One Day Too Long: My Experience In Hell

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024

Комментарии • 1,1 тыс.

  • @isaiahwilson6401
    @isaiahwilson6401  6 лет назад +89

    Hey guys, several people have mentioned that the audio cuts off toward the end of the video. I checked and when I listen using speakers it is fine, but when I use my headset it cuts out. I am not sure what has caused that to happen, but as far as I know RUclips doesn't allow me to go in and edit the audio so I can't fix it even if I knew how to. I really have no clue what happened and I'm sorry for the inconvenience!

    • @jamesmccluskey9175
      @jamesmccluskey9175 6 лет назад +8

      "If hell is as painful as Christians believe it to be, then the time will certainly come when the souls there will think they have had enough and repent and go back to God.”

    • @vylett90
      @vylett90 6 лет назад +9

      I believe it cuts off because there are people who watch this and are listening and will apply it to their lives. Good news is that when i plug in ear buds i can hear

    • @edadan
      @edadan 6 лет назад +40

      James Mccluskey - Once you are there, it's too late to repent. The Bible tells us clearly that those who go to Hell are there for eternity. The time to repent and trust Jesus is NOW.

    • @savedandbornagaininchrist7598
      @savedandbornagaininchrist7598 5 лет назад +11

      Isaiah Wilson fast for a day to start off, drink plenty of water and during the fast pray and ask god for strength to get you through the day, fasting brings you closer to god, make sure you have forgiven everyone who has ever done you wrong, and love your neighbors as you would love yourself

    • @Angelina6518
      @Angelina6518 5 лет назад +2

      Isaiah Wilson don’t worry!

  • @douglaspinsak1246
    @douglaspinsak1246 6 лет назад +459

    If you watch numerous accounts from people who claim to have gone to hell I feel sure you will become a believer, because these people all say the same things and they all tell their stories the same way. People who detail their account of having gone to hell look humbled, sorrowful, scared, sad...and they all detail a place of fire that is somehow dark, of screaming, of pain, of physical torture, of mental torture, of the inhabitants having a sense that they deserve to be there, of limbs torn off that regenerate, etc. I mean, even an atheist should be shocked by the sincerity and consistency of stories from people who claim to have gone to hell. Hell is a real place, and you don't want to find out the hard way that that is real, so PLEASE repent before it is too late.

    • @WereAlreadyHere
      @WereAlreadyHere 6 лет назад +8

      Christians bash this idea of hell into children's heads since they are tiny children, its borderline abuse. You dont think that has an effect on you your whole life? How is it surprising these people are having these experiences? Do you think muslims have the same experiences and see jesus? No, they have a vision of hell that conforms with their religion, they see allah and they are 100% positive that their religion is the truth, just as you are.

    • @douglaspinsak1246
      @douglaspinsak1246 6 лет назад +67

      There are numerous accounts of Muslims having visions of Jesus and being converted. Hell is a real's what the Bible presents, what personal experience confirms and what God has revealed to me as true. I was not raised Christian...I was into eastern-mysticism, the-new age and the occult for about 10 years before getting Saved--and prior to all the eastern-mysticism and such I was an agnostic philosophy major. I accepted Jesus as my Savior about 5 years ago because the Bible is TRUE, not because anybody shoved anything down my throat.

    • @WereAlreadyHere
      @WereAlreadyHere 6 лет назад +2

      Haha okay Islam was the wrong religion to choose for that example, replace that with any of the other 299 religions who believe their religion 100% to be true and have never heard the name Jesus christ in their life. Okay thats interesting, and I am happy you are happy, can I ask what happened regarding personal experiences and how god was revealed to you as true? I dont understand how anybody with a skeptical/ philosophical mind can ever transition from that mindset to feeling they know for certain christianity to be true?

    • @douglaspinsak1246
      @douglaspinsak1246 6 лет назад +45

      Here is the (relatively) nutshell account. In high school I was interested in psychology and went to college thinking I would likely end up as a psych major. But my first year there, I took a philosophy class and immediately knew: "this is for me". I excelled in philosophy and graduated from Cal Poly Pomona magna-cum-laude; but my last year there I had reached a point where I was effectively burned-out philosophically, and overall felt like philosophy was an intellectual-treadmill to a large degree (i.e. running running running and not really getting anywhere). Also my last year there, I took a "world religions" course and strongly identified with Taoism, which would prove to be a pivotal moment in my life.
      So my last year in college consisted of me transitioning from philosophy to spirituality, and I started this transformation by reading the Tao Te Ching. Although I found much truth in it, it didn't go deep enough for me and it left me with a sense of "I wonder what's beyond this?". That book started a roughly ten-year journey that involved me traveling down all manners of spiritual paths including Buddhism, Hinduism, the occult, the New Age...and becoming heavily involved in meditation, visualization, and things of that manner. All of these different paths led to truth, but not "The Truth". That is to say, I had many experiences that made it abundantly clear to me that there was more to life than my secular education had led me to believe; I had psychic experiences, situations working out in ways that seemed miraculous/impossible, I had a couple of experiences where I saw spiritual beings, etc. So all of this confirmed to me that there was indeed a supernatural side to life...but I never felt like I had the TRUTH. What made all of this? Where did consciousness come from? What made the realm the spirits inhabit, and what are they exactly? What's the purpose of life? Where did I come from and what happens when I die? I felt like everything I had been involved in (science, philosophy, Buddhism, the New Age, etc.) was all incomplete and all ultimately unsatisfying.
      So around early 2013 life just felt completely wrong. I was not on drugs or anything of that sort...I was into all manners of mystery-school and eastern mysticism practices and I was attending a Buddhist temple weekly, but at that time I had a very clear/strong sense of impending doom; a "something wicked this way comes" type of feeling. And all of my "techniques" (positive-thinking, meditation, talking-things-out etc.) were not warding it off, and in fact were making it markedly worse. I really was not sure what to do at this point because I knew psychology and philosophy didn't have the answers, and I knew I had found a deep/important truth by pursuing and experiencing spirituality--but here I was finding all this "truth" and my life felt like it was going to implode. But I knew for all the spiritual paths I had gone down, Christianity was the one I had written-off from the get-go as "too stupid" and "there's just no way". So as a sort of "what do I have to lose?" move, I got a Bible and began reading it. I read the first chapter of I Corinthians and said to myself "whoever wrote this really believed it." And as soon as I said that, I felt the Holy Spirit--I felt the Holy Spirit to the extent that I dropped the Bible and put my hand over my mouth and thought in my mind "this is for real".
      From there, God gave me a couple of "deal-sealers" over the next few days; a vision of what the Bible refers to as "New Jerusalem" and a vision of the crucifixion of Jesus containing details I was unaware of (such as the blackness of the sky, and Jesus being crucified with 2 other people). It was a few days after all of the aforementioned that I would accept Jesus as my Savior and PALPABLY feel the forgiveness of sins, and feel the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and know that all the other spiritual paths I had walked down previously were WRONG and not of God. Also after I accepted Christ, I had what I can only describe as a "thirst" for the Bible. Like, it was all I wanted to read and the words felt ALIVE and HEALING--I completely understood what Christians meant by "the living word". I gave up all the meditation, and esoteric teachings, and eastern mysticism and all of that pretty much overnight and have been a Bible-believing Christian ever since. That was about 6 years ago.
      Since then, I have continued to feel the forgiveness of sins, continued to feel the Holy Spirit, had many situations work out in astounding fashion, I have heard the voice of God; and these many supernatural experiences (coupled with the many changes in my life), not only confirm the Truth of scripture to me, but they also feel "right" and "satisfying" unlike my exciting-yet-hollow experiences I had in the many non-Christian paths I traveled.
      So that's basically it...that's pretty much how I transitioned from being a philosopher to a Christian over the course of about 10 years. God has proven Himself to me, and if you come to Jesus with an open heart, and a genuine willingness to encounter Him, He will reveal Himself to you as well.

    • @Chris-yr8wb
      @Chris-yr8wb 6 лет назад +3

      The Philosophical Christian Thanks for sharing this, interesting story and I am glad you came to Christ. Do u mind if I ask what are you now studying/doing for career?

  • @deborahlharris1818
    @deborahlharris1818 6 лет назад +147

    To my surprise I found out I was a lukewarm Christian. I was having visions of the Lord resisting me and saying things like. I am God and you don’t know what you need to know “ One dream he dangling me over hell while souls were falling into hell by the thousands. When I cried out forgiveness he showed me his mercy to heal my eye. I stopped making excuses for my sins and still crying to be cleansed from my sins. One morning I felt water being poured over my soul, thank you Jesus for your blood and being washed by the Word of God

    • @shamalaravi4720
      @shamalaravi4720 5 лет назад +8

      Oh really touched me I.e., I stopped making excuses for my sins n still to b cleansed for my sins, because I usually make excuses which is really wrong

    • @jodikeehn4581
      @jodikeehn4581 5 лет назад +2

      I always find it amazing that backslidden lukewarm carnal Christians are the last ones to know it and confess it

    • @glorifythyname7777
      @glorifythyname7777 4 года назад +4

      This a good testimony! :)

    • @ebbygshreve9577
      @ebbygshreve9577 4 года назад

      Yes just a dream because there is no place called hell where God tortures sinners through out all of eternity.

    • @deborahlharris1818
      @deborahlharris1818 4 года назад +1

      All the people that do not believe that there is a hell I’m sorry for you!.. how would you like to wake up one morning and a full length vision comes along side of you were you see the eternal torment where you are lying on a bed of nails and a gigantic demon stumping on your naked body into the bed of nails until you become little pieces. Then dump you out and scatter you all around hell!. Suddenly you come back together to be found lying on the bed of nails again. This was my warning from the judgement seat of God if you don’t live a repentant life. Hell will be my destiny!!

  • @DownSouthDiva354
    @DownSouthDiva354 6 лет назад +251

    God is real. Satan is real. Please accept Jesus Christ and live for Him before it is too late. Years ago I was an occultist, summoning demons to do my bidding. I would dream of someone dying and then I would find out later they died. Death was so close to me I could feel it coming for others. I began to feel a heaviness over my body. I was so deep in sin it clung to me like a weight. I cried out to God and He answered my prayer. I had turned my back on Him but He still accepted me and called me His own. Now I'm on the winning side. I love my Father God forever. Thank You Jesus for saving my soul.

    • @Sarah1920s
      @Sarah1920s 6 лет назад +4

      Ditto I was a devil worshipper.

    • @luv4usluv4all98
      @luv4usluv4all98 5 лет назад +6

      Maya Nair We Serve a VERY MERCIFUL GOD 😇

    • @HawkeyeAssassins-zh4nz
      @HawkeyeAssassins-zh4nz 5 лет назад +6


    • @kowathompson6110
      @kowathompson6110 5 лет назад +6

      no BELIEVE on the LORD JESUS Christ with all your heart mind and soul you will be saved

    • @julietrae8665
      @julietrae8665 5 лет назад +3


  • @fcweddington
    @fcweddington 5 лет назад +95

    I find it hard not to believe in GOD. This world's design is absolutely incredible, e.g., the perfect distance from the sun, the perfect tilt of the axis, the perfect amount of gravity, the carbon cycle, periodic rain that continues to keep this world alive, appealing and tasty food that come right out of the ground, the human anatomy, the conscience, love, feelings, etc.
    It's all too perfect to be a mere coincidence. GOD is absolutely real.

    • @anthonydorner1933
      @anthonydorner1933 5 лет назад +10

      I think that a lot too, how everything is put here for us, how our bodies are designed, how perfectly everything works, it's amazing

    • @cameroncollins3425
      @cameroncollins3425 5 лет назад +6

      I feel the same way brother. How can so many people ignore how perfect everything has been designed to work the way it does. I've even tried to figure this out and what I rationalize every time it's the same answer for me, it's part of Satan's deception to distract us from reality. Even small, logical, sensible things like what you are talking about. I once heard: Satan has been here a long time to perfect how to distract us from God, he's a master at it, it's what and all he does. So that's my two cents.

    • @davemwangi05
      @davemwangi05 4 года назад

      @@cameroncollins3425 Was god unable to write an error free bible?

    • @AussieDisciple
      @AussieDisciple 4 года назад

      get right with Almighty God, you evil, stoopid mongrel!

    • @jasondavis6009
      @jasondavis6009 4 года назад

      And the periodic table. Seems like it was divine intervention how the periodic table of elements is arranged.

  • @elibenGodson
    @elibenGodson 7 лет назад +258

    What a shame how some people up here trying to pick this man's testimony apart when God is using this as a warning for us! Reminds me of the words Jesus said in a parable, ...even if someone came back from the dead they still wouldn't believe...

    • @jesussaves4634
      @jesussaves4634 6 лет назад +4

      I think they are a little confused with a few things he said or maybe the way he explained it. To be honest I was took back unless he means he never truly repeanted. Christians are not perfect so it's by the Grace of God and the cross through JESUS that we have the confidence in our salvation so thank God it's not by how good we are or how good we can be so at least for me that's what confused me also I think could be a little confusing for new belivers. Other that that I enjoyed his testimony. GOD BLESS

    • @gordonmarshall3218
      @gordonmarshall3218 6 лет назад +8

      All the way through the bible jesus talks about you can lose your salvation. Osas is not biblical.

    • @isaiahwilson6401
      @isaiahwilson6401  6 лет назад +11

      Hey Christine, as I have mentioned in a few other comments, this was basically my first time in front of a camera. I was very nervous and I made the mistake of not having any notes or talking points; I was going completely off memory! This resulted in me phrasing some things poorly and also resulted in my pacing being off. If I were to do a new video of my testimony I would definitely phrase things differently!
      That being said, I'm not entirely sure I understand what you were confused about. I was intentional in what I said at that point. I had given my heart to the Lord and had even been a minister for several years before this experience happened to me. The reason I ended up where I was at, was because I was lukewarm. I'm not talking about a one time sin I committed, I'm talking about a lifestyle of sin that I was living in. I only wanted enough of the Lord to get conviction off of me. To put it another way; I wanted the Lord as savior, but didn't want Him as Lord!
      I hope that helps with any confusion. If not, feel free to respond and I will try and answer any questions :)

    • @2017Toy
      @2017Toy 6 лет назад +5

      Eli Ben. I agree with you we must remember though there are more Hippocrates in church then there arechristians most people that go to church are just religious

    • @Goldtaker23
      @Goldtaker23 6 лет назад +4

      Isaiah Wilson I am in a Lukewarm state I accepted Jesus and repented a year and a half ago I was on fire for Him and doubt of salvation came into my mind because of a few things and ive been in a state of confusion and worry ever since I dont know what to do I keep praying and asking God to help me be on fire for Him to give me a heart that loves Him bit im still in the same state :(

  • @psalmtwentyfiveeight
    @psalmtwentyfiveeight 7 лет назад +189

    We need to warn everyone. Warn everyone everyday. Don't worry about politically correct or social etiquette or your own self image. WARN PEOPLE. I bought a bullhorn

    • @jeffsaviano7906
      @jeffsaviano7906 5 лет назад +6

      @ Eli Pratt.....a bullhorn street preacher is irritating to most. That is not the way to get the message across.

    • @RightWithGodMinistries
      @RightWithGodMinistries 5 лет назад +4

      I bought one too brother:)
      “Blessed are you when men persecute and say all manner of evil against you falsely for my name.”Jesus

    • @glache2293
      @glache2293 5 лет назад +1

      Eli Pratt I love that you bought a bull horn. I PRAY THEY WILL LISTEN.

    • @sylviakoziarski4912
      @sylviakoziarski4912 5 лет назад +7

      Scare tactics? He IS talking about hell. It should scare the bejebbers out of you! I'm scared spitless. Why aren't you? Are you going to live one day too long without repenting as he did? You may not be so lucky. @Naomi Brown

    • @davesavedbyjesus8244
      @davesavedbyjesus8244 5 лет назад +1

      Yeah tell the world on athiest u tube sites tell them on the comments. Also it's fun to do.
      Glory to God and Jesus for the beutiful nature u have made.

  • @willfade7994
    @willfade7994 5 лет назад +34

    I had a terrifying nightmare once and just before a mob of evil people were about to kill me, I closed my eyes and prayed for Jesus to please just take me as I knew I was about to die. I was immediately pulled backwards and up very quickly through absolute nothingness and darkness that seemed to go on forever then jolted awake in my bed. Perhaps it was some of the "outer darkness" I keep hearing about. I suffer from sleep paralysis too. The last time, I just kept saying "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus," in my mind, as I was paralyzed, and he got me out of the paralysis.... I also had an experience last year. I suffered a nervous breakdown in July 2017 after giving myself a crash course in politics and the history of Islam vs. Christianity. I was watching a lot of InfoWars at the time and was sure we Christians were all about to be slaughtered. I again prayed that God would just take me. The next morning, I woke up and was surrounded by this unworldly peace. My body felt wam, as if I was in a warm bath all day and I can't even put into words the kind of peace I felt. All my worries were gone. All my stress was gone and I kept picturing families together all across the country. I know it was God's arms around me. I spent that day in deep prayer. God and Heaven is real, so is the Devil and Hell. God bless you and keep you.

    • @DanielImmanuel2143
      @DanielImmanuel2143 5 лет назад +6

      If you are suffering sleep paralysis here is your cure. Go to Jesus, repent for every occultic sin you have ever delved in. For example. Ouja board. Tarot, horoscopes, idol worship, playing cards, false religion etc. Ask the holy spirit to search your psyche and reveal all evil and darkness. Then the important bit. Ask Jesus to close all spiritual doorways that would allow Satan access to your soul. Forgive others too and cut off any soul-ties and bondages or connections with former boyfriends or girlfriends that could have passed on their demons during sex or fornication or any physical connection. Cut off their laylines and silver chords (Google this). And you will have peace

  • @edwardpayne3967
    @edwardpayne3967 5 лет назад +10

    Thats what I said, "Jesus help me, Jesus help me", and Jesus reached down and took me by my heel and lifted me out of an abyss that a demon was dragging me down, with a devil at the bottom laughing a fiendish laugh because he thought I would be in his hands, but Jesus lifted me out before I got to the bottom, I still serve Jesus today, 30 yrs. later. Praise Jesus who is mighty to save.

  • @jenniferwyatt7481
    @jenniferwyatt7481 6 лет назад +45

    And ..... remember this... being a christian doesnt mean that you are expected to be perfect because we all still live in our flesh physical body whose nature is to sin... but we claim the holy spirit within us that no longer keeps us a slave to sin... we can be dead to sin and alive.. redeemed by Jesus by the sacrifice he made- and how blessed we are to receive such grace... we certainly did nothing on our own to do it ... and we could never be good enough to acheive it... and there is nothing we can do to purchase it... it is free.. but we must give up our own selfish desires and put God before all earthly things and people

    • @petewalsh764
      @petewalsh764 6 лет назад

      17 Euen so faith, if it hath not works, is dead being alone.
      18 Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I haue workes: shew mee thy faith without thy workes, and I will shew thee my faith by my workes.
      19 Thou beleeuest that there is one God, thou doest well: the deuils also beleeue, and tremble.
      20 But wilt thou knowe, O vaine man, that faith without workes is dead?
      21 Was not Abraham our father iustified by works, when hee had offered Isaac his sonne vpon the altar?
      22 Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect?
      23 And the Scripture was fullfiled which saith, Abraham beleeued God, and it was imputed vnto him for righteousnes: and he was called the friend of God.
      24 Ye see then, how that by workes a man is iustified, and not by faith only.
      25 Likewise also, was not Rahab the harlot iustified by works, when she had receiued the messengers, and had sent them out another way?
      26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without workes is dead also.

    • @terrystone2516
      @terrystone2516 6 лет назад +3

      Chris Macola
      Nobody will be completely without sin until we leave this world. If we actually saw ourselves the way we truly are, we would realize that we are far more filthier than we thought. This is why the Apostle Paul agonized over his struggle with his flesh according to Romans 7:15 and 7:24. If we claim that we have no sin in our lives then we are lying to ourselves according to 1 John 1:8. If we think that the sin we do have in our lives will separate us from the love of God then we have not been perfected in love as it states in 1 John 4:18 and Romans 8:31-39. God Bless.

    • @savedandbornagaininchrist7598
      @savedandbornagaininchrist7598 5 лет назад

      Jennifer Wyatt it is the desire not to sin and when you do feel short to have feelings of remorse and that you try not to sin and you remain obedient to the lord

    • @mynameisirrelevant46
      @mynameisirrelevant46 5 лет назад +2

      The word says be ye perfect as your father in heaven is perfect

    • @recoveringbaptist2023
      @recoveringbaptist2023 5 лет назад +1

      @@terrystone2516 Unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. Don't ever become complacent with your sins! Read 1 Cor. 6:9 - 11.

  • @John_3-16_Psalm_34
    @John_3-16_Psalm_34 7 лет назад +105

    Only a truly born again Christian realizes the magnitude of his need to be saved by a merciful and loving God. When you realize the sinner you are then you realize how much in need you are of a Savior. You can't possibly be luke warm when you realize your terrible awful condition and your only hope of Salvation is the Lord Jesus Christ. You never tire of praising Him and thanking Him for his Glorious Salvation bought at such a tremendous price for us. How can someone possible be lukewarm...unless he or she is not truly born again..and do not realize the cost of such a costly salvation for the God of the universe. His only Son sacrificed for unworthy sinners..I would be the chief of them all....Christ died for scum like me...I praise His Name daily....Glory to His Name...Hallelujah to Our sure you all agree...amen...

    • @oliverpiers6603
      @oliverpiers6603 6 лет назад +2

      John 3:16 Psalm 34 amen

    • @Goldtaker23
      @Goldtaker23 6 лет назад +2

      John 3:16 Psalm 34 How do you get to that place of realising your sin I want to know Jesus I want that relationship but the fire I once had after accepting Him is no longer there I dont understand whats wrong I want God to open my eyes and help me believe and be on fire for Him

    • @mateo-6965
      @mateo-6965 6 лет назад +5

      Mike Hill I hear you! I had that Fire of God in me shortly after my dad passed 3 months ago. I am getting it back by praying multiple times a day, praying for strangers amd reading Gods book. I believe if you can just do these small easy things, that fire will build back up in you! Praise Jesus our Savior, please people Heaven and Hell are very real and we dont have much time to get to know and walk with Jesus in our hearts!

    • @Goldtaker23
      @Goldtaker23 6 лет назад +2

      @@mateo-6965 Amen Im on that track now only just got on it well back on it He wont leave me or forsake me I have to keep remembering that :)

    • @Goldtaker23
      @Goldtaker23 6 лет назад

      @@Rileyed I want the fire back I sont want to quench Him :(

  • @elizabethlejika3812
    @elizabethlejika3812 7 лет назад +88

    love the way you pace everything you speak thoughtfully and sincerely. none of this huffing and puffing and hype. God has given you a gift of speaking with clarity so there is no misunderstanding. A powerful testimony eloquently delivered. Thankyou Isaiah.

    • @Chantelace
      @Chantelace 7 лет назад +3

      Yeah agreed.

    • @Batya-Grace
      @Batya-Grace 5 лет назад

      I definitely like his style much better than the huffing and puffing type!

    • @Mirmirmirm
      @Mirmirmirm 5 лет назад +1

      just a little too slow..

  • @layla_and_micahfollowonins2174
    @layla_and_micahfollowonins2174 5 лет назад +15

    Please Lord forgive me for all my many sins and iniquities. I tried so hard for so long to deny you. I have sinned so much. Please help me to serve you at all times forever.

  • @shelleyspeaks
    @shelleyspeaks Год назад +3

    I was a lukewarm Christian, and the Lord in His great mercy lovingly came to me, and the Holy Spirit convicted me of my sins. I was sinning in ways I was not even aware of. Thank the Lord for His mercy, His love led me to repentance. 🙏🏽

  • @mikegreen1429
    @mikegreen1429 4 года назад +5

    I’ve recently been born again as of Nov. 2018. I always believed in God and became a lukewarm Christian over time. I did shrooms, drank, but mostly smoked pot everyday. I look back and can’t believe how patient Jesus has been waiting for me (I’m 39). I have been saved by an angel or Jesus (not sure at the time) at least twice, but possibly 3 times.
    A voice told me to let off the gas pedal when I was going through an intersection, as soon as I did, a truck blew a stop sign that would have killed me. I also fell asleep at the wheel another time and WOKE up while driving sitting upright and very much positioned like a robot. I ended up on the other side of town somehow! Fell into a pool’s deep end as a child, somehow my mother knew to check on me and pulled me out.
    I had another experience where I was praying for a relative that was brutally murdered and burned alive years prior. I was HIT like a sledgehammer with unexplainable peace and joy. Instantly tears poured out of my eyes and I had the breath sucked out of me, totally winded. It was like I was experiencing the joy of heaven but my human body could not handle it! I also experienced an interaction with several demons in the basement of a psychic lady’s house who summoned them and spoke to them nightly. The fear and anger I felt as their eyes pierced my soul was like nothing of this earth......,over and over and over Jesus was calling me!!! I was too much of a fool to notice, even though I believed in Him!
    In November of 2018, after a minor argument with my fiancée, I heard a demon’s voice talk to me telepathically in my mind- “I hate you, I’ll kill you and tear your family apart.” With the most conviction in my soul I commanded that thing to leave my house in the name of Jesus Christ. Every room in the house I yelled at it. I felt our Lord blast through my house and beat those things down! Whoosh gone! I prayed and thanked him and repented for allowing them to get close to me. He talked to me telepathically asking me questions and made me feel the guilt of my sins. Lots of information as a sort of psychic download into my heart and mind simultaneously. Question 1: “After all I’ve done for you, what have you done for Me, and others?” Question 2: “Am I NOT enough for you?” Then, the weight of my sins lifted, it was incredible.
    Since that moment, I’ve had no desire to drink, smoke, blaspheme, masterbate, be angry, stressed out or sin at all. Wanting to share love with no other possible explanation. I notice the tiniest signs he puts in my path....I see them right away and chuckle, seeing He really does work in mysterious ways. I fully understand how to have a relationship with him and not need to physically see or hear our relationship. He is incredible people! Let him into your heart! I had felt in my soul the the extremes of joy and sorrow through just some of my life experiences..... Feeling the presence of God and Satan deep inside through strange encounters. For that, I am blessed to KNOW Christianity is the truth, yet I STILL tried to not fully commit.
    He wants us all to repent and accept Him. He actually told me this! Don’t think you can sin all your life and God will be OK with it. He really will reward you if you follow with all your heart!! If you’d like to see the full story, check it out here- https ://видео.html

  • @byronherrera777
    @byronherrera777 5 лет назад +6

    He's telling the truth. Im extremely thankful not to have gone through the physically torturing side of hell. I've been to outer darkness & felt what it was like to be out of the presence of the Lord.. No words! I can't describe it. While there I do remember hearing chainsaws, souls screaming, & being chased by something.

  • @mmacho73
    @mmacho73 6 лет назад +6

    There are many good people in hell and many bad people in heaven. The difference is who accepts Jesus Christ. That is the key.

    • @petewalsh764
      @petewalsh764 6 лет назад +2

      There is no hell.

    • @mmacho73
      @mmacho73 5 лет назад +1

      I wish your statement was true but unfortunately there is a hell. But you don't have to end up there. There is a way of escape.

  • @Batya-Grace
    @Batya-Grace 5 лет назад +16

    This is one of the most sincere and humble testimony's I have ever heard! Not the only one but, definitely in the top 5! You truly spoke to my spirit! Thank you Pastor Isaiah!

  • @chrisutter7054
    @chrisutter7054 6 лет назад +17

    Sleep paralysis is a demonic attack. Been there done that. 😧 if you still suffer from it you may need deliverance. ❤️

    • @petepependowski8329
      @petepependowski8329 5 лет назад

      If you don't know and want to believe thats cool suppositions are just that But absolute nonsense and turns people off from coming to find god. I apreaceate that your heart seems to be in the right place though, its you know what helps people who don't believe come to god (i understand this perspective cause i come from there) and the subject is one level beyond esoteric to start with so everyone have a great day and may you find more questions once you think you find an answer. Then your being enlightened. God is love

    • @TM-jl1yb
      @TM-jl1yb 5 лет назад

      Sometimes it can mean "poor circulation" or "digestive issue" but can also be "demonic"

    • @jnc1028
      @jnc1028 5 лет назад +2

      @@petepependowski8329 ....Our Heavenly Father makes it clear He puts eternity. and the knowledge of Him in each person. That does not become any more true or less true, if a person has or hasn't read His Holy Written Word. That knowledge is in each and every person born. People are not "turned off from God" because of someone else's representaion of Him. They are just turned off from God. He says so throughout His Word. Believer's know God is love. We also know He is The Truth, The Way, The Life...nobody comes to Him except through His one and only Son Jesus....the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is found by any who diligently seek Him. Anyone who doesn't want to find Him won't look. May even try to blame another person...gee, where have we read that...there is nothing new under the sun.

    • @kaynovo8043
      @kaynovo8043 5 лет назад +1

      chris utter you can also fast and pray : seriously : praying during the night works too ...

    • @pennykloter1614
      @pennykloter1614 4 года назад +2

      Chris Utter, can you please give me some more advice on your experience of sleep paralysis? I've been having them for years now. I'm unable to pray aloud during these episodes and I see a blacker than black shadow figure and I know instantly that it's demonic. It speaks to me telepathically and is pure evil. How does this happen to people who are devout Christians?

  • @00XX007
    @00XX007 5 лет назад +10

    Please Lord show me and correct me immediatly if im luke warm!! I dont ever want enough of you! I dont ever want to live 2 seconds without you!!! In Jesus name, Amen

    • @justinmacaluso8712
      @justinmacaluso8712 4 года назад

      Me too!! I am nothing without the Lord Jesus Christ and I can do nothing without Him!! I never want enough of Him! Less of me and more of Him!

  • @briana7205
    @briana7205 6 лет назад +56

    You are a very gifted speaker. Thank you so, so much for your message. I have made my final transition to the Lord thanks to messengers like you. God bless you!

    • @JesusLovesYouSoMuch1
      @JesusLovesYouSoMuch1 6 лет назад +1

      Brian A welcome to the Kingdom my brother! May God guide you to a deeper relationship with him.

    • @Lacronh
      @Lacronh 6 лет назад +1

      Brian, let me encourage you to receive discipleship training such as we offer for free. See in Christ,

    • @GypsyInTheHood
      @GypsyInTheHood 10 месяцев назад

      Welcome to the family! Hope you're close to Him a lot more now! That was 5 years ago. ❤

  • @elibenGodson
    @elibenGodson 7 лет назад +42

    Wow! God, please help me to overcome

  • @AntonLA_
    @AntonLA_ 6 лет назад +79

    Watch at speed 1.25

    • @fulumabogo6810
      @fulumabogo6810 6 лет назад +3

      anton arjunan thanks👌

    • @dankistler3720
      @dankistler3720 6 лет назад +3

      Great advice ! Thanks

    • @Sarah1920s
      @Sarah1920s 6 лет назад +4

      Ty that does help a whole lot. I to talk slow at times. LoL. I wonder if people use this speed on my videos. I only talk slow when I am tired out.

    • @819Romans
      @819Romans 5 лет назад


    • @MiriamMonroe
      @MiriamMonroe 5 лет назад +7

      This comment should be pinned at the top thank you! 👏😂💛🌹🎶

  • @roser2755
    @roser2755 5 лет назад +23

    The sinners prayer is a joke. You cannot be in Christ without having a relationship with Chrisy. Its not what you do it's a heart conditing. A unified relationship
    Do you read your bible every day like it was your breath, food, life. Are you in prayer daily speaking to YUHSHUA at multi times a day. Are you in front of the t all day. On your phone all day. Sleeping all day. Working all the time. Is YHWH a God to you when you have time for God. GOD YHWH COMES FIRST .

  • @lynncurran2940
    @lynncurran2940 5 лет назад +3

    I am a true believer, but am Soo afraid of being lukewarm with Christ. I'm looking for advise on how not to be. I'm reading my Bible and also listening to many videos on my walk. I go to sleep listening to God's word and constantly look and crave to be with Jesus Christ my creator but am terrified of being lukewarm. 😔

  • @SuperKong57
    @SuperKong57 6 лет назад +33

    When he says "God hadn't heard me", he's incorrect. God hears and knows all. What happened was God blocked it from his mind that his prayer would reach our Savior Jesus because He wanted him to feel what the wicked feel in Hell, hopelessness.

    • @mariaemilianegron
      @mariaemilianegron 6 лет назад +3

      You need to read the bible, specialty the book of Amos God gets tired and don't respond if desires to

    • @SuperKong57
      @SuperKong57 6 лет назад +2

      @@mariaemilianegron You're comment doesn't disprove mine. Good try though.

    • @Lacronh
      @Lacronh 6 лет назад

      Hey Guy, I would suggest you read the following and then rethink your statement above.

    • @dinkuabc
      @dinkuabc 6 лет назад +4

      After death God will not hear our prayers

    • @savedandbornagaininchrist7598
      @savedandbornagaininchrist7598 5 лет назад +3

      Guy Cecil I believe this as well.... he wants them to know the intense torturous feeling of knowing your never gonna get out, and all of them say that had these experiences that the torture they received was not even the half of it, it was the hopeless feeling and the knowledge of knowing what you gave up to the worldly pleasures that cost them their salvation.... and knowing they ignored god and only cared for themselves

  • @ianhelgerson6146
    @ianhelgerson6146 Год назад +2

    Its not what we do, our good works. Its what Jesus did, his sacrifice, his finished work on the cross, his blood redeems us. Repent and believe today.

  • @kimbrooksmiller7823
    @kimbrooksmiller7823 5 лет назад +8

    Thank you for this testimony! It was very sincere and it truly made me think. He was spot on - lukewarm. Candidly, I have not done as much as he has. Whoa! Jesus had me watch this for a reason - same for you. You didn’t just stumble upon this video, God lead you here. Praise God, a wake up call for all of us.

  • @ramelcrandell2032
    @ramelcrandell2032 7 лет назад +56

    just as sure as there's a left and a right, up and a down, hot and cold, good and bad, there is a Heaven and Hell and God our creator and there is also the God of this world. God our creator speaks to people in different ways and as the scripture says, many won't believe until they see signs and wonders. God always knows best and does things according to His perfect will. God the Father and the creator of all things from the beginning reveals the mysteries of the things that unknown to man to make them revealed for the purpose of truth. Sometimes God will speak to us through people who He uses to deliver important messages. We just have to learn, listen, hear, and take heed.

  • @peterdickson80
    @peterdickson80 2 года назад +3

    I understand "luke-warm".
    It's hard to give up something that you want reeeeeeeally bad.
    You believe in Jesus but still gotta do what you want. 💯
    Let me tell you this.
    Look at what you're really attached to real close and you'll discover it's bad for you.
    You'll see that you'll never get out of it what you really want - yet you chase.
    It's like chasing a married woman who doesn't even want you.
    Yet you chase.
    Maybe her smile?
    Maybe her promise?
    You gotta give it up.
    Give up this whole world.
    I love my kids.
    I love my job.
    I love my woman.
    But not like I luuuuuuuuv JESUS !!!!!!
    I came to the point in my life that I realize to give Jesus my all - my everything - is what I've been looking for this whole time !!!!!!!!!!!

  • @CHaas-bn3xi
    @CHaas-bn3xi 6 лет назад +5

    you can FEEL this man's testimony when he speaks it's like I felt it in my stomach. For those of you who do not believe, I really feel for you. Believe this when we all die that moment that second we will all stand there and meet our maker it's game over and it's really simple it HEAVEN or its HELL, there's no going back there's no more make ups or a second change. Stop for just a minute and think about the Bible because it's really simple.
    it all just makes to much sense

  • @drumrgal4christ987
    @drumrgal4christ987 7 лет назад +17

    Thank u soooooo much for sharing this video... it’s extremely powerful. U are right. Praise God. He loves us truly

  • @gordonmarshall3218
    @gordonmarshall3218 6 лет назад +15

    Packattack. I had such a intimate walk with the lord that i told him i would go overseas and die for him evangelizing. Since then i had encountered hell, be very carefull what the lord is doing and judging him. I wouldnt wish anyone to go there for 1 second. Blessings.

  • @Vixinaful
    @Vixinaful 3 года назад +4

    I think ultimately its about your heart. Do you have love for him in all of your heart?

  • @neeverodulfo8804
    @neeverodulfo8804 4 года назад +2

    This is the most real account that I've ever heard . You can feel the pain the fear the despair. Bless you and may this testimony touch as many if we Christian's as it did me. As a christian I have sinned against heaven and against my Father. I repent and I ask for mercy for my sins. Father have mercy.

  • @proofpancake5690
    @proofpancake5690 6 лет назад +7

    Awwwweee!!! Bless your heart! !! I'm so glad your OK brother! !!! There's soooo..many of us that are "lukewarm"""it's scary! !!!!! God Bless you!!!!!***

  • @trommelbiel
    @trommelbiel 6 лет назад +2

    This testimony is more real to me than my being alive. May the good Lord save all of us who believe from entering this disgusting place called hell.

  • @Albert-the-Astro
    @Albert-the-Astro Год назад +3

    Wow I needed to hear this brother, thank you for the message. Peace

  • @ashtonayat1972
    @ashtonayat1972 4 года назад +2

    If u confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and believe in ur heart that God has raised Him from the dead, thou shall b saved ! “
    Romans 10:9

  • @lionandlamb7663
    @lionandlamb7663 4 года назад +3

    Yes. Sound lost close to end. Very inspiring testimony.
    No Lukewarmness toward our Savior!

  • @forhisglory9256
    @forhisglory9256 6 лет назад +2

    Thank you Brother for this Testimony. If I wasn't a Christian I would be seeking God right now. If I was Lukewarm I would be asking God to forgive me and Walk Straight before Him. Thank you again for your Testimony. I know it is going to change lives.

  • @supermanziggy
    @supermanziggy 6 лет назад +5

    Thank you very much for this message the Savior gave to you. This is lovely. Thank you young man.

  • @mariuszpaweczuk9869
    @mariuszpaweczuk9869 6 лет назад +2

    “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day. For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink.” (John 6:53-55)

  • @Bobelli1
    @Bobelli1 5 лет назад +5

    Thank you Brother Isaiah 🙏 Thank you for sharing your wonderful testimony!!! Praise Lord Jesus Christ for giving you this!!! Amen 🙏

  • @grandcatsmama3421
    @grandcatsmama3421 4 года назад +2

    I was listening to a radio program many years ago, and the speaker told about a man who loved God, was a good Christian, husband, father. I think he may have been in his 30s, I can't remember. He and his family were shopping and he went into a store to buy something, in front of the cashier he had a heart attack and was dead before he hit the floor! We have to be prepared! We have to be on fire. God bless everyone.

  • @exivilon
    @exivilon 5 лет назад +3

    So from hearing this guy's testimony, l'm getting the vibe(I REALLY hope I'm wrong!) that one can lose their salvation in Christ if one remains selfish or lazy enough for an undetermined amount of time? :(

  • @seekingthetrinity
    @seekingthetrinity 5 лет назад +5

    When you can’t remember the year month week day hour minute about such a profound experience it’s amazing. I’d remember! It’s true I’m sure but THAT is unusual to be sure.

    • @makeitso9833
      @makeitso9833 4 года назад +1

      I thought that was odd too, he wasn't even sure what year it was.. People that have an extremely traumatic event happen remember the exact moment.

    • @isaiahwilson6401
      @isaiahwilson6401  4 года назад +1

      Would you honestly want to remember such an experience? I can tell you within a couple weeks when it happened but that is the best that I can do. Imagine having this experience. Imagine what that means. I was a preacher when this happened to me. I had been in church for almost half my life. Telling this experience meant that I had admit to my church that I wasn't what I claimed to be. I had messed up. Even admitting this was extremely embarrassing and humbling. When I had the experience I didn't tell anyone about it for a couple months, I just wanted it to be behind me, but I eventually had to tell it.

  • @questionsonchristianity8204
    @questionsonchristianity8204 7 лет назад +38

    He is speaking really well.

  • @kentdeberg4867
    @kentdeberg4867 Год назад +1

    Thank you for sharing your experience. The Lord told me to start watching hell testimonies. It has been changing my ever everything

    • @bootsie280
      @bootsie280 Год назад

      All those stories are lies! How God can lead you to fill your heart and mind with líes!? I strongly doubt it was God who told you that…be no deceived always test the spirits to see if they’re from God…you should read the Bible instead you’ll learn a whole lot more than watching lies.

  • @trommelbiel
    @trommelbiel 6 лет назад +5

    Let us assume it is just a nightmare, would you want to experience this kind of nightmare forever? In fact I would prefer being beaten for real than the kinds of things I used to see in my nightmares.

  • @christinasteltz5063
    @christinasteltz5063 5 лет назад +2

    Thank you for the message brother. I was unable to hear the end but I am so thankful for the message today. I have seen Hell three times but it was more like a holding place for auduliters and another time an underground prison. The third time I was lead to heaven actually a doorway that led to God and heaven. I am a dreamer of dreams and have remembered many dreams throughout my life. Always super spiritual. Since I became born again I believe I am on fire for God...though I know in my heart I have met Jesus, it is not always easy to live in him. The world creeps its way in.

  • @ruthrobel3498
    @ruthrobel3498 5 лет назад +6

    Praise God for this powerful testimony!😘😘😘

  • @ericbrufatto5371
    @ericbrufatto5371 5 лет назад +2

    This guy is one of the slowest talkers I've ever heard.

  • @hanatyler2994
    @hanatyler2994 7 лет назад +5

    Thank you for being brave & sharing your experience!

  • @reahisrael1624
    @reahisrael1624 5 лет назад +1

    For those who say that you cannot perish for being lukewarm in your faith, I would advise you to re study your word and truly understand what the Lord says about these things. Yes, we are saved by Grace INITIALLY. We don’t have to do anything INITIALLY to receive our salvation, but once we have received it, we must work out our salvation with fear and trembling. The most important thing is focusing on the Love relationship we have with the father, because loving him is the greatest commandment and from them all things follow. Just lean into him and let your communion with him transform you, and the rest will follow. We will obey not just out of reverence, but out of love. We are called to be lights in this world and to draw the Kingdom of God onto Earth. We all have an important role to play somehow. It would be foolish to think otherwise. God will reveal to you what your role is. You have to ask and wait on him to speak. Be it through his word, through a dream, or through one of his saints...wait on him to speak. An angel of the Lord came to me twice 3 months apart each time to tell me that I was called to serve and evangelize. I was told I would not see the Kingdom of God if I “sat idly by like most Christians do.” These were the words of the angel that spoke to me. It was so sobering, but I know what I am called to do and I must obey like we all have to at some point in our lives. The Kingdom of God is so much more than just receiving salvation and going to church religiously. That is not the whole picture.

  • @2ndchancer382
    @2ndchancer382 6 лет назад +5

    I really wanted to know his story its just hardr to follow when he pause's like he does. But God Bless him, and you for sharing this.

  • @robertbrugh8426
    @robertbrugh8426 5 лет назад +1

    Good on you brother. For telling your story. I was 3 when I was murdered and went to Hell. Unlike you I wasn't a Christian nor had I any Knowledge of His Supreme Holy Majesty Yeshua King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Until He Pulled me out of that place and bathed me in the Living water of the Lake of Testimony. That was 52 years ago.

    • @yes55504
      @yes55504 Год назад

      You went to hell at the age of 3? That's ridiculous

  • @HolyGhostDriven1
    @HolyGhostDriven1 2 года назад +3

    Alleluia to the lamb of GOD Jesus Christ our Holy Redeemer !🙏 🙌 ❤️

  • @Mcoult45
    @Mcoult45 6 лет назад +2

    Hey, dear brother Isaiah! Thank you for sharing your testimony! If you would, please consider the words of the prophet Ezekiel chapters 18-37, which speaks of how both Jews and Gentiles get lukewarm without realizing it. There are a ton of scriptures in addition, of course, but these really spoke to me. The path truly is narrow and few find it. May you be blessed in searching for truth as for hid treasure.

  • @John_3-16_Psalm_34
    @John_3-16_Psalm_34 7 лет назад +7 were relying on your works for your salvation? I don't understand how you a Christian could be so wrong on this. Correct me if I'm wrong here. But this is what actually sent you to hell. Trusting in yourself , trusting in your own works to go to heaven. And the reason for you being so luke warm was you were tiring of doing your own salvation because you felt you had already accomplished it.

    • @seacoast4950
      @seacoast4950 6 лет назад

      He texted that he didn’t really give his whole heart to Jesus. Said he did just enough for the lord so as not to get convicted. Said he wanted to live his own way.

    • @NurseEmilie
      @NurseEmilie 6 лет назад

      I think God got the message through to him. He doesn't need your lectures.
      You have no clue what you're talking about. Just shut up.

    • @user-fg7kk1kn6b
      @user-fg7kk1kn6b 6 лет назад +1

      Hey man, yup.. All men fell short to God.. Even are good works are filthy old rag to God. Only Jesus is perfect.. Jesus will do good works that will come out of our body, and it is not us.. Man, i testify, i was doing works just by myself.. I was being religious, and i thought im saved.. But yeah, Jesus changed me, and i am with Him now!!

    • @jmarconi248
      @jmarconi248 5 лет назад

      John 3:16 Psalm 34
      Being obedient to God’s commands is not ‘works.’
      Do not be fooled, unrepentant sinners will not be allowed in heaven.

  • @squaredancefun3786
    @squaredancefun3786 5 лет назад +1

    Near the end of this video, he finally admitted that he was relying on "his works" to get him into heaven. All our righteousness is as "filthy rags" - only the blood of Jesus washes us clean. I do believe in repentance, but that I am saved by his grace when I accept him as my Lord and Savior. I still have a sin nature, but do my best to love, praise, and live for him. I can't loose that salvation, but like a loving father he will chastise me if I get out of line in order to draw me back to him.

    • @peterjannes7413
      @peterjannes7413 5 лет назад

  • @newagedeception3986
    @newagedeception3986 6 лет назад +4

    Please pray for my salvation. Thank you

  • @cjames9320
    @cjames9320 5 лет назад

    Salvation is by grace, through faith, not of yourselves, it is the Gift of God, not of works. If you have faith in the death, burial, and ressurection and rely on Jesus alone for salvation, you are saved.

  • @brigittebelizaire7653
    @brigittebelizaire7653 2 года назад +3

    Amen thank you God for the Good word of repentance!

  • @notbad2440
    @notbad2440 4 года назад

    This is not a person that is looking for praise and acceptance from man. Sounds like a person who never wants to go back to that place. Love God with all your heart, mind and strength.

  • @ramenmooken6441
    @ramenmooken6441 5 лет назад +2

    Thanks my dear brother for your testimony about hell
    God bless you God is using you to warn humanity about the horror of hell courageously share it boldly then trust the HOLY SPIRIT who will convince people for salvation

  • @supermanziggy
    @supermanziggy 4 года назад +2

    Thank you for this testimony, and for whoever posted this.

  • @kaynovo8043
    @kaynovo8043 5 лет назад +7

    Powerful testimony !!!

  • @PreciousdaughterofChrist
    @PreciousdaughterofChrist 10 месяцев назад

    Hell is a REAL place. God rebuked me in 2021. I was dating someone that I was in sexual sin with and all of a sudden I was drifting away from God. I idolized my former boyfriend (at the time) and took my focus off of Jesus. It wasn’t until I had a judgement day dream & God casted me into outer darkness . Everywhere i ran I could see nooo light. The darkness was SO thick. Everywhere I looked & ran I saw nothing. I cried and panicked & then I woke up & repented. I lived a lukewarm life for majority of my Christian walk. I am just now getting to the point of consistency with Jesus. Spending time with Him & being intentional. ❤ I now know that was God’s grace. His grace isn’t always pretty…sometimes it’s a Rebuke. 💗 He is so good & so loving to warn us. I love you Jesus. We must repent & not lean on our works but acknowledge what He did on the cross & follow Him as he leads.

  • @mariabarrios2299
    @mariabarrios2299 5 лет назад +4

    Glory to God 🔥thank you for sharing your testimony 🔥Blessings

  • @ml1712
    @ml1712 5 лет назад

    God saved us by his Grace when we believed. And you can't take credit for this ; it is a gift of God. Ephesians 2:8 . I do not trust dreams and experiences! Just stick with the bible!

  • @NK-ke6yy
    @NK-ke6yy 5 лет назад +7

    If you’re not watching this at 2x or 1.5x speed, WYD LOL!
    Great testimony though, other than the extremely slow speech. But maybe that’s just my attention span 😉
    I totally believe him. God bless

  • @willrobinson1229
    @willrobinson1229 4 года назад +1

    The liberal Church is definitely lukewarm and even denies the doctrine of atonement. I'm worried for these congregants.

  • @kaycmore9923
    @kaycmore9923 5 лет назад +2

    Amen my Lord Jesus let me hear the whole thing because he knows this word is for me amen Lord I will deny myself and take up my cross and follow Jesus.

  • @makeitso9833
    @makeitso9833 4 года назад +2

    Salvation doesn't flip flop between us being saved and not saved based on how much you read your bible or how many prayers you say or don't say. Jesus said "It is finished", its what He did for us, its not up to us to maintain it. What exactly is the measure of being 'luke warm' if you believe you become un-born again every time you forget to pray sometimes, or are too busy or tired? If that were true you would only be saved if you happened to be 'all prayed up' at the moment of death. If it was so easily lost why does the bible teach us to be confident in our salvation? None of us has maintained a perfect relationship with Him and are all backsliders to some degree. In addition to denying the promises of the Bible (2 Cor. @-22, Ephes @-14, etc) someone who believes we can lose our salvation by actions we take after we’re saved is essentially making himself ultimately responsible for being saved.
    When you look at how differently the Lord feels about the quality of our efforts than we do (Isaiah 64:6), you can see that nothing we have to offer could ever measure up to His standards. Even our best effort is woefully inadequate.

    • @panettonea
      @panettonea 4 года назад +1

      Exactly. The idea that God is going to send you to "hell" because you're not a perfect Christian is lunacy. None of us would have any hope that way.
      I believe that Mr. Wilson is completely misinterpreting his experience.

    • @Stew91
      @Stew91 2 года назад

      @@panettonea He probably meant "lukewarm", as in wanting to have friendship with the world, as he ended up admtting later. I feel like he was rather unclear about that, at first.

  • @Bobelli1
    @Bobelli1 5 лет назад +3

    Praise our father and LORD Jesus Christ. May the peace and grace of Christ Jesus fill your heart and your households.
    The LORD Jesus Christ told me this morning to keep raised the banner of of the Gospel because time is over we don't have time, the prophecy is fulfilled everyday before the face of the world, the LORD Jesus Christ said my people are destroyed because of lack of knowledge , Christian are become the slave of the things of the world, majority of Christian love the the fashions, my people don't want to listen to the true voice of Holy Spirit, they listen to the evil spirit. Everything is about to change, LORD say I AM going to take my faithful, righteous people to the face of the world, and the world is going to remain full of darkness, and the voice end.
    Many are called, but few are chosen be among the few.
    Listen to the voice of HOLY SPIRIT
    EV Moses Nyongesa

  • @Dana_Bellamy
    @Dana_Bellamy Год назад

    Such a powerful testimony!! I once asked the Lord how to make sure that I am on the "straight and narrow path" that leads to eternal life. He replied, "Stay close to Me." And this is so powerful. The reason that people are cast away into outer darkness is because God didn't know them. And the word "know" means intimacy with the Lord. He will say, "Depart from Me, I never KNEW you." It is all about RELATIONSHIP and not works. But, when you are close to Him, you are not going to be able to remain in sin because the Holy Spirit will convict you. You can either repent and get back on track, or you can move away from Him to stay in your sin. So, staying close to Him is the key to everlasting life. It is all about relationship and intimacy with Him. Period.

    • @bootsie280
      @bootsie280 Год назад

      Lies don’t believe his lies!! Not biblical precedent for such claims!

  • @Mark-yb1sp
    @Mark-yb1sp 6 лет назад +2

    Why would God send a person to Hell, just to scare them into Heaven? The answer is, “He doesn’t!” If the Bible isn’t good enough to let a person know that they need Jesus, then the subjective testimony won’t do it either. What he is talking about isn’t the practice of our loving God.

  • @VeganAzure
    @VeganAzure 6 лет назад +4

    Very important, for thank you, brother!

  • @tonydouglas4658
    @tonydouglas4658 6 лет назад +1

    Pastor Isiah, I'm desperate to find out how to not be lukewarm!! My phone lost sound about halfway thru, when I was born again Christ changed my life lifears ago, I'm stuck! I've prayed and asked God, to search my heart, I have to say, I'm terrified after listening to your amazing story, but I've

    • @isaiahwilson6401
      @isaiahwilson6401  6 лет назад +1

      Tony, the fact that you are concerned about this leads me to believe that you are okay. When I was lukewarm I was content where I was. I didn't want to be different. Don't make it harder than what it is. If we are not careful we make salvation about works and about earning our way in to Heaven, but we know it isn't about that. Lukewarm means to try and serve two masters. That is exactly what I wanted to do. I wanted Jesus just so I wouldn't go to hell, but I still wanted have my own life and do what I wanted to do.
      If you have totally given your life and heart to Jesus, you are not lukewarm! That doesn't mean we live in sinless perfection and never fall, it just means that if we fall, we run back to Jesus!

  • @tauahmed1861
    @tauahmed1861 6 лет назад +7

    God bless your videos

  • @bryanx2131
    @bryanx2131 4 года назад

    The Bible is facts. I had a dream that was a message from GOD. Hear this one.
    After I read the Bible for the 1st time I had a dream that I was outside running away from something evil. I never looked back but I kept running forward & It was during the day and the sky was full of clouds. & at the end of the dream I saw a small flame in the grass about 15 feet away from me. As I was walking up to the flame a lightning 🌩 struck the flame in front of me and I looked up above me and I saw a circle of light in the clouds and I stared at it for about 4 seconds. Then the clouds closed and it started raining 🌧. Then I woke up. I believe GOD was telling me that my sins had been washed away.
    Keep faith in GOD & Jesus. We have the truth

  • @thyatyrathee3938
    @thyatyrathee3938 6 лет назад +3

    Theres no such thing as a luke warm Christian with God your either with him or against can't serve two masters.thankyou Jesus his
    testimony Amen

    • @aprillockabyradford3679
      @aprillockabyradford3679 6 лет назад +1

      Jesus says there are lukewarm Christians. The Bible talks about this.

    • @Jolie888
      @Jolie888 6 лет назад

      Thyatyra Thee I agree

  • @carolmueller748
    @carolmueller748 4 года назад

    When God told Adam the punishment for disobedience, did he say, " you will burn for all eternity in hell"? Genesis 2:17! Genesis 3:19 says "...for dust you are and to dust you will return." Adam is no more! Read Psalms 37:10. The wicked will be no more, destroyed! 2Thessalonians 1:9; 2 Peter 3:7.

  • @ElimitechPest
    @ElimitechPest 7 лет назад +4

    the audio cuts off towards the last 3 or 4 minutes

  • @jbath39
    @jbath39 5 дней назад

    Seeing this gives no hope at all for sinners that are up in age.
    So a 50 year old man/woman there is no hope because they never even heard what backside even means.I always thought that a new believer can be saved if they turned away from sin .

  • @fybsi2081
    @fybsi2081 6 лет назад +3

    isaiah, what did you personally do that you believed you were being "lukewarm"? What did you do exactly to change it?

    • @TheRosaryGarden
      @TheRosaryGarden 5 лет назад +3

      Freeze Your Brain Shave Ice FYBSI Hi ... I think it's about the fact that we have to take time out to develop our one to one relationship with Jesus . Like when we pray we should really wait for a response. If you don't get a response straight away keep trying. Show God that you are thirsty for Him. We really need to fall in love with God and He needs to be the most important thing to us over and above other things in our life. If we ask Jesus to reveal more of Himself to us we can start to develop a one to one relationship. We can ask Him what He wants from us. It's so much better to do this now, because if we leave it until our last breath we have wasted our life on yearning for other things and not seeking out our Holy God, who is the source of all life, all knowledge, the hand that feeds us and the great provider. If we are not in Jesus family and therefore a child of God - what life do we have? There is no true life without Him. God bless you 🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @eugenetoussaintjunior371
    @eugenetoussaintjunior371 Год назад

    Brother Isaiah Wilson and whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire

  • @KurtPeppler
    @KurtPeppler 7 лет назад +8

    I have a lot more sIn troubles than luke warm! I am no saint or perfect like God, SO WHAT can we do? GRACE RIGHT? Not to say we don't try to improve but by this measure we're all headed to hell. WE ALL HAVE SOME KIND OF SIN. The LAW requires PERFECTION Jesus died and we are saved BY HIS CRACE as I understand it. So it's up to God who gets his Grace or not, who goes to heaven and hell, you got out, OTHERS DID NOT. Sorry but dogma is confusing and GOD KNOWS THIS; does that mean stupid people go to hell? I HOPE NOT! Or we're all doomed!!! HAVE MERCY ON US GOD, HOLY SPIRIT & JESUS!!!
    YOU are saying JESUS told you you were in hell because you had the sin of......luke warmness and didn't realize it so you were judged and sent to hell? WHAT HAPPENED TO GRACE? I KNOW I'll not KNOW every sin I should repent of, I TRY TO KNOW and repent but I think we're all short on that mark. Stuff like this drives me nuts.

    • @isaiahwilson6401
      @isaiahwilson6401  7 лет назад +3

      Maybe I wasn't clear in what exactly lukewarm was. First, let me be absolutely clear that I believe in grace and I in no way believe that we can work our way into Heaven. My sin was that I professed with my mouth that I loved the Lord, but I hadn't given Him my whole heart. I wanted to serve Him, but only on my terms, which wasn't really serving Him at all.

    • @jesussaves4634
      @jesussaves4634 6 лет назад +1

      I agree with kooty I was left a feeling confused. Isaiah Wilson do you mean you confessed with your mouth that you loved the Lord but never actually meant it? You didn't truly repeant? Just trying to understand.

    • @RebeccaAbrahansson
      @RebeccaAbrahansson 6 лет назад +1

      Be holy,

    • @yungpadawan7060
      @yungpadawan7060 6 лет назад

      Kooty Gods word, the bible

    • @JT-ip3ch
      @JT-ip3ch 4 года назад

      @Kooty His says to be perfect as he is perfect. We are to work out
      Are own salvation with fear and trembling.
      Do a study on works and grace. Here are is just a few, there are to
      Numerous to put down here.
      And we are to keep His commandments and His statues. Read
      The Whole word , the beginning and the end. He is the Alpha and the Omega,
      In Hebrew He is Aleph and the tav, he will reveal himself through
      The whole word of God. There is truly Amazing treasures to Discover
      And I am still seeking to fine 🔑🙏😊. Shalom
      31Then the Jews took up stones again to 31Then the Jews took up stones again to stone Him. 32Jesus answered them, “Many good works I have shown you from My Father. For which of those works do you stone Me?”
      New King James Version
      For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
      atthew 5:16 - Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
      Hebrews 6:10 - For God [is] not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.
      James 2:20-24 - But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?
      Titus 2:7 - In all things shewing thyself a pattern of good works: in doctrine [shewing] uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity,
      Hebrews 13:21 - Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is wellpleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom [be] glory for ever and ever. Amen. stone Him. 32Jesus answered them, “Many good works I have shown you from My Father. For which of those works do you stone Me?”
      New King James Version
      For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
      atthew 5:16 - Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
      Hebrews 6:10 - For God [is] not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.
      James 2:20-24 - But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?
      Titus 2:7 - In all things shewing thyself a pattern of good works: in doctrine [shewing] uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity,
      Hebrews 13:21 - Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is wellpleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom [be] glory for ever and ever. Amen.

  • @joeblow8593
    @joeblow8593 6 лет назад +1

    Powerful Message. Also please listen to Bill Wiese "23 Minutes In Hell", the complete version here on RUclips. For those who may have some trouble following along because it might be too slow. You can solve that by pitching it up to 1.5 + (Available in the settings).

  • @bcsurvivor4713
    @bcsurvivor4713 5 лет назад +2

    Watch this at 1.25 or 1.5

  • @eugenetoussaintjunior371
    @eugenetoussaintjunior371 Год назад

    Revelation 20:15 and whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire

  • @mitchellh6885
    @mitchellh6885 5 лет назад +3

    Isaiah- I listen to the bible app most mornings for at least 30 min, pray most days but they seem more like I'm counseling myself than really talking to God, I feel so caught up in the things of life that I'm missing God, I do not do big sins however I'm far from perfect, I feel lukewarm but how do I break through? Is it what I do or what God does? How do I get God to move on my behalf when I feel so empty? At least this is bothering me so I have to believe God is working on me. Some one pray for me that whatever needs to happen will.

    • @koriribarsosio4174
      @koriribarsosio4174 4 года назад

      ...'I do not do big sins but I am far from perfect...' Are there any willful sins you are still partaking in? That usually deeply affects our fellowship with Christ. Surrender to Jesus COMPLETELY. Turn to Him fully. Ask the Holy spirit to show you what God's will is for your life. Secular movies, TV shows, secular music, willful lust, masturbation, not giving Jesus your will and mind...these things can keep us from Jesus. You will break through. I pray that the Holy spirit visits you and reveals Jesus' will concerning your life.

  • @talisayoung2975
    @talisayoung2975 2 года назад

    Brothers and sisters please pray for my brother Wendell who is autistic and going through a manic episode today. The enemies are tormenting and causing him to suffer so much tonight. Please pray for him to get delivered from the hands of the enemy into Yahuah’s hands. Thank you. 🙏🏿

  • @regalherbsman5938
    @regalherbsman5938 7 лет назад +5

    Awesome testimony

  • @lilytoh3580
    @lilytoh3580 4 года назад

    God wants this testimony to go out on RUclips to help more people to understand and accept that hell is as real as heaven and we need to be sincere in our acceptance and love of God in our hearts. It is like someone saying they are married but they are unfaithful.

  • @John_3-16_Psalm_34
    @John_3-16_Psalm_34 7 лет назад +4

    Oh no....I am not like you...thinking im OK!! ....I know exactly that in me there is nothing good. Zero...Zilch..And that is the difference between a saved person...and one who is's the same story of the Pharisee and the tax collector...People...which one are you..??

    • @Batya-Grace
      @Batya-Grace 5 лет назад

      The very fact that you say, "I am not like you." That alone is pharisee talk. Remember the prayers of the pharisee and the tax collector? The Pharisee thanked God he was not like the tax collector, while the tax collector begged God for mercy for his sins. God found the tax collector's prayer more righteous.

  • @seanrussell1242
    @seanrussell1242 3 года назад

    Lukewarm also mean you are not all hot for the Lord nor do you hate the Lord. He can work with those conditions but lukewarm does not give any fruit nor does it help his mission to save souls.

  • @CrayCrayRedneck
    @CrayCrayRedneck 7 лет назад +4

    so were you once "saved", then lost your salvation along the way? is that how you ended up in hell? or, may be you weren't saved to begin with when this happened? i just don't believe that we can lose our salvation (Hebrews 6:4). salvation is a gift. nothing we do (works) can earn it.

    • @viadei
      @viadei 7 лет назад +1

      Hebrews 6:4 does claim that you can lose your salvation!... On the contrary!!!!
      Moreover Ezk 33:12 teaches that the righteousness of the rightous will not deliver him in the day of his transgression:
      Therefore, thou son of man, say unto the children of thy people, The righteousness of the righteous shall not deliver him in the day of his transgression: as for the wickedness of the wicked, he shall not fall thereby in the day that he turneth from his wickedness; neither shall the righteous be able to live for his righteousness in the day that he sinneth.

    • @CrayCrayRedneck
      @CrayCrayRedneck 7 лет назад +2

      why must salvation be so confusing?

    • @viadei
      @viadei 7 лет назад +1

      No it's very simple...
      Ezk 33:17
      Yet the children of thy people say, The way of the Lord is not equal: but as for them, their way is not equal. When the righteous turneth from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, he shall even die thereby. But if the wicked turn from his wickedness, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall live thereby.

    • @ascent7
      @ascent7 7 лет назад

      cos this new craze for ive been to hell vids are confusing ,contradictory and i find it so weird how so many christians are experiencing this and is nearly always American evangelicals producing them..nobody else

    • @twospot7Seven
      @twospot7Seven 7 лет назад +1

      Wrong! you are misinterpreting Hebrews. This is talking about unbelievers not saved Christians.

  • @JaniceTrades777
    @JaniceTrades777 5 лет назад

    After being beaten every night by demons.. I was a lukewarm Christian and really was unsure about Jesus and God and was into New Age and Aliens, but here I am now saved and living every second for Christ because through his authority in Jesus name, Demons were cast out, healings occurred, and I found out that Jesus is real and this is real, we are so lucky to even know this, many will burn in hell.. and never know Jesus or the good life that comes from knowing him.