Nathan Auatag MY LAWS WERE MENT TO FREE YOU “I Created you…mankind, in My Image…My very Breath Breathed into you, so that you would be extensions of Me, in this place. I did not create you to be here for you, so that you could have your own will & desires to satisfy you, but rather you were Created to be My Reflections here…so that Light and Love could be experienced by everyone. This life I have given you is about Our Journey together, as you learn My Truths and come to know Me more and more intimately the more you seek Me. I want to have a Relationship with you and I want you to understand how much each one of you are loved. You are each Created with a very important Purpose and in your Journey with Me, I will reveal to you individually why you are here and how you can fulfill the purposes you were Created for…because I Love you so much I have provided Instructions for you in My Word, so that you will have a guide to follow, as The Words that are Written there reveal very clearly Who I AM, My Heart, and how you who choose Me and recognize Me, as your Saviour should conduct yourselves. The Commandments I have given you should not be viewed as a set of rules to check off, as My Purpose and Motive in providing these Instructions are to be a model for you in how to Walk worthy of what I have called each of you to do…a Life of Holiness, Purity, and Righteousness…Walking in My Example. Please, do not look at My Commandments, as a list of do’s & don’t’s, but rather as My Way of warning you ahead of time of the things all around you in this life that can and do cause you to stumble. Sin is separating yourselves away from Me, by doing things your way and believing you have the correct answers for you and being wise in your own eyes. Just as I share so often, when I teach…everything you do is a matter of your HEART. Look at it this way…in learning My Commandments, as you set out to do something that I have warned you not to do…ask yourselves “what is my heart motive for doing this?” I want this to be very simple for you to understand…everything you do and everything you speak comes from your HEART.You are either for Me or against Me. When you know what is Holy in My Eyes and you know what The Truth is, you are accountable for the choices you make. My Commandments to you are My Ways of making very clear the things in your life that will separate you from Me and hinder you in the process of getting close with Me. When you have these Instructions that have come directly from Me, but make the choices to not heed them anyway, then you are exercising your own free will and therefore, you are the ones distancing yourselves from Me. I will always be here for you. It is you who pull away from Me. This world constantly throws temptations and seductions in your face, because I am not the ruler of this world. I have given dominion to satan for a time;however, because you were made in My Image when you Walk with Me in obedience, to what I am teaching you in My Word…you walk in the same Power and Authority that I had, when I came to this earth…so, in following My Commandments…you become ONE with Me, as it was always intended for My Creation to do. In Walking in obedience frees you from guilt, condemnation, and bondage…rather than putting you under these things, which is all this world offers you. My Commandments should be viewed as My opportunity for you to be truly free in this life and experience the incredible plans I have Created you for, while you are here. They are meant to encourage you, build you up in Me, and strengthen you, as you go about your lives here…giving you a means to escape the limitations this fallen realm puts on you. Pray for understanding in what I have told you here. Yahushua, your Father, The Creator of all things. “My Laws Were Meant To Free You” Message received by Behold I Come - Julie Whedbee April 14.2018
I too have this issue. At times I get angry. May the LORD help us to be like Him - Loving kindness and truth. Praying for you as I pray for myself. Lord Jesus Christ, be merciful to me a sinner.
This song is special to me. It was originally written by a friend of the family a long time ago but he sold the rights to it. He just recently passed away.
Amen. God bless you Brother. 130 days now!. lol So happy to hear that. God bless you :) James 1: 12 Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.
I’ve been on a “Kutless, Take me in” kick tonight. I saw your comment on another version of this song earlier. I really hope you’re doing well! Your more detailed testimony on the other video I read is super powerful! Praise Jesus!! I pray continued blessings and protection over you in the name of Jesus!
my pastor and worship team played this version last night, I never heard it before, now I keep sharing it. I fell on my knees and face and worshiped God while it was playing
I’ve made a disaster of almost every turn of my life. The last two years have been probably the worst and darkest times of my life I’ve ever faced… I ask if your reading this and you believe in God you would keep me in your prayers… I go to court this Monday how I need deliverance … I just lift my hands to you lord as I cry out to you.
Awesome, outpouring of believers spirit and presence of holy spirit., i can listening this over and over again since last one week. Take me in to the holy of holies Lord, here i am your child
Dear Lord please bless people of Kiev and Ukraine in this dark time, protect them and let your peace rings in their country again. I curse in the mighty name of Jesus all evil forces who are against them in high places. we do not have any human enemy but evil spirits of darkness. Amen.
We used to sing this song in church. It's been years since I've heard it. I've been hearing it in my head for a while. When I typed it into the space on RUclips, I was glad to see that they had it. So good to hear it again.
Leve-me além do átrio exterior Dentro do Santo Lugar Leve-me ao altar de bronze Senhor, quero ver Sua face Faça-me passar pelas multidões de pessoas E os Sacerdotes que cantam Seu louvor Eu estou faminto e sedento pela sua justiça E isso só se encontra em um único lugar Take me past the outer courts Into the Holy Place Past the brazen altar Lord I want to see your face Pass me by the crowds of people And the Priests who sing your praise I hunger and thirst for your righteousness And it's only found in one place Take me into the holy of holies Take me in by the blood of the lamb Take me into the holy of holies Take the coal, touch my lips, here I am Leve-me ao Santo dos Santos Leve-me ao sangue do cordeiro Leve-me ao Santo dos Santos Pegue a brasa, toque meus lábios, estou aqui
He is wearing Hickory Crawdads hat I’m from Hickory NC, Jon is awesome for supporting local baseball team!!! As a Christian drummer, Jeffrey Gilbert is a awesome dude!!! They all are !!!
Isaías 6:1-8 No ano da morte do rei Uzias, eu vi também ao Senhor assentado sobre um alto e sublime trono; e a cauda do seu manto enchia o templo. Serafins estavam por cima dele; cada um tinha seis asas; com duas cobriam os seus rostos, e com duas cobriam os seus pés, e com duas voavam. E clamavam uns aos outros, dizendo: Santo, Santo, Santo é o Senhor dos Exércitos; toda a terra está cheia da sua glória. E os umbrais das portas se moveram à voz do que clamava, e a casa se encheu de fumaça. Então disse eu: Ai de mim! Pois estou perdido; porque sou um homem de lábios impuros, e habito no meio de um povo de impuros lábios; os meus olhos viram o Rei, o Senhor dos Exércitos. Porém um dos serafins voou para mim, trazendo na sua mão uma brasa viva, que tirara do altar com um tenaz; E com a brasa tocou a minha boca, e disse: Eis que isto tocou os teus lábios; e a tua iniquidade foi tirada, e expiado o teu pecado. Depois disto ouvi a voz do Senhor, que dizia: A quem enviarei, e quem há de ir por nós? Então disse eu: Eis-me aqui, envia-me a mim. O texto apresenta os seguintes momentos: 1 - Convite à Congreção em meio a uma crise: "Eu vi também ao Senhor assentado sobre um alto de sublime trono..." 2 - Louvor e Adoração dos anjos: representa o ministério de louvor 3 - Confissão de Pecados: "-Ai de mim, sou um homem de lábios impuros...e os meus olhos viram o Rei, o Senhor dos Exércitos" 4 - Processo de Santificação: "- E com a brasa tocou a minha boca e disse: Eis que isto tocou os teus lábios; e a tua iniquidade foi tirada, e expiado o teu pecado". 5 - Momento de Pregação da Palavra: "-A quem enviarei? Quem há de ir por nós?" Versículo 1: A morte de Uzias representa a morte de um governo da Terra. Foi um reino de prosperidade, segurança e expansão agrícola, governado com braço forte em meio a guerras, cujo um homem decidiu servir ao Senhor. Mesmo que o povo tenha servido a outros deuses. Referências 2°Crônicas 26 e 2°Reis 15. Um governo este ano morrerá. (não necessariamente um governante, mas sim, um governo). A esperança do povo estava em Uzias, um mortal que Deus levantara, ao invés de estar no próprio Deus, a sua morte, representa a morte da esperança do povo de Judá. Nós estamos depositando as nossas confianças em figuras políticas, reinos deste mundo, títulos, cargos e funções, empregos, bens e direitos, na nossa família, em outros deuses e pessoas famosas, menos em Deus. Versículo 2: As asas que cobrem o rosto representam o reconhecimento ao soberano e eterno Deus, ao Rei dos reis. As asas que cobrem os pés representam o respeito que os anjos têm com o seu governante em símbolo de recato. As asas que voam representam a proatividade para ações que devem ser tomadas imediatamente, representando a Agilidade. Versículo 3: A música que representa o "Santo, Santo, Santo é o Senhor dos Exércitos; toda a Terra está cheia da sua glória" faz uma breve representação aos louvores cantados ao nosso Deus, que inclusive representam o Ministério de Louvor da igreja. Versículo 4: A manifestação do Espírito Santo sobre Isaías no presente local. Versículo 5: O arrependimento do profeta dos seus pecados ao dizer "-sou um homem de lábios impuros e habito no meio de um povo de impuros lábios" o que representa a sua conversão. Aqui, o texto deixa claro que foi a primeira experiência que Isaías teve com Deus de fato, lembrando que este era um homem da alta sociedade de Judá com forte influência direta nas decisões tomadas pelo Estado, e muito provavelmente com acesso ao templo. Isaías, era um homem culto e conhecedor da cultura de seu povo, e das maravilhas que Deus fez por intermédio de seus pais, e dos pais de seus pais, e dos pais dos pais de seus pais, e dos pais dos pais dos pais de seus pais; contudo, ainda não conhecia a Deus verdadeiramente. Isaías representa o crente não convertido que passa pelo processo de conversão. Aquele crente que passa anos na igreja, as vezes nos Ministérios, na Liderança, e no meio dos pastores, tocando no louvor, contando o dízimo, trazendo a palavra, mas muitas vezes sem ser convertido de fato. E este Capítulo nos mostra a sua conversão. Versículos 6 e 7: Momento de Purificação; descrito na música como "take the coal, touch my lips, here I am" é o momento em que o anjo toca os lábios de Isaías e o purifica de seu pecado de ter insultado a si mesmo e ao povo de Israel na presença de DEUS. Este momento representa o ato de confissão de pecados seguido do momento da purificação. Este ano, o SENHOR levantará um Isaías para aconselhar os reinos desta Terra, assim como fez com Uzias, Jotão, Acaz e Ezequias, além de outros reis. Versículo 8: Momento do Ide. "-A quem enviarei? Quem há de ir por nós ?" é uma breve "provocação" de Deus chamando Isaías para o início do seu Ministério profético INDIRETAMENTE, pois o mesmo já sabia o que o profeta iria responder. Isaías conhecendo o poder de Deus, nada temeu e disse: "-Eis me Aqui, envia-me a mim" novamente remetendo ao trecho da música "Take the coal, touch my lips, HERE I AM".
who is from 2024?
Who is still listening to this song 2020...Our God is an awesome God...
“I Created you…mankind, in My Image…My very Breath Breathed into you, so that you would be extensions of Me, in this place. I did not create you to be here for you, so that you could have your own will & desires to satisfy you, but rather you were Created to be My Reflections here…so that Light and Love could be experienced by everyone.
This life I have given you is about Our Journey together, as you learn My Truths and come to know Me more and more intimately the more you seek Me. I want to have a Relationship with you and I want you to understand how much each one of you are loved.
You are each Created with a very important Purpose and in your Journey with Me, I will reveal to you individually why you are here and how you can fulfill the purposes you were Created for…because I Love you so much I have provided Instructions for you in My Word, so that you will have a guide to follow, as The Words that are Written there reveal very clearly Who I AM, My Heart, and how you who choose Me and recognize Me, as your Saviour should conduct yourselves.
The Commandments I have given you should not be viewed as a set of rules to check off, as My Purpose and Motive in providing these Instructions are to be a model for you in how to Walk worthy of what I have called each of you to do…a Life of Holiness, Purity, and Righteousness…Walking in My Example.
Please, do not look at My Commandments, as a list of do’s & don’t’s, but rather as My Way of warning you ahead of time of the things all around you in this life that can and do cause you to stumble. Sin is separating yourselves away from Me, by doing things your way and believing you have the correct answers for you and being wise in your own eyes. Just as I share so often, when I teach…everything you do is a matter of your HEART.
Look at it this way…in learning My Commandments, as you set out to do something that I have warned you not to do…ask yourselves “what is my heart motive for doing this?” I want this to be very simple for you to understand…everything you do and everything you speak comes from your HEART.You are either for Me or against Me. When you know what is Holy in My Eyes and you know what The Truth is, you are accountable for the choices you make. My Commandments to you are My Ways of making very clear the things in your life that will separate you from Me and hinder you in the process of getting close with Me. When you have these Instructions that have come directly from Me, but make the choices to not heed them anyway, then you are exercising your own free will and therefore, you are the ones distancing yourselves from Me. I will always be here for you. It is you who pull away from Me.
This world constantly throws temptations and seductions in your face, because I am not the ruler of this world. I have given dominion to satan for a time;however, because you were made in My Image when you Walk with Me in obedience, to what I am teaching you in My Word…you walk in the same Power and Authority that I had, when I came to this earth…so, in following My Commandments…you become ONE with Me, as it was always intended for My Creation to do. In Walking in obedience frees you from guilt, condemnation, and bondage…rather than putting you under these things, which is all this world offers you.
My Commandments should be viewed as My opportunity for you to be truly free in this life and experience the incredible plans I have Created you for, while you are here. They are meant to encourage you, build you up in Me, and strengthen you, as you go about your lives here…giving you a means to escape the limitations this fallen realm puts on you. Pray for understanding in what I have told you here.
Yahushua, your Father,
The Creator of all things.
“My Laws Were Meant To Free You”
Message received by Behold I Come - Julie Whedbee
April 14.2018
@@gardeno Thanks, just thanks!
Just found this song 2021, praise to the most high Yeshua HaMashiach!!
Waiting for our blessed hope!❤
June 2022 🙌🏻 ❤️
I don’t want to be an angry person anymore. Pls take it away Lord Jesus🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻
May Jesus hear your prayer. May your heart be healed in the name of Jesus
I recommend the RUclips channel “only one truth” for you to learn the word of God.
I too have this issue. At times I get angry. May the LORD help us to be like Him - Loving kindness and truth. Praying for you as I pray for myself. Lord Jesus Christ, be merciful to me a sinner.
God Bless
Praying for you
This song is special to me. It was originally written by a friend of the family a long time ago but he sold the rights to it. He just recently passed away.
Awesome tune saved born again 122 days baptized 112 days filled with a double measure of the holy spirit thank god for this new life
Amen. God bless you Brother. 130 days now!. lol So happy to hear that. God bless you :)
James 1: 12 Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.
I’ve been on a “Kutless, Take me in” kick tonight. I saw your comment on another version of this song earlier. I really hope you’re doing well! Your more detailed testimony on the other video I read is super powerful! Praise Jesus!! I pray continued blessings and protection over you in the name of Jesus!
God Bless
God bless you!
Love this song. So biblical in describing what it would be like to walk into the Holy of Holies for real one day.
Glory to God
It’s from Isaiah 6
my pastor and worship team played this version last night, I never heard it before, now I keep sharing it. I fell on my knees and face and worshiped God while it was playing
Amen Praise Yeshua Ha-MaShiach The Almighty ❤ Thank you pure Worship 🙏🙌🕊🕊🕊📖📖📖♥️
I’ve made a disaster of almost every turn of my life. The last two years have been probably the worst and darkest times of my life I’ve ever faced… I ask if your reading this and you believe in God you would keep me in your prayers… I go to court this Monday how I need deliverance … I just lift my hands to you lord as I cry out to you.
I pray that your days become brighter in the light of the knowledge of God in the face of Jesus Christ!
May God deliver you from all the oppressive situations and dark times. Prayed for you. May Christ become your true deliverer, Lord and Saviour.
Got you, brother.
how are you?
Wow, this version of this song was so clean and unique! Praise the Lord!
I only wish this version is available to be bought
I had the honor to work for kutless 3 times. I did the stage set up and I was there spot light operator. They are awesome guys.
God bless you!
Awesome, outpouring of believers spirit and presence of holy spirit., i can listening this over and over again since last one week.
Take me in to the holy of holies Lord, here i am your child
Vara Prasad true lose count of how many times I press the repeat button.
God bless you!
a powerful song praise God for his revelation..
Dear Lord please bless people of Kiev and Ukraine in this dark time, protect them and let your peace rings in their country again. I curse in the mighty name of Jesus all evil forces who are against them in high places. we do not have any human enemy but evil spirits of darkness. Amen.
Amen/ we pray for Ukraine
The Best band..Song for Jesus forever
God bless you!
wow he keep his strong voice 😯
Thanks, God bless, from Sri Lanka.
God bless you!
you guys are awesome do some more love your music...especially all who are thirsty
God bless you!
God bless you guys!!!
bless you too
❤“Music is an agreeable harmony for the honor of God and the permissible delights of the soul.”❤
This song ushers us i to the presence of God! Thank you brothers!!
We used to sing this song in church. It's been years since I've heard it. I've been hearing it in my head for a while. When I typed it into the space on RUclips, I was glad to see that they had it. So good to hear it again.
God bless you!
I'm so blessed with this song. 😇😍👍
God bless you more #Kutless .
What an awesome song highly anointed. Thank you very much.
Praise the Lord!!!
The most awesome and beautifull song ever written and the lyrics so so deep. On of my favorites.
God Bless You!
What a beautiful tune
God bless you!
Beautiful. Would love to sing this during worship at church. ❤
Prise the LORD
Love those little leads that James Mead does
keep on singing rock on! kutless
God bless you!
Great song, thanks for posting an acoustic version
God bless you!
Amazing " I need to play this at church
God bless you!
Leve-me além do átrio exterior
Dentro do Santo Lugar
Leve-me ao altar de bronze
Senhor, quero ver Sua face
Faça-me passar pelas multidões de pessoas
E os Sacerdotes que cantam Seu louvor
Eu estou faminto e sedento pela sua justiça
E isso só se encontra em um único lugar
Take me past the outer courts
Into the Holy Place
Past the brazen altar
Lord I want to see your face
Pass me by the crowds of people
And the Priests who sing your praise
I hunger and thirst for your righteousness
And it's only found in one place
Take me into the holy of holies
Take me in by the blood of the lamb
Take me into the holy of holies
Take the coal, touch my lips, here I am
Leve-me ao Santo dos Santos
Leve-me ao sangue do cordeiro
Leve-me ao Santo dos Santos
Pegue a brasa, toque meus lábios, estou aqui
god is sooo power full
God bless you!
Love this song!
Lord, Take the coal, touch my lips, here I am.
God bless you!
He is wearing Hickory Crawdads hat
I’m from Hickory NC, Jon is awesome for supporting local baseball team!!!
As a Christian drummer, Jeffrey Gilbert is a awesome dude!!! They all are !!!
Great tune!!
God bless you!
Absolutely love this song.
God bless you!
Linda música.
God bless you!
Thank you for this song. Hallelujah ! Very Meaningful Song .
God bless you!
Praise God
supper Bro keep singing God bless you
God bless you!
Thank you. God bless
God bless u too
Best band and voice!
God bless you!
Love this song!
I too
Amen 🙏 Thank you Lord 🙏 😊 🙌 ❤️
God bless you!
wow! i like this.
Praise God brothers. Keep up the good work. :)
God bless you!
возьми меня Отец в свою святость.. люблю эту песню
Христианка Валентина Огай-Ондар,in English please
Христианка Валентина Огай,in English please
Пусть Бог вас благословит.
Música maravilhosa
God bless you!
Kutless is my all time favorite band
It's one of mine too!
I don't really know of them, what are some of their best songs in your opinion? 🎵
God bless you!
Wonderful sont. Be blessed guys
God bless you!
Beautiful song
God bless you!
Great song
Hermosa canción
God bless you!
Okay, I have got to learn how to play this!
Thomas Daniels me three and I don't even know how to play guitar yet,but this song is gooood!
I can post the Guitar chords for this song., He is using Eminor set with a cap0 on second fret. love it.
Thomas Daniels please doooo:)
God bless you!
❤😊 amazing
God bless you!
Linda canção!
Jesus Saves.
God bless you!
God bless you!
I can't comprehend how people can put thumbs down on this... My brain just can't calculate that...
Kathleen Benson People purposely get on christian sites to downgrade and persecute. Their father is the devil.
Remember that their is a resistance and KNOW that God's people are the resistance too. Kingdom against kingdom
God bless you!
Take me in oh Lord take me in praise God
God bless you!
God bless you!
You guys need to do the full versions of the song
God bless you!
Türkiye'den selamlar!!
God bless you!
It’s too bad this is version is not available for purchase and download
Who are these guys? There amazing
Kutless. Biggest Christian rock band there ever has been
Glory to God
So cute!
God bless you!
Isaías 6:1-8
No ano da morte do rei Uzias, eu vi também ao Senhor assentado sobre um alto e sublime trono; e a cauda do seu manto enchia o templo.
Serafins estavam por cima dele; cada um tinha seis asas; com duas cobriam os seus rostos, e com duas cobriam os seus pés, e com duas voavam.
E clamavam uns aos outros, dizendo: Santo, Santo, Santo é o Senhor dos Exércitos; toda a terra está cheia da sua glória.
E os umbrais das portas se moveram à voz do que clamava, e a casa se encheu de fumaça.
Então disse eu: Ai de mim! Pois estou perdido; porque sou um homem de lábios impuros, e habito no meio de um povo de impuros lábios; os meus olhos viram o Rei, o Senhor dos Exércitos.
Porém um dos serafins voou para mim, trazendo na sua mão uma brasa viva, que tirara do altar com um tenaz;
E com a brasa tocou a minha boca, e disse: Eis que isto tocou os teus lábios; e a tua iniquidade foi tirada, e expiado o teu pecado.
Depois disto ouvi a voz do Senhor, que dizia: A quem enviarei, e quem há de ir por nós? Então disse eu: Eis-me aqui, envia-me a mim.
O texto apresenta os seguintes momentos:
1 - Convite à Congreção em meio a uma crise: "Eu vi também ao Senhor assentado sobre um alto de sublime trono..."
2 - Louvor e Adoração dos anjos: representa o ministério de louvor
3 - Confissão de Pecados: "-Ai de mim, sou um homem de lábios impuros...e os meus olhos viram o Rei, o Senhor dos Exércitos"
4 - Processo de Santificação: "- E com a brasa tocou a minha boca e disse: Eis que isto tocou os teus lábios; e a tua iniquidade foi tirada, e expiado o teu pecado".
5 - Momento de Pregação da Palavra: "-A quem enviarei? Quem há de ir por nós?"
Versículo 1: A morte de Uzias representa a morte de um governo da Terra. Foi um reino de prosperidade, segurança e expansão agrícola, governado com braço forte em meio a guerras, cujo um homem decidiu servir ao Senhor. Mesmo que o povo tenha servido a outros deuses. Referências 2°Crônicas 26 e 2°Reis 15. Um governo este ano morrerá. (não necessariamente um governante, mas sim, um governo). A esperança do povo estava em Uzias, um mortal que Deus levantara, ao invés de estar no próprio Deus, a sua morte, representa a morte da esperança do povo de Judá. Nós estamos depositando as nossas confianças em figuras políticas, reinos deste mundo, títulos, cargos e funções, empregos, bens e direitos, na nossa família, em outros deuses e pessoas famosas, menos em Deus.
Versículo 2: As asas que cobrem o rosto representam o reconhecimento ao soberano e eterno Deus, ao Rei dos reis. As asas que cobrem os pés representam o respeito que os anjos têm com o seu governante em símbolo de recato. As asas que voam representam a proatividade para ações que devem ser tomadas imediatamente, representando a Agilidade.
Versículo 3: A música que representa o "Santo, Santo, Santo é o Senhor dos Exércitos; toda a Terra está cheia da sua glória" faz uma breve representação aos louvores cantados ao nosso Deus, que inclusive representam o Ministério de Louvor da igreja.
Versículo 4: A manifestação do Espírito Santo sobre Isaías no presente local.
Versículo 5: O arrependimento do profeta dos seus pecados ao dizer "-sou um homem de lábios impuros e habito no meio de um povo de impuros lábios" o que representa a sua conversão. Aqui, o texto deixa claro que foi a primeira experiência que Isaías teve com Deus de fato, lembrando que este era um homem da alta sociedade de Judá com forte influência direta nas decisões tomadas pelo Estado, e muito provavelmente com acesso ao templo. Isaías, era um homem culto e conhecedor da cultura de seu povo, e das maravilhas que Deus fez por intermédio de seus pais, e dos pais de seus pais, e dos pais dos pais de seus pais, e dos pais dos pais dos pais de seus pais; contudo, ainda não conhecia a Deus verdadeiramente. Isaías representa o crente não convertido que passa pelo processo de conversão. Aquele crente que passa anos na igreja, as vezes nos Ministérios, na Liderança, e no meio dos pastores, tocando no louvor, contando o dízimo, trazendo a palavra, mas muitas vezes sem ser convertido de fato. E este Capítulo nos mostra a sua conversão.
Versículos 6 e 7: Momento de Purificação; descrito na música como "take the coal, touch my lips, here I am" é o momento em que o anjo toca os lábios de Isaías e o purifica de seu pecado de ter insultado a si mesmo e ao povo de Israel na presença de DEUS. Este momento representa o ato de confissão de pecados seguido do momento da purificação. Este ano, o SENHOR levantará um Isaías para aconselhar os reinos desta Terra, assim como fez com Uzias, Jotão, Acaz e Ezequias, além de outros reis.
Versículo 8: Momento do Ide. "-A quem enviarei? Quem há de ir por nós ?" é uma breve "provocação" de Deus chamando Isaías para o início do seu Ministério profético INDIRETAMENTE, pois o mesmo já sabia o que o profeta iria responder. Isaías conhecendo o poder de Deus, nada temeu e disse: "-Eis me Aqui, envia-me a mim" novamente remetendo ao trecho da música "Take the coal, touch my lips, HERE I AM".
God bless you!
Be there for a second..
Author of the song is Bonnie Low!
OOPs... Just found out it was written by Brent Chambers...... Sorry..
Actually according to the CCLI copy I have it was written by Dave Browning.....
God bless you!
Reading Exodus
God bless you!
@@myWorshipforGod Oh, amém! 🥰 Que Deus abençoe vocês também!
Слава Господу
On Fri Feb to get
Can’t hear 2nd vocal
God bless you!
12 people don't want to go in
Now 14
God bless you!
I guess it's screw the bass day
One of my favorite songs but he sounds horrendous here.
It's definitely a great song, I don't think he sounds that bad actually✝️👌🏼🎶
show us how its done brother
884 sub
Didn't expect you guys to even see my comment, y'all are great