Can someone please put this fight up in full ? People on here ... really want to see the entire match. Rivals going at it in the Olympics isn't something anyone should miss. Especially this fight. Please if someone has the fight or can find it. Please inform. Thank you.
So nice to see them fighting without killing eachother.
Out-boxing style has a huge advantage over in-style if they don't have the dashing power to keep themself near their opponents.
@MrTodorych хоть бы смайлик в конце поставил....)
Can someone please put this fight up in full ? People on here ... really want to see the entire match. Rivals going at it in the Olympics isn't something anyone should miss. Especially this fight. Please if someone has the fight or can find it. Please inform. Thank you.
@MrTodorych Зачем ты так?При чем тут история?
Were the punches I wanna see sum punches highlights suck
@MrTodorych Вот это дело)))
@h19htower 57kg
lol love the friendly salute (ukr v rus) :P