day my relationship with my wife got stronger and there more respect for each other with love.Thats why I believe in a living God Jesus Christ my Lord
Thank you Pastor Jack. The words i Speak to you are not my own! John 12: 44-50 Yes Pastor Jack! He who Listern to you Listern to me! Luke 10: 16; To the Glory of God in Jesus Name Amen
🟪Come On People Most of all , let us agree ,Say Come I have Searched and Many other watchman . So I went to the end of The Book , it was the only place left to Look !🤫 Open your Mouth Share , Share , Share Blow your Trumpets tell Family and Friends about this verse. Go to the End of the Book , When the Believers and the Watchman all agree. Revelation 22:17 (All BELIEVERS have the Holy Sprit ) And the Spirit and the Bride say Come ,say COME. (What is that verse saying ? We have the Sprit AND We are the BRIDE )( WE SAY COME ) And let Him that heareth say , come . (I heard it when I read it , I’m saying come .) (Let him HEARETH Say )(COME ) And let him that is athirst come . (Any One that that wants Jesus Come , BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST,COME ) And whosoever will, let him take the water life freely. ( should you chose )( To Drink of The Word of Jesus , His water is Life.) Jesus loves You BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST Your Born in the spirit BORN AGAIN Jesus Christ was crucified and you baptized by Water & Blood Blood 90% water Understand you are baptized by Jesus Water is Purification If any ask are you born again 😃🎶 If you Believe on Jesus you are😃 The Blood to cover are sin Pray Revelation 22:17 Pray this Verse every nite until we come up And Blow your Trumpets Most of all agree , Just Believe ? I am uncomfortable with using Maranatha ! It Has become Such a catch Phrase ? Pray for those people. Who are not saved ! Worry about them not leaving Planet earth! Come on people , Blow Your Trumpets Tell the World . Leave Comments? 1 Corinthians Verse 21. If anyman ( love not) the Lord Jesus Christ, Let him be Anathema, a Cursed , Cursed (Anathema) Get This Which Means : a Cursed , ban Cursed , will be Accursed be cause of unbelief . Not Believing Maranatha ! ( appears in the Bible , Once . ( It is the new Catch Phrase) (This is what this Phrase is About!) Just pray for those that don’t Believe. 22. If anyman ( Love NOT ) (the Lord JESUS CHRIST) (Let him be (Anathema ) (which is acursed or will be acursed .) Maranatha : means God’s (Judgement is coming on anyman that )( Love not the Lord ). THAT LOVES NOT THE LORD Who is the LORD 😃😃😃😃😃JESUS CHRIST I hope You Got that 😳 Read that lay verse again what Maranatha Means 23. The grace of our lord Jesus Christ Be with you . 24. My Love be with you all in Christ Jesus , Amen Maranatha Pray for those People. That they Love the Lord ! Maranatha Jesus is coming for those that Don’t Love Jesus Christ , they are Cursed! Tell-them Jesus Loves Them You are born in the Spirit BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST Born in in the Spirit BORN AGAIN Rapture any second Tuesday October 17, 2023 6:21 Love them tell them about Jesus Go after the One
This is the perfect time for Luke 6:27-38, if you want the first fruit love your enemies, never condemn anyone in your heart. Pray for and bless, the captives of evil, them who s heart is darkened by evil forces, pray for their peace pray for a quick release of these poor souls never wish for punishment nor suffering but the pure peace of the love of the truth, read Matthew 25:31-46 And Colossians 3:1-17 To understand Matthew 25:31-46 Always read in KJV.
Thought maybe I was the only one that enjoyed the person doing the responsive reading clearly! Makes all the difference!!!
Thank you for having someone read the other verses. I could never hear what the congregation was reading. I listen to you Pastor Jack every morning while getting ready for work. Thank you for allowing God to use you to speak HIS truth.
Me too. It's helpful when I'm "just listening" & don't have my Bible open. Before I get chastised for that, let me say, I don't always "just listen" but I often "just listen" while doing housework, driving, crafting & crocheting. I appreciate this ministry very much. Thanks, Pastor Jack & Calvary Chapel from Memphis(ish), TN.
Thank you for adding “clear” reading of all the sermon scripture and not just Pastor Jack’s portion for those of us listening on line.
⚡️The Divine Order is to Obey The Shiloh (The Last Messenger) and The Tents of Shiloh (The Twelve Stars of The Desert Woman/The Twelve Imâms of Islâm
⚡️The Divine Order is NOT TO OBEY The Last Babylon, its Deceptive Woman, its 13th False-Apostle, Gog, Magog, Togarma ( and their najdi puppets) etc.
⚡️Many are deceived with the confusion of Black-Israelite truths and non-prophetic (greek/roman, mithraist-paulinian-pharisian-son-of-pharisian) lies.
1️⃣⚡️ The Book of Revelation of Yuhanna Apostle of The Black-Israelite Messenger Isa Ibn Mariam is easy to comprehend if you are on the side of Truth.
2️⃣⚡️The Wondrous Desert Woman With 12 Stars The Last Awaited To Rule The World: Real Islâm of The Twelve Imâms and The 12th Imâm Al Mahdi
3️⃣⚡️The Lamb “Looking AS IF slayed” is NOT the Son of Mariam. Lamb is NOT Ram. The Lamb is the INDIVIDUAL (IN BODY) of The 12th Star / Occulted Boy.
4️⃣ ⚡️The Lamb / Son of Âdam is ALSO THE COLLECTIVE (and IN SPIRIT ) Destiny of Sacrifice/Sufferings of the 12 Stars of The Desert Woman.
5️⃣ ⚡️The Twelve Stars of The Desert Woman / Twelve Imâms of Islâm are also the Twelve Foundations The City.
6️⃣⚡️ The Dragon/Serpent = the creature Iblîs (Devil/Apëp ). The Mark of The Beast is the Symbol of Negation of Unicity and Unity : The Cross
7️⃣⚡️The Whore Woman Sitting on Babylon: False/Nominal Christianism / Real-Mithraism-Paulinisn-Pharisian-Son-Of-Pharisianism and it’s occult lobbies.
8️⃣⚡️Last Babylon = The “West” ( Gog, Magog, Gomer/Togarma/Tubal/Mess h etc ( Continental Europe following blindly the zionazi Gog and Magog)
9️⃣⚡️Gog = zionazis khazar-false-iaraelites ( Real Israelites /Hebrews, Like Real Kushites, Real Këmites and Real Ismaelites/Arabs are Blacks ).
1️⃣0️⃣⚡️Magog = zionazis anglo-american-false-christians accomplices of Gog.
1️⃣1️⃣⚡️The 144000 = the 144000 Nâbis-Prophets NOT "ufo-abductees" by jînn shapeshifting reptoid/nordic blonds in a non-sensical “Rapture”.
1️⃣2️⃣⚡️ The Black-Israelite Scripture clearly confirm that Real Islâm is Islâm of the Black-Ismaelites Ahl’Al’Bayt - The Twelve Imâms of Islâm.
🏴 The Black-Israelite Son of Mariam was commissioned ONLY to the 12 Tribes of Black-Israelites.
🏴 ONLY THE SHILOH AND THE TENTS OF THE SHILOH (The 12 Imâms of Isläm / 12 Stars of The Desert Woman) HAVE UNIVERSAL MISSION (All Adamity and Jinnity)
There is 🚫NO MANDATE to ANY EUROPEAN statue, institution, kingdom, "empire" (roman/german/british/usaian) as DIVINE MESSENGERS of THE NECESSARY BEING
⚡️ The Shiloh is the Black-Ismaelite Brother of the Black-Ismaelite First Star of The Desert Woman and Father of the Black-Ismaelite Eleven Stars.
⚡️The Brother of the 1st Star and Father of the 11 Stars of The Desert Woman is The Last Messenger Muhammad - Sallalahu Alayhi Wa Âlihi Wa Salam-
⚡️The "Tents of Shiloh” mentioned in the Black-Israelite Scriptures are The Twelve Imâms of Islâm Brother and Descendants of the “Shiloh”
⚡️The Israelite-Black Prophets when REFERENCING the Ismaelite-Black Last Messenger of Rög/Râ/El/Eloh/Allah use also the words “Tents” and “Desert”
⚡️ Israelite-Black Book Song of Solomon/Sulaymân 1:5-6: "I am BLACK and lovely, daughters of Jerusalem, BLACK like the TENTS of KEDÂR"
⚡️KEDÂR is the ULTRA-BLACK Noble ancestor of Muhammad-Sallalahu Alayhi Wa Âlihi Wa Salâm- The Father of the 12 Stars in the Book of Revelation
⚡️ A PARTICULARITY of The Last Messenger of Rög/Râ/El/Eloh/Allah The Light is the 12 Stars of the Desert Woman : The 12 Imâms of Islâm.
⚡️The SHILOH and The 12 Stars of the Desert Woman were BEFORE Âtum (Adam) and Ib’Râ’Ham ( Ab’Râ’ham ) by 14000 Eon-Years. It do not make them “g-ds”.
⚡️Forefathers Âtum, Sét, Idrîs Ahnûh Jëhûti’Habu and Nuh started Islâm in Shâm / Kush-Këmët were BEFORE Forefather Ib’Râ’Hîm ( Ab’Râ’ham ).
There is 🚫 NO CRUCI-FICTION of the Black-Israelite Son of Mariam. The story was “BIBLIFIED” by white mithraists-pharisian-son-of-pharisians.
⚡️Other Indra-hanumanist "biblified" falsifications are “Prophets were immoral”, “the curse of kanân”, "Properties of "Sham transfered" to "Sëm" etc
⚡️There is 🚫NO 13th Apostle. You are deceived by the european Mithraist-Paulian-Pharisian-Son-of-Pharisian subversion of Black-Israelite Scriptures.
⚡️Bulus/Paul do not hide that he is a deceiver and say in his “Act 23-6” : “I AM [ he do not say “WAS”] a Pharisic, Son of a Pharisic."
⚡️"…those who say they are Apostles and are not, and have found them liars" (Book Revelation 2:2) refer to Bulus/Paul.
Yes,that is so nice.
Well done we have been missing parts of the scripture readings. Thankyou from Australia 🇦🇺 😂❤
We love you Pastor Jack and look forward to meeting you one day 😊 probably in heaven.
That was awesome hearing the congregations portion clearly now. Thank you so much Pastor Jack and Calvary team ❤️
Thank You for having someone read opposite of Pastor Jack Hibbs. I couldn’t understand when the congregation read and couldn’t read the words on the screen.
Did You Hear ?
Lesson for the one Man Reading ?
🟪Come On People
Most of all , let us agree ,Say Come
I have Searched and Many other watchman . So I went to the end of The Book , it was the only place left to Look !🤫 Open your Mouth Share , Share , Share Blow your Trumpets tell Family and Friends about this verse.
Go to the End of the Book ,
When the Believers and the Watchman all agree.
Revelation 22:17
(All BELIEVERS have the Holy Sprit )
And the Spirit and the Bride say Come ,say COME.
(What is that verse saying ? We have the Sprit AND We are the BRIDE )( WE SAY COME )
And let Him that heareth say , come .
(I heard it when I read it , I’m saying come .)
(Let him HEARETH Say )(COME )
And let him that is athirst come .
(Any One that that wants Jesus Come , BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST,COME )
And whosoever will, let him take the water life freely.
( should you chose )( To Drink of The Word of Jesus , His water is Life.)
Jesus loves You
Your Born in the spirit
Jesus Christ was crucified and you baptized by Water & Blood
Blood 90% water
Understand you are baptized by Jesus
Water is Purification
If any ask are you born again 😃🎶
If you Believe on Jesus you are😃
The Blood to cover are sin
Pray Revelation 22:17
Pray this Verse every nite until we come up
And Blow your Trumpets
Most of all agree , Just Believe ?
I am uncomfortable with using Maranatha ! It Has become Such a catch Phrase ? Pray for those people. Who are not saved ! Worry about them not leaving Planet earth! Come on people , Blow Your Trumpets Tell the World .
Leave Comments?
1 Corinthians
Verse 21.
If anyman ( love not) the Lord Jesus Christ, Let him be Anathema, a Cursed , Cursed
(Anathema) Get This
Which Means : a Cursed , ban Cursed , will be Accursed be cause of unbelief . Not Believing
Maranatha ! ( appears in the Bible , Once . ( It is the new Catch Phrase)
(This is what this Phrase is About!)
Just pray for those that don’t Believe.
22. If anyman ( Love NOT ) (the Lord JESUS CHRIST) (Let him be (Anathema ) (which is acursed or will be acursed .)
Maranatha : means God’s
(Judgement is coming on anyman that )( Love not the Lord ). THAT LOVES NOT THE LORD
Who is the LORD 😃😃😃😃😃JESUS CHRIST
I hope You Got that 😳
Read that lay verse again what Maranatha Means
23. The grace of our lord Jesus Christ Be with you .
24. My Love be with you all in Christ Jesus , Amen
Pray for those People. That they Love the Lord !
Jesus is coming for those that Don’t Love Jesus Christ , they are Cursed!
Tell-them Jesus Loves Them
You are born in the Spirit
Born in in the Spirit
Rapture any second
Tuesday October 17, 2023 6:21
Love them tell them about Jesus
Go after the One
Yes, thank you! I listen to your messages when I'm getting ready in the morning and always missed what the crowd read. I'm so glad someone is reading it also.
Yes!!! Thank you for this!!!!!
Thank you for having a speaker who reads along with the congregation's portion. I hope you keep doing that for those of us online.
🟪Come On People
Most of all , let us agree ,Say Come
I have Searched and Many other watchman . So I went to the end of The Book , it was the only place left to Look !🤫 Open your Mouth Share , Share , Share Blow your Trumpets tell Family and Friends about this verse.
Go to the End of the Book ,
When the Believers and the Watchman all agree.
Revelation 22:17
(All BELIEVERS have the Holy Sprit )
And the Spirit and the Bride say Come ,say COME.
(What is that verse saying ? We have the Sprit AND We are the BRIDE )( WE SAY COME )
And let Him that heareth say , come .
(I heard it when I read it , I’m saying come .)
(Let him HEARETH Say )(COME )
And let him that is athirst come .
(Any One that that wants Jesus Come , BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST,COME )
And whosoever will, let him take the water life freely.
( should you chose )( To Drink of The Word of Jesus , His water is Life.)
Jesus loves You
Your Born in the spirit
Jesus Christ was crucified and you baptized by Water & Blood
Blood 90% water
Understand you are baptized by Jesus
Water is Purification
If any ask are you born again 😃🎶
If you Believe on Jesus you are😃
The Blood to cover are sin
Pray Revelation 22:17
Pray this Verse every nite until we come up
And Blow your Trumpets
Most of all agree , Just Believe ?
I am uncomfortable with using Maranatha ! It Has become Such a catch Phrase ? Pray for those people. Who are not saved ! Worry about them not leaving Planet earth! Come on people , Blow Your Trumpets Tell the World .
Leave Comments?
1 Corinthians
Verse 21.
If anyman ( love not) the Lord Jesus Christ, Let him be Anathema, a Cursed , Cursed
(Anathema) Get This
Which Means : a Cursed , ban Cursed , will be Accursed be cause of unbelief . Not Believing
Maranatha ! ( appears in the Bible , Once . ( It is the new Catch Phrase)
(This is what this Phrase is About!)
Just pray for those that don’t Believe.
22. If anyman ( Love NOT ) (the Lord JESUS CHRIST) (Let him be (Anathema ) (which is acursed or will be acursed .)
Maranatha : means God’s
(Judgement is coming on anyman that )( Love not the Lord ). THAT LOVES NOT THE LORD
Who is the LORD 😃😃😃😃😃JESUS CHRIST
I hope You Got that 😳
Read that lay verse again what Maranatha Means
23. The grace of our lord Jesus Christ Be with you .
24. My Love be with you all in Christ Jesus , Amen
Pray for those People. That they Love the Lord !
Jesus is coming for those that Don’t Love Jesus Christ , they are Cursed!
Tell-them Jesus Loves Them
You are born in the Spirit
Born in in the Spirit
Rapture any second
Tuesday October 17, 2023 6:21
Love them tell them about Jesus
Go after the One
@marciadroeger4434 I agree 100%, so much better that way.
Yes! I remember thinking of this and requesting it during the beginning of services during Covid. I'm so glad you're doing it now. So helpful to those who are listening but not able to look at or see the screen.
Thank you for having the man read the scripture with the congregation. Much easier to follow along.
Ohhh thank you so much for having some one read with the congregation this is so fantastic! I can hear the Whole Word! I love love love! Thanks
I kept wondering if I was the only person that could not understand the congregations response thank you😊
Isn't it amazing that here I am in Australia listening to a message from a Christ preaching preacher and being blessed by this wonderful message. Thankyou Lord for this privilege that has been gifted to me and all who hear this message. Thankyou Church for being the Christ Church.
Amen! 💯
🟪Come On People
Most of all , let us agree ,Say Come
I have Searched and Many other watchman . So I went to the end of The Book , it was the only place left to Look !🤫 Open your Mouth Share , Share , Share Blow your Trumpets tell Family and Friends about this verse.
Go to the End of the Book ,
When the Believers and the Watchman all agree.
Revelation 22:17
(All BELIEVERS have the Holy Sprit )
And the Spirit and the Bride say Come ,say COME.
(What is that verse saying ? We have the Sprit AND We are the BRIDE )( WE SAY COME )
And let Him that heareth say , come .
(I heard it when I read it , I’m saying come .)
(Let him HEARETH Say )(COME )
And let him that is athirst come .
(Any One that that wants Jesus Come , BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST,COME )
And whosoever will, let him take the water life freely.
( should you chose )( To Drink of The Word of Jesus , His water is Life.)
Jesus loves You
Your Born in the spirit
Jesus Christ was crucified and you baptized by Water & Blood
Blood 90% water
Understand you are baptized by Jesus
Water is Purification
If any ask are you born again 😃🎶
If you Believe on Jesus you are😃
The Blood to cover are sin
Pray Revelation 22:17
Pray this Verse every nite until we come up
And Blow your Trumpets
Most of all agree , Just Believe ?
I am uncomfortable with using Maranatha ! It Has become Such a catch Phrase ? Pray for those people. Who are not saved ! Worry about them not leaving Planet earth! Come on people , Blow Your Trumpets Tell the World .
Leave Comments?
1 Corinthians
Verse 21.
If anyman ( love not) the Lord Jesus Christ, Let him be Anathema, a Cursed , Cursed
(Anathema) Get This
Which Means : a Cursed , ban Cursed , will be Accursed be cause of unbelief . Not Believing
Maranatha ! ( appears in the Bible , Once . ( It is the new Catch Phrase)
(This is what this Phrase is About!)
Just pray for those that don’t Believe.
22. If anyman ( Love NOT ) (the Lord JESUS CHRIST) (Let him be (Anathema ) (which is acursed or will be acursed .)
Maranatha : means God’s
(Judgement is coming on anyman that )( Love not the Lord ). THAT LOVES NOT THE LORD
Who is the LORD 😃😃😃😃😃JESUS CHRIST
I hope You Got that 😳
Read that lay verse again what Maranatha Means
23. The grace of our lord Jesus Christ Be with you .
24. My Love be with you all in Christ Jesus , Amen
Pray for those People. That they Love the Lord !
Jesus is coming for those that Don’t Love Jesus Christ , they are Cursed!
Tell-them Jesus Loves Them
You are born in the Spirit
Born in in the Spirit
Rapture any second
Tuesday October 17, 2023 6:21
Love them tell them about Jesus
Go after the One
Jesus did say that He/The Kingdom of The Father, would be preached in ALL the earth! Thank you, for recognizing & being blessed. Take The Truth, & do likewise, growing our Father's Kingdom. Blessings unto you & your family, in Jesus name, from Log Cabin. TX.!
Amen & Maranatha!!! ❤
Amen to that!!
The reading of Scripture by extra clear voice with congregation is a true blessing!!
Pastor Jack is so sassy! I believe he is one of the most gifted and anointed preachers of our time! I thank the Lord I found him 🙏🏻
⚡️The Divine Order is to Obey The Shiloh (The Last Messenger) and The Tents of Shiloh (The Twelve Stars of The Desert Woman/The Twelve Imâms of Islâm
⚡️The Divine Order is NOT TO OBEY The Last Babylon, its Deceptive Woman, its 13th False-Apostle, Gog, Magog, Togarma ( and their najdi puppets) etc.
⚡️Many are deceived with the confusion of Black-Israelite truths and non-prophetic (greek/roman, mithraist-paulinian-pharisian-son-of-pharisian) lies.
1️⃣⚡️ The Book of Revelation of Yuhanna Apostle of The Black-Israelite Messenger Isa Ibn Mariam is easy to comprehend if you are on the side of Truth.
2️⃣⚡️The Wondrous Desert Woman With 12 Stars The Last Awaited To Rule The World: Real Islâm of The Twelve Imâms and The 12th Imâm Al Mahdi
3️⃣⚡️The Lamb “Looking AS IF slayed” is NOT the Son of Mariam. Lamb is NOT Ram. The Lamb is the INDIVIDUAL (IN BODY) of The 12th Star / Occulted Boy.
4️⃣ ⚡️The Lamb / Son of Âdam is ALSO THE COLLECTIVE (and IN SPIRIT ) Destiny of Sacrifice/Sufferings of the 12 Stars of The Desert Woman.
5️⃣ ⚡️The Twelve Stars of The Desert Woman / Twelve Imâms of Islâm are also the Twelve Foundations The City.
6️⃣⚡️ The Dragon/Serpent = the creature Iblîs (Devil/Apëp ). The Mark of The Beast is the Symbol of Negation of Unicity and Unity : The Cross
7️⃣⚡️The Whore Woman Sitting on Babylon: False/Nominal Christianism / Real-Mithraism-Paulinisn-Pharisian-Son-Of-Pharisianism and it’s occult lobbies.
8️⃣⚡️Last Babylon = The “West” ( Gog, Magog, Gomer/Togarma/Tubal/Mess h etc ( Continental Europe following blindly the zionazi Gog and Magog)
9️⃣⚡️Gog = zionazis khazar-false-iaraelites ( Real Israelites /Hebrews, Like Real Kushites, Real Këmites and Real Ismaelites/Arabs are Blacks ).
1️⃣0️⃣⚡️Magog = zionazis anglo-american-false-christians accomplices of Gog.
1️⃣1️⃣⚡️The 144000 = the 144000 Nâbis-Prophets NOT "ufo-abductees" by jînn shapeshifting reptoid/nordic blonds in a non-sensical “Rapture”.
1️⃣2️⃣⚡️ The Black-Israelite Scripture clearly confirm that Real Islâm is Islâm of the Black-Ismaelites Ahl’Al’Bayt - The Twelve Imâms of Islâm.
🏴 The Black-Israelite Son of Mariam was commissioned ONLY to the 12 Tribes of Black-Israelites.
🏴 ONLY THE SHILOH AND THE TENTS OF THE SHILOH (The 12 Imâms of Isläm / 12 Stars of The Desert Woman) HAVE UNIVERSAL MISSION (All Adamity and Jinnity)
There is 🚫NO MANDATE to ANY EUROPEAN statue, institution, kingdom, "empire" (roman/german/british/usaian) as DIVINE MESSENGERS of THE NECESSARY BEING
⚡️ The Shiloh is the Black-Ismaelite Brother of the Black-Ismaelite First Star of The Desert Woman and Father of the Black-Ismaelite Eleven Stars.
⚡️The Brother of the 1st Star and Father of the 11 Stars of The Desert Woman is The Last Messenger Muhammad - Sallalahu Alayhi Wa Âlihi Wa Salam-
⚡️The "Tents of Shiloh” mentioned in the Black-Israelite Scriptures are The Twelve Imâms of Islâm Brother and Descendants of the “Shiloh”
⚡️The Israelite-Black Prophets when REFERENCING the Ismaelite-Black Last Messenger of Rög/Râ/El/Eloh/Allah use also the words “Tents” and “Desert”
⚡️ Israelite-Black Book Song of Solomon/Sulaymân 1:5-6: "I am BLACK and lovely, daughters of Jerusalem, BLACK like the TENTS of KEDÂR"
⚡️KEDÂR is the ULTRA-BLACK Noble ancestor of Muhammad-Sallalahu Alayhi Wa Âlihi Wa Salâm- The Father of the 12 Stars in the Book of Revelation
⚡️ A PARTICULARITY of The Last Messenger of Rög/Râ/El/Eloh/Allah The Light is the 12 Stars of the Desert Woman : The 12 Imâms of Islâm.
⚡️The SHILOH and The 12 Stars of the Desert Woman were BEFORE Âtum (Adam) and Ib’Râ’Ham ( Ab’Râ’ham ) by 14000 Eon-Years. It do not make them “g-ds”.
⚡️Forefathers Âtum, Sét, Idrîs Ahnûh Jëhûti’Habu and Nuh started Islâm in Shâm / Kush-Këmët were BEFORE Forefather Ib’Râ’Hîm ( Ab’Râ’ham ).
There is 🚫 NO CRUCI-FICTION of the Black-Israelite Son of Mariam. The story was “BIBLIFIED” by white mithraists-pharisian-son-of-pharisians.
⚡️Other Indra-hanumanist "biblified" falsifications are “Prophets were immoral”, “the curse of kanân”, "Properties of "Sham transfered" to "Sëm" etc
⚡️There is 🚫NO 13th Apostle. You are deceived by the european Mithraist-Paulian-Pharisian-Son-of-Pharisian subversion of Black-Israelite Scriptures.
⚡️Bulus/Paul do not hide that he is a deceiver and say in his “Act 23-6” : “I AM [ he do not say “WAS”] a Pharisic, Son of a Pharisic."
⚡️"…those who say they are Apostles and are not, and have found them liars" (Book Revelation 2:2) refer to Bulus/Paul.
SAME!!! We need to keep him in prayer Daily! He speaks truth & it's what everyone needs to hear, especially in the time we're living in. I just told our Home Group about him tonight, & sent his message from last week to one of the people in our group. Last week's message was Spot On!
So is Gary Hamrick; 2 of the best!
Love listening to him
Hi i want to thank you that you have someone reading out while the church is. Now i can hear!! Yayy! Lololo
Thank you for teaching Gods word! Plus you're funny. So great to have laughter too! God is good!!!
❤❤❤I like how someone is reading the congregation scripture because I listen at work and can never understand the full scripture read. ❤❤❤
Yes!!!!! I 💯 agree with you. I’ve been wishing this. I absolutely appreciate this because I can’t always have my Bible in front of me. This is just perfect.
Same here
I walk in the early morning listening to in the past I didn’t know what the congregation was saying. I too love that a man’s voice speaks it for me to understand. Thank you Pastor Jack and all those who helped make this.
Definitely helps having someone read opposite Pastor, I couldn’t understand before either
🟪Come On People
Most of all , let us agree ,Say Come
I have Searched and Many other watchman . So I went to the end of The Book , it was the only place left to Look !🤫 Open your Mouth Share , Share , Share Blow your Trumpets tell Family and Friends about this verse.
Go to the End of the Book ,
When the Believers and the Watchman all agree.
Revelation 22:17
(All BELIEVERS have the Holy Sprit )
And the Spirit and the Bride say Come ,say COME.
(What is that verse saying ? We have the Sprit AND We are the BRIDE )( WE SAY COME )
And let Him that heareth say , come .
(I heard it when I read it , I’m saying come .)
(Let him HEARETH Say )(COME )
And let him that is athirst come .
(Any One that that wants Jesus Come , BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST,COME )
And whosoever will, let him take the water life freely.
( should you chose )( To Drink of The Word of Jesus , His water is Life.)
Jesus loves You
Your Born in the spirit
Jesus Christ was crucified and you baptized by Water & Blood
Blood 90% water
Understand you are baptized by Jesus
Water is Purification
If any ask are you born again 😃🎶
If you Believe on Jesus you are😃
The Blood to cover are sin
Pray Revelation 22:17
Pray this Verse every nite until we come up
And Blow your Trumpets
Most of all agree , Just Believe ?
I am uncomfortable with using Maranatha ! It Has become Such a catch Phrase ? Pray for those people. Who are not saved ! Worry about them not leaving Planet earth! Come on people , Blow Your Trumpets Tell the World .
Leave Comments?
1 Corinthians
Verse 21.
If anyman ( love not) the Lord Jesus Christ, Let him be Anathema, a Cursed , Cursed
(Anathema) Get This
Which Means : a Cursed , ban Cursed , will be Accursed be cause of unbelief . Not Believing
Maranatha ! ( appears in the Bible , Once . ( It is the new Catch Phrase)
(This is what this Phrase is About!)
Just pray for those that don’t Believe.
22. If anyman ( Love NOT ) (the Lord JESUS CHRIST) (Let him be (Anathema ) (which is acursed or will be acursed .)
Maranatha : means God’s
(Judgement is coming on anyman that )( Love not the Lord ). THAT LOVES NOT THE LORD
Who is the LORD 😃😃😃😃😃JESUS CHRIST
I hope You Got that 😳
Read that lay verse again what Maranatha Means
23. The grace of our lord Jesus Christ Be with you .
24. My Love be with you all in Christ Jesus , Amen
Pray for those People. That they Love the Lord !
Jesus is coming for those that Don’t Love Jesus Christ , they are Cursed!
Tell-them Jesus Loves Them
You are born in the Spirit
Born in in the Spirit
Rapture any second
Tuesday October 17, 2023 6:21
Love them tell them about Jesus
Go after the One
Thank you for having the audio when the audience read it makes it easy when you can’t read the small letters, so thank you so much pastor Jack
Thank you for adding the voice on the scriptures!!
Thank you, Pastor Jack, for adding the clear voice during the group reading of GOD'S Word. ❤
Thank you for finally having someone read where we can hear it during scripture reading.
Drove me nuts for so long!
When only the audience read, I couldn’t hear what they were saying and can always watch the video.
In fact, most of the time I listen while driving.
Praise God!
Great to have Read Along Helper for us who watch on line! Blessings!❤ 🙏
Yes, so helpful
Please pray for the Eyes of the Children of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, to be opened to the Truth of Yeshua being the Messiah.
May God bless Israel and make His face to shine upon Her.
Pastor Jack, as I have listened to you preach I feel you seem to be so happy and enjoy teaching God’s word to those who listen to you. It’s such a blessing to see a minister exude joy as you do. Thank you!
I’m a believer since 2021. I’m the only believer in my family. I had two strokes.The first one in May 2019, second in April this year and because of the grace of God, I’m still alive today. I’m going for heart MRI tomorrow because my Troponin is very high. But God is bigger than my battle and I’m not afraid. Please pray for me so everything will be ok for me, in Jesus Christ name I pray. Amen
Thank you, pastor Jack for teaching the truth and leading us to Christ, our only hope.
Thank you SO MUCH for having someone read the audience's portion of scripture clearly! I oftrn listen to your sermons while doing other things, and without seeing the words, it's been impossible to understand them. This makes such a difference. Thank you!
Thank you to the man who reads the word along with the congregation who reads it aloud!! Love this church, we live in Columbus, Ohio
Kingdom of heaven dwells within us because the Holy Spirit indwells believers 💞💞🙏
I love that there is a voice for us online people to listen to but you still keep the congregation on the audio. Love this, thank you!! 🙏🏻❤️
I ALWAYS enjoy your messages, you are unique, unlike so many and you preach scripture, I share your messages, God bless you and your family and ministry 🙏🏽
Always an amazing and awakening message by Pastor Jack, he is the man of God, may the good Lord continue to bless and protect him and his family and God bless his Ministry.
The reading of scripture isn’t BORG sounding anymore‼️‼️‼️
❤❤I love that someone is reading with the congregation the scripture.❤❤
Wow thank you for having someone reading After ! 😇
Thank you for adding the voice over for the congregation verses! God bless you all, family!
Amen pastor Jack thank you 🙏
It's been a v e r y l o n g time for me = 53 years watching and waiting ,
longing to see my Lord and Savior's precious face ! Now I feel it won't be
very long and I am so excited ! My only 'hesitation' is my unsaved children =
BUT the rapture may just wake them up ! Besides the Holy Bible I'm leaving
personal letters addressed to each of my twelve grandchildren & so far five
great grands. Just 'in case' !!! See ya soon .... hopefully ! =D
The Spirit is amazing. How He confirms His teachings and edifies. Over and over. From different mouths and scriptures - same message. The Lord God is unchanging and AMAZING. He answers. Wow. Thank you Lord. ❤
Thank you. I have watched many sermons. This particular sermon is spirit moving. Thank you!
Amen to not passing a plate because you have faith God will provide. 🙏 I have no doubt He will provide.
But we are to support those that bring God’s Word to us… don’t just listen and “trust God will provide for him “ … perhaps one of the ways God will provide for him is through YOU!!
So thankful for the voice reading the congregation’s part!!!! ❤
It is a pleasure to see Pastor that you speak His word. It is so refreshing. Thank you that you love God and His word. ❤
This was awesome! Thank you, Pastor Hibbs!
The Lord told me I was first fruits of my family. 1st believer in the family... more to follow. Pray for my family. Some are very entrenched in catholicism.
Thank you for the reader, reading back when the congregation alternate reads back along with Jack. ✝️👍🏻
Awesome that you didn't take Cov $ and fully relied on God 💖👏
Thank you for the person that reads 📚 😂😅🎉❤❤❤
Thank you so much for adding a clear reading of the scriptures! When I’m listening on my EarPods I can never make out what the congregation is saying..
Thanks for adding in the audio of the even verses it is way easier follow online 😊
Thank you for having someone read the verse with your congregation. It’s so much easier to hear if I’m listening while I’m in the car!
My Calvary Chapel church teaches the New Testament on Sunday and the Old Testament on Wednesday. I love it!!!
Thank you for God's word. From the Philippines
Thank you for the crowd scripture reader!
Hallelujah ! All Glory and Honour and Majesty to Yeshua, my Salvation AMEN 🙏🙏🙏
I agree with all of you that don’t have the Bible at hand but I follow the reading with Bible in hand 😊 and always share to Facebook 😊
AMEN HALELUYAH, GLORY TOO GOD, ALELUYAH 🙏 ALELUYAH, thanks you my lord, ALELUYAH AMEN God bless you all, shlom everyone
⚡️The Divine Order is to Obey The Shiloh (The Last Messenger) and The Tents of Shiloh (The Twelve Stars of The Desert Woman/The Twelve Imâms of Islâm
⚡️The Divine Order is NOT TO OBEY The Last Babylon, its Deceptive Woman, its 13th False-Apostle, Gog, Magog, Togarma ( and their najdi puppets) etc.
⚡️Many are deceived with the confusion of Black-Israelite truths and non-prophetic (greek/roman, mithraist-paulinian-pharisian-son-of-pharisian) lies.
1️⃣⚡️ The Book of Revelation of Yuhanna Apostle of The Black-Israelite Messenger Isa Ibn Mariam is easy to comprehend if you are on the side of Truth.
2️⃣⚡️The Wondrous Desert Woman With 12 Stars The Last Awaited To Rule The World: Real Islâm of The Twelve Imâms and The 12th Imâm Al Mahdi
3️⃣⚡️The Lamb “Looking AS IF slayed” is NOT the Son of Mariam. Lamb is NOT Ram. The Lamb is the INDIVIDUAL (IN BODY) of The 12th Star / Occulted Boy.
4️⃣ ⚡️The Lamb / Son of Âdam is ALSO THE COLLECTIVE (and IN SPIRIT ) Destiny of Sacrifice/Sufferings of the 12 Stars of The Desert Woman.
5️⃣ ⚡️The Twelve Stars of The Desert Woman / Twelve Imâms of Islâm are also the Twelve Foundations The City.
6️⃣⚡️ The Dragon/Serpent = the creature Iblîs (Devil/Apëp ). The Mark of The Beast is the Symbol of Negation of Unicity and Unity : The Cross
7️⃣⚡️The Whore Woman Sitting on Babylon: False/Nominal Christianism / Real-Mithraism-Paulinisn-Pharisian-Son-Of-Pharisianism and it’s occult lobbies.
8️⃣⚡️Last Babylon = The “West” ( Gog, Magog, Gomer/Togarma/Tubal/Mess h etc ( Continental Europe following blindly the zionazi Gog and Magog)
9️⃣⚡️Gog = zionazis khazar-false-iaraelites ( Real Israelites /Hebrews, Like Real Kushites, Real Këmites and Real Ismaelites/Arabs are Blacks ).
1️⃣0️⃣⚡️Magog = zionazis anglo-american-false-christians accomplices of Gog.
1️⃣1️⃣⚡️The 144000 = the 144000 Nâbis-Prophets NOT "ufo-abductees" by jînn shapeshifting reptoid/nordic blonds in a non-sensical “Rapture”.
1️⃣2️⃣⚡️ The Black-Israelite Scripture clearly confirm that Real Islâm is Islâm of the Black-Ismaelites Ahl’Al’Bayt - The Twelve Imâms of Islâm.
🏴 The Black-Israelite Son of Mariam was commissioned ONLY to the 12 Tribes of Black-Israelites.
🏴 ONLY THE SHILOH AND THE TENTS OF THE SHILOH (The 12 Imâms of Isläm / 12 Stars of The Desert Woman) HAVE UNIVERSAL MISSION (All Adamity and Jinnity)
There is 🚫NO MANDATE to ANY EUROPEAN statue, institution, kingdom, "empire" (roman/german/british/usaian) as DIVINE MESSENGERS of THE NECESSARY BEING
⚡️ The Shiloh is the Black-Ismaelite Brother of the Black-Ismaelite First Star of The Desert Woman and Father of the Black-Ismaelite Eleven Stars.
⚡️The Brother of the 1st Star and Father of the 11 Stars of The Desert Woman is The Last Messenger Muhammad - Sallalahu Alayhi Wa Âlihi Wa Salam-
⚡️The "Tents of Shiloh” mentioned in the Black-Israelite Scriptures are The Twelve Imâms of Islâm Brother and Descendants of the “Shiloh”
⚡️The Israelite-Black Prophets when REFERENCING the Ismaelite-Black Last Messenger of Rög/Râ/El/Eloh/Allah use also the words “Tents” and “Desert”
⚡️ Israelite-Black Book Song of Solomon/Sulaymân 1:5-6: "I am BLACK and lovely, daughters of Jerusalem, BLACK like the TENTS of KEDÂR"
⚡️KEDÂR is the ULTRA-BLACK Noble ancestor of Muhammad-Sallalahu Alayhi Wa Âlihi Wa Salâm- The Father of the 12 Stars in the Book of Revelation
⚡️ A PARTICULARITY of The Last Messenger of Rög/Râ/El/Eloh/Allah The Light is the 12 Stars of the Desert Woman : The 12 Imâms of Islâm.
⚡️The SHILOH and The 12 Stars of the Desert Woman were BEFORE Âtum (Adam) and Ib’Râ’Ham ( Ab’Râ’ham ) by 14000 Eon-Years. It do not make them “g-ds”.
⚡️Forefathers Âtum, Sét, Idrîs Ahnûh Jëhûti’Habu and Nuh started Islâm in Shâm / Kush-Këmët were BEFORE Forefather Ib’Râ’Hîm ( Ab’Râ’ham ).
There is 🚫 NO CRUCI-FICTION of the Black-Israelite Son of Mariam. The story was “BIBLIFIED” by white mithraists-pharisian-son-of-pharisians.
⚡️Other Indra-hanumanist "biblified" falsifications are “Prophets were immoral”, “the curse of kanân”, "Properties of "Sham transfered" to "Sëm" etc
⚡️There is 🚫NO 13th Apostle. You are deceived by the european Mithraist-Paulian-Pharisian-Son-of-Pharisian subversion of Black-Israelite Scriptures.
⚡️Bulus/Paul do not hide that he is a deceiver and say in his “Act 23-6” : “I AM [ he do not say “WAS”] a Pharisic, Son of a Pharisic."
⚡️"…those who say they are Apostles and are not, and have found them liars" (Book Revelation 2:2) refer to Bulus/Paul.
It is such a blessing to have someone clearly reading the Bible scriptures. That helps tremendously! Thank you so much for that! 👏🏼👏🏼
HalleluYAH!! Amen 🙏🏼
When you are listening ONLINE and the congregation reads scripture it’s muffled so thank you Pastor Hibbs for having someone read with clarity. I use to skip over this part . 😂
It's true. .. when my friend, a beloved servant of God died, her mother who was beside her while she was drawing her last breath, heard voices of heavenly host singing in chorus. They are welcoming God's servant to HIS Kingdom. What an experience!! To our loving and faithful GOD be all the glory!!
Awesome teaching Pastor✝️💜
🟪Come On People
Most of all , let us agree ,Say Come
I have Searched and Many other watchman . So I went to the end of The Book , it was the only place left to Look !🤫 Open your Mouth Share , Share , Share Blow your Trumpets tell Family and Friends about this verse.
Go to the End of the Book ,
When the Believers and the Watchman all agree.
Revelation 22:17
(All BELIEVERS have the Holy Sprit )
And the Spirit and the Bride say Come ,say COME.
(What is that verse saying ? We have the Sprit AND We are the BRIDE )( WE SAY COME )
And let Him that heareth say , come .
(I heard it when I read it , I’m saying come .)
(Let him HEARETH Say )(COME )
And let him that is athirst come .
(Any One that that wants Jesus Come , BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST,COME )
And whosoever will, let him take the water life freely.
( should you chose )( To Drink of The Word of Jesus , His water is Life.)
Jesus loves You
Your Born in the spirit
Jesus Christ was crucified and you baptized by Water & Blood
Blood 90% water
Understand you are baptized by Jesus
Water is Purification
If any ask are you born again 😃🎶
If you Believe on Jesus you are😃
The Blood to cover are sin
Pray Revelation 22:17
Pray this Verse every nite until we come up
And Blow your Trumpets
Most of all agree , Just Believe ?
I am uncomfortable with using Maranatha ! It Has become Such a catch Phrase ? Pray for those people. Who are not saved ! Worry about them not leaving Planet earth! Come on people , Blow Your Trumpets Tell the World .
Leave Comments?
1 Corinthians
Verse 21.
If anyman ( love not) the Lord Jesus Christ, Let him be Anathema, a Cursed , Cursed
(Anathema) Get This
Which Means : a Cursed , ban Cursed , will be Accursed be cause of unbelief . Not Believing
Maranatha ! ( appears in the Bible , Once . ( It is the new Catch Phrase)
(This is what this Phrase is About!)
Just pray for those that don’t Believe.
22. If anyman ( Love NOT ) (the Lord JESUS CHRIST) (Let him be (Anathema ) (which is acursed or will be acursed .)
Maranatha : means God’s
(Judgement is coming on anyman that )( Love not the Lord ). THAT LOVES NOT THE LORD
Who is the LORD 😃😃😃😃😃JESUS CHRIST
I hope You Got that 😳
Read that lay verse again what Maranatha Means
23. The grace of our lord Jesus Christ Be with you .
24. My Love be with you all in Christ Jesus , Amen
Pray for those People. That they Love the Lord !
Jesus is coming for those that Don’t Love Jesus Christ , they are Cursed!
Tell-them Jesus Loves Them
You are born in the Spirit
Born in in the Spirit
Rapture any second
Tuesday October 17, 2023 6:21
Love them tell them about Jesus
Go after the One
Hi connie how ru
Love your neighbor as yourself which means everyone, including the wicked people.
Blessings from Massachusetts 🙏✝️🙌🏻🔥
DR.Michael Heiser and Chuck Missler great teachers of OT AND NT...have learned SOOO .uch from both of them...Missler knew what was hsppening in n the world ) 15-20 years ago....way b4 his time...LOVE 2 ALL
Awesome and biblical stance on giving and membership!
Amen, Even so come Lord Jesus,.
Pastor Jack, as I have listened to you preach I feel you seem to be so happy and enjoy teaching God’s word to those who listen to you. It’s such a blessing to see a minister exude joy as you do. Thank you!
Vanessa Furubotten- Woodstock, GA
Amen Pastor Jack Hibbs🙏
PTL. I love God's Word. Thank you Jack. You're a treasure for the Kingdom. Illinois
I thank God I came across this pastor and the church. It was at the Holy Spirit's right time that I needed to hear your messages. I wish I lived closer to this community. But, it has encouraged me to find a like-minded people of God here in my community. But, I'll keep listening. Thank you God for your perfect timing.
Thank you for the reader of the churchs scripture part to Pastor Jack's reading
We are covered by the Blood!!!🌺🌿🇿🇦
Thank you, Pastor, for always sharing God's word in such a loving and caring way. I listen to you every day and I am so blessed by God's word. I so appreciate your humor, too. God has richly blessed you - may He continue to bless you and your family!
♥️Thank you so much for having the man Read the Bible, I can now follow You
Really think about it bear your cross, have mercy, forgive, love everyone. Do not love evil actions but the love the soul of them who have been taken hostage by evil powers, having their right eye darkened and their arm withered. Love do not hate anyone, enter the peace of Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior, who wants us ALL with him.
Wow great preaching amen 🙏 Jack Hibbs i like the preaching God bless u jack hibbs and the people who go to ur church and all who are watching
Yes, thank you for adding the voice for the scripture reading! God bless you from Texas! ❤️
Much Better! I can hear the sermon scriptures now. Woo Hoo!
Thank you for having someone read the scripture for the people. I can never understand what their saying
I appreciate the messages you give
Thank you Pastor Jack ,May God Bless you and your family as well as your church families ❤
Never get too much of GOD !!!!!!!
Love the voice overlay of the church scripture reading, thanks for doing that. I could never understand what they were saying before. I can read, its just nice if i am in listen only mode.
Pastor Jack is one of few of the true teachers of His Word that we have on this earth today.
He is always faithful and true with his expository and teaches in a way that is easy to understand, hearing the obvious truth of His Word in every sermon.
Thank you Pastor for another wonderful and uplifting message as I've found all your preaching to be.
I'm hoping for feedback to let me know which of these short poems you, my brothers and sisters find more encouraging and edifying.
Thank you in advance if you give me feedback on them.
So here they are I'm going to use the one that speaks to more people to have engraved on a new Bible cover.
His Word is my teacher and guide,
His steadfast love is my strength,
He is the Rock of my foundation,
The fear of Him is my wisdom,
His return is our Blessed Hope,
Take care and God Bless...
His Word is my teacher and guide,
His steadfast love is my way and strength,
He is the Rock of my foundation and salvation,
My fear and awe of Him are wisdom and my faith,
His return is our Blessed Hope,
Take care and God Bless...
Just leave or vote for number 1) or 2).
Again thank you and God Bless...
@@vilma3502 Thank you, I'll add it to the tally. 😁God Bless...
Thank you Pastor Jack! I did feel blessed listening to you, so I know God spoke through you!
The entire Old Testament points to Jesus!
You ever pass an LED sign or a sign holder with a massive arrow, obnoxiously pointing to something. You’re naturally inclined to see what it’s pointing at….. I don’t know how people can miss it.
JESUS is everywhere… unfortunately, some don’t want Him to reside in their hearts, just their mouths to curse in vain.
Baruch HaBa B’Shem ADONAI
Maranatha 🕊️
Pastor Jack we love you the way Jesus Christus is using you to bring me everyday to be more and more like God I went through a difficult time in 2023 when my wife did adultery and I found out and was furious and went to God for answers and God said I forgive her sins already and she falls in a demon evil person that I met in church I want you to forgive her like I forgive her and I gave her as your wife love her and forgive her and since I did that the holy ghost made me calm and from that day my relationship with my wife got stronger and there more respect for each other with love.Thats why I believe in a living God Jesus Christ my Lord
Love The Old Testament too 📖
I agree! The clear reading of the scripture was really helpful 😀
Thank you for continuing to stand with me for my breakthrough. God is at work and I long to see.
Yes, thank you for adding the voice of the scripture reading.
Thank you Pastor Jack.
The words i Speak to you are not my own!
John 12: 44-50
Yes Pastor Jack!
He who Listern to you Listern to me!
Luke 10: 16;
To the Glory of God in Jesus Name
🟪Come On People
Most of all , let us agree ,Say Come
I have Searched and Many other watchman . So I went to the end of The Book , it was the only place left to Look !🤫 Open your Mouth Share , Share , Share Blow your Trumpets tell Family and Friends about this verse.
Go to the End of the Book ,
When the Believers and the Watchman all agree.
Revelation 22:17
(All BELIEVERS have the Holy Sprit )
And the Spirit and the Bride say Come ,say COME.
(What is that verse saying ? We have the Sprit AND We are the BRIDE )( WE SAY COME )
And let Him that heareth say , come .
(I heard it when I read it , I’m saying come .)
(Let him HEARETH Say )(COME )
And let him that is athirst come .
(Any One that that wants Jesus Come , BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST,COME )
And whosoever will, let him take the water life freely.
( should you chose )( To Drink of The Word of Jesus , His water is Life.)
Jesus loves You
Your Born in the spirit
Jesus Christ was crucified and you baptized by Water & Blood
Blood 90% water
Understand you are baptized by Jesus
Water is Purification
If any ask are you born again 😃🎶
If you Believe on Jesus you are😃
The Blood to cover are sin
Pray Revelation 22:17
Pray this Verse every nite until we come up
And Blow your Trumpets
Most of all agree , Just Believe ?
I am uncomfortable with using Maranatha ! It Has become Such a catch Phrase ? Pray for those people. Who are not saved ! Worry about them not leaving Planet earth! Come on people , Blow Your Trumpets Tell the World .
Leave Comments?
1 Corinthians
Verse 21.
If anyman ( love not) the Lord Jesus Christ, Let him be Anathema, a Cursed , Cursed
(Anathema) Get This
Which Means : a Cursed , ban Cursed , will be Accursed be cause of unbelief . Not Believing
Maranatha ! ( appears in the Bible , Once . ( It is the new Catch Phrase)
(This is what this Phrase is About!)
Just pray for those that don’t Believe.
22. If anyman ( Love NOT ) (the Lord JESUS CHRIST) (Let him be (Anathema ) (which is acursed or will be acursed .)
Maranatha : means God’s
(Judgement is coming on anyman that )( Love not the Lord ). THAT LOVES NOT THE LORD
Who is the LORD 😃😃😃😃😃JESUS CHRIST
I hope You Got that 😳
Read that lay verse again what Maranatha Means
23. The grace of our lord Jesus Christ Be with you .
24. My Love be with you all in Christ Jesus , Amen
Pray for those People. That they Love the Lord !
Jesus is coming for those that Don’t Love Jesus Christ , they are Cursed!
Tell-them Jesus Loves Them
You are born in the Spirit
Born in in the Spirit
Rapture any second
Tuesday October 17, 2023 6:21
Love them tell them about Jesus
Go after the One
So grateful for your sharing the Word of God!
It helps when you have your Bible in front of you and reading it
This is a true pastor of God!
Thank you for “group “ speaker” !!!! Sooo much easier to listen to!!!!❤
This is the perfect time for Luke 6:27-38, if you want the first fruit love your enemies, never condemn anyone in your heart. Pray for and bless, the captives of evil, them who s heart is darkened by evil forces, pray for their peace pray for a quick release of these poor souls never wish for punishment nor suffering but the pure peace of the love of the truth, read Matthew 25:31-46 And Colossians 3:1-17 To understand Matthew 25:31-46 Always read in KJV.
Yes!! thank you for the clear reading of the congregation
Great message. ❤️
Always a Blessing !!!❤
My phone wouldn't play the live stream Sunday. So glad they finally put it online