Need help improving your SAT score? Check out Brooke & Jackie's 8-week SAT Intensive! Use coupon code INTENSIVE50 to save $50!
hey everyone i'm taking a SAT test next week sadly and i am dealing with anxiety stress i don't even know if i can even pass the reading/writing test because of the heavy heart that i am having is very overwhelming and stressful. my prayers goes to everyone in the comment section to pass and myself included.
I got Sat on coming Saturday as well! If i am being honest, writing was the most easiest part for me. Only takes a couple of rules to practice and you'll get most of questions right easily... who's your prep for the other sections?
I personally think it might be easier to read the passage and go straight to the question once you hit it. This way, you have the context and know what may or may not need to change, so you can answer the questions faster instead of constantly trying to refer back to the paragraph (unless you have those placement questions, but you can always find the out of place sentence while you're reading, or even see it in the question beforehand and keep it in mind so you can know it's out of place and make it your objective to move it by yourself to match it with the choices and preserve time.). I use this strategy and I always end up having time left, so I ALWAYS use that time to look at the previous choices that I called into question so I can come back and check it out with a fresher mind while knowing I finished the section already. This gets me around an 80% correct margin, and I'm 14 in 10th grade, so it's DEFINITELY progress due to previously getting 900s on the PSAT OVERALL when I was 10-11 and having 1100 on the PSAT just last year. I'm now in the mid-to-late 1200s on the OFFICIAL SAT with the R&W Section as my strength to carry me bc I'm a little slow in math, lol. March 14th gang, getting some extra tips lol
Jack Li 1020. I'm retaking it again this October. Though it doesn't seem like it, I am mentally bummed. The fact that its senior year and I have to fill out all them college applications makes it sound like a road full of stress is approaching. *sigh*
Hahah I remember when I used to just watch these videos occasionally. I'm a junior now and take the SAT in one week. You're like a best friend for me now!
Thank you so much! This video showed me I already had most of the skills to answer the questions but just lacked the stratagy or approch. Very helpful!
I have the key aspect of my application here: @ I have applied to Harvard under early action this year. Will I be able to get in? Dont forget to read the description as well.
Well to time like the present to prepare for the future because I have to take the sat some time this year. I'm pretty nervous so that's why I'm preparing a little bit before school starts
Hii! Thanks that helped a lot! but what about the "should/can the author insert this sentence" and "line x should be place .." type of questions? Can you show a strategy that works with those questions? Also the vocab in context? When I answer this type it's a 50% chance o get it right and 50% chance I get it wrong. What do you suggest the best way to deal with those questions? Other than ,of course, learning more words to expand my vocabulary. Thanks again for the video!
Brooke, You're amazing and so are ur videos. This video in particular helped alot to identify my mistakes! Thank you so much :) Sending love from India!
Is your tips are applicable for all questions of writing n language test?? ......n onething I think u speak more quickly which cause little bit problem to us.....
Need help improving your SAT score? Check out Brooke & Jackie's 8-week SAT Intensive! Use coupon code INTENSIVE50 to save $50!
In the parking lot before the SAT. Wish me luck
Best of luck, Foxxy!
Good Luck. I’m bout to take it!!
goodluck man
your audio is good with your whole new system
What did U get
when u have the SAT tomorrow and your just trying to cram in information xD
Fr Fr
Anand K more like in an hour 😭
you are *
And I am having it tomorrow too but was a year after yours
@@emanmiftah9500 same but 6 months after yours 😂
may the Lord God be with us all in the mighty name of Jesus Amen!!!!!!!!
Random Acts what did you get
I'm watching this because I'm taking the SAT for the second time in less than two days. Wish me luck everyone!! ^^
Good look, how it went?
May the 4 be with us
2 MORE On S vine with youuuu
Yeah, im big screwed.
@@asamcmeekin6403 im right there with you
ap grind gave me no study time
hey everyone i'm taking a SAT test next week sadly and i am dealing with anxiety stress i don't even know if i can even pass the reading/writing test because of the heavy heart that i am having is very overwhelming and stressful. my prayers goes to everyone in the comment section to pass and myself included.
I got Sat on coming Saturday as well! If i am being honest, writing was the most easiest part for me. Only takes a couple of rules to practice and you'll get most of questions right easily... who's your prep for the other sections?
@@hassaanzafar4660 well you know English is not my first language that’s why but math was easy for me I mean good luck for you
Did u pass?
here for my Saturday sat lol, good luck everyone!
Im gonna need it
@@thesashasaturn good luck
@@accidentalmadness1708 thank u😃u too
Sat this Saturday. I have high hopes, but man I wish I studied more.
Omg do u go to ISCHS?
Steven Duenas what did u get? I’m gonna fail miserably
Put your thumbs up if you hate the reading section. :(
March 9th squad, where you at?
School day but here 😂😂😂
Cili Oakenshield good luck my g
sadly 😭😭
sadly here
Sat in two days and i dont know what a colon is
bruh same
Y'all ripppp
Everyone: “ dec7 gang?”
Yes sir
Same bro
Z tv Blazing lmaoo
good luck tomorrow guys
Reading the comments?! Go practice for your SAT. ;)
Farouk Aouf lol
i have to take the psat soon
Tvisha Doshi nigga
Best college prep channel ever.
I personally think it might be easier to read the passage and go straight to the question once you hit it. This way, you have the context and know what may or may not need to change, so you can answer the questions faster instead of constantly trying to refer back to the paragraph (unless you have those placement questions, but you can always find the out of place sentence while you're reading, or even see it in the question beforehand and keep it in mind so you can know it's out of place and make it your objective to move it by yourself to match it with the choices and preserve time.).
I use this strategy and I always end up having time left, so I ALWAYS use that time to look at the previous choices that I called into question so I can come back and check it out with a fresher mind while knowing I finished the section already. This gets me around an 80% correct margin, and I'm 14 in 10th grade, so it's DEFINITELY progress due to previously getting 900s on the PSAT OVERALL when I was 10-11 and having 1100 on the PSAT just last year. I'm now in the mid-to-late 1200s on the OFFICIAL SAT with the R&W Section as my strength to carry me bc I'm a little slow in math, lol. March 14th gang, getting some extra tips lol
Taking the SAT in 2 days.... give me all your prayers!
Justin Okoh same i take mine tomorrow good luck!!
Beingtaylor M me too!
we're all in this together 🙈🙈🙈
How'd you do?
Jack Li 1020. I'm retaking it again this October. Though it doesn't seem like it, I am mentally bummed. The fact that its senior year and I have to fill out all them college applications makes it sound like a road full of stress is approaching. *sigh*
Hi Brooke, I loved your breakdown of subject-verb agreement question. The test makers just love making it tricky :)
Tryna cram for the SAT Tomorrow..
Rip saturday people.
Vibeats Vb me
Someone murder me
yep :/
Good luck y'all
Good luck to us
Taking the SAT tomorrow.
Thank you. Yes, indeed, you talk very fast, usually an indication of high intelligence. Or insanity.
Brooke is insanely intelligent.
Tommarow is my SAT in 2020...Thank you for posting these videos, they have helped me remember, 'study' and prepare myself
Maam you put so much effort into speaking with energy. Hats off to you!
Hahah I remember when I used to just watch these videos occasionally. I'm a junior now and take the SAT in one week. You're like a best friend for me now!
love how they literally go over the 3 easiest questions on the practice test...
wow, I think you are the best tutor in youtube. thank you! and about speed: in my opinion, quite normal and understandable.
August 24th anyone? Good luck to all
Joshie this is my only studying😬
shiiii is your exam today?
@@isabelb925 lol
Honestly didn’t go that bad hb u guys? Lol
June 1st squad!
wodahs no where
i haven’t even got my score back yet
Taking the SAT on Saturday
Tomorrow is exam day 1st dec,2018 .Wish you all bunch of luck hope i also get them
im currently scoring a 1370 on my practice tests, but my goal is at least 1480. Please pray for me.
how’d you do?
Sat tomorrow
Wish me luck
malikah davis SAME LMAO GOOD LUCK
samee dude
How was your sat
my sat is in dec 2 saturday...2017...and i am prepared enough to score 1400+ wish me luck....cheers
best of luck bro...which country r u from??
i dont hav probleems with maths but i feel reading section a bit hard
yup it does hepls
Same. Hope to get 1500+ im resorting to praying now😂
from where r u taking the test??
good luck fellow May 4th bois
good luck to you too my dude
Zach Hagen hella nervous
@@dave.4kt215 howd you do
Thank you so much! This video showed me I already had most of the skills to answer the questions but just lacked the stratagy or approch. Very helpful!
I have the key aspect of my application here: @
I have applied to Harvard under early action this year. Will I be able to get in? Dont forget to read the description as well.
Taking my SAT tmr hopefully I learn something from this
going for 1550 in march but stuck up on grammar !!!
You are such an amazing and beautiful tutor!! Thank you so much you are so helpful!!
may 4th squad, where y'all at?
🖐🏻 Help me😭
Chidinma Onya May 4th is my birthday lol
Taking the SAT in two days
femme fatale we got this
October SAT !!!
Taking it tmr
let's get this bread
@@nabe4320 lol fr. gl tomorrow :-:
Don't Read My Profile Picture same😂😂
N Betancourt rightt
Dude we have 44 minutes.. how will I even have time
Maxine 35 mins** and 44 questions
Not even a minute for each question 😪
once u keep doing it you will be able to do it faster
Just found ur channel! Taking the SAT on Saturday 😩
Nida Siddiqui I'm right there with you man...
Nida Siddiqui same
same here...
Nida Siddiqui lmao getting tips days before is a terrible strat
Nida Siddiqui how was it?
June 1st squad
Read Jackson right here bro let’s do this
Light Matter let’s go
That was easier than others
Well to time like the present to prepare for the future because I have to take the sat some time this year. I'm pretty nervous so that's why I'm preparing a little bit before school starts
Good luck tomorrow!!
June 1st🙏🏾 need to gain 200 points😬
Ayyyyyy good luck to every body
DECEMBER pplll... any tips for the math (especially for someone who has never taken Alg.2) and tips for finishing the reading on time?
dec squad where you at !
Here! xD
... -_-
ayy June 1 squad??? I’m in New York
Yes bro.
Sat tmr 💯
Where can I learn the different agreements/ more grammar that I need to know? Thanks!
I’m taking mine in 2 weeks..
Hii! Thanks that helped a lot! but what about the "should/can the author insert this sentence" and "line x should be place .." type of questions? Can you show a strategy that works with those questions? Also the vocab in context? When I answer this type it's a 50% chance o get it right and 50% chance I get it wrong. What do you suggest the best way to deal with those questions? Other than ,of course, learning more words to expand my vocabulary. Thanks again for the video!
SAT tomorrow😩
kill me now
I wanna dir
I'm sooooo not ready for tomorrow.
You just make me believe that writing sat test is a piece of cake
October 5th?? Anyone ?🤧
Thank you very much, english Is not my first, but a perfect score Is certainly my goal that I'm working on, thank you again for the help!!
Aye where’s the June 1st squad @ tho is it just me?
Easy Lifts ayyyyy😂
trailblazers r gay lmao
Brooke, You're amazing and so are ur videos. This video in particular helped alot to identify my mistakes! Thank you so much :)
Sending love from India!
*a lot :)
May 4th squad, where u at ??
What's the best place to practice grammar rules?????
could you tell me what are websites that I could use from SAT practices?
And how can I improve my English skills?
I know this is late but one great website is khan academy.
March 14th squad hit like >>
Everyone is saying you’re going to fast but i sped it up cause u were too slow HAHA good video !
LORDE WITH AN E so trueeeee
Also in the parking lot before the SAT. also wish me luck
Sat is tomorrow. My second time taking it . Failed the first one
March 13th squad, where you at?
Here 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Here! How's your prep?
Thank you! Love you! Bless you! (Get the pattern?)
This video has helped so muhc!!! thank you for all the tips
im so screwed.....
Taking the SAT this morning!
I take the SAT tomorrow at 8🥺 wish me luck
Who’s reviewing at night before exam?
subject verb agreement . . of course . .
December 1st 2018 takers anyone?
same, good luck for you and I
rsjshshsj addd :(
Aye good luck fam
October 5th?
What is a good Grammar book that would help me on the SAT?
y’all i have the sat tmmr wish me gl
Oct 5. You here mate?
Never clicked so fast on a video before XD
Who is taking the Sat this SATURDay?!
Daily Crazy Videos Videos Mee
SATurday but no
You talk very fast
you could always reduce the speed in the settings of the video. I usually do this for crash course videos
SHEREEN OTHMAN not fast enough
Lmao I slowed down the speed I can’t fully understand anything she says
lol same
reminds me of Lex Luthor in Batman v superman😂
Please add a quick summary of the strategies or context of the video in text form in the event details
Almost all our videos have an associated blog that does so. Link is always in description!
My psat tomorrow wish me luck
Is your tips are applicable for all questions of writing n language test?? ......n onething I think u speak more quickly which cause little bit problem to us.....
I have SATs tomorrow (13th May)
October 5th squad wya
Taking the SAT tomorrow and currently freaking out because I need a 1200 at least and my last test was a 1060
Kristen Dooran literally same, I got an 1160 and am taking tomorrow too
Don't freak out! You got this!
Kristen Dooran Why so you need a 1200?
Kristen Dooran i went from a 1030 to a 1250
Kristen Dooran 1200 is trash go for 1450
August 24th squad, where ya at?
I have my SAT tomorrow, wish me luck boys!
What's the website you used?
nov 2?