This was really briliant. I am also a struggling parent wondering If I was doing the right thing. But one thing that Im definite about is that to indulge your children too much is depriving them of life skills. However I always feel guilty about not spending to much time with my kids but have learned a great lesson today that it is not about how much time you spend with them but being there when they need you.
Dear Salome, this discussion is very enlightening for me and I wish I could share my experiences from an Ethiopian mother brought up 3 children in Europe alone. I agree most of your points and I think I could have added the issues and concerns are wide spread among the European mothers than you may think. I had several discussion at school gates and school meetings regarding the impact of internet had on children. I was proudly talking to the European mothers that won’t be an issue in Ethiopia and oh boy I was shocked today to hear this. What I would like to add is, there are several initiatives by parents to minimise the isolation of children due to technology. I must say as much as my kids love there phones they also go out daily to meet their friends b/c I and other mothers made sure they get out of the house every day or as much as needed. I wish my fellow Ethiopian mums see this is not civilisation, and get together to ensure the children have as much human connection as possible or the consequences are unimaginable. In U.K., you just had to go to the next mental health institute and see the number of young patients suffering depression, social anxiety and more as young as 9yrs old. This is a major issue facing the world. So sad Ethiopia joined this quick with no matching mental health support. I wish you invite me to your show on day when I’m in Addis. If so I will send you my full name and contact privately. Just check me!!!
ትክክለኛ ውይይት እና በጣም አስፈላጊ ነው ይህንን ለሁሉም ልጅ ላላቸው አስተላልፋለሁ በዚህ ውይይት እራሴን አይቻለሁ ግን እኛ ውጪ ያለን እንሻላለን ኢትዮጵያ ያሉት ይብሳሉ ዶክተር ትክክለኛ ነገር ነው የምትናገረው እናመሰግናለን ።በርቱ ጎበዞች።
Selome Ethiopian endachi aynete buzu sewech yasefelegutale NURELN ❤❤❤
በጣም እናመሰግናለን
ግሩም ውይይት ነበር ስለልጅጆች አስተዳደግ ሰፊ ግንዛቤ አግኝተንበታር
This is the best talkshow ever in Ethiopia
Dr. Dawit thank you ,all your Points were Relevant
It is a very interesting discussion which is timely and crucial for shaping and re-shaping of kids for their future to have a nicely shaped citizen.
This was really briliant. I am
also a struggling parent wondering If I was doing the right thing. But one thing that Im definite about is that to indulge your children too much is depriving them of life skills. However I always feel guilty about not spending to much time with my kids but have learned a great lesson today that it is not about how much time you spend with them but being there when they need you.
እናመሠግናለን ሰሎሜ እንግዶችሽንም ጭምር የምር ብዙ ነገሮችን እየተማርኩ ነው በጉጉትም እጠብቀዋለሁ ፕሮግራምሽን
thanks all of you! your discussion is concern the whole country. just thank you!
It's a very interesting conversation
We always look forward to you 😍❤👌
Dear Salome, this discussion is very enlightening for me and I wish I could share my experiences from an Ethiopian mother brought up 3 children in Europe alone. I agree most of your points and I think I could have added the issues and concerns are wide spread among the European mothers than you may think. I had several discussion at school gates and school meetings regarding the impact of internet had on children. I was proudly talking to the European mothers that won’t be an issue in Ethiopia and oh boy I was shocked today to hear this. What I would like to add is, there are several initiatives by parents to minimise the isolation of children due to technology. I must say as much as my kids love there phones they also go out daily to meet their friends b/c I and other mothers made sure they get out of the house every day or as much as needed. I wish my fellow Ethiopian mums see this is not civilisation, and get together to ensure the children have as much human connection as possible or the consequences are unimaginable. In U.K., you just had to go to the next mental health institute and see the number of young patients suffering depression, social anxiety and more as young as 9yrs old. This is a major issue facing the world. So sad Ethiopia joined this quick with no matching mental health support. I wish you invite me to your show on day when I’m in Addis. If so I will send you my full name and contact privately. Just check me!!!
ሰሎምዬ ነፍስ ነሽ የሚታነሻቸው ጉዳዮች ያስደስቱኛል፡፡
Gobez Selome lek nesh ,birr ale engni ewket yelem binorem yetekoreje ewket new....
Betam mewdew program metansut hasab betam asetmare selome betam wedjesalew ❤❤❤
Yehe program Ethiopia wist kemitelalefut programoch betam astemari ena kumneger yalew new selome berchi ketybet.
ደስ የሚል ወይይት በእርግጥ ልጅ የለኝም ግን አንድ ቀን ይኖርኛል ብዬ አስባለሁ እግዚአብሔር ከፍቀደ እና ልጅ ግን አሳድጌለሁ በስራ አጋጣሚ ግን ልጆችን አንዳንዴም ቆንጠጥ ማድርግ ይገባል ባይ ነኝ በስሱ እኔ የማስድገው ልጅ መረን ሊለቅ ሲል እናቱ ስትንሽ ስትቁነጥጠው በስሱ ወደ ነበርበት ይመስላል ይህ የእሱ ባህሪ ሳይሆን ከውጪ ያመጣው ነው እንግዳ ሲመጣ ያለችው ግን ልክ ነሽ እኔም ለምንድ ነው የሚፍጡብኝ እል ነበር ለካ ለዚህ ነው
What a great show
Good but I didn't know something missed to be satisfied
I just love you guys
We are mothers so we are interested💕💕💕💕💕💕
Hmmmm......እግዚያብሔር ይርዳን.
I just love it
መቲ ሸዋ የምትባይ ሴት ግን ተገርሜም ተደምሜም አልገልጽሽ😍
በ1.5ሚ ብር መኪና ገዝተን ነገ 200 ለሚጨምር ነዳጅ መሠለፍ..""ገልጸሽዋል ሕይወታችንን....እየኖርን ያለውን ነው ልጆቻችን የሚደግሙት።
ዉድ ሰሎም
እንግዶችሽ ዶክተር ዳዊት , ቤቲ , መቲ ጸደንያ በቅድሚያ ስለጊዚያችሁ በጣም አመሰሰግናለሁ። እንደእናት የሁላችሁንም ሀሳብ ሰምቻለሁ ግን ልጆችን የምናሳድግበት ብቸኛዉ መንገዱ ይህ ነዉ ብለን መደምደሚያ ያለዉ አይመስለኝም . እግዚያብሄር ልጆቻችንን ባርኮ ያሳድግልን። May God grant us all Grace to act righteously in these extraordinarily difficult days. ይህ ከእህቶቻችን ጋር የምታደርጊዉ ዝግጅት በሳምንት አንዴ ብቻ ነዉ ? በርቱ !
ጥእሮ ሀሳብ ነው ያነሳችሁት
Solo me😍