I admit this is a wonderful story and it shows how you treat people you never know when you need them again but sometimes it's hard for the person that you mistreated to come back and help you God bless all of you 🙏 tears rolled in my eyes this is sad but it's true
This story brought back memories and emotions that i thought i had long burried at the far bottom of my heart. may we the real life ogechi find peace,love,happiness and a happy ending as well.
Thank you for not making it a story of forgiveness. It's not every wickedness, especially the ones done against children, should be forgiven, Thanks for a wonderful story as always ❤❤❤
Very sad for a child LoRD have mercy what I can’t understand about the husband she didn’t get pregnant by her self he is very wicked but GOD will judge poverty is a crime
I have been watching your stories at least 4 to 7 a day. It seems like ALL of your stories are similar to nowadays life in Nigeria. I have horrible experiences with the FRAUDSTERS. 😢
Finally got to watch the end. It was sooo hard to listen. Glad Ogechi met a real one in Alex who was both a protector and provider. Her father and step mother didn’t suffer enough🫣. Honestly, this story was so realistic, forgiveness won’t even have been possible in this scenario.
This seems to continue in these small towns in Africa It’s horrifying making babies but can’t feed them..There’s a lot of disturbing things that happen to the children.. Dad remarried a witch that mistreated All his kid’s which he didn’t care. Just heartless 😱Use the children to go to work bring the money home . while they sit at home.. sad the oldest daughter got SA just for food.. then took to the city to be tricked out.. What young girls go through because they didn’t have parents that cared.. Lucky she met the right Man who truly understood what she went through and cared enough to be there for her.. the end was the best she got her siblings N brought them home with her along with Marrying that Man . Great ending to such a sad Story.. ❤️🙋🏻♀️
Chika caused her own death. Who was she giving birth to all those children to take care of? Women ! Financial independence is key! If Chika had any sense, she would have worked on herself instead of depending on a man. Some men didn’t dey at all.
@@Valerie-l6iDid they tell you this was the case? This happened in Igbo land. Go read the Aba women’s riot. Igbo women have always being industrious even before colonialism.
It is really a touchy story, where she was forced into prostitution and lost her virginity. God has a better plan for her and led her to the good man who eventually married and supported her and her siblings. She would learn to forgive herself and her dad though it is too late the man in question is dead and the woman too.
Chidi! Is a wicked snake 🐍 a no good father and a witch of a stepmother. Is only a pity her mother died leaving them so young. God will see you through ogeche.
I feel bad for this woman. The mother. The father was pitiful and he know fully well he caused the wife's death. Then the stepmother didn't help but God sees
It's sad if this happened in real life. BUT, 3 children is more than enough. I DON'T agree with her to allow herself to get pregnant like the goat. What about other alternatives to protect herself. Not because you have money, it DOESN'T mean that your money will remain to maintain more than you have planned for. 9 children??😮
Wow wow wow this movie make me so angry and also make me so sad but I can understand the lady she didn't know anything about birth control pill but he is a man knew what to do to stop that he's evil two evil people
Well if he didn't wanted a large family he should have left his wife alone or use protection 😢after all women don't get pregnant by themselves 😢😢😢l and also know there's a Higher Power 😉 Interesting story 😉 it's call what's goes round comed round 😉 🤔
@@AFRICANSTORIESBYMARA Some women just like it, the first time he lay a hand on me and go to work I'm out with my kids, I will go to unfinish building, under the bridge where ever but he won't be hitting me again 😅 🇵🇦
I am so upset with this man, very angry with him. If he doesn't want to have so many children let him stop having sex with his wife. I have 7 children with my late wife may her soul rest in peace. 5 girls 👧 and 2 boys 👬 and I love them ♥ 💕 ❤ all. Special my late wife I am moaning every day
Chika, you wished to have many children, your tongue can sometimes be a blessing and sometimes a curse depending on how you use it. If Chika were to ask a spiritual question about her life with her husband, this would not happen😢. Why do some of us like to be in a relationship where we are tortured mentally, emotionally and of course physically😡? Why did the elders fight for her when she was already dead? Enough hypocritical people. Some people will come into your life just to make you a better person or to destroy you. Remember this Destiny and karma can play a role in our lives, when you least expect it. When people decide to cooperate out of jealousy, wickedness, bullying, desperation and greedy, be prepared to become a karmic patient☯️☯️. The law of karma doesn't forget and does not forgive. We have a lot to learn and a lot to change🧠.
Great story... although i'm confused. These stories are causing me to wonder about my preconceptions of our cousins in the motherland. I always thought that you were better than us, as far as mortality and community/family values. The people in these stories are gratuitously evil. Please tell me this is just a reflection of a small minority?
Do our cousins in the West have children by different men to claim child support? Do our cousins over there also worship people they see on tv and disregard their elders/parents? Or is it a small minority?
This seems to continue in these small towns in Africa It’s horrifying making babies but can’t feed them..There’s a lot of disturbing things that happen to the children.. Dad remarried a witch that mistreated All his kid’s which he didn’t care. Just heartless 😱Use the children to go to work bring the money home . while they sit at home.. sad the oldest daughter got SA just for food.. then took to the city to be tricked out.. What young girls go through because they didn’t have parents that cared.. Lucky she met the right Man who truly understood what she went through and cared enough to be there for her.. the end was the best she got her siblings N brought them home with her along with Marrying that Man . Great ending to such a sad Story.. ❤️🙋🏻♀️
That is the most touching n amazing story, I am moved by it
Hey besties❤❤❤❤ Here’s another beautiful story to enjoy your day. Please watch and don't forget to drop your comments ❤️❤️❤️
Mara, Mara, U have done it again with another beautiful story.❤❤❤🎉
@@Yukie4sureStricklyHOVplayers Thank you so much for the nice compliment and for watching. I sincerely appreciate❤️
I love these stories. Continue with them all.
What an emotional story 😢 so torching! Thanks for sharing
Thank you so much for watching ♥️♥️♥️
Love the ending of this story. Watching from Jamaica 🇯🇲
Thank you so much for watching ❤️❤️❤️
God is always there for us and pays us according to our dids.
Lovely story ❤️
I admit this is a wonderful story and it shows how you treat people you never know when you need them again but sometimes it's hard for the person that you mistreated to come back and help you God bless all of you 🙏 tears rolled in my eyes this is sad but it's true
The beginning of your story brings tears of pain and the end brings tears of joy thank you so much❤❤
God is always on time! Beautiful story ❤❤❤
Thank you so much for watching ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Wow! Beautifully read Mara simply beautiful. No Cap. I'm loving the way you put the photos together and give the audience an understanding.... 😇
Nice story ❤
This story brought back memories and emotions that i thought i had long burried at the far bottom of my heart. may we the real life ogechi find peace,love,happiness and a happy ending as well.
I wish it could have been longer. I loved this story. Watching from Louisiana in the USA
Loved this story
wow wat a story i cry frist but letter l enjoy the rest of it wen she joins her siblings 💃♥️♥️ thank you Mom 🎉
Painful story with a happy ending ❤❤❤❤
Beautiful story with a very happy ending
Love this story love the ending
Nice story watching from 🇿🇦
I was so touched by this story it got me so emotional I couldn't sleep until the end ❤🇹🇹 Trinidad and Tobago
Thank you for not making it a story of forgiveness. It's not every wickedness, especially the ones done against children, should be forgiven,
Thanks for a wonderful story as always ❤❤❤
Yes it was definitely an amazing story and you did a great job thank you I enjoyed it angry sad and smile after all God bless you 🙏💗🌹
This story was amazing. I love it.
I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thank you so much for watching ❤️❤️❤️
I appreciate this movie very much there are a lot of lessons to learn thanks so much
Beautiful story❤️❤️
@@cornelnwankwo Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️
Amazing story ❤️❤️
@@aminasheriff2254 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Great and wonderful story Father's always let our African fathers. You can't understand them can't they protect themselves too
Sad beginning with a beautiful ending built on determination at survival by dint of hard work.
There's always someone with a truly loving heart ❤️
I like the sound 🎶🎶🎹 you use
Amazing story ❤❤❤
😢Sad at first.. but thank God a good man knew a Treasure 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽, great story 😅
Very sad for a child LoRD have mercy what I can’t understand about the husband she didn’t get pregnant by her self he is very wicked but GOD will judge poverty is a crime
I know right, he is guilty of getting her pregnant 🤰 too, but that’s how men are, they always use us as a blame game target 🎯
As always I enjoyed this story as much as I enjoy all your stories ❤
Thank you so much for watching ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I have been watching your stories at least 4 to 7 a day. It seems like ALL of your stories are similar to nowadays life in Nigeria. I have horrible experiences with the FRAUDSTERS. 😢
Amazing story ❤️ ♥️ ❤❤❤❤❤
Finally got to watch the end. It was sooo hard to listen. Glad Ogechi met a real one in Alex who was both a protector and provider.
Her father and step mother didn’t suffer enough🫣. Honestly, this story was so realistic, forgiveness won’t even have been possible in this scenario.
Interesting story 🥰
A wonderful story but before the ending there were lots of pain l love the ending ❤️
You are number one ❤❤❤
I like the story ❤
Thank you so so much for watching ❤️❤️
You reap what you sow 😢😢😢😢
Never forget to do unto others as you want done unto you.😊
These stories of abuse towards children are too much. 😢
True! But it’s so sad seeing these things happen everyday. Parents need to understand the consequences of their actions towards their children.
Good Afternoon 🌞 MARA AFRICANS.i Enjoyed listening to your podcast and music and Stories From Texas State Thank you 🙏 very much!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
I'm watching from 🇱🇷❤️
This seems to continue in these small towns in Africa It’s horrifying making babies but can’t feed them..There’s a lot of disturbing things that happen to the children.. Dad remarried a witch that mistreated All his kid’s which he didn’t care. Just heartless 😱Use the children to go to work bring the money home . while they sit at home..
sad the oldest daughter got SA just for food.. then took to the city to be tricked out.. What young girls go through because they didn’t have parents that cared.. Lucky she met the right Man who truly understood what she went through and cared enough to be there for her.. the end was the best she got her siblings N brought them home with her along with Marrying that Man . Great ending to such a sad Story.. ❤️🙋🏻♀️
What an emotional tearful story 😭🇬🇲
I love Mara, her voice is soothing, I can listen to her stories all day every day❤
Hey my besties Mara i was so sad 😭 but the ending was great thank you so much 🥰😘😍🥰😘 love every bit of it
Thank you so much for watching ❤️❤️❤️
Chika caused her own death. Who was she giving birth to all those children to take care of? Women ! Financial independence is key! If Chika had any sense, she would have worked on herself instead of depending on a man. Some men didn’t dey at all.
In Africa, some tribes do not allow their women to work or get an education.
So, I do not an agree with it was her fault.
@@Valerie-l6iDid they tell you this was the case? This happened in Igbo land. Go read the Aba women’s riot. Igbo women have always being industrious even before colonialism.
@@Valerie-l6iThis happened in Igboland. Women have always been allowed to have a business. Go read about Aba Women’s Riot and what caused it.
If you do good it will fallow you and if you do bad it will fallow serve him right
So true! Thank you so much for watching ❤️❤️
It is really a touchy story, where she was forced into prostitution and lost her virginity. God has a better plan for her and led her to the good man who eventually married and supported her and her siblings. She would learn to forgive herself and her dad though it is too late the man in question is dead and the woman too.
Chidi! Is a wicked snake 🐍 a no good father and a witch of a stepmother. Is only a pity her mother died leaving them so young. God will see you through ogeche.
Also tell us where you are watching from??
Watching from St.Thomas U S Virgin Island
I feel bad for this woman. The mother. The father was pitiful and he know fully well he caused the wife's death. Then the stepmother didn't help but God sees
It's sad if this happened in real life. BUT, 3 children is more than enough. I DON'T agree with her to allow herself to get pregnant like the goat. What about other alternatives to protect herself. Not because you have money, it DOESN'T mean that your money will remain to maintain more than you have planned for. 9 children??😮
Wow wow wow this movie make me so angry and also make me so sad but I can understand the lady she didn't know anything about birth control pill but he is a man knew what to do to stop that he's evil two evil people
Thank you so much❤️❤️
It's ok
Well if he didn't wanted a large family he should have left his wife alone or use protection 😢after all women don't get pregnant by themselves 😢😢😢l and also know there's a Higher Power 😉 Interesting story 😉 it's call what's goes round comed round 😉 🤔
This is a long story.
I was so sad at first. Wicked father and the young man who raped her and lured her into prostitution. Mercy Jesus 😢😨
True! Most times when I see women like this, I even begin to wonder. I offered one money to leave the marriage but still, she choose to stay.
@@AFRICANSTORIESBYMARA Some women just like it, the first time he lay a hand on me and go to work I'm out with my kids, I will go to unfinish building, under the bridge where ever but he won't be hitting me again 😅 🇵🇦
I am so upset with this man, very angry with him. If he doesn't want to have so many children let him stop having sex with his wife. I have 7 children with my late wife may her soul rest in peace. 5 girls 👧 and 2 boys 👬 and I love them ♥ 💕 ❤ all. Special my late wife I am moaning every day
Chika, you wished to have many children, your tongue can sometimes be a blessing and sometimes a curse depending on how you use it. If Chika were to ask a spiritual question about her life with her husband, this would not happen😢. Why do some of us like to be in a relationship where we are tortured mentally, emotionally and of course physically😡? Why did the elders fight for her when she was already dead? Enough hypocritical people. Some people will come into your life just to make you a better person or to destroy you. Remember this Destiny and karma can play a role in our lives, when you least expect it.
When people decide to cooperate out of jealousy, wickedness, bullying, desperation and greedy, be prepared to become a karmic patient☯️☯️. The law of karma doesn't forget and does not forgive. We have a lot to learn and a lot to change🧠.
If he didn't want any more why didn't he put something on where she couldn't get pregnant it's not her fault it's his
Great story... although i'm confused. These stories are causing me to wonder about my preconceptions of our cousins in the motherland. I always thought that you were better than us, as far as mortality and community/family values. The people in these stories are gratuitously evil. Please tell me this is just a reflection of a small minority?
Do our cousins in the West have children by different men to claim child support? Do our cousins over there also worship people they see on tv and disregard their elders/parents? Or is it a small minority?
Bluetooth for stories
His slow, she's pregnant because of him lol
This seems to continue in these small towns in Africa It’s horrifying making babies but can’t feed them..There’s a lot of disturbing things that happen to the children.. Dad remarried a witch that mistreated All his kid’s which he didn’t care. Just heartless 😱Use the children to go to work bring the money home . while they sit at home..
sad the oldest daughter got SA just for food.. then took to the city to be tricked out.. What young girls go through because they didn’t have parents that cared.. Lucky she met the right Man who truly understood what she went through and cared enough to be there for her.. the end was the best she got her siblings N brought them home with her along with Marrying that Man . Great ending to such a sad Story.. ❤️🙋🏻♀️