How to disarm a gunman

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 181

  • @theiridescentwitch
    @theiridescentwitch Год назад +145

    I fought off 13 gunmen yesterday thanks to this video alone. Can’t wait to do it again before I go to sleep today.

    • @asainsan747
      @asainsan747 Год назад +25

      Bro's a fucking anime character 💀

    • @hazeygrace8122
      @hazeygrace8122 Год назад +9

      ​@@asainsan747 he's the main character 🤣🤣💀

    • @Supermovieguy-r1b
      @Supermovieguy-r1b 9 месяцев назад +1

      Did you actually do it?🤨

    • @jesseli662
      @jesseli662 8 месяцев назад

      @@Supermovieguy-r1b He's talking about a game

    • @harverc229
      @harverc229 8 месяцев назад +3

      Yeah do it again and you’re gonna have a nice permanent sleep forever if your first statement was even true to begin with 😂

  • @itsyaboidaniel2919
    @itsyaboidaniel2919 7 лет назад +225

    Not sure if a woman who's basically a test dummy would be as realistic as a hard core criminal with a gun who's ready to shoot you the instant you make a move thats not giving them your wallet or hands up.

    • @charliecleary7962
      @charliecleary7962 4 года назад +18

      Anyone would be holding the gun the exact same way she would. You wouldnt tightly squeeze the pistol.

    • @kinsmed
      @kinsmed 3 года назад +11

      Have you grown up since this comment?

    • @randomjank2
      @randomjank2 3 года назад +6

      @@charliecleary7962 you don't squeeze the grip when you shoot?

    • @jhowardsupporter
      @jhowardsupporter 3 года назад +5

      In Mexico he'd be dead by now.

    • @PhantomizedYou
      @PhantomizedYou 3 года назад +2

      that’s why she’s a “test dummy”

  • @TheMightyThor83
    @TheMightyThor83 2 года назад +80

    I would go as far as to say this is dangerous to teach people because they may actually think they can disarm a gunman without being shot.

    • @Shade04rek
      @Shade04rek Год назад +11

      Sure, it's dangerous if people think they can try this without thorough practice. It's a perfectly fine skill as long as one trains it, not just watch a video and think they can do it on a whim.

    • @TheMightyThor83
      @TheMightyThor83 Год назад +11

      @@Shade04rek In just one of these videos, I want to see one of these instructors try their disarm technique against someone with a paintball or airsoft gun, who isn’t compliant and will actively try to shoot him. They never have that happen, and we all know why.

    • @Shade04rek
      @Shade04rek Год назад +3

      @@TheMightyThor83 Airsoft is literally a thing along with other practice guns, I don't think it's immediately used in all classes nor instructionals, but people do it if not on their own time, I have. Practice partners are already normally inclined try their hardest to "win the game", I don't know why that's hard to comprehend, then on top of it a partner already expects the attempt and will be focused to react faster than something real. People are always skeptical about it, which is fine, but it's not really that crazy, the first move is to get off the muzzle line, that's nothing, and the rest is just basically dominating by using 2 hands vs 1. It's a fraction of a fraction of a second. The whole point is to take advantage of an idiotic amature gunman that is in your face with a long range weapon, it's very easy to deal with just because they're close. The skill might not be for you, but it's certainly proven.

    • @TheMightyThor83
      @TheMightyThor83 Год назад +5

      @@Shade04rek The best defense against a gunman is to shut up and do what you’re told. You have a much higher chance of survival than if you try this. If you try this, you had better hope that he holds the gun the way he does in the video, his reflexes aren’t as fast as yours, you can do this the way you practice without a misstep, his trigger finger is slower than your hands, he doesn’t have the hammer cocked so the trigger is extremely light and will go off with a little bit of pressure, and if the gun goes off but doesn’t harm you, you’ll keep your composure afterwards, and with a pissed off guy who you just failed at disarming. In short, you aren’t Bruce Lee, and even Bruce Lee carried a pistol.

    • @user-xp5op6sl3r
      @user-xp5op6sl3r Год назад +2

      you obviously don't understand that the moment someone points a gun on you is already dangerous. so even doing nothing can kill you.

  • @jeffblood7094
    @jeffblood7094 Год назад +42

    When someone holds a gun to you, it's gonna have a chambered round, so when you grab someone by the arm make sure of the surroundings behind you because 9-10 times they're gonna pull the trigger while you try to disarm them

    • @thetwotones232
      @thetwotones232 Год назад +2

      Just hope your lucky 🤞

    • @davidjones8043
      @davidjones8043 11 месяцев назад

      ​@thetwotones232o if you're getting robbed... Prolly not very lucky

  • @ArmenChakmakian
    @ArmenChakmakian 3 года назад +26

    she's holding the gun like it's it's a glass of soda. not sure she's the best test dummy to try this out on.

    • @reer3192
      @reer3192 2 года назад +1

      As he said “they don’t expect it” so they grab the gun looser than you expect

    • @penapvp2230
      @penapvp2230 8 месяцев назад

      @@reer3192 ok but no one who knows how to use a gun would hold one like that in the first place

    • @reer3192
      @reer3192 8 месяцев назад

      @@penapvp2230 year old comment and I don’t even remember what my point was supposed to be, but this video seemed more like an interview in which the interviewer gets to interact with the interviewee. No one’s going to grab the gun like that but I’m sure he’s done plenty of those same drills with other people that do know how to hold a gun properly. Not saying any of this is actually viable or not but the curriculum of it still stands despite the woman not being the best partner for the drill

  • @sovietbape
    @sovietbape 3 года назад +71

    Here is the most effective technique that has been past down through out history it’s called give them anything they want and run away

    • @laurenbattle5767
      @laurenbattle5767 3 года назад +3

      and what happens if what they want is to kill or sexually assault you???

    • @pinkpuppy3415
      @pinkpuppy3415 2 года назад

      that will work against chicago thugs who know nothing but killing

    • @RazlemOfficial
      @RazlemOfficial 2 года назад +10

      Doesn't always work though

    • @soteroalvarado3161
      @soteroalvarado3161 Год назад

      They might want to kidnap you, rape you, or kill you.

    • @colinnickolaus3
      @colinnickolaus3 Год назад +8

      What if you're with your girlfriend and they want her. I'd rather die than let something like that happen

  • @xjo2hx2442x
    @xjo2hx2442x Год назад +8

    In my honest opinion this is more of a last resort move. Everyone has a natural fight or flight instinct in them and whenever you see a gunman/ woman in your vicinity, you should try and run. I live in a state where I can conceal carry and I do conceal carry but even with me having a firearm my first goal isn’t to stay and fight (call me what you will). My first instinct is to get myself to safety and only use my firearm as an absolute last resort when running away isn’t an option. So for me I would ONLY try this if I was cornered and had a gun to my face but I would NEVER turn my back to someone like he demonstrates. If this person has a knife in their pocket they could possibly grab if and stab you and you would never see it coming. If I was able to get control of the gunman’s wrist I would go for vital spots: kicking in the testicles, trying to stick my thumb in their eye socket, I mean if I’m fighting for my life I’m going to try and kill or cause as much bodily harm to someone as I can. I couldn’t care less about holding someone down until authorities arrive!

  • @shashankrajput5510
    @shashankrajput5510 4 месяца назад +2

    His Enemy 🕺🏼🤺
    My Enemy 🕺🏼 🤺

  • @r0ky_M
    @r0ky_M 3 года назад +9

    What approach does one use if gunman is
    six or ten feet away?

    • @kirkskilling3249
      @kirkskilling3249 2 года назад +6

      Put your hands up. And pray. Also do whatever the shooter or gunman says

    • @r0ky_M
      @r0ky_M 2 года назад +5

      "Pray" for some invisible
      sky wizard to help you?..🤔

    • @Eldric.1
      @Eldric.1 Год назад +3

      when the gunmen want something in you, u give them while walking slowly to the gunmen, as close as possible then when the position is possible disarm them

    • @r0ky_M
      @r0ky_M Год назад +3

      You watch too many movies 😂

    • @xakune8357
      @xakune8357 Год назад +10

      @@r0ky_M what was the point of asking this question if you’re just gonna troll people who answer? You’re not genuinely curious, you’re just bored. Lmao

  • @Axolotl_Mischief
    @Axolotl_Mischief Год назад +6

    This is why you don't stand close enough to someone that they can actually touch the gun.

    • @RETR0MAN
      @RETR0MAN Месяц назад

      I know right

  • @ArtByCass
    @ArtByCass Год назад +2

    I'm saving this video to my self defense playlist. I hope I never need to use this information but it's better to be safe than sorry.

  • @allans7281
    @allans7281 6 месяцев назад +2

    Usually someone someone points a gun at you a little further away what would you do then

  • @judasthepious1499
    @judasthepious1499 5 месяцев назад +1

    RIP to all pedestrian who "accidentally" got random bullets because of this

  • @amvchannels3458
    @amvchannels3458 4 года назад +3

    I saw other videos about that and I don't think this one is a good one because you saying stay away from the line of fire but at the moment you will try the move his gun he might have already pull the trigger I think you should move your body

  • @CarLifeSRT
    @CarLifeSRT 10 месяцев назад +1

    A bullet moves faster than you can think so before you realize it you are already dead

  • @aimeeseek
    @aimeeseek Год назад +2

    Well I had to use self-defense on someone who tried to steal my property and than got mad. Oh and after hearing a male police officer wishing derogative language on me with a weapon I am definitely learning to de-arm people whom are trying to murder me.

  • @shawncosmos5431
    @shawncosmos5431 7 месяцев назад +1

    Always practice ‘situational awareness’.

  • @anthony18791
    @anthony18791 3 года назад +4

    Now I’m Batman 😎

  • @frogwiz9055
    @frogwiz9055 Год назад

    Yeah this is deff not only LAST resort but also dont even atrempt UNLESS youre built strong.

  • @KristophM
    @KristophM 3 года назад +14

    Lmfao, a woman, who's much weaker than a man, this woman in particular who doesn't even know how to properly hold a pistol isn't very realistic...

    • @meheddinetaha6725
      @meheddinetaha6725 4 месяца назад

      Once you're close in distance with the robber u can do anything

  • @JollyCat
    @JollyCat 3 месяца назад

    Now, what if you're on the other side of the room and you can't get any closer?

  • @alexbittle2900
    @alexbittle2900 10 месяцев назад

    extremly situational. if the persons built stronger if they are mentally ill and wont shoot no matter what theres so many differences

  • @he110me
    @he110me 4 месяца назад

    This seems like a reasonable defense against a gunman who is stupid enough to close the distance.

  • @knitskrutt
    @knitskrutt Год назад

    thank you. I needed this. someone dropped my hamster this morning. a gift from my wife.

  • @satlite9228
    @satlite9228 4 года назад +3


    • @r3trobananas33
      @r3trobananas33 3 года назад

      i feel if you had a rifle, its reason of length is range, wouldn’t they be farther

    • @jhowardsupporter
      @jhowardsupporter 3 года назад +1

      What about a RPG?

    • @whoelsebutmatty
      @whoelsebutmatty 2 года назад +1


    • @coppulor6500
      @coppulor6500 Год назад


    • @francesbernard2445
      @francesbernard2445 10 месяцев назад

      No. It is only easier to disarm a person who is using a weapon which just got invented a few years ago prior to that by someone they know too instead. A few years ago while at the same time while starting to go grey having to overhear another different kind of brat in that same community college lunch room bragging about how many uinderage grade schoolers he has deflowered so far while he thought I was hard of hearing there. Hard of hearing while only there for a cheaper meal to buy than at a regular restaraunt instead of being a student at the college too. Another woman was attending the same program as me at the time (unlike me who had to quit while already having too much to do too) -- already knew the material we were studying in Computer Engineering Technology when she signed up for it however the government had decided that anyone female working in A.I. now had to be qualified with credentials to do so -- Unlike Bill Gates. No she wasn't the brat who had invented that electronic weapon there at the time.

  • @tommycordero4001
    @tommycordero4001 Год назад +1

    My cousin did this. Now it's his 3rd year death anniversary 😂

  • @llmrkantonyll5477
    @llmrkantonyll5477 10 месяцев назад

    Gun first. Then the wrist. If you lose control or miss the gun then control the wrist

  • @GAguns
    @GAguns 9 месяцев назад

    That's it this is the real special forces/law enforcement method

  • @BarronBarca
    @BarronBarca Год назад

    Here the most effective way to avoid this. Don’t give them what they want and run away.

  • @paulwood5508
    @paulwood5508 6 месяцев назад

    I always have more faith in people that have actually used their knowledge for real. The firearm should at least have simunition in it and the person playing the baddie should have no idea what's coming. Train like you fight.

  • @thegatekeeper2362
    @thegatekeeper2362 6 месяцев назад +1

    What if the criminal pull the trigger from far?

  • @AlyssaAlyrics
    @AlyssaAlyrics 5 месяцев назад

    Should've made this video longer and get the woman to try disarming the dude.

  • @thenickwiszniewski
    @thenickwiszniewski Год назад +1

    Yeah attempting anything is a last resort and if anything , providing it has an automatic action then grab the fjck*n thjng slide the action backwards and try and get your finger or thumb in the trigger guard while head butting , but that really is if you’re certain you’re about to become a statistic .

    • @15Stratos
      @15Stratos Год назад +1

      Better to know exactly what to do and not actually need to do it than not know what to do when you might need it

  • @Elayza
    @Elayza 5 месяцев назад

    What if he’s punching your head with his other hand?

  • @Getrippedoutofyourmind
    @Getrippedoutofyourmind 4 месяца назад

    You’re out of luck if they have a knife in their pocket though

  • @Americanpatriot-zo2tk
    @Americanpatriot-zo2tk 9 месяцев назад +1

    Alright Israel!

  • @georgegates526
    @georgegates526 Год назад

    Whooly cow! That's how they do it!!

  • @audreyhill5720
    @audreyhill5720 4 месяца назад

    Well there is that other hand on the attacker…

  • @nww-r4l
    @nww-r4l 7 месяцев назад

    That woman is nervous holding a prop gun, of course he is going to knock it out of her hands. That and he is more than twice her size.

  • @madmikefollower6939
    @madmikefollower6939 Год назад +1

    Bruh this a Gunwoman stop clickbaiting

  • @handsome526
    @handsome526 3 месяца назад

    Not everyone should have a gun

  • @robotpanda77
    @robotpanda77 5 месяцев назад

    All you guys talking about how its a girl, have you seen real life robbery videos? Its typically some skinny black kid that looks like he weighs 60 pounds. And he will run the second the victim fights back. He is not stronger or braver than this woman nor will he be some firearms expert.

  • @jschannel6962
    @jschannel6962 Год назад

    Gun disarm videos
    Helpful or a waste of time?
    Honest answers🤔

  • @jayare6872
    @jayare6872 3 года назад

    But this is kinda like " Taking Candy from a Baby " !

  • @Ashtrixal
    @Ashtrixal 8 месяцев назад

    Watching this after the recent terrorist attack in Russia

  • @patrickdixon3512
    @patrickdixon3512 Год назад

    Ok what if you are at a party and there like a group with guns and they pull it out when you ask where their homie and your home girl went cause she is drunk as hell

  • @kevcaratacus9428
    @kevcaratacus9428 8 месяцев назад

    Main trouble with videos like this is they reply on the gunman doing a whole bunch of things first before the victim has any chance .
    Stand in a certain way
    Stand at the right distance etc etc, it's impossible to train for something like this nobody knows what they'll do.
    If lile them to practice doing what they preach on a random guy ( using a fake gun obvs)
    But they don't
    that's why these vid are all bullshit

  • @Bolling0
    @Bolling0 Год назад

    This is not how you disarm a gunman

  • @dipeshsingh4175
    @dipeshsingh4175 5 месяцев назад

    Imma be ded 😂

  • @s.j.5810
    @s.j.5810 Год назад

    LOL at all these wishful commentators.
    "Just give them what they want and you'll be fiiiine."
    What a stupid facking answer.
    If they want your watch, sure.
    If they want your life however...
    Why would being armed with life-or-death defense tactics be a negative?
    Think, people.
    And don't take advice from someone who's perfectly fine with being a victim. They tend to have a short life expectancy.

  • @christalbott450
    @christalbott450 Год назад +1

    Hi all. Breathe air. (God created all things. Jesus, his son, and his unbreakable red blood, died to forgive us of every wrong deed. He was resurrected 3 days later.)

  • @tooberman921
    @tooberman921 6 месяцев назад

    The 1/10 times

  • @bill_y4762
    @bill_y4762 Год назад

    lol what about the 1 time out of 10 you get shot in the head??

  • @thedomainofsealteamaqua
    @thedomainofsealteamaqua 3 месяца назад +1

    How about…. Don’t try. Don’t ever try to disarm a gunman

  • @hospitalsgivingpatientsdan8894
    @hospitalsgivingpatientsdan8894 7 месяцев назад


  • @Ayookd293
    @Ayookd293 3 месяца назад


  • @nafeesaummerkutty3252
    @nafeesaummerkutty3252 2 месяца назад +1

    Free Palestine

  • @yup7242
    @yup7242 7 месяцев назад

    Israeli!!! Yessssssss!!!!!!

  • @corb765
    @corb765 Год назад +1
