Rank Change Rising Heroes Rank Change 15. Fungustine (Down 3 Rank) 12 => 15 14. Shimmerscale (Returning Warrior - August 2024) 13. Atwood (Down 5 Rank) 8 => 13 12. Nautica (Down 1 Rank) 11 => 12 11. Rashan (Novice) Contender Heroes Rank Change 10. Lemonwood (Down 3 Rank) 7 => 10 9. Cao Cao Costume (Same Rank) 9 => 9 8. Armand Moncharmin (Novice) 7. Whitefang (Up 7 Rank) 14 => 7 6. Hathor C (Down 4 Rank) 2 => 6 Ultimate Heroes Rank Change 5. Zhuge Liang Costume (Down 2 Rank) 3 => 5 4. Von Rothbart (Up 2 Rank) 6 => 4 3. Sludgus (Up 1 Rank) 4 => 3 2. Bearnadette (Up 3 Rank) 5 => 2 1. Diaochan C (Same Rank) 1 => 1 Status : 1. Up/Down/Same Rank : This status is only obtained by heroes who have been on the list of the best heroes in the previous month 2. Returning Warrior : This status is only obtained by heroes who have been on the list of the best heroes, but were not listed in the previous month. 3. Novice : This status is only obtained by heroes who have never been on the list of best heroes, but suddenly become the rising or contender hero rank. 4. Black Horse : This status is only obtained by heroes who have never been on the list of best heroes, but suddenly become the Ultimate Hero rank
Rank Change
Rising Heroes Rank Change
15. Fungustine (Down 3 Rank) 12 => 15
14. Shimmerscale (Returning Warrior - August 2024)
13. Atwood (Down 5 Rank) 8 => 13
12. Nautica (Down 1 Rank) 11 => 12
11. Rashan (Novice)
Contender Heroes Rank Change
10. Lemonwood (Down 3 Rank) 7 => 10
9. Cao Cao Costume (Same Rank) 9 => 9
8. Armand Moncharmin (Novice)
7. Whitefang (Up 7 Rank) 14 => 7
6. Hathor C (Down 4 Rank) 2 => 6
Ultimate Heroes Rank Change
5. Zhuge Liang Costume (Down 2 Rank) 3 => 5
4. Von Rothbart (Up 2 Rank) 6 => 4
3. Sludgus (Up 1 Rank) 4 => 3
2. Bearnadette (Up 3 Rank) 5 => 2
1. Diaochan C (Same Rank) 1 => 1
Status :
1. Up/Down/Same Rank :
This status is only obtained by heroes who have been
on the list of the best heroes in the previous month
2. Returning Warrior :
This status is only obtained by heroes who have been
on the list of the best heroes, but were not listed in the previous month.
3. Novice :
This status is only obtained by heroes who have never been
on the list of best heroes, but suddenly become the rising or contender hero rank.
4. Black Horse :
This status is only obtained by heroes who have never been
on the list of best heroes, but suddenly become the Ultimate Hero rank
oh no, my Zhuge Liang costume is dropping in the rankings :( Totally agree that Diochan costume is still number 1. Absolute nightmare to face.
Diaochan is 🔥💪
I hope somebody make a video how to play with Rashan. Even after al the tips i got i can't play without killing my own team.
Nope, she's not strong enough to stay on the top of the list.
Whitefang not as good as I expect.