Can i ask you this: do you have that shaky trumpet sound on the beginning as standard? without sample or etc.. when i buy the mox6 new do i have the that sound or is that a sample sound?
Hola. Ayudaaaaa.... Creé una pista (midi) en mi mox6... quiero grabarlo en una usb o pasarlo a una pc para poder usar esa pista en otro teclado... como hago???... también tengo una mac y uso logic pro-x (por si se pude importar)
Hola !!!! El Yamaha tiene conexión midi usb … conecta el cable usb a la computadora luego abres Logic Pro …. Luego abres un canal de instrumento externo y se supone que escuches tu Yamaha mox atrás de la computadora…. Luego abres un canal de audio y vas asignar la entrada del canal de instrumento midi y luego lo grabas en formato audio o guardas témplate midi Te dejo este link que me ayudo a mi a grabar los sonidos de mi teclado Yamaha mx49видео.html
Cześć. Gram na Fantom S i szukam dodatkowego klawisza z w miarę fajnymi organami ale przede wszystkim nowatorskimi barwami pad. Muzyka worship. Co polecisz mox czy moxF, a może coś innego? :-)
this machine is excellent. hope it will last. i love all brands. i only hate is they r doing good business and always making a new model that u will also upgrade. the yamaha motif es actually has already great sounds and features. but what happened? now outdated. but they r great and built like a tank.
Hej. Zakladam, ze aby moc cieszysc sie nowymi brzmieniami trzeba dokupic karte pamieci. Jak duzo czasu zamuje zaladowanie nowych brzmien do pamieci? Pozdrawiam
Всем привет! Продаю видео уроки по данному инструменту MOXF6-8 на русском языке! Видео было создано мной на протяжении нескольких лет общения с данным инструментом! Всего 37 видео примеров как можно работать с данным инструментом и совместно с редактором Cubase! Обращайтесь ко мне лично!
The moxf , the montage, the korg kronos, rolandvfantom are amazing instruments. I wish i had money to get them all. Any of these would help anyone make great music. Add to this a DAW and you are set.....I have a korg triton classic in great condition and a roland xp 60 and they are great. I can imagine what the newer machines can do. I know sound quality is superior.
I have a Triton classic and a MOXF8. To my ears the MOXF has superior acoustic pianos, electric pianos, organs, guitars, strings and brass/woodwinds. The Triton has a few good organs and good synth and pad patches. I midi the Triton to the MOXF to play the Yamaha's organs and synths. The Triton's keybed is fantastic.
Thanks for the demo. Excellent drumming at the end of the video. Where can I learn to drum on a keyboard like you? Any links to online resources will be highly appreciated.
Fernando Nonaka I am a drummer. But as i played throughout the years i owned sy77 and starting writing music and using my guitar and board i havent had a kit in years. I will buy another soon as i am a drummer at heart. These guys on the boards today are awesome. I hope to write some killer stuff. The drumming on keyboard is a funny subject. Its almost the same needed coordination but all in hands or fingers other than avoustic acoustic kit using right and left feet for kicks and hihat. But i do not meet many keyboardists today that cant at least make a simple beat like this guy. I can say this. This guy is all over youtube and is one amazing versitile keyboardist.
I hear that is a software that converts any type of sounds to what you need. Let s say you have some roland sounds and you convert them to yamaha format, load them into your flash board and play. I will try to find this convertor. It is under 100$ from what i heard
+Yash Chauhan the site is and you can buy a software called translator, I think. but the have 8 different ones. they have a very quick team ready to answer any questions if anything goes wrong in converting the keyboard sounds. I mean, you could use the sounds made for korg on you yamaha :-D
love the drum sounds
2:56 DPCM Attack
Witam miałem przyjemność dotknąć i zagrać na tym klawiszu i jestem rozczarowany suuuper prezentacja
the world of music is the best
Can i ask you this: do you have that shaky trumpet sound on the beginning as standard? without sample or etc.. when i buy the mox6 new do i have the that sound or is that a sample sound?
35sec. Ensoniq ASR 10 had already this sound filter.Many sounds are like the ones of my Motif EX7
Hi! where to download these sounds?
Hola. Ayudaaaaa....
Creé una pista (midi) en mi mox6... quiero grabarlo en una usb o pasarlo a una pc para poder usar esa pista en otro teclado... como hago???... también tengo una mac y uso logic pro-x (por si se pude importar)
Hola !!!! El Yamaha tiene conexión midi usb … conecta el cable usb a la computadora luego abres Logic Pro …. Luego abres un canal de instrumento externo y se supone que escuches tu Yamaha mox atrás de la computadora…. Luego abres un canal de audio y vas asignar la entrada del canal de instrumento midi y luego lo grabas en formato audio o guardas témplate midi
Te dejo este link que me ayudo a mi a grabar los sonidos de mi teclado Yamaha mx49видео.html
Cześć. Gram na Fantom S i szukam dodatkowego klawisza z w miarę fajnymi organami ale przede wszystkim nowatorskimi barwami pad. Muzyka worship. Co polecisz mox czy moxF, a może coś innego? :-)
Hi I am also curous where we can get these sounds, can you tell?
Zajebista prezentacja ;) Ogólnie polecacie ten klawisz ? Chciałbym wypełnić Tyrosa 2 tym klawiszem.
this machine is excellent. hope it will last. i love all brands. i only hate is they r doing good business and always making a new model that u will also upgrade. the yamaha motif es actually has already great sounds and features. but what happened? now outdated. but they r great and built like a tank.
where to download these sounds??? TNKS
this is factory sounds!
Hi, is it a FL512M or FL1024M rom ? thx
Hej. Zakladam, ze aby moc cieszysc sie nowymi brzmieniami trzeba dokupic karte pamieci. Jak duzo czasu zamuje zaladowanie nowych brzmien do pamieci?
Michał Wiejak Oczywiście Bank PRE 9. Tych brzmień w zwykłym MOX nie ma, a w MOXF są :) Pozdrawiamy!
Где эти звуки можно купить?
Hi, can I load WAV or AIF sounds to the MOXF6?
Yes if you buy The optional FL512M and FL1024M. but its basically a straight playback , not really a sampler
How can u get these sounds to Mofx?
Is these some kind of update?
did you know how to download it and where now? I'm interested ;)
jakie tu są nowe dźwięki ?
Grzegorz Barnik te których nie ma MOX.
@@muzykujkropkacom a ja myślałem , że o moxf ten materiał . Właśnie chciałem kupić MOXF jest szansa u Ciebie ?
Grzegorz Barnik nie sprzedaje :) szukaj na OLX
@@muzykujkropkacom aaa ja myślałem , że Masz sklep Muz :)
Grzegorz Barnik skąd taka myśl ?:)
Boa noite irmão estou numa duvida.
Yamaha motif es7
Ou yamaha moxf 6
Em relacao a qualidades nos timbres de pianos?
Eu recomendaria ir de moxf6, por que é mais novo, e também porque tem timbres da atualidade e efeitos e etc..
Всем привет!
Продаю видео уроки по данному инструменту MOXF6-8 на русском языке! Видео было создано мной на протяжении нескольких лет общения с данным инструментом! Всего 37 видео примеров как можно работать с данным инструментом и совместно с редактором Cubase! Обращайтесь ко мне лично!
The moxf , the montage, the korg kronos, rolandvfantom are amazing instruments. I wish i had money to get them all. Any of these would help anyone make great music. Add to this a DAW and you are set.....I have a korg triton classic in great condition and a roland xp 60 and they are great. I can imagine what the newer machines can do. I know sound quality is superior.
I have a Triton classic and a MOXF8. To my ears the MOXF has superior acoustic pianos, electric pianos, organs, guitars, strings and brass/woodwinds. The Triton has a few good organs and good synth and pad patches. I midi the Triton to the MOXF to play the Yamaha's organs and synths. The Triton's keybed is fantastic.
e bom demaissssssssssssss.............
Thanks for the demo. Excellent drumming at the end of the video. Where can I learn to drum on a keyboard like you? Any links to online resources will be highly appreciated.
ya, that's my problem too... very hard to simulate a drummer... :0(
Fernando Nonaka I am a drummer. But as i played throughout the years i owned sy77 and starting writing music and using my guitar and board i havent had a kit in years. I will buy another soon as i am a drummer at heart. These guys on the boards today are awesome. I hope to write some killer stuff. The drumming on keyboard is a funny subject. Its almost the same needed coordination but all in hands or fingers other than avoustic acoustic kit using right and left feet for kicks and hihat. But i do not meet many keyboardists today that cant at least make a simple beat like this guy. I can say this. This guy is all over youtube and is one amazing versitile keyboardist.
y el sonido de piano pa cuando
Hay otro video usándose el piano S6 y full concert grand, aunque si el s6 es nuevo en esta unidad
that's all i can do so far is change it and play a lick.... it is fun tho' ;)
Отличная игра и отличный звук. А в каких категориях эти звуки?
very good sounds
can you mail me pls
I hear that is a software that converts any type of sounds to what you need. Let s say you have some roland sounds and you convert them to yamaha format, load them into your flash board and play. I will try to find this convertor. It is under 100$ from what i heard
+creative media What's the name?
+Yash Chauhan the site is and you can buy a software called translator, I think. but the have 8 different ones. they have a very quick team ready to answer any questions if anything goes wrong in converting the keyboard sounds. I mean, you could use the sounds made for korg on you yamaha :-D
Banal sounds
Waardeloze demonstratie
Accordion sounds should never be on a workstation. They sound awful.