Mutual fund fees in Canada are still crazy high here,people really need to wake up and smell the (fees).The day ETFs started here is the day i dropped Mutual Funds,man that was a while ago now.
mathematically correct... .01% less in fees, but requires manual transactions, and then you're stressing about if you're buying at the right time...not worht it in my opinion.
I like VTI because I don't have to "time the market" because I am the market!
VTSAX is the VTI equivalent.
Mutual fund fees in Canada are still crazy high here,people really need to wake up and smell the (fees).The day ETFs started here is the day i dropped Mutual Funds,man that was a while ago now.
since summer 2022 we hold both VFIAX and VOO, for some reason VFIAX always shades VOO slightly.
Vti and chill
vtsax and chill
VTI is VOO + VXF (completion index)
VTInis better plus less in fees
mathematically correct... .01% less in fees, but requires manual transactions, and then you're stressing about if you're buying at the right time...not worht it in my opinion.