Only thing I will nitpick is that the NPC's for megacorps are supposed to be representatives that serves as mission broker or corp face for PC's not CEO's, ı especially doubt low level PC's could even meet the secretary of CEO yet alone the person themselves.
I just made them to be faction leaders, not specifically the face of the corp or the fixer that the PCs would meet for any jobs related to the schemes or background content laid out here. Obviously, low level PCs aren't getting meetings with a CEO.
This video is way too short. You need to take more time with creating these things.
I was waiting to see who would say it first :D
RAM job.
Only thing I will nitpick is that the NPC's for megacorps are supposed to be representatives that serves as mission broker or corp face for PC's not CEO's, ı especially doubt low level PC's could even meet the secretary of CEO yet alone the person themselves.
I just made them to be faction leaders, not specifically the face of the corp or the fixer that the PCs would meet for any jobs related to the schemes or background content laid out here. Obviously, low level PCs aren't getting meetings with a CEO.
What if the CEO was all, like, I like the cut of yer jib. Vanessa, send that rag tag group of vagabonds up to my office. I want to size 'em up myself.