I like it, even the fuzzy math...definitely a practical way to work the problem. I was waiting for you to break out your abacus. Ref best back to back turns (toe side). Flash back a few months at breck. Ryan Knapton has a camera in hand, looks to me and says: "I'll film you, but just make sure to make the best turns of your life. Don't F this up." No pressure...none at all.
😂😂😂. This guy ain't joking. I use to tell my foosball partners all the time... "TWO WORDS!: " Don't f@ck this up!"" I even made it to be a ranked Pro for awhile with that secret. Now Phil went and f@cked it up by telling everyone. True story. 😂😂
The story of my snowboard life, hanging out with dudes who shred on levels that are alien to me...just trying to pick up scraps. Ryan: Try to do this - heel side with an ollie, flips on a butter and lays out into a switch carve before slowing down and pointing *ok your turn*. Or my buddy tom: "follow me" slashing through trees while catching 6 feet of air off of some death obstacle. I'm like...so I'm just trying not to fall down while turning, can we all just back it down a notch for those of us who haven't been shredding the better part of 20 years? LOL
3:16 Great example of uphill rotation used to drive the heelside carve (as you described in a previous video). Upper and lower body separation (with uphill rotation) is necessary for such a large radius turn; while toeside with an open stance (facing downhill) usually negatively impacts less experienced riders.
The self-grooming board?? Oh man, how did I miss that video?! 😂. Good data on the sidecut, makes sense. I never thought of how much the board de-cambers in a carve. 👍
On my way to Breck tomorrow and just getting some quick think fuel. But this video in particular makes me wish somebody could do this same type of experiment with motorcycles on a track... Tire profile radius vs lean radius. it is so hard to find people with the dedication to look into the science of a sport.
Hey Ryan, thank you for all of the instructional videos so far! They have really helped me improve my snowboarding -less pushing snow down the hill and more carving 😉. Quick question; it looks like you slightly push your board in front of you on the way out of turns (front leg more straight and back leg more bent). Is this the case or are my observations off here?
Back knee can reach towards the front side much more, especially with a duck foot stance. If you try to hit the front knee to the snow with those angles, the turn will be done instantly.
@@RyanKnapton Makes sense, thank you for the reply! How do you usually try to position your hips/shoulders when exiting/transitioning turns? -towards nose/centered/tail?
With most boards, at least ones that aren't really stiff torsionally, you can also just tilt your feet at different angles to make it even tighter yet, as in say the lead foot you would purposely bend/pull up in the air and your back foot flexing/pointing down, or vice-versa. I'm assuming your board is more than likely pretty stiff that way as well as longitudinally, but with soft boards you can totally feel the difference, not to mention it also helps you not catch an edge as much too. In other words, purposely twisting your board torsionally during the turn also makes it turn that much faster, in addition to the longitudinal flex and bend during the carve.
Hey James, yeah, you know my board is stiff AF. I tried playing around with torsional flex the other day.... And at the slower speeds I was appropriately going at for trying something new to me... It just didn't work. Funny enough tho I know it happens during my full speed turns cuz of pictures especially and how the board looks on the exit, in between and entry of a turn... In my mind I think of as even as pressure as possible across the entire edge... But in reality that happens. At lower speeds on my stiff board it just doesn't do that tho ( I don't think). Giri and I are finally gonna be able to start doing some taping together soon, and that's one of the things I want him to feature. ✌️🏂
@@RyanKnapton , I made this comment for other people, obviously not for you, lol. It's just one of those sharing a little bit of knowledge with people that are still pretty new and haven't necessarily figured this stuff out for themselves yet type things, that's all. 👍 TTYL dude, ✌..., ☺
An interesting science topic would be the technique to get max speed. At what stage of the turn to switch from side to side, and if it is necessary to be the tightest possible.
Pretty interesting comparison if i had to guess i think i generally average around 6m radius on my incline which is vsr 9-11 but im pretty sure ive had it down to possibly sub 4m when ive properly buried the edge and bent the board. Probably on my next board ill go bigger to a 12m-15m vsr so the turns last a bit longer when im properly gunning it.
I know you really really really carve, so I think that can be appropriate. For most people that's kinda nutso specs. Ha! You're also riding indoor alot tho... So that's a big setback to wanting larger... Just need more speeds to make it work...
@@RyanKnapton this would defintely be an outdoors board lol. Still waiting for our season to start here you guys and the alps seem to have nicked all the snow this year so it looks like ill be indoors for the next month atleast :/
I keep looking around for you at Breck but you change jackets every video ha! I look for a white helmet with that snowboarder sticker on the side. Hit me up when you are on the mountain again, I live around here, I can probably keep up!
Interesting !! Let's say i have a board with a sidecut radius of 7 and want to be able to carve wider turns. Can we force the board to do that with a technique ?
Yeah but it's not the same. The host of the Aspen Trenchin' Convention, a couple years ago (it no longer is happening unfortunately), talked very casually about how you can force a large radius board into a sharp radius turn... But the opposite doesn't work. This is 'old hat' info to professional racers and most alpine riders... But that's how it works.
@@RyanKnapton Ok, thanks, I will then continue to improve my skill on that one and see if a can get a better one for the next season (a nice knapton twin maybe :) ) ! It's not a bad all the time by the way, I feel that I can carve on a steeper run with that kind of radius by making much more small turns that helps me to control my speed.
Wow the crowd out there. Crazy. How much is a day pass at that resort? Also I should have asked this on the video talking about goggles fog. But I was wondering if you get less goggle fog when wearing a helmet? Compared to when you ride without one? ( does the helmet make your head cooler or warmer? )
In the front of Ryan's Giro Range Helmet you can see 2 vents that direct air flow down the front face of the helmet through and into the upper vent the goggles. It's called STACK VENT™.
@@RyanKnapton wow that's so much money. ya it seams season passes are the only way to go these days. And I guess a lot are going the route of passes that go to several resorts.
I just changed one of the endscreen videos to my "snowboard specs 101: sidecut radius". So hopefully anyone confused at all, on how that affects how your board will turn, then please watch that. ✔️. Qapla'!
I like it, even the fuzzy math...definitely a practical way to work the problem. I was waiting for you to break out your abacus. Ref best back to back turns (toe side). Flash back a few months at breck. Ryan Knapton has a camera in hand, looks to me and says: "I'll film you, but just make sure to make the best turns of your life. Don't F this up." No pressure...none at all.
😂😂😂. This guy ain't joking. I use to tell my foosball partners all the time... "TWO WORDS!: " Don't f@ck this up!"" I even made it to be a ranked Pro for awhile with that secret. Now Phil went and f@cked it up by telling everyone. True story. 😂😂
The story of my snowboard life, hanging out with dudes who shred on levels that are alien to me...just trying to pick up scraps. Ryan: Try to do this - heel side with an ollie, flips on a butter and lays out into a switch carve before slowing down and pointing *ok your turn*. Or my buddy tom: "follow me" slashing through trees while catching 6 feet of air off of some death obstacle. I'm like...so I'm just trying not to fall down while turning, can we all just back it down a notch for those of us who haven't been shredding the better part of 20 years? LOL
3:16 Great example of uphill rotation used to drive the heelside carve (as you described in a previous video). Upper and lower body separation (with uphill rotation) is necessary for such a large radius turn; while
toeside with an open stance (facing downhill) usually negatively impacts less experienced riders.
Can’t wait to get out on my local WI hill to snowboard the park tomorrow! Just got done recovering from a knee slam
The self-grooming board?? Oh man, how did I miss that video?! 😂. Good data on the sidecut, makes sense. I never thought of how much the board de-cambers in a carve. 👍
I love this. Great style on all of your vids. Question- did you reinforce the arms of your jacket with more material?
On my way to Breck tomorrow and just getting some quick think fuel. But this video in particular makes me wish somebody could do this same type of experiment with motorcycles on a track... Tire profile radius vs lean radius. it is so hard to find people with the dedication to look into the science of a sport.
OMG are those the lift lines at the end? If so I'll never complain again!
Hey love your videos! I'm not sure if this is something you've said in a video before but, what binding angles would you recommend?
Hey Ryan, thank you for all of the instructional videos so far! They have really helped me improve my snowboarding -less pushing snow down the hill and more carving 😉. Quick question; it looks like you slightly push your board in front of you on the way out of turns (front leg more straight and back leg more bent). Is this the case or are my observations off here?
Back knee can reach towards the front side much more, especially with a duck foot stance. If you try to hit the front knee to the snow with those angles, the turn will be done instantly.
@@RyanKnapton Makes sense, thank you for the reply! How do you usually try to position your hips/shoulders when exiting/transitioning turns? -towards nose/centered/tail?
With most boards, at least ones that aren't really stiff torsionally, you can also just tilt your feet at different angles to make it even tighter yet, as in say the lead foot you would purposely bend/pull up in the air and your back foot flexing/pointing down, or vice-versa. I'm assuming your board is more than likely pretty stiff that way as well as longitudinally, but with soft boards you can totally feel the difference, not to mention it also helps you not catch an edge as much too.
In other words, purposely twisting your board torsionally during the turn also makes it turn that much faster, in addition to the longitudinal flex and bend during the carve.
Hey James, yeah, you know my board is stiff AF. I tried playing around with torsional flex the other day.... And at the slower speeds I was appropriately going at for trying something new to me... It just didn't work. Funny enough tho I know it happens during my full speed turns cuz of pictures especially and how the board looks on the exit, in between and entry of a turn... In my mind I think of as even as pressure as possible across the entire edge... But in reality that happens. At lower speeds on my stiff board it just doesn't do that tho ( I don't think). Giri and I are finally gonna be able to start doing some taping together soon, and that's one of the things I want him to feature. ✌️🏂
@@RyanKnapton , I made this comment for other people, obviously not for you, lol. It's just one of those sharing a little bit of knowledge with people that are still pretty new and haven't necessarily figured this stuff out for themselves yet type things, that's all. 👍 TTYL dude, ✌...,
You are explaining and teaching very well. I guess kits would love to have you ass an school teacher in the summer time.. :-)
Certified snowboard scientist
An interesting science topic would be the technique to get max speed. At what stage of the turn to switch from side to side, and if it is necessary to be the tightest possible.
Hello! I wanted to know what flex board and boots are you riding?
Pretty interesting comparison if i had to guess i think i generally average around 6m radius on my incline which is vsr 9-11 but im pretty sure ive had it down to possibly sub 4m when ive properly buried the edge and bent the board. Probably on my next board ill go bigger to a 12m-15m vsr so the turns last a bit longer when im properly gunning it.
I know you really really really carve, so I think that can be appropriate. For most people that's kinda nutso specs. Ha! You're also riding indoor alot tho... So that's a big setback to wanting larger... Just need more speeds to make it work...
@@RyanKnapton this would defintely be an outdoors board lol. Still waiting for our season to start here you guys and the alps seem to have nicked all the snow this year so it looks like ill be indoors for the next month atleast :/
What is a self grooming snowboard? That's a bit new to me.
Im looking 4 an agressive carving Board, any suggestions?
Sick video! !!
I keep looking around for you at Breck but you change jackets every video ha! I look for a white helmet with that snowboarder sticker on the side. Hit me up when you are on the mountain again, I live around here, I can probably keep up!
Interesting !! Let's say i have a board with a sidecut radius of 7 and want to be able to carve wider turns. Can we force the board to do that with a technique ?
Yeah but it's not the same. The host of the Aspen Trenchin' Convention, a couple years ago (it no longer is happening unfortunately), talked very casually about how you can force a large radius board into a sharp radius turn... But the opposite doesn't work. This is 'old hat' info to professional racers and most alpine riders... But that's how it works.
@@RyanKnapton Ok, thanks, I will then continue to improve my skill on that one and see if a can get a better one for the next season (a nice knapton twin maybe :) ) ! It's not a bad all the time by the way, I feel that I can carve on a steeper run with that kind of radius by making much more small turns that helps me to control my speed.
Wow the crowd out there. Crazy. How much is a day pass at that resort? Also I should have asked this on the video talking about goggles fog. But I was wondering if you get less goggle fog when wearing a helmet? Compared to when you ride without one? ( does the helmet make your head cooler or warmer? )
Tickets are like $180 - $200 I think. Most probably have season passes
I'm not sure if helmets make it for more or not.
In the front of Ryan's Giro Range Helmet you can see 2 vents that direct air flow down the front face of the helmet through and into the upper vent the goggles. It's called STACK VENT™.
@@RyanKnapton wow that's so much money. ya it seams season passes are the only way to go these days. And I guess a lot are going the route of passes that go to several resorts.
hello from russia with love!
Hey Ryan, do you wax your own boards?
Yup. Whenever the base looks dry or temperatures change to justify it.
I’m more a visual guy, Maybe bring this out on the flip chart ?
Check out my vid 'snowboard specs 101: sidecut radius' for more info with diagrams.
think youll go to a 16m next year?
I think I will go bigger yet. Maybe 16. Ha.
hehehe the early bird catches the worm
Radish! !
no idea what any of this means... maybe a bit more info would help. also animating some drawings would help too
I just changed one of the endscreen videos to my "snowboard specs 101: sidecut radius". So hopefully anyone confused at all, on how that affects how your board will turn, then please watch that. ✔️. Qapla'!
Look up Ryan's side cut Radii video he did. Explains it well.
Fun to see u crash so crazy
I forgot to get a side slip video! Fml
2020 😂
What!! Man, that needed to be taped first thing! Wowza busy weekend but there!
I know!
What’s up
You look like you lost some serious weight!
Канты ))))карвинг сила!!)
Like and comment .. )))
Line full of kooks