I 110% appreciate my man has his own opinions & actually encourage it & this was meant to be a solo video but I had to address a few things after listening to it lol I don't think he liked that at all. Sorry buddy :( Oh & btw I understand in Callisto Protocol the guy runs like he's 90 also but the diff is in Callisto I can destroy everything with my baton & telekinesis lol
Whats messed up is everytime he makes a video which you encouragre you have something to say. Whether he's right or wrong let him have that so he can grow into his own im a dad i get it my son just turned 21 let him state what he states feel like you force your opinion to influence how he feel. Just saying give him a chance to grow
I love how you have come out of your shell. Thanks to your dads channel, you get the chance to build confidence in speaking, not many people have that. Lucky dude.
@NIXNE I gave the best man speech at my brother’s wedding in front of 150 people, unrehearsed, nothing written for me to reference. That is the definition of public speaking, outside from being on stage in front of thousands. Talking to a camera in the privacy of your own home won’t do dick for enhancing one’s public speaking skills in my humble opinion.
@NIXNE what it does do is develop his ability to articulate his thoughts, I’ll definitely give him that. He can articulate what he wants to express in a coherent way, which is definitely a positive.
Just as a general, personal anecdote. I didn't grow up playing Resident Evil. I actually used to get freaked out pretty easily, and only played Resident Evil 4 as my first in the series when I was about 12. I played the original Resident Evil 2 for the Playstation just a few years ago (2017/2018) prior to the remake. I enjoyed the original Playstation game so much that I still prefer it over the remake. I love the remake as well, but my love for this series comes from their quality and my enjoyment, not from nostalgia. That's my experience.
Gotta say LiquidRev is right about RE2 remake, it's one of the best games ever made IMO. RE2 relied upon you waiting for the crosshair to narrow to do crit damage, and there's a background mechanic called DA (difficulty adjustment) where enemies get tougher if you're doing really well, and weaker if you die a lot. Agreed with little man about the bullet damage, such a shame Capcom found it caused performance issues in open environments and dropped it in RE3.
Just finished playing both RE2 and RE3 remake and the games were an absolute blast. The series is now officially on my Mount Rushmore of all time favorite games along with Halo, Metal Gear Solid, God of War and Mass Effect.
@@AbleAnderson I thought he added a lot of much needed tension. Otherwise the game would have become pretty easy after a while. In any case you don’t have to deal with him as frequent during Claire’s play through after a certain point.
The game is survivor horror. It's not an action adventure. With that said if you actually go for the legs it takes less shots to cripple them or tap them in the head with one bullet and you can dodge and weave through most enemies.
Great video man! Love seeing you and your dad have productive convos about things. I still need to play RE2 Remake but will probably wait until after I play the 4 remake
Man its so good to see someone talking honest stuff. I used to think am I the only 80 born kid who is not liking all these trash games and they been winning game of the year etc..lol. Thanks for the review.
for sure, on normal mode id almost always clear a room before id leave. makes finding items and exploration easier when you dont got zombies breathing down your neck
I already commented on your old man's video about RE2 years ago and i'll say it again , Rev clearly went into RE2 expecting it to be some RE4 or 6 clone since this is his idea of a resident evil game as RE4 was his first contact with the series , and i just think Rev didn't realize at the time that RE4 ( as good as that game was) was a big departure from the series roots as it were , RE2 remake on the other hand is a remake of what made the series great and popular the first time and a solid return to the original concept of the RE franchise . Rev likes games with fast pace action and big explosions and guns blazing the trail micheal bay style hence his love for RE4 and 6 , RE2 is much more grounded and slow paced and rely more on exploration and ammo conservation , back tracking and puzzle solving within a dark atmosphere which was never Rev's style.
Resident evil 2 remake is fantastic! Glad you posted this to correct the old man's mistakes lol. I'm old enough to have played the originals but I never have. My first Resident Evil game was Biohazard and I absolutely loved it! I've played the remakes and I played 5, anticipating RE4 remake.
The original 2 is so much better, the canon version too. Leon wasn't soy in the original like he is in the remake. He's the one who constantly saves Ada, not the other way around like the trashmake.
Gotta give props to Liquid Rev you got an awesome son Solid and I'm with your son I loved the RE2 remake and yes I did play the original back in the day.
@@TayR0C did you legit give re2 remake a chance? I thought I'd hate it, I was nervous about the over the shoulder. I think they pulled off the horror vibe despite the 3rd person camera.
If you two would be the only youtube content creators, I would be still happy. Awesome video, love how the little guy said this is his first video alone and then cut, big boy is there too :D love it love it love it. Please keep doing what you do.
If Rev played it on Hardcore, then it'd explain it. The sponginess of zombies is insane and you have to master evading them at that point. I played it on Hardcore once on PC, but installed a mod that let's you kill zombies with single headshots. Also, on the bullet damage, while it's superb, i feel like the last of us part 2 has the best bullet damage to date.
I hope you enjoy your second try with RE2 Rev. About Leon lack of mobility you can think of it as a consecuence of Leon's first day on the job, in RE4 he is much more experienced and thats why he is more agile. About zombies taking too many bullets, i think thats a way for the game to teach you to not waste your ammo, you have to be strategic about your ammo use, its a survival horror after all, no shame in skipping mobs that you can run past. Also, remember the game is suposed to be finished both with Claire and Leon to get the full story, as each of them have different weapons and bosses to fight. Waiting for a video discussing your second experience =P
Resident evil is my favorite franchise, also I like your confidence, your video was good… honestly keep going solo, your dad is great but you got this on your own when need be brother
I played it on easy after watching Rev's original video. Didn't wanna be annoyed by running out of ammo. It's more of a puzzle game than a shooting game anyway.
Resident Evil 2 remake is literally the greatest Resident Evil game of all time. And it's one of my favorite games of The Last 5 Years probably. It's an absolute masterpiece, especially on the new consoles in 4k 60 fps. It's purely one of the best constructed metroidvania games I've ever played. Some of the best atmosphere and horror. All the variety with the different characters and weapons. Is a freaking masterpiece. I'm almost done with my second playthrough of the game
I think solidrev would like re3 remake more since it feels more like an action horror than a survival horror to me or put re 2 remake on assisted since they give you enough ammo to kill every zombie you come across
Resident Evil 1 remake was a treat. Perfect remake. Retained everything that made the original great while adding to it and improving what was there. Played re2 remake twice (leon, then claire)and re3 remake once. I will never play them again. Got the originals on gamecube. Re2 remake might have been a decent game but it fails as a remake. Re3 remake fails all around. That said, even if I had liked re2 remake I wouldn't have given Solidrev crap over his review. People have a right to feel how they feel. I don't know what the deal is with people who can't handle others having differing opinions. It's childish.
This video brings tears of joy to me!!! Only a father can understand my opinion here!! God bless the solid rev home this holiday season. When little man starts talking bullet damage my ears pinned back like a blood hound. @REV, DO YOU HERE YOUR OFFSPRING??? (TEARS OF JOY) @Rev did u tell him to wear the plain white hanes tee??? Lol
Great video! If you'd like, you should start your own RUclips as I can tell you could talk about videogames for hours. Your explanations are very concise👍🏻. 'Resident Evil 2' is fun as heck!
I new u were gana pop up at some point rev,my guy! Your boys taken after u,he's got some great points,and I don't even realize how much some of these in game mechanics frustrate me until I here u break it down like that ,good stuff thanks bro
Re2 remake was my game of the year when it came out. The only criticism I had was the inconsistency of the B scenarios (second run) compared to he original. Also, the cutting out of the crows and spiders.
I grew up with Re 2, I got it day one at toys R us. It was a double disc. My mind was blown. Anway, while I very much enjoyed the remake for some reason it didn't quite evoke the feeling I had hoped. Am i just wanting something that isnt achievable? Yeah most likely like we all do, but something else felt a tad off.
@@southernfried19 your totally right! And i actually do factor that in BUT very rarely a game DOES give me that feeling. Titanfall 2, evil within 2, psvr. Made me giddy like a child. So it is possible! :)
I totally agree with your take and I understand why you don't like it. On the second hand, I totally agree with your son and that's the reason why I like it. I think I must be one of the few dudes that watched your RE2 remake review like 10 times even though it's my top 3 game of all time. So entertaining and funny.
Your father is never wrong son!-ME, and Archie Bunker. I got a tear in my eye rev. God it sucks getting old!!! But its bitter sweet with a son like yours
Both of you make great points! I loved RE2 remake, but haven't played RE3 remake. But yes, the zombies do take a crapload of ammo, and i hate having to run past them. 😀
Good on you young man I’m glad you enjoyed RE2 as your father must have been a bit off with this one RE2 original was great RE2 remake was great, RE4 again next YAAY…
I found that the RE2 remake is actually the best thing that you could start with to get you into the series, before I played it I didn’t care much for RE or even know that much about it besides the awful movies. Now I own pretty much all of the RE games and love the series. I think it’s the perfect introduction for new players. I will add though I agreed with a lot of your dads points, with the running thing I like to think they all run that fast because they’re trying to be quiet, but I still get it. They should’ve made it so you can sprint and jump but Mr X will hear your footsteps and head your direction, that would’ve been a good middle ground for everyone to play how they wanted too and an extra layer of tactical gameplay. The bullet damage thing I feel like your dad played on hard, I’ve only had maybe 2-3 zombies get up 3 times on normal as well. I didn’t play on hard because I like your dad don’t really like survival horror either, really I don’t know why i bought it, but boy I’m glad I did. Good stuff guys, hopefully we get to see your Dad retry it!
Loved resident evil 2 remake and 3 was decent. Didnt agree with your review years ago, but i still enjoyed the video and hearing what you had to say. Gotta agree with liquid on this one
U can shoot a zombies knees. If the knee breaks, zombie will crawl then u can cut off the arms, legs with the knife and thats a kill. Save a lot of ammo. Also critical one bullet headshots can randomly happen which is so satisfying.
Good shit. Always good to try something for yourself as taste can really vary. It can be very nuanced. Like Solidrev, I grew up through Atari 2600,NES,Genesis and into adulthood still playing everything else that came about. Nostalgia doesnt really determine the types of games I like. Ive always enjoyed good gameplay for the most part, regardless of time period. Back when the Resident Evil games came out on the OG playstation I loved the atmosphere but hated the gameplay. Just could not get into the rigid controls, limited ammo, and very rigid one solution puzzles. I beat parts 1 and 2 with step by step text guides on Gamefaqs. Just to get them on my KILL LIST and check out the games fully. Resident Evil 2 Remake was one of my favorite games to come out in a while. Since RE4 is one of my favorite games of all time, this game really connected with me. Its much more in that style, than the old games. I used a guide for some of the puzzles and navigation as I was more interested in combat and moment to moment gameplay. I even really enjoyed RE3 Remake, though I still like the second a little better. Cant wait to see what they do with RE 4. In my case, Im not looking to identify with video game characters. I just want compelling gameplay designed around whatever limitations the developer creates. I like to see unique games in different styles. For me, gimping the player to the extent of the PS1 games was not good gameplay. Im fine with some limitations aslong as the game is well designed around it. If the game had massive hordes of enemies like Dead Rising and controlled like it does, that would most likely be very shitty. Ah, you played on Hard. Start it on normal for sure. Its probably spongier on Hard. Normal felt great. You want to be selective of what you kill at times, but theres enough ammo if your not missing shots. I pretty much had a clean house to explore by going for mostly headshots, minus Mr.X running around. Best to mostly go for the head. Hard is better if you know where youre going, what to skip, what to run past, etc. No reason ever to attack Mr.X unless he is right up your ass. In that case a stun grenade is better to use than one of your powerful weapons , like the magnum. Best to save those for bosses. The map in the game is quite good at showing where shit is, but theres a great IGN guide that can help you keep shit moving along. Since you dont like the game at this point, it wont hurt to use a guide, just to get a feel for it. Can play it again on Hard if you like it. The gun sounds are COMPLETE SHIT. I dont know why capcom never has powerful gun sounds in any of thier games. Its been a thing for all capcom games I can think of. The game does have awesome dolby atmos sound however. They dropped the Atmos support for the third game. The environmental sound, and foot step bass of Mr.X was awesome on my Atmos system. Basically, 4 ceiling speakers, 5 regular and 2 subwoofers. It really utilises those ceiling speakers for the environment. That was one area that impressed me, especially from Capcom. Not many games support Atmos. Agree that I wouldve preferred even more RE4 style combat with the melee attacks. They would have to re-balance everything but the closer to RE 4 the better for me. Thats one of my top games. Also not a fan of puzzles in most action games. RE4 on GameCube really killed my pacing with the sliding block puzzle back in the day. Luckily I found the information in a guide. Ninja Gaiden for Xbox, before they removed it in NGB had a shitty platforming puzzle. The only time I enjoyed puzzles in games were games built around it. Games with flexible puzzles. Physics based or multiple solutions. Catherine,Portal 1 and 2, Breath Of The Wild. Really enjoyed puzzles in those rare instances. Not into rigid 1 solution puzzles at all.
First of all Jesus Christ loves you guys...God bless you and your family SR...This kid knows his dad is his best friend and this when you know you have done a great job raising up your kids...I am so proud of you my man...Loved this video and respect both points of view...But my man SR as much as I love you here goes nothing lol RE2 REMAKE IS A MASTERPIECE AND THE CALLISTO PROTOCOL SUCKS lol...Love you brother...God bless.
Great video man! I love RE2 Remake just played it myself this year, and 1 of my fav games of all time now. I'm a fan of survival horror, I give it a 9/10 but re3 remake was a 7/10. Yh I feel like thiscis a game rev would like! Appreciate the vid! Hope to see more thoughts on older games!
100% agree with the son on this video. Love that he is going back to some of Revs unpopular reviews and correcting not only the videos but Rev himself. As much as I respect Revs opinions I’ve noticed he does not like resource management. Rev even turned off resource management in the Last of Us 1 ps5 remaster. Since RE2 relies so heavily on resource management I think Rev quickly dismissed it. If I had to guess Rev is how I used to be. I used to find it so stressful to use any of my ammo because I was so scared of wasting any. I didn’t trust the developers to keep me stocked up. I realized that by not using my items and hoarding I was wasting the items by not using them. I think this backwards strategy was developed from past games from the ps2 generation where a lot of lazy developers would punish me for not having the exact item to get through a door or something. Once I started trusting the Developers to keep me loaded with ammo and supplies I started to enjoy resource management immensely. It makes every fight matter so much more because every fight contributes to the larger resource management economy or the next boss fight. The reason RE2 is so good is because every single bullet is accounted for no matter how long ago you put it into a zombies head. That zombie you used your first knife on stays dead in the exact spot with the exact cuts you inflicted from the beginning of the game. Zombies get back up not because they simply take to much damage but because some players will not want to waste resources to finish that specific zombie and some players will. That’s a decision that does have implications later when MR X is chasing you down that hallway where you left 2 zombies knocked down. I think regardless of how you view resource management we can all agree RE2 does a phenomenal job of having it impact what the developers wanted it to impact. The choices and consequences created by each player through it was awesome. However I do think RE2 hurts some of its action elements for the sake of its survival horror elements. For example having zombies take a random amount of damage from bullets is not good for an action game but for a survival horror resource management game it’s great because you never truly know if you have enough ammo for each zombie. This is where I think Rev disagrees with RE2s survival horror design. I like both action horror and survival horror so I see both cases but I do think a game pushing in either direction is better than a game being stuck in between action and survival horror. I like RE2 as a survival horror game and would of been disappointed if they just turned it into RE4 action horror with an RE2 skin. Besides we get infinitely more action horror than we do survival horror nowadays anyway.
I remember that vid, and being an old man who loves all the old RE games, I didn't think Rev really shat on the game at all. He said the game achieved what it set out to do, that production quality was top notch, and that he just basically didn't enjoy the genre conventions it embodies. I also found some of his criticisms -- the zombies being ridiculous bullet sponges, Mr. X being obnoxious -- valid. I'm pretty sure I played on Normal, too. And I remember zombies taking, like, a clip and a half to put down. I played it on PS4 at release. So maybe they did patch it since, I dunno. I definitely enjoyed the remake, but it does have its flaws, and it doesn't replace the original in my book. The original handles certain things a lot better. For example, Mr. X was only featured in B Quest in the original, and used much more sparingly, to greater effect. After the initial shock of seeing him so early on in A Quest in the remake, the tension of evading him wears off pretty quickly, and he simply becomes just an annoying source of frustration in the remake, because he pretty much never goes away.
Re2 puzzles were more difficult than Re8 puzzles for sure, but I never felt the need to look them up myself. That being said, I can understand why people did have to for Re2's puzzles, that chess piece puzzle was INSANE.
The zombies did eat too much handgun headshots. It was a problem. There should of been less ammo and less bullet sponge. Yes the shotgun was good. Good game overall.
Hey solidrev love your reviews I'ma give you a tip though get you a good surround sound it will make a world of difference when it comes to video games
Bro I completely agree with you. I grew up on resident evil and RE2 remake was a masterpiece. As a survival game, ammo is supposed to be scarce. And movement is supposed to be slow! I agree I’m not looking forward to many games coming out. But I highly recommend you try sea of thieves out. Most fun I’ve had in all my years of gaming. By the way I think RE2 remake might have scared your pops a lil bit. And that’s not a bad thing lol
i really liked RE2 up until mr x shows up. thats so off putting to me having an enemy chase you around endlessly. im trying to explore and solve puzzles ohhh no its mr x now i have to run all over the place until i lose him. baker in 7 does the same thing but i felt like it was way easier to handle him and move on. stuff like that in horror games aren't scary they're annoying. RE4 remake will be insane though.
Good review from Liquidrev there but he’s reviewing survival horror game in December 2022 so you gotta know then next question coming is… what are liquidrev’s thoughts on Callisto, good or bad!? And I’ve pretty much only heard good things about RE2 remake, I just skipped it cause I didn’t have nostalgia for the ps1 games. Maybe one day I’ll play it. Good vid from both y’all as always
I 110% appreciate my man has his own opinions & actually encourage it & this was meant to be a solo video but I had to address a few things after listening to it lol I don't think he liked that at all. Sorry buddy :(
Oh & btw I understand in Callisto Protocol the guy runs like he's 90 also but the diff is in Callisto I can destroy everything with my baton & telekinesis lol
should've done a separate response video. like seeing you guys discuss though
Thanks for editing in some of ur thoughts too man it really ties the vid together =)
You should try put re 2 remake one more time on normal the game is really good
Hey we got A and B scenarios on an RE2 video
Whats messed up is everytime he makes a video which you encouragre you have something to say. Whether he's right or wrong let him have that so he can grow into his own im a dad i get it my son just turned 21 let him state what he states feel like you force your opinion to influence how he feel. Just saying give him a chance to grow
This was great seeing revs very first video. He looks so young
How do you explain the second half
@@grady3691 shut up racist
@@grady3691 lol i think they’re talking as if this is Rev himself as a young’n
Lmbo. Classic.
Resident Evil 2 was my favorite Resident Evil growing up and the remake is so amazing.
Smart kid. Clearly smarter then his old man.
Damn liquid needs to make more solo videos. He's always to the point and if he keeps it up he'll be a natural at it just like his dad.
I love how you have come out of your shell. Thanks to your dads channel, you get the chance to build confidence in speaking, not many people have that. Lucky dude.
Okay guy, big difference in speaking in front of a crowd of real people as opposed to talking to a camera. 🤦♂️
@@ryanblanchard2508 yes and no. There is cross over, but the pressure is much higher when the audience is visible to you.
@NIXNE I gave the best man speech at my brother’s wedding in front of 150 people, unrehearsed, nothing written for me to reference. That is the definition of public speaking, outside from being on stage in front of thousands. Talking to a camera in the privacy of your own home won’t do dick for enhancing one’s public speaking skills in my humble opinion.
@NIXNE what it does do is develop his ability to articulate his thoughts, I’ll definitely give him that. He can articulate what he wants to express in a coherent way, which is definitely a positive.
@@ryanblanchard2508 …aaaand then there’s this guy
Just as a general, personal anecdote.
I didn't grow up playing Resident Evil. I actually used to get freaked out pretty easily, and only played Resident Evil 4 as my first in the series when I was about 12.
I played the original Resident Evil 2 for the Playstation just a few years ago (2017/2018) prior to the remake.
I enjoyed the original Playstation game so much that I still prefer it over the remake.
I love the remake as well, but my love for this series comes from their quality and my enjoyment, not from nostalgia. That's my experience.
We all know RE3 REmake is the best reimagining of any game EVER!!!
The fact that the son took the time to actually play the game earns my respect
Good for you for setting the old man straight! This game is an all time classic
2 years old comment but unnecessarily disrespectful
Capcom had two fantastic video games in 2019, RE2 and DMC5. Old school sensibility games with a modern coat of paint. Loved em' both.
RE4 remake is lookin up to be absolutely INSANE like masterpiece 2.0, and GOTY status
I guess we won't ever see the kid do a solo vid.
Gotta say LiquidRev is right about RE2 remake, it's one of the best games ever made IMO. RE2 relied upon you waiting for the crosshair to narrow to do crit damage, and there's a background mechanic called DA (difficulty adjustment) where enemies get tougher if you're doing really well, and weaker if you die a lot. Agreed with little man about the bullet damage, such a shame Capcom found it caused performance issues in open environments and dropped it in RE3.
LMAO liquidrev, thats a good one
Very nice! lol
best EVER? come on.. it's good but not one of the best ever. To each is own tho
@@trippyChief one of the best not The Best
@@WockhartEnthusiast ohh I got the reference lol
Young Rev, I think it’s time for your own channel. Let’s get it👍🏽
🥲 been watching from the inception of this channel. Proud to see son grow up like father
It’s time rev, we need a “I tried Re2 again” video
For a moment there I thought Atreus was going to sit on the throne the whole video.
Just finished playing both RE2 and RE3 remake and the games were an absolute blast. The series is now officially on my Mount Rushmore of all time favorite games along with Halo, Metal Gear Solid, God of War and Mass Effect.
Mr X was trash though. Game was better before he showed up imo
@@AbleAnderson naaa
@@AbleAnderson I thought he added a lot of much needed tension. Otherwise the game would have become pretty easy after a while. In any case you don’t have to deal with him as frequent during Claire’s play through after a certain point.
Mr X was nothing but a troll. Not hard to get around, not scary, just really got in the way of the gameplay.
@@napalmsanctuaryx4129 Yeah an annoyance that distracted me from the survival horror, puzzle solving goodness the game was bringing. I agree
Wow I wish I has a son now that would play games I played 25 years earlier and give his own take. This is so amazing.
The game is survivor horror. It's not an action adventure. With that said if you actually go for the legs it takes less shots to cripple them or tap them in the head with one bullet and you can dodge and weave through most enemies.
This is genuinely one of the best channels on youtube. Loved RE2 as well man.
It's really a modern classic
One of the best RE games for sure
Great video man! Love seeing you and your dad have productive convos about things. I still need to play RE2 Remake but will probably wait until after I play the 4 remake
Thanks for allowing him to do this 🙏❤️✌️
Your son is doing a great job at it!
I enjoyed the video!!
The video description made laugh more than it shouldve lol
Man its so good to see someone talking honest stuff. I used to think am I the only 80 born kid who is not liking all these trash games and they been winning game of the year etc..lol. Thanks for the review.
About damn time Rev! Definitely look forward to your RE4 video and hey don’t sleep on final fantasy 16 next year!
He’s got no interest in that game
@@bizarrostormy7275 I might play it. Combat looks good
@@ExposingLames I’ll believe that when I see it, you seemed so unimpressed watching that trailer. Ff16 will be the reason I finally get a ps5
@@bizarrostormy7275 Storyline looked blah
@@ExposingLames definitely give it a try Final Fantasy games got great music, combat and story!
On Normal mode you have enough Ammo, to kill everything. But on Hardcore, its best to stun and run past them.
for sure, on normal mode id almost always clear a room before id leave. makes finding items and exploration easier when you dont got zombies breathing down your neck
I already commented on your old man's video about RE2 years ago and i'll say it again , Rev clearly went into RE2 expecting it to be some RE4 or 6 clone since this is his idea of a resident evil game as RE4 was his first contact with the series , and i just think Rev didn't realize at the time that RE4 ( as good as that game was) was a big departure from the series roots as it were , RE2 remake on the other hand is a remake of what made the series great and popular the first time and a solid return to the original concept of the RE franchise . Rev likes games with fast pace action and big explosions and guns blazing the trail micheal bay style hence his love for RE4 and 6 , RE2 is much more grounded and slow paced and rely more on exploration and ammo conservation , back tracking and puzzle solving within a dark atmosphere which was never Rev's style.
I swear, if this channel doesn’t get at least 100k in 2023, i’m quitting the in internet!!!
Resident evil 2 remake is fantastic! Glad you posted this to correct the old man's mistakes lol. I'm old enough to have played the originals but I never have. My first Resident Evil game was Biohazard and I absolutely loved it! I've played the remakes and I played 5, anticipating RE4 remake.
Play res 4 on quest it's epic
The original 2 is so much better, the canon version too. Leon wasn't soy in the original like he is in the remake. He's the one who constantly saves Ada, not the other way around like the trashmake.
Wait, I got a thought problem. You're old enough to have played the originals, but Biohazard is RE1. Can u elaborate?
@@afrosrb7828 I think he means RE7, if so it's a sure sign that he's a casual to the Resident Evil series.
@@NicerNine Ooh, yeah I didn't even think about that lol. You probably right, thanks
Just that hard cut of rev spawning in at 8:04 with that look on his face is so funny for some reason 🤣🤣
Gotta give props to Liquid Rev you got an awesome son Solid and I'm with your son I loved the RE2 remake and yes I did play the original back in the day.
The original resident evil 2 is legit top 3 for favorite games I ever played. I was very happy with the remake.
I love the original, and RE3 as well. I do not like the remakes at all. The RE1 remake is amazing though.
@@TayR0C did you legit give re2 remake a chance? I thought I'd hate it, I was nervous about the over the shoulder. I think they pulled off the horror vibe despite the 3rd person camera.
@@TayR0C I still want a re2 remake in the style of re1 remake. That'd be amazing
@@Erk-o I literally bought a physical and digital copy I was so hyped. I fucking hated it.
@@southernfried19 I know it's highly unlikely, woulda been cool to have a dlc type thing where the original re2 was remastered
Great father son team, I love it
If you two would be the only youtube content creators, I would be still happy. Awesome video, love how the little guy said this is his first video alone and then cut, big boy is there too :D love it love it love it. Please keep doing what you do.
He's a good dad!
If Rev played it on Hardcore, then it'd explain it. The sponginess of zombies is insane and you have to master evading them at that point. I played it on Hardcore once on PC, but installed a mod that let's you kill zombies with single headshots.
Also, on the bullet damage, while it's superb, i feel like the last of us part 2 has the best bullet damage to date.
Rev looking fresh with that jacket, so used to the white t shirts LOL!
I hope you enjoy your second try with RE2 Rev. About Leon lack of mobility you can think of it as a consecuence of Leon's first day on the job, in RE4 he is much more experienced and thats why he is more agile. About zombies taking too many bullets, i think thats a way for the game to teach you to not waste your ammo, you have to be strategic about your ammo use, its a survival horror after all, no shame in skipping mobs that you can run past. Also, remember the game is suposed to be finished both with Claire and Leon to get the full story, as each of them have different weapons and bosses to fight. Waiting for a video discussing your second experience =P
Resident evil is my favorite franchise, also I like your confidence, your video was good… honestly keep going solo, your dad is great but you got this on your own when need be brother
Sometimes Rev is wrong on some games :(
Completely agree with bullet damage, other games should really take notes
I played it on easy after watching Rev's original video. Didn't wanna be annoyed by running out of ammo. It's more of a puzzle game than a shooting game anyway.
If rev didn’t love RE2 then he blind!!! Common rev!! The game is supposed to be difficult it’s amazing
Resident Evil 2 remake is literally the greatest Resident Evil game of all time. And it's one of my favorite games of The Last 5 Years probably. It's an absolute masterpiece, especially on the new consoles in 4k 60 fps. It's purely one of the best constructed metroidvania games I've ever played. Some of the best atmosphere and horror. All the variety with the different characters and weapons. Is a freaking masterpiece. I'm almost done with my second playthrough of the game
I think solidrev would like re3 remake more since it feels more like an action horror than a survival horror to me or put re 2 remake on assisted since they give you enough ammo to kill every zombie you come across
Resident Evil 1 remake was a treat. Perfect remake. Retained everything that made the original great while adding to it and improving what was there. Played re2 remake twice (leon, then claire)and re3 remake once. I will never play them again. Got the originals on gamecube. Re2 remake might have been a decent game but it fails as a remake. Re3 remake fails all around.
That said, even if I had liked re2 remake I wouldn't have given Solidrev crap over his review. People have a right to feel how they feel. I don't know what the deal is with people who can't handle others having differing opinions. It's childish.
This video brings tears of joy to me!!! Only a father can understand my opinion here!! God bless the solid rev home this holiday season. When little man starts talking bullet damage my ears pinned back like a blood hound. @REV, DO YOU HERE YOUR OFFSPRING??? (TEARS OF JOY) @Rev did u tell him to wear the plain white hanes tee??? Lol
Try it again Rev! It’s incredible.
Great video! If you'd like, you should start your own RUclips as I can tell you could talk about videogames for hours. Your explanations are very concise👍🏻. 'Resident Evil 2' is fun as heck!
I new u were gana pop up at some point rev,my guy! Your boys taken after u,he's got some great points,and I don't even realize how much some of these in game mechanics frustrate me until I here u break it down like that ,good stuff thanks bro
For how much rev LOVES his bullet damage, im shocked he didnt realize shooting limbs helps
Ze legs. Shoost ze legs
Re2 remake was my game of the year when it came out. The only criticism I had was the inconsistency of the B scenarios (second run) compared to he original. Also, the cutting out of the crows and spiders.
I grew up with Re 2, I got it day one at toys R us. It was a double disc. My mind was blown. Anway, while I very much enjoyed the remake for some reason it didn't quite evoke the feeling I had hoped. Am i just wanting something that isnt achievable? Yeah most likely like we all do, but something else felt a tad off.
@@southernfried19 your totally right! And i actually do factor that in BUT very rarely a game DOES give me that feeling. Titanfall 2, evil within 2, psvr. Made me giddy like a child. So it is possible! :)
I totally agree with your take and I understand why you don't like it. On the second hand, I totally agree with your son and that's the reason why I like it. I think I must be one of the few dudes that watched your RE2 remake review like 10 times even though it's my top 3 game of all time. So entertaining and funny.
Your father is never wrong son!-ME, and Archie Bunker. I got a tear in my eye rev. God it sucks getting old!!! But its bitter sweet with a son like yours
makin me wanna replay it again over here
you should try RE3 remake, its a more action focused game
2:50 I have to disagree with you on that one both tlou 1 and 2 have equally if not better bullet damage
Both of you make great points! I loved RE2 remake, but haven't played RE3 remake. But yes, the zombies do take a crapload of ammo, and i hate having to run past them. 😀
Good on you young man I’m glad you enjoyed RE2 as your father must have been a bit off with this one RE2 original was great RE2 remake was great, RE4 again next YAAY…
RE2 remake was my favorite horror game in the last 5 years. Good job keeping the old man in check liquid
I found that the RE2 remake is actually the best thing that you could start with to get you into the series, before I played it I didn’t care much for RE or even know that much about it besides the awful movies. Now I own pretty much all of the RE games and love the series. I think it’s the perfect introduction for new players.
I will add though I agreed with a lot of your dads points, with the running thing I like to think they all run that fast because they’re trying to be quiet, but I still get it. They should’ve made it so you can sprint and jump but Mr X will hear your footsteps and head your direction, that would’ve been a good middle ground for everyone to play how they wanted too and an extra layer of tactical gameplay. The bullet damage thing I feel like your dad played on hard, I’ve only had maybe 2-3 zombies get up 3 times on normal as well. I didn’t play on hard because I like your dad don’t really like survival horror either, really I don’t know why i bought it, but boy I’m glad I did. Good stuff guys, hopefully we get to see your Dad retry it!
Your dad crapped on resident evil 2? I’m shocked!
Yep, probably was the most controversial video on this channel.
Loved resident evil 2 remake and 3 was decent. Didnt agree with your review years ago, but i still enjoyed the video and hearing what you had to say. Gotta agree with liquid on this one
U can shoot a zombies knees. If the knee breaks, zombie will crawl then u can cut off the arms, legs with the knife and thats a kill. Save a lot of ammo. Also critical one bullet headshots can randomly happen which is so satisfying.
Oh so 1 bullet headshots can happen?
Never seen it though.
Good shit. Always good to try something for yourself as taste can really vary. It can be very nuanced. Like Solidrev, I grew up through Atari 2600,NES,Genesis and into adulthood still playing everything else that came about. Nostalgia doesnt really determine the types of games I like. Ive always enjoyed good gameplay for the most part, regardless of time period.
Back when the Resident Evil games came out on the OG playstation I loved the atmosphere but hated the gameplay. Just could not get into the rigid controls, limited ammo, and very rigid one solution puzzles. I beat parts 1 and 2 with step by step text guides on Gamefaqs. Just to get them on my KILL LIST and check out the games fully.
Resident Evil 2 Remake was one of my favorite games to come out in a while. Since RE4 is one of my favorite games of all time, this game really connected with me. Its much more in that style, than the old games. I used a guide for some of the puzzles and navigation as I was more interested in combat and moment to moment gameplay. I even really enjoyed RE3 Remake, though I still like the second a little better. Cant wait to see what they do with RE 4.
In my case, Im not looking to identify with video game characters. I just want compelling gameplay designed around whatever limitations the developer creates. I like to see unique games in different styles. For me, gimping the player to the extent of the PS1 games was not good gameplay. Im fine with some limitations aslong as the game is well designed around it. If the game had massive hordes of enemies like Dead Rising and controlled like it does, that would most likely be very shitty.
Ah, you played on Hard. Start it on normal for sure. Its probably spongier on Hard. Normal felt great. You want to be selective of what you kill at times, but theres enough ammo if your not missing shots. I pretty much had a clean house to explore by going for mostly headshots, minus Mr.X running around. Best to mostly go for the head. Hard is better if you know where youre going, what to skip, what to run past, etc. No reason ever to attack Mr.X unless he is right up your ass. In that case a stun grenade is better to use than one of your powerful weapons , like the magnum. Best to save those for bosses. The map in the game is quite good at showing where shit is, but theres a great IGN guide that can help you keep shit moving along. Since you dont like the game at this point, it wont hurt to use a guide, just to get a feel for it. Can play it again on Hard if you like it.
The gun sounds are COMPLETE SHIT. I dont know why capcom never has powerful gun sounds in any of thier games. Its been a thing for all capcom games I can think of. The game does have awesome dolby atmos sound however. They dropped the Atmos support for the third game. The environmental sound, and foot step bass of Mr.X was awesome on my Atmos system. Basically, 4 ceiling speakers, 5 regular and 2 subwoofers. It really utilises those ceiling speakers for the environment. That was one area that impressed me, especially from Capcom. Not many games support Atmos.
Agree that I wouldve preferred even more RE4 style combat with the melee attacks. They would have to re-balance everything but the closer to RE 4 the better for me. Thats one of my top games.
Also not a fan of puzzles in most action games. RE4 on GameCube really killed my pacing with the sliding block puzzle back in the day. Luckily I found the information in a guide. Ninja Gaiden for Xbox, before they removed it in NGB had a shitty platforming puzzle. The only time I enjoyed puzzles in games were games built around it. Games with flexible puzzles. Physics based or multiple solutions. Catherine,Portal 1 and 2, Breath Of The Wild. Really enjoyed puzzles in those rare instances. Not into rigid 1 solution puzzles at all.
First of all Jesus Christ loves you guys...God bless you and your family SR...This kid knows his dad is his best friend and this when you know you have done a great job raising up your kids...I am so proud of you my man...Loved this video and respect both points of view...But my man SR as much as I love you here goes nothing lol RE2 REMAKE IS A MASTERPIECE AND THE CALLISTO PROTOCOL SUCKS lol...Love you brother...God bless.
Great video man! I love RE2 Remake just played it myself this year, and 1 of my fav games of all time now.
I'm a fan of survival horror, I give it a 9/10 but re3 remake was a 7/10.
Yh I feel like thiscis a game rev would like!
Appreciate the vid! Hope to see more thoughts on older games!
I enjoy RE2, he's right about the run but that ain't my issue. They omitted alot of stuff that was in the original.
Phenomenal games.Finished 2,3 remakes multiple times then again a huge RE fan all my life
100% agree with the son on this video. Love that he is going back to some of Revs unpopular reviews and correcting not only the videos but Rev himself. As much as I respect Revs opinions I’ve noticed he does not like resource management. Rev even turned off resource management in the Last of Us 1 ps5 remaster. Since RE2 relies so heavily on resource management I think Rev quickly dismissed it. If I had to guess Rev is how I used to be. I used to find it so stressful to use any of my ammo because I was so scared of wasting any. I didn’t trust the developers to keep me stocked up. I realized that by not using my items and hoarding I was wasting the items by not using them. I think this backwards strategy was developed from past games from the ps2 generation where a lot of lazy developers would punish me for not having the exact item to get through a door or something. Once I started trusting the Developers to keep me loaded with ammo and supplies I started to enjoy resource management immensely. It makes every fight matter so much more because every fight contributes to the larger resource management economy or the next boss fight. The reason RE2 is so good is because every single bullet is accounted for no matter how long ago you put it into a zombies head. That zombie you used your first knife on stays dead in the exact spot with the exact cuts you inflicted from the beginning of the game. Zombies get back up not because they simply take to much damage but because some players will not want to waste resources to finish that specific zombie and some players will. That’s a decision that does have implications later when MR X is chasing you down that hallway where you left 2 zombies knocked down. I think regardless of how you view resource management we can all agree RE2 does a phenomenal job of having it impact what the developers wanted it to impact. The choices and consequences created by each player through it was awesome. However I do think RE2 hurts some of its action elements for the sake of its survival horror elements. For example having zombies take a random amount of damage from bullets is not good for an action game but for a survival horror resource management game it’s great because you never truly know if you have enough ammo for each zombie. This is where I think Rev disagrees with RE2s survival horror design. I like both action horror and survival horror so I see both cases but I do think a game pushing in either direction is better than a game being stuck in between action and survival horror. I like RE2 as a survival horror game and would of been disappointed if they just turned it into RE4 action horror with an RE2 skin. Besides we get infinitely more action horror than we do survival horror nowadays anyway.
Resident Evil 2 was one of the best games of the last gen. Top 20 for sure, and maybe top 10.
I remember that vid, and being an old man who loves all the old RE games, I didn't think Rev really shat on the game at all. He said the game achieved what it set out to do, that production quality was top notch, and that he just basically didn't enjoy the genre conventions it embodies. I also found some of his criticisms -- the zombies being ridiculous bullet sponges, Mr. X being obnoxious -- valid. I'm pretty sure I played on Normal, too. And I remember zombies taking, like, a clip and a half to put down. I played it on PS4 at release. So maybe they did patch it since, I dunno.
I definitely enjoyed the remake, but it does have its flaws, and it doesn't replace the original in my book. The original handles certain things a lot better. For example, Mr. X was only featured in B Quest in the original, and used much more sparingly, to greater effect. After the initial shock of seeing him so early on in A Quest in the remake, the tension of evading him wears off pretty quickly, and he simply becomes just an annoying source of frustration in the remake, because he pretty much never goes away.
My man Kevin! Always a treat to see you in the comments.
@@ExposingLames Thanks, Rev! Appreciate that, man.
Re2 puzzles were more difficult than Re8 puzzles for sure, but I never felt the need to look them up myself. That being said, I can understand why people did have to for Re2's puzzles, that chess piece puzzle was INSANE.
Haha... I was patiently waiting for Rev to come in and educate his boy.
I couldn't agree more, sorry Solid the grasshopper has become the master. Liquid 4 The Win!
I was a first-timer and absolutely loved RE2. The remake actually got me into Resident Evil
Lil man did good on this one. Stay up and God bless.
The son calling out his father for complaining about the lack of ammo on a survival horror 😄
Solid Rev... you're are an awesome dad!
Good review 👍 I'd like to hear his opinion on RE3 remake
Man if you have never played Deadspace you are in for a treat soon!
The zombies did eat too much handgun headshots. It was a problem. There should of been less ammo and less bullet sponge. Yes the shotgun was good. Good game overall.
You and your pops are lucky to have each other
Hey solidrev love your reviews I'ma give you a tip though get you a good surround sound it will make a world of difference when it comes to video games
Clicked Once I seen the notification with Liquid Rev
Rev didn't even walk in, he just teleported in.
Bro I completely agree with you. I grew up on resident evil and RE2 remake was a masterpiece. As a survival game, ammo is supposed to be scarce. And movement is supposed to be slow! I agree I’m not looking forward to many games coming out. But I highly recommend you try sea of thieves out. Most fun I’ve had in all my years of gaming. By the way I think RE2 remake might have scared your pops a lil bit. And that’s not a bad thing lol
Also throw on the infinite ammo cheat and let your dad run through it again hahahahaha
I loved RE2 remake to me it was a masterpiece of a remake
Thats so funny lol..your son on your channel contesting what you said about a game he likes lol
i really liked RE2 up until mr x shows up. thats so off putting to me having an enemy chase you around endlessly. im trying to explore and solve puzzles ohhh no its mr x now i have to run all over the place until i lose him. baker in 7 does the same thing but i felt like it was way easier to handle him and move on. stuff like that in horror games aren't scary they're annoying. RE4 remake will be insane though.
RE3's gameplay is the exact same like RE2 but with much easier puzzles, i am pretty sure you would like that game too.
RE2R has it all. Brilliant game and probably my fave game of 2019
I like this “two sides of the coin “ business you had going on here !
Game's great. It's easily one of the best remakes every made.
This was such a W video love seeing the dynamic of how both experiences have different opinionated outcomes.
LiquidRev has good points. I love these father-son videos!
Good review from Liquidrev there but he’s reviewing survival horror game in December 2022 so you gotta know then next question coming is… what are liquidrev’s thoughts on Callisto, good or bad!? And I’ve pretty much only heard good things about RE2 remake, I just skipped it cause I didn’t have nostalgia for the ps1 games. Maybe one day I’ll play it. Good vid from both y’all as always