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  • @joraninator
    @joraninator 8 дней назад +17

    Its not strange that eomer is away from theoden,
    firstly, Eomer has been banished by written decree signed by theoden (shown by grima), so he cant even peacefully stay there.
    Secondly, Meduseld (theodens hall) is shown to be manned by grima's loyalists and none of eomer's loyalists wich would make A forcefull take-over difficult since Eomer loyalsts are probably outside the city as none are shown accompanying him in Meduseld.
    Thirdly, If Eomer tried to fight against grima he would likely start A civil war (as atleast the guard of Edoras does not seem to side with Eomer) wich would weaken Rohan even further, and if eomer would be captured or killed there would be no battle-ready force patrolling the land to weaken Sarumans armies and protect Rohan
    fourthly, Eomer has seen the decline of theoden and since he seems to know that grima is sarumans puppet probably thinks there is more going on as the corruption is so apparent it might be 'magical' and what could he do against that with his own knowledge of what magic is and isnt.

    • @MandoWookie
      @MandoWookie 8 дней назад +5

      Yeah, at least to me it's pretty apparent why Eomer isn't launching a coup.
      He straight up accuses Grima of being Sarumans puppet, & it's made very clear that Theoden seems to 'communicate' entirely through Grima.
      He thinks at the very least his uncle is invalid, but Grima has made it so that his edicts bear the weight of the King.
      So to directly challenge Grima would require challenging Theoden, something he really doesn't want to do for various reasons(basic honor, Theoden being not just his king but adopted father, who can't defend himself in any way in his current state, & the pragmatic reasons of it would almost definitely cause a civil war, right when Rohan is under siege).
      So he sticks to the letter of the law of his banishment from Rohan to gather as many loyal Rohiirim as he can while 'leaving' and attacking any bands of orcs or wild men he came across on his way out.
      That's why they know he would be 'leagues away by now' is because when he encounters Aragorn & crew that's what he is doing, leaving.
      In the most indirect way he can, but he is still loyal to his kings orders, 'even if the king no longer recognizes friend from foe'.
      It's also why it takes Gandalf personally, not just some runner, to call him back, as any lesser messenger than the Stormcrow wouldn't likely be believed by Eomer based on what he knew when he left, much less be able to convince him to ride to Helms Deep without confirming it's veracity himself.

  • @fishjones4618
    @fishjones4618 8 дней назад +15

    Some smart ass journalist who thought he could trip up Peter Jackson asked him if the battle at Helms Deep took place at night, where is the light source coming from. To which PJ answered “The same place where the music is coming from”. It was PJ’s way of saying “Shut up. It’s a movie. Enjoy the drama.”

    • @elyrienvalkyr
      @elyrienvalkyr 8 дней назад +5

      People will excuse and praise that response, but bitch and moan about sound in a space battle if it's star wars.

    • @harbl99
      @harbl99 8 дней назад +5

      Journotrash: [dumb gotcha question]
      Peter Jackson: "Diagetic suplex!"
      Journotrash: What? Wait. AGH!!!"

    • @TheHardys01
      @TheHardys01 8 дней назад +1

      That's a terrible answer.

  • @Kainvverd
    @Kainvverd 5 дней назад +1

    Watching The Lord of the Rings trilogy gives me funny feelings inside my stomach every time.

  • @booperdee2
    @booperdee2 7 дней назад +1

    i dont think they fire at the Uruks earlier because they have a limited supply of arrows, and firing against such heavy armour doesnt guarentee penetration. The elves behind the wall have stronger bows and arrows so they have a much higher chance of doing real damage

  • @nicks288
    @nicks288 8 дней назад +8

    Bruh how many of these are they gonna put out

    • @anthonyml7
      @anthonyml7 7 дней назад +1

      I think it's because how long it takes to make the videos thats why the post these that way they can put something up while they work on the newer stuff that takes so long like Mauler says

  • @canaldecasta
    @canaldecasta 8 дней назад +11

    Not to undermine the effort put with these but I really really really wanna see the Austin Powers videos 🤭

    • @Nexus_Hives
      @Nexus_Hives 8 дней назад +1

      Don't worry their not to far away. You only have to wait another 2 - 3 years.

    • @BobKyle-hz2yi
      @BobKyle-hz2yi 8 дней назад +4

      You'll never see them. They're too busy milking lord of the rings even though they've already milked it dry 200 times.

    • @elyrienvalkyr
      @elyrienvalkyr 8 дней назад +3

      What effort. They're just taking clips of their watch together and snipping it into thousands of videos. It's like 5 more seconds than making chapters in a video. Unironically I do shit like this for work and it takes minutes to make thousands of these when you have a multi hour source video

  • @cheesecake4204
    @cheesecake4204 8 дней назад +14


  • @jpkc86
    @jpkc86 8 дней назад +6

    These minis are great, I really appreciate them.

  • @ViolentMessiah666
    @ViolentMessiah666 7 дней назад +1

    Salted. Pork.

  • @ODST_Parker
    @ODST_Parker 8 дней назад +9

    I always feel so awful watching Haldir's death. He brought the force from Lothlorien, and not a single one came back. They all died thinking they were losing, that their sacrifice might be in vain. The last thing he sees is the corpses of all the elves around him. It's just too damn tragic.

  • @GenesisBoi
    @GenesisBoi 8 дней назад +10

    5 seconds in with no views? EFAP has fallen

  • @TheHardys01
    @TheHardys01 8 дней назад +11

    How TF are yu folks not tired of the same clips yet???

  • @BobKyle-hz2yi
    @BobKyle-hz2yi 8 дней назад +8

    Jesus christ how long are they going to milk this shit. These are actively making me start to hate lord of the rings. Like seeing this shit get posted every week makes me glad the only thing youre getting now is rings of power

    • @TheHardys01
      @TheHardys01 8 дней назад +3

      Shows how little they were actually discussing what was what happening on the screen.
      If I remember correctly, Drinker decides to go on a whole tangent about "Woke Disney Hollywood" during one of the film's end scenes..
      The Wolf, Rags, & Mauler version is better.

    • @MediumRareOpinions
      @MediumRareOpinions 8 дней назад +6

      How many times are you people going to moan about videos uplaoded to the archive channel that nobody is conpelling you to watch?

    • @elyrienvalkyr
      @elyrienvalkyr 8 дней назад +4

      ​@@MediumRareOpinionsmaybe we want something actually of value. I know that's a lot for someone lacking a brain, but I'm sure you can catch up if you try

    • @elyrienvalkyr
      @elyrienvalkyr 8 дней назад +1

      Lord of the rings is visually beautiful, but a staggeringly mediocre movie with idiot characters and massive plot armor all for tolkien to have his bitch fest about how "new thing bad, old thing good"
      These movies are NOT that great. They're good, but not that great. They aren't worth pandering to as if it's some holy relic

    • @MediumRareOpinions
      @MediumRareOpinions 8 дней назад +8

      @@elyrienvalkyr And you think complaining about this will somehow speed up the process of producing new content?
      Do tell in your _great wisdom_ what it is you think is being achieved by repeatedly having a moan