Making a Topographic Carving with MeshCAM

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 26

  • @Gnew111
    @Gnew111 5 лет назад +2

    Great info on the gray scale downloads! Just got a tapered end mill for my first gray scale based cut on my Shapeoko XXL! This was the motivation I needed. Always love the Nomad footage I want one!

  • @pablocunado4026
    @pablocunado4026 3 года назад

    How do you determine the depth to make everything scale correctly when doing setup?

  • @kentgrabau3755
    @kentgrabau3755 5 лет назад +1

    Do you have a link to the USGS website?

    • @carbide3d
      @carbide3d  5 лет назад +1 You need to do some digging to find the appropriate satellite data set to use though.

  • @arslanali5692
    @arslanali5692 5 лет назад

    Nice video. I wonder can such topographical maps be carved using a CNC running on marlin?

    • @thingswelike
      @thingswelike 4 года назад

      Yes, G-Code for marlin is very normal

  • @SmallShopWorks
    @SmallShopWorks 5 лет назад

    Great video! I am guessing this isn't possible in fusion?

    • @carbide3d
      @carbide3d  5 лет назад +1

      Afraid not. No way to open an image and use it as a height map.

    • @DominusFeles
      @DominusFeles 5 лет назад +3

      Small Shop Works - There's a bunch of scripts that does the height map part in fusion 360 😃 Just google "height map fusion 360" and you'll find them 👍

    • @SmallShopWorks
      @SmallShopWorks 5 лет назад +1

      @@DominusFeles thanks a lot!!!

    • @carbide3d
      @carbide3d  5 лет назад +1

      @@DominusFeles I actually had no idea about that add-in, thanks for bringing that to my attention! I have some more experiments to run now...

    • @DominusFeles
      @DominusFeles 5 лет назад +1

      @@carbide3d Go 4 it!
      I haven't tried any myself but I remembered that I've seen it some time and Google confirmed my memory 😊

  • @stosicpredrag77
    @stosicpredrag77 5 лет назад

    thanks for the video! I have a CNC machine and draw in ARTCAM, so can i do similar or same relief ??? Thanks for the reply in advance.

    • @carbide3d
      @carbide3d  5 лет назад +1

      That's something you're going to have to look up. No one here has used ArtCAM, and no one ever will since it's discontinued... :-/

    • @stosicpredrag77
      @stosicpredrag77 5 лет назад

      @@carbide3d OK thanks. does that mean you can help me if i have the program you use?

    • @carbide3d
      @carbide3d  5 лет назад +1

      @@stosicpredrag77 Yes, we support Carbide Create and MeshCAM.

  • @immortaldance1234
    @immortaldance1234 3 года назад

    It certainly did help thanks man

  • @arjanvandeven7834
    @arjanvandeven7834 5 лет назад +2

    Would be great to also show how to do this with carbide create pro....

  • @gostler7
    @gostler7 5 лет назад

    So it sounds like you are using programs other than Carbide Create, did I miss the name or is it one you have used a lot in prior videos That I may have missed or forgotten? Also are these programs that you are paying for get for free because you are mentioning them on your channel? Thanks and as always, another great and informative video & project!!

    • @carbide3d
      @carbide3d  5 лет назад +2

      This is MeshCAM which is paid software, but Nomad buyers get it for free.

    @JANDLWOODWORKING 5 лет назад

    loved the video thanks!!