Connor Langille Haha, did you just understand the logic in what you just said? You don't need to be living in a Communist country to support Communism, you do know that right?
Jonathan Partington Yeah also wish Russia could form an alliance with Britain sometimes so we could back you guys up if a war flares up out of nowhere, But i do not know much about Putin's opinion on that subject. Its currently mostly up to him because the Russian government is semi-democratic. But I think Russia is doing well with that type of government because they know who is fit for a government seat. The U.S. has a full demo. system and they have elected some really unfit leaders like The Bush family, Richard Nixon, Obama for a second term (he should have had just one term) and a lot of others. But i still wish we could have an alliance set for the unexpected.
I am a proud American who while in college 30 years ago, studied the Russian language, in addition to Soviet culture and geography. I always had a curiosity about Russia along with a fondness for its history, and its people. During those Cold War years, I always looked for signs of hope, good will, and love between the two countries. Even today, all these years later, my feelings are the same. I wish continued prosperity to Russia and a most successful Winter Olympics in Sochi. And, by the way, the national anthem of the USSR/Russia is one of the most beautiful ever composed. Every time I hear it, it brings tears to my eyes.
For no apparent reason? You're being self-delusional. There are many good reasons why people hate Communism: state power crushes individual freedom and, not content with that, physically annihilates individuals. It practises deceit and cruelty on an enormous scale. It's an immoral system. As Churchill said, "it rots the soul".
I am not Soviet or Russian but I cried listening to this. This anthem carries the sound of 25 million who died to save their motherland for their future generations. Those 25 million never died in vain. They are surely an inspiration to me.
@@user-tw1pm6nr5e comunnism does not means poor, you can have all the money you want but it can't be from exploided workers, it must be from honest work
I once heard a quote that went something like this: "Communism is perhaps the greatest and most magnificent and beautiful light to ever exist, yet it is a light sought by those who are cannot see."
it's actually good that he died early, he wasn't as good as Stalin, and he bailed on his own revolution. he could have never industrialized like Stalin did
Glinkling Smearnops nep was a failure, when Stalin came to power, the industrial output of Russia was 1/6th of what it was under even the tsar. It would have saved more lives but would have let Russia live in poverty and be conquered by Germany
Glinkling Smearnops working conditions were not slave like at all, they were only slave like in the gulags, that's not where majority of Russias industry came from, not even close, and their working conditions were better than ever before. They were also the only country that remained uneffected by the great recession. USA was sending food and supplies to the military of Russia, Russia had just industrialized, and it was already supplying 60%of its army by itself, which is huge. It's like USA fighting UK in 1850, there was no way they could have supported themselves
soviets weren’t bad at nothing the only thing they were bad at was exploding the nuclear factory the ussr was the second fastest economy in the 20th century
"... (our) patriotic and international responsibility. Long live the 67th anniversary of the Great Socialist October Revolution! Long live the heroic Soviet people, and most importantly, the armament of the forces! Glory to the Leninist Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Inspiration and Organization of all our victories! Hoorah!"
KafkasErbe you need education. Communists killed us as nazi did Stalins purges of Jews from all Soviet Gov .Today Russia good . Putin supports Jews and Christians. a good accurate site. Shalom Comrade.
I'm an American, and I want to live in a capitalist country where anyone can work hard and become rich; but I also want to live in a communist, socialist country where health care, housing, food and education are completely free and no one lives in poverty. How to balance the two, I don't know. In other words, I guess I want to live in a democracy.
+Wes Bervig You wouldn't want to live in a communist country if you had seen what it is in reality. Yes we had "money" but fuck the money if there is not anything to buy... Markets were always empty but members of communist party always had food and in fact, they were FAT... Free healthcare, housing, food and education? The best joke ever after a famous joke in Europe which is "People were happy in USSR". Again, it was free only for certain people... For example, not for my father because there wasn't healthcare in Estonia, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, DDR, Tshek, Slovakia, Ukrain, Kazakhstan, Romania... Communism is nothing but misery... Just saying that my father ate same food that was feed for pigs... NO WONDER COMMUNISM IS FORBIDDEN IN OLD USSR COUNTRIES...YOU CAN HAVE A PRISON JUDGEMENT FOR SHOWING SICKLE AND HAMMER IN PUBLIC!!!! Learn some history before saying things like that.
+Wes Bervig I know what you mean. But the workers can run the company and all employees get the same (high rate) of pay. From the president to the line worker. That's TRUE AND PROPER Communism, the way it should be.
You should go to China to see the Communism today, half of communism and half of capitalism. A Country is very different that we can't foresee its future and our future.
Winston Churchill said that "the best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." and that is so true. The beautiful idea of real communism will never die!
Trubishka Powah I certainly agree. Humanity, no matter their ethnicity, race, or religion all deserve democracy, education, human rights, freedom, healthcare, and equality
joseph murphy There is no such fuck ass as freedom. Too much freedom means that some us states give people eat fucking drugs!!!!!!! You think thats good oh that is good.
A beautiful anthem for one of the greatest nations on Earth. Honor to Russia and wish a bright and peaceful future. Un hermoso himno para una de las más grandes naciones sobre al tierra. Honor para Rusia y le deseo un futuro brillante y pacífico.
What is Soviet power? What is the essence of this new power, which people in most countries still will not, or cannot, understand? Сущность ее, привлекающая к себе рабочих Sushchnost ee, privlekaiushchaia k sebe rabochikh каждой страны все больше и больше, состоит в том, kazhdoj strany vse bolshe i bolshe, sostoit v tom, что прежде государством управляли так chto prezhde gosudarstvom upravliali tak или иначе богатые или капиталисты, а теперь в ili inache bogatye ili kapitalisty, a teper v первый раз управляют государством, притом в pervyj raz upravliaiut gosudarstvom, pritom v массовом числе, как раз те классы, которых massovom chisle, kak raz te klassy, kotorykh капитализм угнетал. kapitalizm ugnetal. The nature of this power, which is attracting larger and larger numbers of workers in every country, is the following: in the past the country was, in one way or another, governed by the rich, or by the capitalists, but now, for the first time, the country is being governed by the classes, and moreover, by the masses of those classes, which capitalism formerly oppressed. Даже в самой демократической, даже в самой Dazhe v samoj demokraticheskoj, dazhe v samoj свободной республике, пока остается господство svobodnoj respublike, poka ostaetsia gospodstvo капитала, пока земля остается в частной kapitala, poka zemlia ostaetsia v chastnoj собственности, государством всегда управляет sobstvennosti, gosudarstvom vsegda upravliaet небольшое меньшинство, взятое на девять десятых nebolshoe menshinstvo, vziatoe na deviat из капиталистов или из богатых. desiatykh iz kapitalistov ili iz bogatykh. Even in the most democratic and freest republics, as long as capital rules and the land remains private property, the government will always be in the hands of a small minority, nine-tenths of which consist of capitalists, or rich men.
Первый раз в мире впасть государства построена у Pervyj raz v mire vpast gosudarstva postroena u нас в России таким образом, что только рабочие, nas v Rossii takim obrazom, chto tolko rabochie, только трудящиеся крестьяне, исключая tolko trudiashchiesia krestiane, iskliuchaia эксплуататоров, составляют массовые организации - ehkspluatatorov, sostavliaiut massovye organizatsii - Советы, и этим Советам передается вся Sovety, i ehtim Sovetam peredaetsia vsia государственная власть. gosudarstvennaia vlast. In this country, in Russia, for the first time in the world history, the government of the country is so organised that only the workers and the working peasants, to the exclusion of the exploiters, constitute those mass organisations known as Soviets, and these Soviets wield all state power. Вот почему, как ни клевещут на Россию Vot pochemu, kak ni kleveshchut na Rossiiu представители буржуазии во всех странах, а везде в predstaviteli burzhuazii vo vsekh stranakh, a vezde v мире слово "Совет" стало не только понятным, mire slovo "Sovet" stalo ne tolko poniatnym, стало популярным, стало любимым для рабочих, stalo populiarnym, stalo liubimym dlia rabochikh, для всех трудящихся. dlia vsekh trudiashchikhsia. That is why, in spite of the slander that the representatives of the bourgeoisie in all countries spread about Russia, the word "Soviet" has now become not only intelligible but popular all over the world, has become the favourite word of the workers, and of all working people. И вот почему Советская власть, каковы бы ни были I vot pochemu Sovetskaia vlast, kakovy by ni byli преследования сторонников коммунизма в разных presledovaniia storonnikov kommunizma v raznykh странах, Советская власть неминуемо, неизбежно и stranakh, Sovetskaia vlast neminuemo, neizbezhno i в недалеком будущем победит во всем мире. v nedalekom budushchem pobedit vo vsem mire. And that is why, notwithstanding all the persecution to which the adherents of communism in the different countries are subjected, Soviet power must necessarily, inevitably, and in the not distant future, triumph all over the world.
Мы хорошо знаем, что у нас еще много My khorosho znaem, chto u nas eshche mnogo недостатковв организации Советской власти. nedostatkov v organizatsii Sovetskoj vlasti. Советская властьне чудесный талисман. Sovetskaia vlast ne chudesnyj talisman. Она не излечивает сразу от недостатков прошлого, Ona ne izlechivaet srazu ot nedostatkov proshlogo, от безграмотности, от некультурности, ot bezgramotnosti, ot nekulturnosti, от наследия дикой войны, от наследия ot naslediia dikoj vojny, ot naslediia грабительского капитализма. grabitelskogo kapitalizma. We know very well that there are still many defects in the organisation of Soviet power in this country. Soviet power is not a miracle-working talisman. It does not, overnight, heal all the evils of the past - illiteracy, lack of culture, the consequences of a barbarous war, the aftermath of predatory capitalism. Но зато она дает возможность переходить к No zato ona daet vozmozhnost perekhodit k социализму. Она дает возможность подняться тем, sotsializmu. Ona daet vozmozhnost podniatsia tem, кого угнетали, и самим брать все больше и больше в kogo ugnetali, i samim brat vse bolshe i bolshe v свои руки все управление государством, все svoi ruki vse upravlenie gosudarstvom, vse управление хозяйством, все управление upravlenie khoziajstvom, vse upravlenie производством. proizvodstvom. But it does pave the way to socialism. It gives those who were formerly oppressed the chance to straighten their backs and to an ever-increasing degree to take the whole government of the country, the whole administration of the economy, the whole management of production, into their own hands.
Советская власть есть путь к социализму, Sovetskaia vlast est put k sotsializmu, найденный массами трудящихся и потому - верный najdennyj massami trudiashchikhsia i potomu - vernyji и потому - непобедимый. i potomu - nepobedimyj. Soviet power is the road to socialism that was discovered by the masses of the working people, and that is why it is the true road, that is why it is invincible.
Taking the salute is First Minister of Defense, Marshal of the Soviet Union Sergei Sokolov (He passed away in 2012 at the age of 101. He was the oldest living Soviet Marshal). Commanding the parade is commander of the Moscow Military District, General of the Army Petr Lushev.
I don't understand why you people want communism. I may have a stubborn mind here, but I don't understand the appeal of poor living conditions, no opportunities for success or fortune and generally just being like an ant in a colony - you just work until you die, and nothing much happens along the way unless you're fighting somebody.
Her izlediğimde resmen gözlerim yaşarıyor, ağlıyorum... Каждый раз, когда смотрю, глаза слезятся и плачут ... Every time I watch it, my eyes are tearing and crying ...
Today’s Russia should of kept the Hammer and sickle because the to many Russian war veterans. that flag is a flag that which so many Russians fought and died during World War II
Does anyone know which unit is shown at 1:20 ? I thought they were the naval infantry, but now I'm not sure, after watching the whole parade, and I can't speak Russian.
Если бы Михаил Сергеевич Горбачёв правил союзом ССР таким же образом, как и в 1986 году‚ то СССР был бы цел до сих пор. Все жили бы таким же образом, как и в 1977 году. Но в августе 1995-го от СССР отделилась Украина.
Respect to Soviet. Respect to comrade Lenin. It was a big opportunity in human history. Unfortunately we lost it, but oneday we'll rise again. We have nothing to lose but our chains. Long live comrade Marx
This is a beautiful and powerful melody. Why has not the American military ever displayed their might like this? Though a facade, it would be impressive to see American military on display like this, at least once. I show of pride not force. thanks for the post.
United forever in friendship and labour, Our mighty republics will ever endure. The Great Soviet Union will live through the ages. The dream of a people their fortress secure. Long live our Soviet motherland, Built by the people's mighty hand. Long live our people, united and free. Strong in our friendship tried by fire. Long may our crimson flag inspire, Shining in glory for all men to see. Through days dark and stormy where Great Lenin lead us Our eyes saw the bright sun of freedom above And Stalin our leader with faith in the people, Inspired us to build up the land that we love. Long live our Soviet motherland, Built by the people's mighty hand. Long live our people, united and free. Strong in our friendship tried by fire. Long may our crimson flag inspire, Shining in glory for all men to see. We fought for the future, destroyed the invaders, And brought to our homeland the laurels of fame. Our glory will live in the memory of nations And all generations will honour her name. Long live our Soviet motherland, Built by the people's mighty hand. Long live our people, united and free. Strong in our friendship tried by fire. Long may our crimson flag inspire, Shining in glory for all men to see.
Comment percentage:
1% regular comments
I really don't know anymore
Quite accurate.
10% Bla bla bla communism
90% Darude - Sandstorm
UncopyrightTNT there are now just 5 country's that are communist so how 90% I do like the song though
Connor Langille Haha, did you just understand the logic in what you just said? You don't need to be living in a Communist country to support Communism, you do know that right?
Really the best anthem that has ever existed!
Brazil empire anthem
@Super Doppel republic is a trash, but the empire...
Why? This song brings to mind the millions slaughtered by this discredited, failed and luciferian ideology.
Kroban3 ‘Cos songs can’t kill people in general. In general.
Say what you like about the Soviets, they sure knew how to throw a party.
But only one.
JohnnyWishbone85 yeah, a communist party
And boy could they murder!!!
I would love to like your comment but its on 69 likes
Wrong, like a good socialist you're confusing corruption with the free market/voluntary exchange.
My little pony. ❌
Our liitle pony ✔️
MY ❌❌❌❌❌
Nice Comrade
I hated taking history lessons in school but still got your joke.
Our little pony
I'm Indian but I still feel proud listening to this
Same, except I’m American
@Abhishek Dubey muje bhi
Здорово что эту гордость мы русские можем разделить с народами других стран)))
I'm not russian but this song is going directly into my heart :)
That US-Soviet war never happened. But the chills of the Soviet era will NEVER GO AWAY!
Seems like Russia wants to declare a war with NATO and Ukraine
It's the cold war
the Cold War:
Im Russian and as proud as hell. Let Russia thrive forever/
Jonathan Partington Yeah also wish Russia could form an alliance with Britain sometimes so we could back you guys up if a war flares up out of nowhere, But i do not know much about Putin's opinion on that subject. Its currently mostly up to him because the Russian government is semi-democratic. But I think Russia is doing well with that type of government because they know who is fit for a government seat. The U.S. has a full demo. system and they have elected some really unfit leaders like The Bush family, Richard Nixon, Obama for a second term (he should have had just one term) and a lot of others. But i still wish we could have an alliance set for the unexpected.
I am a proud American who while in college 30 years ago, studied the Russian language, in addition to Soviet culture and geography. I always had a curiosity about Russia along with a fondness for its history, and its people. During those Cold War years, I always looked for signs of hope, good will, and love between the two countries. Even today, all these years later, my feelings are the same. I wish continued prosperity to Russia and a most successful Winter Olympics in Sochi. And, by the way, the national anthem of the USSR/Russia is one of the most beautiful ever composed. Every time I hear it, it brings tears to my eyes.
Jonathan Partington I agree. It's just sad some people for no apparent reason hate all various forms of socialism and/or communism :/
long live russia and i love russia
For no apparent reason? You're being self-delusional. There are many good reasons why people hate Communism: state power crushes individual freedom and, not content with that, physically annihilates individuals. It practises deceit and cruelty on an enormous scale. It's an immoral system. As Churchill said, "it rots the soul".
I am not Soviet or Russian but I cried listening to this. This anthem carries the sound of 25 million who died to save their motherland for their future generations. Those 25 million never died in vain. They are surely an inspiration to me.
Спасибо, Товарищ! Я подозревал, что USA have many Rednecks. Communism is not dead
I came to this video Capitalist, I left Communist
I'm turning you into a god fu** what is it!? *Looks up* Syndaclist?
You’re a moron
You bet you could untill someone offers a million dollars
@@user-tw1pm6nr5e comunnism does not means poor, you can have all the money you want but it can't be from exploided workers, it must be from honest work
Even tho I'm Canadian, this is by far one my favourite anthems
I once heard a quote that went something like this: "Communism is perhaps the greatest and most magnificent and beautiful light to ever exist, yet it is a light sought by those who are cannot see."
***** so that would mean you're trotskyist? not trying to bash you, but just asking cause that sounds very trotskyist-like
necelticsox The quote is true though.
What the fuck is that even supposed to mean?
Means the OP isn't very smart
Gustavo C
Thanks for all Russian brothers!!! Especially in today, because it's victory day!!! Greetings from Czech republic 🇨🇿🇷🇺!!!
Aren't you mad at them for Prague spring?
@@vorkutaofficer1788 Yes, but it can be understood from the political point of view of the time
Why did Lenin die so young😫
Cerebral hemorrhage
Because he is so great
it's actually good that he died early, he wasn't as good as Stalin, and he bailed on his own revolution. he could have never industrialized like Stalin did
Glinkling Smearnops nep was a failure, when Stalin came to power, the industrial output of Russia was 1/6th of what it was under even the tsar. It would have saved more lives but would have let Russia live in poverty and be conquered by Germany
Glinkling Smearnops working conditions were not slave like at all, they were only slave like in the gulags, that's not where majority of Russias industry came from, not even close, and their working conditions were better than ever before. They were also the only country that remained uneffected by the great recession. USA was sending food and supplies to the military of Russia, Russia had just industrialized, and it was already supplying 60%of its army by itself, which is huge. It's like USA fighting UK in 1850, there was no way they could have supported themselves
Yeltsin was a puppet.
Khruschev was, and everyone after
Everyone after Malenkov was puppet
Hey, that's pretty good he did more for freedom than almost all the leaders in the 20th century
SALT CAN I meant Gorbatchov
SALT CAN Right, that has no factual basis and I stand with what I said
Such a beautiful sight :') I am in tears
Greetings from Poland to my dear Russian brothers!
IAM 2003
FlashGaminG ' Child comunist
FlashGaminG ' comunist Noob
Liberalism Pro
FlashGaminG ' do not fret comrade. liberalism has brainwashed that fool.
Hmmm I wonder what would have happened if one of these people tried protesting their national anthem...
Matt D then only god would know what would have happened to the poor fucker.
They would have shipped you off to Siberia.
@@rwboa22 in 1984? Might wanna do a history or two chief
Gulags if they’re lucky
get rocket by katyusha
The soviets were bad at plenty of things, but writing a national anthem was not one of them.
I have to agree, being a American in The Oligarchy of the United States of America
@Aaron Lovett Thank god more people are waking up and seeing the ugly truth of capitalism.
soviets weren’t bad at nothing the only thing they were bad at was exploding the nuclear factory the ussr was the second fastest economy in the 20th century
Russia has a rich history of arts and music and culture in general . Regardless of the political ideology at the time
"... (our) patriotic and international responsibility.
Long live the 67th anniversary of the Great Socialist October Revolution!
Long live the heroic Soviet people, and most importantly, the armament of the forces!
Glory to the Leninist Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Inspiration and Organization of all our victories!
I´m soviet, jewish and proud of it!
Good for you.We have lots of Russian Jews in Canada.Hard working and great people.
Im living in Canada too!^^
Pay no attention to the Nazis. We may have to flatten Berlin again...
KafkasErbe you need education. Communists killed us as nazi did Stalins purges of Jews from all Soviet Gov .Today Russia good . Putin supports Jews and Christians. a good accurate site. Shalom Comrade.
God Willing Russia will be the best country&the most formidable super power again in our world.Support to Russia from Egypt
and respect to you brother
I'm an American, and I want to live in a capitalist country where anyone can work hard and become rich; but I also want to live in a communist, socialist country where health care, housing, food and education are completely free and no one lives in poverty. How to balance the two, I don't know. In other words, I guess I want to live in a democracy.
+Wes Bervig You wouldn't want to live in a communist country if you had seen what it is in reality. Yes we had "money" but fuck the money if there is not anything to buy... Markets were always empty but members of communist party always had food and in fact, they were FAT... Free healthcare, housing, food and education? The best joke ever after a famous joke in Europe which is "People were happy in USSR". Again, it was free only for certain people... For example, not for my father because there wasn't healthcare in Estonia, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, DDR, Tshek, Slovakia, Ukrain, Kazakhstan, Romania... Communism is nothing but misery... Just saying that my father ate same food that was feed for pigs... NO WONDER COMMUNISM IS FORBIDDEN IN OLD USSR COUNTRIES...YOU CAN HAVE A PRISON JUDGEMENT FOR SHOWING SICKLE AND HAMMER IN PUBLIC!!!! Learn some history before saying things like that.
I kinda agree, but to many people use the word "democracy" to lightly, as there has never been a true 100% democracy ever...
+Nigel S. Socialist country also has its deficiencise.
+Wes Bervig I know what you mean. But the workers can run the company and all employees get the same (high rate) of pay. From the president to the line worker. That's TRUE AND PROPER Communism, the way it should be.
You should go to China to see the Communism today, half of communism and half of capitalism. A Country is very different that we can't foresee its future and our future.
За Возрождение СССР!
Привет из Нидерланды, товарищ!
I have been looking al over the internet for this version, thank you for putting this up!
Winston Churchill said that "the best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." and that is so true. The beautiful idea of real communism will never die!
***** That means that the people cannot be trusted to make up their own minds:-)
Surely education is the answer to that. Most likely not though:-(
+Trubishka Powah CCCP-SFRJ!!!!!!!!!
+Trubishka Powah
>real communism will never die
>has a Jugoslavia profile picture
..k den
Trubishka Powah Humanity will never understand communism.
Trubishka Powah I certainly agree. Humanity, no matter their ethnicity, race, or religion all deserve democracy, education, human rights, freedom, healthcare, and equality
i love 1:15! Those soldiers standing straight makes the scene ironic, plus a great music!
They might be sailors
the U.S will kick the soviet communists asses with a little side of real freedom!!!!!!! all hail U.S.A
joseph murphy There is no such fuck ass as freedom. Too much freedom means that some us states give people eat fucking drugs!!!!!!! You think thats good oh that is good.
The 90´s was a small hickup in Russian history. They are getting back on top again soon, it seems!
Respect from greece.
+Слава Руси ...I Like You...Do Not Like...All The Soviet Created Them.!!!C.C.C.PoweRussia.
Kid:yay minecraft
I MISS THAT ERA 😔U. S. S. R. Salute✋
Maybe in a future update
need me some clothes like this, just because they're very stylish tbh.
For real
During those powerful Russian days🔥
I really like the effect that they did with the trumpets in the last chorus. I don't know why other versions don't use it.
In memory of Lenin and Stalin
The father of Soviet Russia
Vladimir Lenin
The man of steel
Joseph Stalin
True the only rus I hate is Stalin and Lenin.
The grandfather was Karl Marx
Lenin was ok Stalin was
JUST SMILE HEY don’t talk bad about Lenin
Lord Defector they're the best leader in the world
Sadly,they've been separated..😢
Maybe forever...
So long as people who remember it's glory there will always be that hope of the Soviet Motherland's return to the world stage.
do you know that even the guy who wrote these beautiful notes had to spend his time in the GULAG death camp? That's why WTF is about!
20 years in GULAG, if you don't know what I am writing about, read The Gulag Archipelago by Solzhenitsyn, in case you need more details, let me know
Humanity, and whats left from it on this poisoned world, RISE UP!
I- sorry WE stood up when WE heard this til the end of the song
Like they knew it would all come to an end, they made this the most epic anthem of all time.
Long live the motherland, Long live the soviet union, long live Russia 🇷🇺. Respect from America 🇺🇸
América is a huge massive landmass 🌎
The reason a Communist can never be disheartened is because we know that one day we will be proved right.
Vive le revolucion!
Lol,,, communism killed USSR, it's a rogue ideology
One of the best anthems ever❤
November 7th, 1984 - 67th Anniversary of the October Revolution
Behind this beautiful anthem hides a lot of tears and blood ...
Greg Chauliac One could, of course, say the same about the American anthem, when you point to the massacre of the Natives, the Civil War, and so on.
USSR is gone,but USA and NATO are stronger.
This is applicable for all nations...
but not on the same degree
Greg Chauliac The same of Brazil, while The socialism grows up in Brazil, everyone is hungry, help The brazil
A beautiful anthem for one of the greatest nations on Earth. Honor to Russia and wish a bright and peaceful future. Un hermoso himno para una de las más grandes naciones sobre al tierra. Honor para Rusia y le deseo un futuro brillante y pacífico.
What is Soviet power? What is the essence of this new power, which people in most countries still will not, or cannot, understand?
Сущность ее, привлекающая к себе рабочих
Sushchnost ee, privlekaiushchaia k sebe rabochikh
каждой страны все больше и больше, состоит в том,
kazhdoj strany vse bolshe i bolshe, sostoit v tom,
что прежде государством управляли так
chto prezhde gosudarstvom upravliali tak
или иначе богатые или капиталисты, а теперь в
ili inache bogatye ili kapitalisty, a teper v
первый раз управляют государством, притом в
pervyj raz upravliaiut gosudarstvom, pritom v
массовом числе, как раз те классы, которых
massovom chisle, kak raz te klassy, kotorykh
капитализм угнетал.
kapitalizm ugnetal.
The nature of this power, which is attracting larger and larger numbers of workers in every country, is the following: in the past the country was, in one way or another, governed by the rich, or by the capitalists, but now, for the first time, the country is being governed by the classes, and moreover, by the masses of those classes, which capitalism formerly oppressed.
Даже в самой демократической, даже в самой
Dazhe v samoj demokraticheskoj, dazhe v samoj
свободной республике, пока остается господство
svobodnoj respublike, poka ostaetsia gospodstvo
капитала, пока земля остается в частной
kapitala, poka zemlia ostaetsia v chastnoj
собственности, государством всегда управляет
sobstvennosti, gosudarstvom vsegda upravliaet
небольшое меньшинство, взятое на девять десятых
nebolshoe menshinstvo, vziatoe na deviat
из капиталистов или из богатых.
desiatykh iz kapitalistov ili iz bogatykh.
Even in the most democratic and freest republics, as long as capital rules and the land remains private property, the government will always be in the hands of a small minority, nine-tenths of which consist of capitalists, or rich men.
Первый раз в мире впасть государства построена у
Pervyj raz v mire vpast gosudarstva postroena u
нас в России таким образом, что только рабочие,
nas v Rossii takim obrazom, chto tolko rabochie,
только трудящиеся крестьяне, исключая
tolko trudiashchiesia krestiane, iskliuchaia
эксплуататоров, составляют массовые организации -
ehkspluatatorov, sostavliaiut massovye organizatsii -
Советы, и этим Советам передается вся
Sovety, i ehtim Sovetam peredaetsia vsia
государственная власть.
gosudarstvennaia vlast.
In this country, in Russia, for the first time in the world history, the government of the country is so organised that only the workers and the working peasants, to the exclusion of the exploiters, constitute those mass organisations known as Soviets, and these Soviets wield all state power.
Вот почему, как ни клевещут на Россию
Vot pochemu, kak ni kleveshchut na Rossiiu
представители буржуазии во всех странах, а везде в
predstaviteli burzhuazii vo vsekh stranakh, a vezde v
мире слово "Совет" стало не только понятным,
mire slovo "Sovet" stalo ne tolko poniatnym,
стало популярным, стало любимым для рабочих,
stalo populiarnym, stalo liubimym dlia rabochikh,
для всех трудящихся.
dlia vsekh trudiashchikhsia.
That is why, in spite of the slander that the representatives of the bourgeoisie in all countries spread about Russia, the word "Soviet" has now become not only intelligible but popular all over the world, has become the favourite word of the workers, and of all working people.
И вот почему Советская власть, каковы бы ни были
I vot pochemu Sovetskaia vlast, kakovy by ni byli
преследования сторонников коммунизма в разных
presledovaniia storonnikov kommunizma v raznykh
странах, Советская власть неминуемо, неизбежно и
stranakh, Sovetskaia vlast neminuemo, neizbezhno i
в недалеком будущем победит во всем мире.
v nedalekom budushchem pobedit vo vsem mire.
And that is why, notwithstanding all the persecution to which the adherents of communism in the different countries are subjected, Soviet power must necessarily, inevitably, and in the not distant future, triumph all over the world.
Мы хорошо знаем, что у нас еще много
My khorosho znaem, chto u nas eshche mnogo
недостатковв организации Советской власти.
nedostatkov v organizatsii Sovetskoj vlasti.
Советская властьне чудесный талисман.
Sovetskaia vlast ne chudesnyj talisman.
Она не излечивает сразу от недостатков прошлого,
Ona ne izlechivaet srazu ot nedostatkov proshlogo,
от безграмотности, от некультурности,
ot bezgramotnosti, ot nekulturnosti,
от наследия дикой войны, от наследия
ot naslediia dikoj vojny, ot naslediia
грабительского капитализма.
grabitelskogo kapitalizma.
We know very well that there are still many defects in the organisation of Soviet power in this country. Soviet power is not a miracle-working talisman. It does not, overnight, heal all the evils of the past - illiteracy, lack of culture, the consequences of a barbarous war, the aftermath of predatory capitalism.
Но зато она дает возможность переходить к
No zato ona daet vozmozhnost perekhodit k
социализму. Она дает возможность подняться тем,
sotsializmu. Ona daet vozmozhnost podniatsia tem,
кого угнетали, и самим брать все больше и больше в
kogo ugnetali, i samim brat vse bolshe i bolshe v
свои руки все управление государством, все
svoi ruki vse upravlenie gosudarstvom, vse
управление хозяйством, все управление
upravlenie khoziajstvom, vse upravlenie
But it does pave the way to socialism. It gives those who were formerly oppressed the chance to straighten their backs and to an ever-increasing degree to take the whole government of the country, the whole administration of the economy, the whole management of production, into their own hands.
Советская власть есть путь к социализму,
Sovetskaia vlast est put k sotsializmu,
найденный массами трудящихся и потому - верный
najdennyj massami trudiashchikhsia i potomu - vernyji
и потому - непобедимый.
i potomu - nepobedimyj.
Soviet power is the road to socialism that was discovered by the masses of the working people, and that is why it is the true road, that is why it is invincible.
Vladimir Lenin hi
Vladimir Lenin Are You Russian?
Zaxio 005 communism
Zaxio 005 YUS
Чего не один советский челове не смотрит это русское чудо!!!!!!!! Слава СССР!!!!!! За СССР!!!! Будем защищать Родину!!!!!! СССР Вернется!!!!!!!
Woah. Lenin's tomb is a lot bigger than I thought.
One day USSR will rise again!!!!!
Such a beautiful song :)
And such a great ideal !
J,aime vraiment cette nation et toutes les fois que j,écoute cette mélodieuse hymne je fonds en larme. vive la Russie de Lénine
Taking the salute is First Minister of Defense, Marshal of the Soviet Union Sergei Sokolov (He passed away in 2012 at the age of 101. He was the oldest living Soviet Marshal). Commanding the parade is commander of the Moscow Military District, General of the Army Petr Lushev.
this is going to play after we win the pandemic:
They were just living off the fumes of earlier glory by this time (1984).
+Generalissimus der RSFSR Josef Gabdrazakov Gareyev Are you seious? Sarca...
+Generalissimus der RSFSR Josef Gabdrazakov Gareyev darf ich fragen für was ihr name steht genosse?
+Лис фырк-фырк Nah.
+Khasil Ildyrymly Yes for losers
MrKylling16 Just dream about it, u nazi fool. You lost both wars. And if there would be the 3rd, it will be your last.
No one, standing over there in 1984 would have realised or thought that their Soviet Union would collapse after 7 years
he soviet union lasted 72 years, from 1922 to 1991. and if you mean "in", it would still be wrong, the soviet union collapsed 7 years after 1984.
NicoAW By "in", I meant 'Those people' standing over there 'in 1984'
I wrote 6 in hurry, I will correct it now. Thank you
Molten Lava ok, lol.
Chernenko, Sokolov, Tikhonov, Andrei Gromiko, Grishin and Gorbachev
May the great USSR Rise once more.
I hope you turn out to be right, I want it back too.
I don't understand why you people want communism.
I may have a stubborn mind here, but I don't understand the appeal of poor living conditions, no opportunities for success or fortune and generally just being like an ant in a colony - you just work until you die, and nothing much happens along the way unless you're fighting somebody.
Sam Davis yeah
Gavin The Crusade Plague Doctor good
Gulag reopen 🎇🎆✨🎈
1,500,000 views i am the 1,500,001 viewer :)
I'm proud comrade
WE are the 1,500,001
we are 69420th view
No one in the video had any idea that will die as a Meme
Well they die but they still in OUR heart
Her izlediğimde resmen gözlerim yaşarıyor, ağlıyorum...
Каждый раз, когда смотрю, глаза слезятся и плачут ...
Every time I watch it, my eyes are tearing and crying ...
Whether you have socialist views or not. You cannot deny this anthem is fire
Somebody was having a barbequeue... in the background . . very smart - parades make so hungry..
Thats just amazing I love USSR!!!
i miss nikita khruchov,he makes politics funny with his shoes
Today’s Russia should of kept the Hammer and sickle because the to many Russian war veterans. that flag is a flag that which so many Russians fought and died during World War II
Get your AKs Komrades!!!!! Let's rise up again in the fight against imperialism!
communisam is a future.Capitalisam is passing.
All hail Soviet Union and Russia 🇷🇺
EXTREMELY proud of my Soviet Heritage!
Are you Russian
Does anyone know which unit is shown at 1:20 ? I thought they were the naval infantry, but now I'm not sure, after watching the whole parade, and I can't speak Russian.
They are cadets from the Kaliningrad Higher Naval School
Как так получилось???? Ведь была такая мощная Советская Армия? Неужели все генералы оказались предателями Советского народа?
Если бы Михаил Сергеевич Горбачёв правил союзом ССР таким же образом, как и в 1986 году‚ то СССР был бы цел до сих пор. Все жили бы таким же образом, как и в 1977 году. Но в августе 1995-го от СССР отделилась Украина.
Respect from Catalonia. Slava CCCP!!! Slava Stalin!!!
Greetings from Montenegro!!!!
Respect to Soviet. Respect to comrade Lenin. It was a big opportunity in human history. Unfortunately we lost it, but oneday we'll rise again. We have nothing to lose but our chains. Long live comrade Marx
Cemal Ersin fuck you and Karl marx
@@scottaayyallday ur nothing
I can’t stop listening to dis it’s so catchy for some reason. Pls help me stop
nice video Comrade!! :)
I was born in the USSR! Kazakhstan!!
1:36 my dad
Oh your so popular
1984, like..... Orwell.
Oh no!
05:06 whats name that car? Its like GAZ or VAZ
This is a beautiful and powerful melody. Why has not the American military ever displayed their might like this? Though a facade, it would be impressive to see American military on display like this, at least once. I show of pride not force. thanks for the post.
in fairness to the Soviets, they put on a fantastic military parade.
El himno más bello del mundo.
Teu cu! O do Império do Brasil que é o mais lindo! :)
Mateus Moura no
Mateus Moura No
Это прекрасно.
My phone shattered from these tunes how beautiful!
You should judge music by itself: This anthem is stunningly beautiful.
I was born in 1984. Happy that the Soviet Union is gone and I'm still here!
Well, it is clear that you are happy, if the Union was to have it destroyed
Beautiful song:)
Americans say "No"
Soviets say "Да"
Rip Soviet Union
We will miss you forever comrade
We will find him future.
This is my kind of music
Edit: this is *OUR* kind of music
i love this anthem!
pitch is so sad that ussr collapsed
really? I like this tone of the tune
Argentina ama la unión soviética. ✌✌❤❤
United forever in friendship and labour,
Our mighty republics will ever endure.
The Great Soviet Union will live through the ages.
The dream of a people their fortress secure.
Long live our Soviet motherland,
Built by the people's mighty hand.
Long live our people, united and free.
Strong in our friendship tried by fire.
Long may our crimson flag inspire,
Shining in glory for all men to see.
Through days dark and stormy where Great Lenin lead us
Our eyes saw the bright sun of freedom above
And Stalin our leader with faith in the people,
Inspired us to build up the land that we love.
Long live our Soviet motherland,
Built by the people's mighty hand.
Long live our people, united and free.
Strong in our friendship tried by fire.
Long may our crimson flag inspire,
Shining in glory for all men to see.
We fought for the future, destroyed the invaders,
And brought to our homeland the laurels of fame.
Our glory will live in the memory of nations
And all generations will honour her name.
Long live our Soviet motherland,
Built by the people's mighty hand.
Long live our people, united and free.
Strong in our friendship tried by fire.
Long may our crimson flag inspire,
Shining in glory for all men to see.
Thank you:)
Anthem starts at 0:53